Spiteful Punks: Enemies to Lovers romance (Dolls and douchebags Book 1)

Spiteful Punks: Chapter 13

“Run, Tillie. Keep running and don’t look back or he’ll catch up to you.” Doris pushes against my shoulders and keeps pushing until I stumble back a step under the weight she uses against me. “You’re going to die here. He’s going to kill you, but not before he uses you first.”

Frantically, I turn on my hands and knees with gravel digging into my skin, scrambling to run away before hopping to my feet. I glance over my shoulder to tell her to run with me but she’s gone. Looking forward, my shoes skid across the gravel and I fall on my butt with a thud as fear eats my insides alive.

Cruz stands there with his belt unbuckled and that curved hunting knife in his hand with blood smeared on the tip. I look down in horror at my legs which are covered with open wounds, raised scars of his name carved into my skin over and over again.

“I’ll take and take until you beg me for death. Don’t you know that dirty whores like yourself don’t get to go to heaven? But don’t worry, I’ll make sure that by the time I’m done with you, I’ll be the God that you pray to.” He reaches down for me, tearing at my clothes as I scream and scream for him to stop.

An ear piercing scream wakes me up, I’m disoriented from the nightmare but quickly collide with reality as I realize multiple hands are ripping off my clothes. I flail around, kicking and screaming for them to get off me as a knife slices through my pants and shirt, leaving me in my underwear and bra. It’s dark in my room but there’s enough light from the moon through my curtains to see four tall shadows towering over me, hidden from my eyes but I can see the outline of white on certain parts of their faces. The design of skeleton makeup on each face almost makes me piss my panties. My brain can’t catch up fast enough with what is going on around me.

“Get the hell off of me! I’m not going back, you can’t make me!” I yell at the skeleton faces surrounding me, tears running down my cheeks.

I’m flipped onto my stomach, and my hands and feet are quickly tied with rope hogtie style. I end up flopping around on the bed trying to get away before a bag is shoved over my head, the material sucking into my mouth with every panicked breath. I’m tossed over a broad shoulder, jostled around, and not one of them says a thing as I call them every curse word in the dictionary. I hear car doors open and suddenly I’m being thrown into the middle seat. From the size of them, I know my chance to run is long gone… the Jokers have found me in no time at all. Two bodies squeeze in on either side of me, picking me up to place my head on one lap and legs on the other. The car starts, backing away from any freedom I thought I had and racing down the street, no doubt heading towards the compound.

It’s so quiet, I can only hear my deep breathing and the vibration of the car under my stomach. With my dream still on the edge of my mind and now going back to that death trap, all the memories I try to shove down come back to haunt me like an old friend.

The night I was raped on that cold dirty cement floor, the carving of the big letters of Cruz’s initials on my back, and the years by of being groped, violated, and never knowing when my time was coming to an end. The tears don’t come anymore, my breathing picks up so much that it rattles my body as I lay as still as a statue. A hand smooths down my spine so lightly, the rough pad of their fingertips stop at the dimples of my back before sliding back up, the small nicks on his hand familiar of gun use. My pulse jumps, my nipples hardening into points through my bra and I curse my body at the pleasurable touch. I’d rather they make it hurt, I don’t want to feel anything.

“I’ll kill myself before you get that part of me ever again,” I whisper the promise softly and let my body go lax under the continuing touch, deciding to save my strength for when I get out of this vehicle.

I’ll go down fighting.

Time passes in a blur, my thoughts dark and dreadful. I can feel the driver cutting through lanes quickly, the smooth road has to be a highway with how easy the car moves. Lights flash through the hood, the burlap revealing nothing. Finally, we start to slow, making me wonder if they’re just going to kill me here and now instead of delivering me to Cruz. Dumping my body over a bridge or in the ocean where I’ll never be found. The driver slams on the brakes causing the car to stop abruptly. Someone throws the doors open, and a cool breeze makes my sweat slicked body shiver. Hands grab my legs to drag me over the seats before flinging me to the ground, the rough asphalt scraping my side. The burlap is tugged off my head and the sudden brightness of the parking lot lights I’m lying under blinds me.

My head swivels left and right, taking in the rows of Ferraris in different colors, realizing I’m in a car dealership parking lot. The ropes digging into my wrists and ankles are cut away and before I can stand, a car engine purrs loudly to life behind me. Spinning around, I see two sets of matching grins behind skeleton makeup in the BMW i8 leaning out the passenger side of the car. Four familiar eyes look at my shivering, practically naked body huddled under the parking lot light.

“Sweet little bitch, you have… say about two minutes before the cops show up,” Dalton says in a gruff voice, looking up and down my body with a wink.

