Spiteful Punks: Enemies to Lovers romance (Dolls and douchebags Book 1)

Spiteful Punks: Chapter 11

My eyes keep flickering towards the door, growing impatient as the seconds tick by. Where the hell is this bitch? At least I have the eager redhead between my legs, slurping around my cock like a hoover vacuum cleaner while making these loud but annoying porn moans. Mrs. Sullivan has been after me for months, the thirty year old history teacher always wearing skin tight skirts and blouses with a few buttons undone each time I walk into her classroom. The coy glances, the little touches, and small smiles that are thrown my way were all the cues I needed to get her on her knees. Not really my type but the woman acts like she is in heat, wanting to feel younger by being with a younger guy. I saw this opportunity as a perfect time to shock the bitch. When the guys came racing into the club last night with news of a little guest at the most suspicious timing, we decided to keep her in line by making sure she knows who’s in charge. I was game without even meeting her, no one messes with my family.

I’m a biker, born into this life with a loud fucking cry right out of the womb that even had the doctor scared to smack my ass. I’ve shown my loyalty plenty of times with blood for Hell’s Angels. My best friends may not be part of the club but they’ve had my back since we were kids. Hell, they’ve helped me bury a body or two without any questions, that’s what family does for you. Knowing that this Tillie chick is from the fucking Jokers club, makes me blind with rage. Those scums have no morals, rules go flying out the window with our rivals. I may be a criminal but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a code to follow. The plan with the bitch is to make her every living moment miserable, to get her to confess why she’s here. I swear if she’s here to spy on us, I’ll choke her, and dump her in acid so that no one can ever find her.

I glance at the clock above Mrs. Sullivan’s desk, wondering where the hell this little girl is. I know Logan said he’d send her my way to scare the shit out of her but I wanna have my fun first. Nothing like intimidating the girl with something shocking and scandalous. Just the thought of playing a game with the rival gets my cock harder than steel and this slut on her knees thinks it’s all for her but the excitement starts in my balls when the door handle starts to twist.

About damn time. I can’t hide my grin even though it starts to slip away when the breath is knocked out of me. This is Tillie? Fucking hell, I’m in trouble. I’m going to murder those three for not giving me a warning. Now I understand the grumpy mood Logan is in, the way Nicky is more quiet than usual, and Tey’s twinkle in his eyes.

She’s standing in the doorway with plump parted lips as she takes in the scene. Those sexy lips make me even harder than the slut with her mouth around my dick. All smooth gold skin, big brown expressive eyes that seem to speak for themselves. Man, if looks could kill… I stare at the curves on her body, not realizing I’m gripping Mrs. Sullivan’s head to pull her deeper onto me even though she resists. I’m tempted to fling her away and prowl over to this gorgeous goddess but her narrowing eyes stops me, reminding me that she’s the enemy. She slams the door hard, making the teacher choke on my dick in shock, not realizing that someone else is in the room with us. My hand slides to the back of her neck, holding her in place, she knows better than to question me. You want my cock then you follow my rules. She made her bed, so if she gets caught, that’s on her.

“Kind of busy here, little bitch, I’ll be with you in a bit. Keep sucking, Mrs. Sullivan.” I smile widely at Tillie, my insides lighting up at the hard glint overcoming her gaze, her jaw tight when she doesn’t look away.

The slurping sound of my dick getting sucked is loud, I’m anticipating her being disgusted and upset at the blowjob I’m receiving from my teacher. Nothing like making someone cower and under your control by bringing out their weakness.

Instead, none of that happens.

She cocks her head to the side, watching my dick being half sucked and it’s a shame because most women can’t fit my whole cock in their mouth. It’s a blessing and curse being well endowed. Her dark brown and purple hair swings in her ponytail as she walks over to my side without giving away what she’s thinking. Stopping next to me, she bites her lush bottom lip, making me almost groan out loud. She peers up at me from under her long, dark lashes, she stares at me for a hot second, and then faster than I can follow, she grabs Mrs. Sullivan’s hair and shoves her down on my cock until she starts gagging and choking. My mouth parts on a deep inhale, never breaking her gaze and I already know I’ve lost today when her lips start to spread in a leisurely smile.

“If you’re going to put it in your mouth, at least do it right,” she says to Mrs. Sullivan, not looking at her once, and ignoring the teacher gagging loudly between my legs.

I hardly feel the mouth around me anymore, all my focus is right on the vixen by my side and I don’t think my dick has ever been this hard. Believe me, growing up in a motorcycle club, there’s been plenty of pussy on hand, but never someone who would dare challenge me.

