Spreading her wings

Chapter 19

sierras Pov

I wake up after a long nap, I look at the spot logan was, I place my hand on the mattress. It's still kind of warm which means he hasn't been gone that long. I carefully get up; my ribs are still sore. I see a pile of clothes on the end of the bed, I smile, knowing who it was.

i grab a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, heading into the bathroom. I get into the cubicle, groaning as the warm water eases my sore body. When the water goes cool, I get out wrapping myself in a large fluffy towel.

Once dressed I slowly make my way down the stairs, I'm just about to walk into the kitchen when i hear logans raised voice. He's telling his dad that he doesn't care about college. my eyes widen when he announces, very loudly may I say, that he's in love with me.

He spins around to leave, halting when he sees me standing there. We stand there just staring at each other, a cough breaks us out of our trance. I see Mrs Inconeti throw a dirty look at her husband; she smiles at me waving her hand to bring me in closer.

I hesitantly make my way to the table; I look at the three people who are staring at me. The tension is thick, I can sense animosity between Callum and his dad, it's obvious they just had a disagreement one guess about who.

I sit down, Mr Inconeti clears his throat, his steel grey gaze on me. " We haven't officially met, I'm Luca, I'd like to welcome you to our home. if there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask." I nod, not knowing what else to say, he smiles slightly getting up and leaving out the front door.

Callum rolls his eyes, earning a harsh look from his mum. she sits next to me, giving me a soft look," don't let my husband intimidate you honey, he's a wonderful man once you get to know him. He's very stuck in his ways, but also a big pussy cat".

She pats my hand, getting up, she places some cookies and a big glass of milk in front of me. I thank her grabbing a warm cookie, nearly moaning when I bite into the warm treat.

After I'm finished Callum grabs my hand leading me outside, we walk out the double doors onto a back porch. He takes me down towards the pool house that's as big as an apartment. We go inside, I sit down on the chaise lounge. Callum sits down across from me, he looks really nervous, his Adams apple is bobbing as he swallows rapidly.

A horrific thought hits me he's going to break up with me, I stand up, tears in my eyes. " I'll go get toby we will be out of your hair in 20 minutes." I turn to leave when he jumps up grabbing my hand, I look at him, he has a look of confusion on his handsome face. "What do you mean, you're leaving?" he asks me. I twist my head not wanting him to see the tears that are threatening to fall.

He stands in front of me, his finger lifting my chin so I'm looking into his eyes. he wipes my tears, a gentle look on his face. " So, are you going to tell me why you're leaving Tesoro?" I take a big, shaky breath. We both sit down next to each other; he grabs my hand squeezing it gently.

"I heard you and your dad arguing earlier about me, I know he's worried about us moving too fast. I don't want to hold you back from anything. You deserve to succeed in life, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to break up with me."

I'm full-on crying by now, Callum leans in kissing my head, he's chuckling. I look at him, frowning what the fuck is so funny. He wraps an arm around me pulling my head against his chest. I close my eyes as I calm down listening to his beating heart.

" Did you miss the part where I declared my love for you in front of my parents?" I look up at him, wiping my wet eyes he leans down kissing me. He pulls away grinning, " I love you Sierra, I have for years I was just too stupid to do anything about it. Don't ever let me hear you say you're leaving me!"

I laugh kissing him again, my heart is so full of love for this boy I think I'm going to burst. I run my fingers through his soft hair, gently scratching his scalp. He groans making me giggle. I pluck up the courage to say the words. Okay here goes nothing, "Callum I'm so grateful for everything you and your family has done for me and toby. I never thought I'd get the chance to be with someone like you. Now I have you I'm not letting you go. what I'm saying is I love you too so so much".

I don't get to finish before I'm engulfed in a strong pair of arms, his mouth claiming mine in a kiss that makes my toes curl.

It's been a little over a week since Toby and I came to stay with Callum's family. They are the most wonderful people I have ever met, even Luca has warmed to me. A few days after we came here Callum's parents insisted Toby and I call them amber and Luca. They said Mr & Mrs Inconeti made them sound old.

Amber and Luca took me to my house to grab a few of mine and Toby's things. Walking in was weird, I've lived here my whole life, one week away and it feels like I've been away for longer. The last I heard of my mum; she had checked into a rehab facility. The judge ordered her to do six months there.

Today I'm going back to school, I'm so nervous. Trudi said if anyone dares to say anything to me, they'll have her to deal with. I'm standing in front of the closet; Amber bought me a whole new wardrobe yesterday. She went a little over the top in my opinion. My bruises have faded pretty much, what's left I can cover up with makeup. my ribs are still a little tender but they're slowly healing.

I finally decide on a pair of dark blue jeans, I choose a beautiful red silk wrap top that makes my boobs look great. I slip on a pair of black boots, grabbing my jacket and heading downstairs to meet Callum.

We say goodbye to his parents, getting in the car and heading to school. When we arrive, I look out the window there are students everywhere. I suddenly feel really self-conscious, I take a few deep breaths trying to calm my racing heart. A hand grabs mine; I look into the eyes of my boyfriend.

" Ready Tesoro?" I nod, getting out the car I take his outstretched hand. We walk through the doors, people coming up to me, welcoming me back. I'm surprised how nice everyone is being.

walking to my locker I see Trudi waiting for me, she squeals loudly gaining us strange looks. I listen to her chatter about the latest gossip. The biggest news going around is Angela and Reece are now a couple. I hope now shell leave me and Callum alone.

I grab my books, linking arms with my best friend, heading off to our first class.

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