Nicky sits in the front passenger seat and pulls a gun out, aiming right at me. I squeeze my eyes and pray it ends quickly. I thought I’d see a Joker on the other end of the gun but I guess fate has a twisted sense of humor. Five shots ring out rapidly, the sound of them hitting metal before I realize that the pain never comes. Peeking my eyes open, I see Nicky rolling his eyes and he stares straight ahead as if I’m not even here while gesturing to Logan to get going.

“Baby, I love how those booty shorts hug that ass. Can’t wait to see it bouncing on my dick.” Tey cocks his head to the side. “Can you hear that? Dalton, what’s that sound like man?” He chuckles darkly, playing with his lip ring as he stares at the tattoo on my hip.

“Sounds like the cops. Better hurry!” Dalton snickers, snapping his teeth at me.

The skeleton makeup design really gives them the image of death, the hollowed cheekbones, the way it makes their gazes stand out against the black smudging around the eyelids.

“We shall see who makes it back home first,” Logan taunts from the driver’s seat, leaning around Nicky with a smug grin.

He punches the gas without waiting for an answer from me, the tires leave skid marks on the pavement and it’s suddenly just me stranded in the lot. When I turn around, it’s to see three Ferraris dented in bullet holes and broken windows.

Those motherfuckers left me for bait. I can’t have the cops catch me, I’ll go to jail and Payne will find me in no time. He has eyes and ears everywhere, the system doesn’t stop him. The sound of sirens gets louder and I say fuck it. My chest heaves as I glance around frantically until I spot a black Ferrari F8 Spider inside the dealership building and run barefoot across the parking lot. It’s not like I have a crowbar or my knife to mess with the wires to start a car. With no other choice, I grab the largest rock of their display outside the windows, grunting under the weight, and toss it at the glass window. It shatters into tiny pieces and a loud blaring alarm starts up the moment the rock makes contact with the glass. If the cops weren’t coming before, they are now. I grind my teeth as I step onto the shards, blocking out the pain and the bloody footprints I’m leaving behind. My running limp is pathetic as I hurry over to the flashy sports car. The driver’s door opens easily because of course, they don’t lock them up inside. Rolling my eyes, I quickly jog over to the receptionist’s area and see the keys I’m looking for on a hook under the desk. Do they think because it’s a high brand of a vehicle that no one would dare break in? Guess so.

I climb onto the driver’s seat, I take a moment to admire the sleek leather material under my panty-clad ass, the smooth wheel my hands slide over. Key in the ignition, it roars to life like a beast and I’m spinning the car in seconds in a one eighty with burning rubber and smoke. Deciding not to pull a Dukes of Hazard because I do have some class, I burst through the already shattered glass floor to ceiling window. The car jumps over a small curb, a sound like crushed metal reaches my ears and it causes me to grimace in pain for the Ferrari.

Just as I’m racing out of the lot, the flashing blue and red lights peel around the corner, picking up speed to chase after me. Throwing the clutch down and stomping my bloody foot on the gas, my teeth grind at the pain but it’s forgotten as I’m pushed into the seat and the car shoots forward. The way this car moves between the few vehicles on the back roads is a dream. It’s like sailing over water, just above the surface. The siren of the two cop cars behind me get louder, gaining up on my rear, closer and closer. I switch over into oncoming traffic, barely missing plowing into a truck, and sideswiping a few cars that are parallel parked on the road with sparks flying.

“Shit. Come on, come on!” I grunt out, shifting gears again to pick up speed once I’m back on the right side of the road.

Los Angeles is like one big maze, I hardly know the way back to Logan’s but luckily there are freaking signs everywhere that lead me right to Beverly Hills. It’s probably for the best if I stay off the highway, considering it’s a one way and I’ll eventually get caught. A carefree laugh bursts out of my mouth when I glance in the rearview mirror and see the cops fading in the distance. The Ferrari is too fast for them to catch up and for some reason, I’m laughing so hard that tears form in my eyes. One second I’m whooping and cheering at the risk, the way I outran the cops, and then the next second I’m a woman possessed. I’m angry… no, I’m livid.

How dare they? To so carelessly leave me out there in my underwear and to take the fall for their actions… I’m out for blood. Time flies when you’re driving like your life depends on it, the city lights flashing by so fast that they are a blur, and then all of a sudden you’re in a quiet neighborhood with everyone’s perfect lawns, perfect families, and perfect lives. I don’t care if the Ferrari is waking the whole neighborhood up or how the bumper is probably dragging against the ground, scratches up and down the vehicle… I want my piece of flesh before I leave California far behind me.

The gates are wide open when I pull up to Logan’s house, so I speed up the long driveway and come to a quick stop with the tires screeching. I throw the door open with the keys still in the ignition, and limp over to the open garage door where laughter is coming from. I’ll worry about the pain I’m in later, right now, I want to cause pain to someone else. The first person who comes into view is Logan and I don’t think, my body just reacts. With a scream of frustration and hate, I run at him, my fists flying, looking for any body part that I can reach and will cause harm.