My abs ripple as I feel all sorts of shit in my gut. She pulls Mrs.Sullivan’s head back, letting her think she has time to breathe before pushing her back down on me in an instant. My nostrils flare, my cock weeping but not for the one choking on me. It’s all for this little bitch in control.

“You’re close aren’t you?” She breaks eye contact to glance down at my thick cock trying to stuff its way down a gagging mouth, her breathing picks up so I at least know I’m not the only one affected.

I shift my hands to grip the desk behind me in a death grip, resisting the urge to grab her tight little body and fuck the daylights out of her. This isn’t my game anymore, I can hardly think straight at the moment. She hesitantly reaches out to me, making me wonder why she’s so cautious of touching me but that all flies out the window the moment she places her fingers on my body. So lightly, her delicate fingers glide across my stomach, her touch barely there with my shirt and cut in the way but it burns a trail down the ridges of my stomach. She smells of warm vanilla and it draws me closer but my gaze is caught on those fingers heading lower. A small laugh from her has my head snapping up to see her staring at me already and she quickly skips backwards, letting go of me and Mrs. Sullivan. The stupid teacher is gasping for air on the floor but I hardly look at her, standing up straight to follow this goddess with my dick hanging out and swaying for all to see.

“Well it’s been lovely getting to know you Dalton but oh, look at the time. Have to get to class. If this is how the teachers treat their students, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me.” She smirks like she won the jackpot, already pushing through the door and holding up a piece of paper, confusing the hell out of me what she’s talking about.

It clicks a second later and I’m trying to tuck myself back in my pants while swearing up a storm. She stole her class schedule out of my front pocket as I was distracted by her touch and thinking with my cock.

“Get back here you little bitch and get me off!” I shout in a grumbly, hoarse voice, tilting my head as she runs out of the class before I can stop her, her ass bouncing with every step.

“Until next time, biker.” She chuckles lightly, practically skipping down the hallway, and disappearing down the flight of stairs.

I run my hands through my hair in frustration at how she got the drop on me and left my cock rock hard. Dropping my hands, I look over my shoulder at the scrambling teacher with makeup running down her face and her eager, greedy hands reaching for me. My deep chuckle stops Mrs. Sullivan in her tracks and she stares at me in confusion as I wipe tears of laughter off my face.

Fuck, the little bitch got me good and it makes me want to play another round with her. I adjust my pants before leaving the classroom, ignoring my name being called behind me, and pull out my phone to send a group text.

“Time to step up our game.”

I leave it at that, pretending my phone isn’t blowing up and wonder if I have enough time to beat one out in the bathroom with a certain vixen on my mind. Straightening my Hell’s Angels cut, the hallways are empty, and decide yeah, I got time.

By lunch, I’m practically shoving people out of my way to get to the cafeteria. If pops saw the way I was acting, he’d slap me upside the head while disapproving. Nothing is supposed to matter but the club. Hell’s Angels always come first, no time for chasing tail, and I have to be the best at everything if I’m going to take over one day in his place. I’ve pushed myself the hardest to achieve everything I’ve set my mind to, and right now it’s on the woman with mouthwatering curves and an ass that could bring men to their knees. I’ve been hearing rumors all day about her, some I’ve even spread myself. The one I heard in third period almost made me choke on my own saliva, how Tey was hugging her in the middle of the hallway and letting her pet him.

I got a kick out of that one because no one touches Tey, and I mean no one. Sometimes he freezes up if we get too close to him unless he’s high as a kite. My brother has been through some shit, still fighting his demons but a small slip of a girl just breezes by and suddenly he’s calling dibs. Having to place the student body in a different direction for my own selfish reasons, I started spreading the word in third period and by now everyone knows she’s open game. A target on her back until she comes crying and gives us what we demand from her. She’s supposed to be sneered down upon while the school we rule treats her like garbage, making her feel alone. But she’s still our property, so no one will go too far without our word of approval.

Usually, I’d skip the whole cafeteria scene but today I’ll make an exception, it’s not like I’m borderline obsessed or anything. I just can’t pass up a direct challenge, it’s part of who I am. Going through the double doors, I immediately see Nicky staring down at a table full of people without saying a word, and watch them all scramble to get out of his way. Always cracks me up that he doesn’t even have to speak to cause people to go running while fearing for their lives. Comes in handy.

I crash into the chair next to him, smirking as he props his feet on the table and leans back with his arms crossed over his chest, closing his eyes. He’s not fooling anyone, he’s watching everything in the room and listening.

“You’re just as bad as Tey. At least Logan understands that the girl doesn’t belong,” Nicky mumbles softly under his breath, peeking an eye open to look at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Nothing good ever comes our way and it’s too convenient that right after a drug bust and missing money she shows up. I’ll get the answers out of her, I for one suggest blackmail to get there.”

