Spiritual knight

Chapter Case 9: Freeze

Scarlet could hear people speaking, her abdomen felt like is burning on fire, she try to open her eyes, but fail at the first attempt, on the fourth attempt she open them up, looks around to see an IV hook up on her hand and her entire abdominal-chest area is fully bandage.

She heard the door open and Nicolas came inside the room, he then call out Dr. Stellar where he enter the room with some medical equipment.

“How are you feeling Scarlet?” ask Dr. Stellar

Scarlet kept her mouth shut, Nicolas manage to help her by trusting in calling someone she knows like Dr. Stellar, instead on relying on the knowledge he knows.

Nicolas lower his head and Dr. Stellar for some reason read the atmosphere in the room, he sighs and looks at Scarlet’s Purple eyes.

“Don’t blame the guy Dr. Walker, he was doing what his gut told him to do and is a good thing he did, your abdominal wound was very deep scraping the Aorta and slowly leaking blood from it, you were into an agonizing death” said Dr. Stellar

Scarlet look at the Doctor, in then back at Nicolas trying to search some answers, Nicolas sees this and respond her silent question

“The knife was made with different types of minerals that could kill a vampire in a blink of an eye, the materials could easily kill you if it was pierce in one of your important internal organs” said Nicolas

Dr. Stella removes the bandage from Scarlet’s abdominal-chest area, she look down looking at a nasty scar on her abdominal area, making it look like she had surgery, she had stiches and it wasn’t healing fast thanks to the minerals that the knife had.

Dr. Stellar finish up patching Scarlet up again, sticking gauze and a bandage as big as his hand, then he nods his head signaling that she can wear a shirt and lose sport bra to keep it stable.

The men left the room for her to get dress, she looks at her phone, and there were a lot of messages of the agency, Aron and her parents.

Scarlet read each and every one of them, she read that the agency gave her permission of having sick days until the end of the years, her parents wanted to know that if she was going to spend Christmas with them and Aron message that if Scarlet was ok and that he hope that she could feel better so they can go back out on a second date.

Scarlet watch the calendar and notice that it was the third day of December. She fast walks toward her living room where both men were waiting for her

“I miss Thanksgiving?! How long was I out?” ask Scarlet

Nicolas turn and stare at her

“Yes and you’ve been out for five weeks now” said Nicolas

“Five weeks! I had five weeks of sick days from?” she ask

“Bronchitis and overwork” answer Dr. Stellar

Scarlet look at the good doctor

“Please Scarlet sit, we have a lot to talk about and you have a lot of explaining to do” said Dr. Stellar

Scarlet walk toward her couch and sat across the men in her house, she took a deep breath and stare at Dr. Stellar

“Ok, what do you want to know?” ask Scarlet to Dr. Stellar

“I want you to start telling me when? How? And why?” said the Doctor

“It started when I was 15 years old, just like the first generation of Dragons, I meet the Black Dragon that he was hidden in the backyard of my house, I used to spend time with him all my life, until hunters show up, they were going to kill him” said Scarlet

“Thats how you got the scar that is on your back, it was from them” told Dr. Stellar as a fact

Scarlet nods at his statement

“Yes, one of them slaughter me from behind and left me to bleed to death, Shadow kill the hunter that hurted me and try to save me a long side him there was a another hunter that wanted to have peace with the Dragons, but he was kill before he could make such commitment. The first few years were very hard, I had no control over my powers and at a teenage state I had trouble controlling my hormones. In that time I meet Aron, he wasn’t a Golden Dragon yet on that time, but we were so in love with each other, but thanks to some w***e we broke up and that made things worse for my powers, not to mention that I had embrace my inner Dragon that was causing some changes on my body. At the age of 18 I graduate from my bachelor degree and left the country to train under one of the great four demons, my master Kurohi Tensei (In japan the last name comes first and then the name, so in the USA his full name would be Tensei Kurohi), he train me day and night, I had my masters and Doctors degree in japan on online courses. After nearly two in half years I manage to have control over my powers, but it wasn’t safe for me to run around with the presence of a Black Dragon, so my master taught me how to seal my presence and make me smell like human, but there is a catch, if I suppress my powers and suddenly is release I lose a part of my humanity, making me a full beast with permanent changes. The day that I meet Nicolas was a very bad day, I was cracking nearly 72 hours of cold cases, then one day he found me nearly on the break of my seal, revealing my true identity to him, ever since he kept my secret as a promise, but now he broke that promise just to save me” Scarlet sad and scare

Nicolas felt terrible for breaking the promise, but he culd not let his best friend and boss die.