“You fucking cocksucker! You guys left me for the cops! What kind of asshol-” I’m ripped away from Logan, kicking and scratching at any exposed skin I can get to until a cellphone is thrust into my face with a video playing.

It takes me a second to get past the red haze that I’m trapped in to understand what’s happening.

“This, my darling, would be called blackmail,” Nicky states, coming into view with his cold emerald eyes pinning me into place.

I slump in Tey’s arms with confusion clouding my brain, absentmindedly noticing it’s him swaying us both by the small cut on the back of his hand that’s placed over my stomach.

“Blackmail? I don’t…what?” I continue watching the video of me breaking into the dealership and hijacking the Ferrari like a car thief, some dirtbag criminal doped up on drugs.

Only a crazy person would steal a car in their underwear. I was set up just so they could get blackmail on me?

“You wouldn’t want this plastered all over the news stations, would you? Takes only one phone call to have the cops here in minutes and the Jokers to find out where their missing princess is,” Nicky threatens softly and deadly, his plan all too clear now.

I’m a pawn in a game I can’t win. He puts his phone away and steps back, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

“No,” I whisper brokenly, feeling lost.

“Yes,” Tey taunts in my ear darkly, using that wicked tongue of his to lick the shell of my ear, his tongue ring giving me shivers before he bites down hard on the tender flesh.

“We own you from here on out,” Logan states, his pupils expand with the possessive look he gives me.

“To do what we want with.” Dalton finishes for Logan, reaching out to grab a lock of my hair, and twirling it around his finger.

I smack his hand away and buck against Tey’s body in an attempt to break free but it just causes him to groan in pleasure with how much I’m wriggling against him.

“Get on your knees,” Logan demands smoothly like whiskey over ice, his lips set in a firm line and his honeyed eyes watching me, just waiting for me to fight.

Tey adds a little pressure on my shoulders to push me along, and I debate under the weight of my odds of ever really leaving this lifestyle behind. I ran from a motorcycle club into the arms of another crew of criminals.

“I hate you,” I say with so much passion I almost believe it myself, convincing my body to tag along is another story.

“I don’t care. You see when your father is the Chief of police you get away with some crime, but when that man turns into something so powerful even the city is scared of him, you get away with everything.” Logan nods his head at Nicky and Tey over my shoulder, both of them coming to my side and pushing me down until my knees smack against the epoxy garage floor.

“You’re the fucking mafia?!” I hiss out, Logan’s image getting dizzy until the pain on my scalp brings me back as he pulls my head back by my hair.

“Mafia, meth makers, drug dealers, criminals… call it whatever you want. You’re in our world now, baby girl. Now be a good girl and do as you’re told.” He grips my hair tighter, and my neck starts to ache from the strain but my betraying body loves it.

My breathing picks up, my skin flushed, and my nipples strain against the lace of my bra. The sound of a zipper brings back a memory of that night, I can almost feel the basement’s dirty floor scraping against my back as a Joker ripped through my virginity.

“Little bitch, we really gotta stop meeting like this,” Dalton smirks, his thumb brushing back and forth over my parted lips as I stare up at him in a daze. “Open wide, let’s see those skills you bragged about.”

How wrong I was when I thought his cock was huge before in his teacher’s mouth, it’s even bigger without a mouth wrapped around him. It wouldn’t be the first time a blowjob was forced on me but it would be the first time my pussy gets dripping wet just thinking about it. Dalton steps closer until it’s only him I can see. He taps the large mushroom head of his cock against my lips and I can’t help but peek up at him from under my lashes. He’s already staring at me with a lopsided smirk like he knows what I’m thinking.

“If you bite me, I’ll rip out your teeth until it’s a smooth ride for my cock,” he threatens with a deep chuckle, smiling in delight when I try struggling out of Tey and Nicky’s grip.

Without warning, he plunges past my lips, the wide girth stretching my mouth and already making my jaw ache. The fist in my hair doesn’t loosen, nor the rough slide in and out of my mouth, it’s enough to make my eyes water.

“Look at her taking my cock around those wide, pink lips. I knew you could, little bitch.” Dalton groans, his thumbs hooking into the sides of my mouth to stretch it wider.

I gag when he reaches the back of my throat, tears leaking down my cheeks but I keep going even as I glare up at him.

“That’s enough,” Logan orders, shoving Dalton away before he can finish, and I breathe deeply in rough pants as I watch him zip up his pants.

I think it’s over when the guys let go of my shoulders but the cruel smirk gracing Dalton’s wide lips stops me from getting off my knees.

“In my kingdom, you do as I say and when I say,” Logan says in a deep voice, his hand in my hair pulling harder until it stings my scalp and I’m looking upside down at him.