What blackmail? We hardly know her but I’m willing to seek the answers out of her by any means necessary. Nicky probably has something on her already, his hacker computer skills sometimes scare me. If he wasn’t my friend, I’d probably try to kill him with the knowledge he has on everyone in power. It’s one of the reasons Logan’s dad has so many people in his pockets, Nicky loves his blackmail.

“Hey fuckers, I think we should show my angel what kind of people she’s staying with starting tonight,” Tey whispers in my ear over my shoulder, almost making me shit my pants.

I hate when he does that, I didn’t even hear him come up behind me. Why is he here? He’s usually under the bleachers out on the field lighting up. I’m about to ask why the sudden appearance when I see him glaring at something across the room. You know it’s bad when he pats his unicorn in his pocket to make sure it’s still in there. Whatever he’s plotting can’t be good.

That brings a grin to my face until my gaze follows his, seeing what he’s staring at. My hands form a fist on the table, and a possessive urge comes over me in waves. Tillie just walked in, her gaze sweeping over the cafeteria, stopping on us for a hot second but that’s not what has me seeing red. It’s when she suddenly smiles, her shoulders dropping in relief as she spots something in the back of the room and starts waving. I swear all three of our heads move as one as we see that nerd- can’t remember his name- waving frantically at her.

“What’s that, unicorn? Kill Evan until his blood is soaking into my shoes,” Tey says quietly behind me, most likely whispering to his stuffed animal but I can’t take my murderous eyes off that kid whose name is apparently Evan.

“Calm yourself, Tey. Looks like the girl is about to get a wake up call,” Nicky says with a smile in his voice, my head whipping around to see Logan behind Tillie with his obsessed stalker wrapped around his arm.

Paris Hardley, the school’s barbie popular girl, her daddy is a judge and known for letting criminals go free even when proven guilty. Paris has had a lady boner for Logan since freshman year and my stupid friend fucked her on one mistaken drunken night at a party. She’s been following him around like a puppy since then, putting other girls in their place if they even think of side eyeing Logan. She still comes around even when Logan fucks girls behind her back or in front of her. She’s ugly on the inside and outside, her face covered in thick coats of makeup. I’m still not sure why Logan hasn’t thrown her to the curb, always letting her get away with shit most people wouldn’t.

“Well, this is about to get interesting,” I mutter, all of us watching Paris as she slides her gaze back and forth between Logan and Tillie. She hasn’t stopped staring at the back of Tillie’s head with a menacing glare. I don’t like that.

Paris steps away from Logan and walks towards Tillie with a sneer, her one hand holds a drink and is suddenly pouring it over Tillie’s dark, shiny locks. This makes me frown, what a shame, I like her hair. I bet it would look better around my fist.

As soda drenches her whole head and slides down her shoulder, she freezes on the spot with her hand dropping down to her side that she was waving towards Evan. I expect her to shriek with outrage, throwing a fit but I should have already known better. Her face stays stoic as she slowly pivots around on her heels and stares up at Paris who is an inch taller than her but I don’t see any fear from her side profile. I swear you could hear a penny drop, that’s how quiet the whole cafeteria has become, everyone holding their breath to see what the new girl will do. She leans to the side to glance at Logan, who just stands there with his arms crossed, smirking.

“Really? If you want to get me wet, you’ll have to try harder than that. It’s called foreplay, honey,” she says sweetly, ignoring the murderous gaze Logan stares down at her as she shrugs off her leather jacket and flings it at a surprised Paris’s face.

Now her screaming is expected and I watch with rapt attention as Tillie turns with her head held high and walks over to that Evan kid, sitting down with her hair drenched as if nothing just happened.

“Man, I liked that jacket on her,” Tey grumbles out, pouting.

I can’t help but agree. It looked good on her.

“I already ordered her another one,” Nicky says quietly, surprising me.

Before I can question him, he leans back in his seat again and closes his eyes. I meet Logan’s gaze from across the room and he motions his head for me to follow him as he strides out of the cafeteria without another backwards glance at a still screaming Paris.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here. Logan will want to plan for tonight,” I say, jumping up and slapping Nicky on his back as I pass him to get him moving.

Striding out of the double doors, Tey throws his arm over Nicky, talking excitedly but doesn’t notice how Nicky stiffens with the one simple touch before relaxing. I roll my eyes, wondering when they will just get it out of the way and make out already. The sexual tension gets to me at times and I’m not even remotely bi. I love pussy but damn.

Glancing one more time over my shoulder, I meet vicious, glaring brown eyes and she flips me off, turning to talk to the nerd. She just fucking dismissed me.

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