Spreading her wings

Chapter 24

Just a quick note before I start this chapter. This will be the last chapter before we jump ahead in time. It's also where we say goodbye to our favourite couple for a bit as they navigate their own lives 😭😭😭 please hang in there with me. there will be a book two.


Callum's POV

After that awesome night Sierra and I spent together we settled into a familiar routine of school hanging out with friends and spending as much time together as possible.

Christmas came around quickly and New Year's Eve was spent with Trudi and tom, hanging out at my house watching movies and stuffing our faces with junk. Kissing my girl at midnight was the highlight of my night.

It's now march, spring break is coming up soon. I'm counting down the days I can have some interrupted time with my girlfriend. Between juggling school and Sierra studying for a scholarship we haven't spent a lot of time together lately.

Yesterday my dad surprised me with four first class tickets to Italy. When I told Tom he shouted so loudly I think I've gone deaf in one ear.

I'm waiting for Sierra to come home from work, she insisted on keeping her job after she moved in here. Even though I told her there was no need she said it didn't feel right to her sponging off my parents. I think that made me love her even more, if that was possible.

My mum walks in, smiling as she takes a seat next to me. Her soft smile tells me she has something important to say. " So, Sierra told me she was applying at Parsons in New York. Now I know your dad wants you to go into the family business with him. I want you to know if your heart isn't in it, we will support you no matter what you decide."

I don't know what to say to that. I've spent many nights lying awake thinking about my future, our future. No matter how much I go over it in my head I always come back to the same conclusion. Sierra hasn't asked me to come with her.

Hearing her gush about this great art school in NY Is like a knife in my heart. Her excitement is obvious, the way her face lights up when she tells me about all the things shell be doing stops me from begging her to stay, not to leave me.

I'm shaken from my depressing thoughts by the front door opening. I look to see my beautiful girl walking in, her face lighting up when she sees me. After putting her bag down, she slips off her shoes coming to sit on my lap. I wrap my arms around her, stretching up for a kiss.

" Hi baby how was the rest of your day?" her fingers massaging my head feels like heaven. " It was okay, Tom and I went to buy his mum a birthday present, I came home to study and now I'm here talking to you." I reply.

She simply nods, we sit in silence for a bit before she speaks again " so I mailed off my application today. Mrs Hill thinks I have a really good chance of securing a full ride scholarship to Parsons". I clench my jaw as she goes on and on about how great this school sounds, all the opportunities she'll have. I block her out, I can't fucking listen to anymore.

It's not until I notice her looking at me, concern in her eyes that I realise she's stopped talking thank fuck. " Is everything okay Callum, you zoned out there for a bit. I'm sorry I keep going on about this school it's just I'm so excited. Graphic design is all I ever wanted to do. I never thought I'd get the chance to go to college. Now it's a real possibility, I'm a bit over excited".

Great now i feel like the biggest fucking prick in the world. I plaster a smile on my face, kissing her on the head " it's fine Tesoro. I just had something on my mind that Tom said today." I lie through my teeth, feeling even worse.

She looks at me not quite believing me, but thankfully drops it. We talk a bit more before my mum calls us in for dinner.

Later in bed I remember the tickets, after she showers and climbs into bed, I reach over in my drawer grabbing them. "Sierra, I have something to give you." She looks up from her book, patiently waiting for me to continue. "So, as you know spring break is coming up. I wanted to take you somewhere really special. How do you feel about 2 weeks in Italy?"

Her eyes go really wide before she jumps on me kissing me all over my face. " Oh my god are you serious, I can't believe this. Thankyou my love this is the best surprise I've ever gotten." At my raised eyebrows she blushes " well apart from my birthday of course"

I laugh at her blushing face, laying down again wrapped around my love. It's not until later when Sierra is asleep do I let my thoughts wander to how much I'm going to miss her when she leaves.

Three weeks later we're in the beautiful city of Venice. We have been here for a week, doing the touristy thing visiting all the major sights. We've been to the night markets where we bought some souvenirs for Amelia and toby. we ate gelato walking through St mark's square. We have spent evenings eating pasta in little off the path restaurants and the nights making love.

Tom and Trudi have spent some time with us but generally go off to do their own thing. yesterday my best friend told me he and his girlfriend are taking a gap year to travel. They will both be going to Boston to attend school together after that.

It took all my strength not to explode at him, my jealousy pushing to the front of my brain. I mentally kicked myself at my stupidity. It's not his fault I'm headed for a broken heart.

Today I'm taking my girl to the Gallerie dell' Accademia. when I told her she nearly passed out she was so excited. I'm just waiting for Sierra to finish getting ready so we can leave. I see Tom heading my way sitting on the step next to me.

" We've been friends for a really long-time Cal, we've been through a lot of shit together too. I know there's something bothering you. Are things going okay with Sierra man?"

I swallow the lump in my throat. my eyes filling with tears, I'm struggling to answer, the emotion getting the better of me. Tom sighs patting me on the shoulder. We sit in silence before he speaks again.

" Have you talked to her about this? She loves you man. I'm sure if you told her how you felt she would stay in Texas with you." I raise my head looking out in the distance at the snow-capped mountains.

" that's why I can't tell her how I'm feeling. I have to keep on putting on this act that I'm happy for her. Fuck I am happy for her she deserves it all. Thats why I can't ask her to give up her dreams for me."

He nods in understanding. Getting up to walk back to our villa. I hear him greet Sierra before disappearing inside. I watch as the love of my life comes to stand in front of me. Her face marred with worry. " Hey love is everything alright with us? you've been distant lately I'm getting a little worried."