A shocked gasp leaves my lips when I’m smacked on the side of my cheek with one of the guys’ cock. It’s crude and nasty but that doesn’t stop them from making me feel little, to show them exactly where my place is and I loathe how damp my panties are. My nostrils flare and my eyes hurt from holding in angry tears as one lone thick finger slips into my underwear, sliding between my wet folds back and forth so slowly, to prove how wet my pussy is for them. I’m ashamed of my reaction but I can’t control it. Not being able to see who’s touching me with the way Logan has me in his hold, the need to plead them to keep going climbs up my throat but the finger circling my clit disappears just when I was about to break. Judging by the drawn out groan and the deep inhale I hear, Tey, the psycho, was the one touching me. I pretend the sucking sound with a slight pop and another groan of agony doesn’t make my pussy clench with need, or that he was just sucking his finger with the taste of me on it.

Glaring up at Logan, his honey eyes mock me and he shoves my head back down to receive the rest of my punishment. Nicky stands in front of me, his green eyes hypnotizing and a whole lot of scary behind the skeleton makeup. I can hear their voices loud and clear but when I look at them, I feel disoriented like I’m really not here and I’ve made it to hell. Maybe I never really left the compound but that thought goes flying out the window as I feel enough pain to tell me it’s real. The cold floor bruises my knees, the tight grip in my hair restraining me, and the eight inches of thick cock sliding past my lips again… pain and pleasure blend together. My eyes widen in shock, seeing from base to tip tattoos around the whole length of his cock and I wonder if the rest of the hidden parts of his body is covered in art too.

“I think she likes it. Do you like sucking my cock, Tillie?” Nicky asks darkly with his eyes glaring at me when I remain silent, continuing to lick him around the head that leaks pre cum before going back down on him again.

He slaps my cheek, enough to lightly sting and the pain causes me to choke around his cock as he shoves down my throat in a fast hammering movement that will no doubt bruise and leave me with a raspy voice.

“Answer him,” Logan demands, shoving my face forward until my nose brushes against the exposed skin of Nicky’s abs and the sharp V of his hips.

He releases me after a moment so I can breathe. I gasp for breath like it’s my last and watch through watery eyes when Nicky steps away without coming too. Not being able to see the lust, greed, and possession in their eyes, I close my own and admit something that I wish was a lie.

“Yes.” My voice sounds hollow to my own ears, defeated.

“Good girl,” Logan whispers for my ears only but it makes my eyes snap open in shock at the praise. He starts talking to Tey in a louder voice and circles around to gaze down at my pathetic self at their feet. “I’ve already had a piece of her and I have to say she really begged for it, but don’t they all? Tey, you want a turn, brother?” Logan offers his friend like I’m prized possession, an object.

I hate him. I hate them. I hate the way my body craves all the things it’s been missing. I hate the wet gush between my thighs each time one of them touches me. Maybe I wasn’t made to run away from my problem but face them head on. Tey crouches over to my side, moving the hair away from my wet stained face, and traces his finger over my feather tattoo hiding the raised bumps of the letter C.

“No. I’ll wait until she’s so desperate that she’s begging me to make her bleed. What can I say? I love them crazy.” Tey shrugs and leans forward to lick my cheek, right over the tears that escaped.

He stands suddenly after looking at me for a long minute like he was searching for something in my gaze and walks over to Nicky’s side. All four of them loom over me now, staring down at me in a way that makes my very existence feel very small, almost as if I’m a nobody and not one person would care if I never showed my face again.

“Play by the rules, Tillie, and maybe you won’t die. By the time we are done with you, marking you in every way possible… you’ll end up begging for death. Or you could surprise me and live. Only time will tell. Let the games begin.” My heart pounds, wanting to escape my ribcage as Logan delivers that message with a devilish smirk and walks into the house without a backwards glance.

The guys follow after him, not one of them saying anything until it’s just me, kneeling on the ground where I always feel like I belong. It started just like this for me in the basement and it seems to be an endless cycle, maybe one of these days I won’t be able to get back up. A shiver wracks my body, a cold empty feeling gripping me tight. It confused me for a moment when they each took a turn using me, withholding from coming down my throat or marking me. They wanted to show what kind of power they have over me, that I’m to be used whenever one of them feels like it. It really is a game to them and I’m sick of being an object to be used over and over again. Something inside of me crawls its way up my stomach until it’s burning in my chest… pure fucking rage.

I didn’t run away just to slowly die for some controlling, asshole punks. Doris once told me that one day I’m going to fly so high that no one can touch me and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. There on the cold garage floor, cheeks stained with dried tears, I make a promise to myself. No more hiding. No more running. No more fearing those higher up on the food chain. I’m taking what’s mine by the balls even if it does end up killing me.

I’ll show them all that they are messing with the wrong spiteful girl.

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