Dr. Stellar interfere in her explanation

“I think that Nicolas did a good job in calling me. You see Scarlet, the knife cut you through layers of skin, the point of the knife reach the aorta, rupturing the walls making you bleed from inside, I manage to remove the knife and stich the aorta enough so you could heal property. Also I wanted to say that your secret is safe with me, I won’t tell a soul about you or mention that you are the Black Dragon, but just out of curiosity, How on earth did you trick the Knights team” ask Dr. Stellar

Scarlet is gratefully to keep the secret a secret, then she made a wicked smirk

“I made a fake copy of me from my black magic trick, when the sun touches the skin it will evaporate, leaving nothing behind” explain Scarlet

They kept talking about Scarlet, the Black Dragon and the fact that Scarlet was out of the job until she is fully recovered.

The next morning, Nicolas arrived at the Lab to find it open, he enter the room and sees Scarlet working on the computer, he sighs leaving his things in his office before he came across from his to her office.

“Scarlet you should be resting” said Nicolas

“Nick I am fine, as long as I don’t get the abdominal area wet or infected, the stiches will not be broken and I am going to be fine” said Scarlet

Then the doors opens revealing Aron walking with a case field on hand, Aron spotted Scarlet, he walks toward her and gave her a kiss on her head, Scarlet raise her head, then their eyes meet, Aron smile at her

“Hey there Scarlet, where have you been?” ask Aron

Scarlet didn’t know what to do, she can’t lie to Aron and even if she could, he would still figure it out eventually.

“I, um” Scarlet was looking for the perfect excuse

“She was badly sick with the flu and she was generous enough to stay home like a good girl and got really better” said Nicolas wield looking at the microscope

Scarlet grin at Aron and nods her head.

Later that day, Dr. Stellar came to the Lab he spotted Scarlet and walk toward her

“How are you felling Dr. Walker?” ask Dr. Stellar

“I feel a bit better Dr. Stellar, my abdomen doesn’t hurt that much” said Scarlet

Dr. Stellar check Scarlet’s abdomen, there was a stiches left behind, he indicate that the knife had strange materials that could kill a dragon if the knife manage to severe Scarlet’s aorta she would had die right on the spot.

They continue to work for the day and when they came out, Aron was waiting for Scarlet near his car, and he wanted to escort her to her apartment.

That same night a woman was running in the night snow park, she was cover in blood and she wasn’t dress appropriate for the cold weather, she ran as fast as she could, she made a slow head turn to see her chaser, but as soon as she turns her head, her chaser freeze her, making her unable to move, then he made a fist simulating to crush something in his hand, breaking the woman into pieces.

The next morning, Aron woke up, he stretches his arms out, and then he sees on his side the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on.

Scarlet is sleeping soundly on Aron’s side, he lean on her neck and sniff her intoxicating scent, he gave a small kiss on her head and got out of bed.

He walk toward her kitchen and brew them some coffee.

That moment Aron’s phone buzz, he sees Otto on the screen, he pick up the phone with a sigh

“Kingston” said Aron

"Aron, you better come to the park, there is something you should see here” said Otto on the line

“Alright, I’ll be there in a minute” said Aron as he hung up the phone,

He pour coffee on the mugs and head to Scarlet’s room, she was already awake and rubbing her eyes. Aron gave the mug to her as he tells her about the call, she finish the coffee fast and head to the bathroom and change clothing, Aron did the same as Scarlet was getting ready.

They arrived at the scene of the crime, were Nicolas was holding his stomach and making sure his breakfast isn’t all over the scene of the crime.

Scarlet and Aron got close and sees the body parts of a human been, they are impressed, to see such clean cuts.

Dr. Stellar is checking every body part and Scarlet took the camera from Nicolas to start the sketching.

Aron got to Titania, she was interviewing the man that found the body parts.

Scarlet got close to Dr. Stellar and ask some questions about the body parts

“Give me a break Dr. Walker, the poor lad didn’t survive much thanks to the cold weather, but if you look closely, you’ll notice that the muscle tissue is frozen solid, my guess is that our victim was frozen then cut off, but this could have taken days to happen or had been a mystical creature or demon that can control the ice. Anyway I have to take the victim’s pieces to the autopsy room and figure out a time of death and how she or he die” said Dr. Stellar.

Scarlet search any possible area for the killer to attack the victim, she manage to find nothing, just snow and ice, she saw a tree branch frozen and she took it for analysis.

Back in the lab, Scarlet started to check the tree branch, Nicolas enter the Lab putting on the samples he collected from Dr. Stellar on the table.

Scarlet use the probe to examine the pieces of Ice on the branch she brought, as Nicolas started to take samples of the tissue of the victim.

Mean wield, Aron is typing the search of missing people, especially humans, Dr. Stellar came over and stood in front of Aron

“What can I do or you doc?” ask Aron

“Not much, only that your team has to go though the physical exams to make sure that the three legendary Dragons are in good conditions to keep fighting” inform Dr. Stellar

Aron sigh and nods his head, he knows that his team has to have their annual checkup if they want to keep fighting crime.