Standing up I slip my mask on, smiling I grab her hand pulling her to our rental car. " I'm fine Tesoro just thinking about exams. It's nothing for you to worry about. Now let's go see some old fucking artwork."

We spend the rest of the day both lost in our own thoughts not really paying attention to the beautiful displays of the art we've come to see. The rest of our trip pretty much goes the same way, our friends can notice the tension but are too polite to interfere.

Its finally time to leave and I must say I'm not sad about it. Last night Sierra tried bringing up the topic of my sombre mood. I brushed her off again, her head nodding as she walked away. I felt like a massive asshole.

Walking into my house after 12 hours in a cramped seat I feel like I can finally relax. Mum comes running yelling how much she missed her babies. I let her give me a hug before I fake a headache and head up to my room.

After putting my things away, I head downstairs to look for my girl. My mum sees me looking around, she tells me Sierra took the kids out for ice-cream.

I walk into the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge; mum follows me. She tells me to sit down for a minute. I sigh, knowing what she wants to talk about. The same thing everyone wants to talk about. My relationship.

"So, are you going to tell me why you look like you've just eaten a bowl of lemons.?" her piercing gaze warns me not to even dare lie. " Where do I even start mum. Exams are coming up; I know my scores won't be enough to get into college well a decent one any way. Then we have graduation, Sierras going to get accepted into a great school. Shes going to leave me mum and I just want to hold her and beg her to stay here with me, but I can't ask her to give up everything she's worked so hard for and its fucking killing me".

My mum holds me while I cry like a baby stroking my hair like she did when I was a little boy. After the tears are dry, she offers her advice. " you're both so very young sweetheart. you have your whole lives ahead of you. If your destiny is with each other then it will be if not, then you will both have the memories of the time you spent together."

As much as I hate to admit it, she's right if Sierra and I are meant to be we will find our way back to each other. No matter where we are in the world.

Four weeks later

I'm officially done with high school, 4 years of studying, listening to boring shit is finally over, all that's left is for me to graduate. Tonight, is prom, our last school function we'll ever attend. Probably the last time a lot of us will ever be in the same room. Sierra and Trudi are at her place getting ready I'm just waiting for Tom to get here so we can go pick our girls up in the stretch limo dad rented for us.

When he finally shows up, we leave to drive over to get the ladies. when we get to Trudis's house, we go to the front door before we can knock it flies open revealing a very trussed up pissed off looking girl. She looks over my shoulder at her boyfriend her look throwing daggers at him.

"I gave you one job Thomas and what was that.? "He hangs his head whispering something. Trudi puts her hand on her hip cupping her ear with the other. " Speak up the whole class didn't hear you." I'm in stitches at this point, Tom throws me a help me look which makes me laugh even harder." Not to be late." he practically yells.

Trudi smiles sweetly at him going up to him and putting her arms around his waist." great now tell me how good I look and kiss me like you mean it". I don't hear the rest because my attention is on the vision in red walking down the stairs.

my beautiful woman comes to stand in front of me, her giggle snaps me out of my daze. " Fuck me Tesoro you look fucking amazing." she blushes, kissing me " you look very handsome my love"!

We look in each other's eyes a bit longer before we get into the limo. Ready to start our night.

When we get to the venue its packed there are students and teachers everywhere. Everyone is dressed up looking really grown up. We make our way inside. Once in we get our photos taken, I hold my girl tight as the photographer snaps away. After we're done Trudi and Tom go off to Catch up with some friends. I pull Sierra onto the dance floor just as a slow song comes on.

We dance the next few songs just clinging to each other. Both of us too afraid to start a conversation we know we should have but are too scared to.

We spend the next few hours dancing, laughing with our peers about our school days and wishing everyone the best for the future. After speeches they announce prom king and queen, it's no surprise when Angela is voted as queen. When I'm announced as king I almost refuse to accept, I already have a queen. With a bit of coaxing from my girlfriend I go up on stage to accept my crown. When the royal dance starts, I push past a smug Angie making a beeline for my one true love.

After a few more dances we decide to leave, Tom and Trudi try to convince us to go to an after party with them. We politely decline choosing to go home instead. Climbing into the Limo we head back to the house in silence.

When we pull up to my house, I can see a big envelope sitting on the doorstep. Sierra and I exchange a look, both knowing what it is. I get out walking to pick up the offending letter that's going to make or break out future.

I pass it to Sierra who takes it gently, following me inside. We stand in the lounge room just staring at the thing in her hand. I give her a nod before she opens it. My heart is in my throat as she opens it. I can't even decide which way I hope this goes right now.

I watch as her eyes skim over the words, her face is unreadable. After a few minutes she raises her head tears in her eyes. My heart drops as she starts to cry. Putting my feelings aside I pull her to my chest, her tears soaking my shirt. " When do you leave?" I ask my voice barely more than a whisper.

" Tomorrow night after graduation, I'm not going though I can't lose you. Tell me not to go Callum, ask me to stay". I step away shaking my head, the hole in my heart getting bigger.

" I can't Tesoro because you hating me would be worse than you leaving me." I turn going up to my room, knowing that after tomorrow my life will never be the same without her in it.

Sierra left today straight after she got her diploma. I watched as the love of my life drove away from me. Last night we made love for the last time. Today I felt her lips kiss mine in one final kiss. My mum and dad have been trying to cheer me up, but I'm too far gone. I know from this day on I'll never be truly happy again. How could I when my heart, my reason for breathing is on a plane flying away from me.

My sweet Tesoro is finally spreading her wings.


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