Then Otto came to his desk and pass a document to his hand he open it as Titania inform him.

“Our victims name is Laura Rico, she was 36 years old, she is human, but her DNA shows that she is 3/4 demon, her husband is a merchant Mystical creature, name Bomer Rico, he is traveling with his brother now, Laura was having a girls night out with her best friend Aurora Marques” said Titania

“Miss Marques said that the last time she saw Laura was at the party they had for a friend that was getting marry this winter, she left around midnight and that was the last time she saw her” finish Otto

Aron though for a wield

“Alright, Otto start questioning Laura’s friends, Titania call the husband and bring him in, there might be things that he can fill up for us if their friends doesn’t know anything from her, I’ll go to the Lab and see what our Forensic has for now” order Aron

They all stared to follow Aron’s orders, he when down to the lab and finds Scarlet in the ultraviolet room and Nicolas on the computer screen, he walks first toward Nicolas.

“Hey, what do you got?” ask Aron to Nicolas

“This is interesting, check it out” said Nicolas showing his computer

“I analyze most of the tissue of our victim, her skin is literary frozen from the outside, deep to the bone, making easy to break, now this is not normal ice, she would had melted hours ago, it shows that this ice was made by someone” said Nicolas

Scarlet came out of the UV room

“Well that is not normal ice, not even a blast from the flamethrower could melt it” said Scarlet

“So, we are looking for someone that controls ice?” ask Aron

Scarlet and Nicolas look at each other

“You are looking for a mystical Ice creature or a demon that can make Ice and as far as we know there are countless of demons and creatures that can do that, even Titania could be a suspect” said Nicolas

Aron look at Scarlet

“Aron, Titania is the Silver Dragon and her power is Ice” said Scarlet

“Until we have a clear suspect in our hands, Titania must remain here” said Scarlet

As Aron left the Lab, Scarlet sigh she knows the rules, if there was an enemy that could kill someone with lightning she would be a suspect too.

They search each particle of the ice they brought, each minute it was becoming frustrated, Nicolas manage to make the last probe of the night, he inform Scarlet that they should leave it overnight and wait for the results the next day, Scarlet agrees with Nicolas.

They pack their things and close the lab, Nicolas continue to the exit and Scarlet walk toward Aron’s desk, she saw a man that was crying, she figure that he was the victim’s husband, he stood up and left with his brother.

Aron pass his hand on his already messy hair and made a long deep sigh. Scarlet walk toward him and hugs him from behind, she gave him a peck on the cheek and he grabs hold of her hand

“This is the worst part of my job” said Aron

“Will find this son of a b***h and make him pay for killing this woman” said Scarlet

“Come on let go home” she smile at him

“Actually I wanted to talk to you about that” said Aron turning to face Scarlet

“You know that I love you unconditionally and is been a few months since we got back together, so I was thinking, let’s move in together?” finish Aron

Scarlet was taken back

“Aron I don’t know what to say” said Scarlet

“You don’t have to decide yet, and if you aren’t ready to move in with me, then I understand, but I am also letting you know that I love you and that I would do anything for you” Aron kiss her on the nose

He stood up and shut his computer off, he grabs Scarlet’s hand, and they walk on the way to the elevator.

As they descend to the main hall, the elevator made a sudden stop, Scarlet and Aron look at each other, then the power went off, both Scarlet and Aron were stuck inside the elevator.

Scarlet took her phone out and call down the main hall, after three rings the guard didn’t answer, she curse as Aron did the same.

Aron then call one of his teammates

"Hello?" said Otto

“Where the devils are you Otto?” grunted Aron

"Arriving home" said Otto a bit shaken

“Well get your ass here, Scarlet and I are stuck in the elevator and there is no power here” explain Aron

"What are you talking about? There is power in all around the city" said Otto confuse

As Aron is arguing with Otto, Scarlet felt the presence of someone else in the building, not to mention that the temperature of the elevator has decrease, she was feeling cold instead of sweating.

In that moment she realize, they weren’t stuck in the elevator, they are hostages in the building.

Scarlet close her eyes, she use her hearing senses to find the thing that is causing this, she could hear the footsteps of the thing, they were heavy and loud, Scarlet figure out that the thing is a guy. Scarlet heard carefully where he is located until she heard his stop, she knows where he is, and she opens her eyes and turn to Aron.

Aron continue to argue with Otto on the phone, when he turn to see Scarlet his eyes widen, Scarlet’s lips are shivering and clinching to her body trying to get heat around her.

“Scarlet why are you like this?” said Aron worry

“A-Aron...s-someone i-is... i-in...t-the b-building” shiver Scarlet

Aron couldn’t understand why she was cold, he is all hot and warm, then he register what she said, someone is in the building, and by the look of Scarlet’s expression, is not a friendly, he reach Scarlet to feel her body ice cold.

Scarlet look at Aron’s eyes, she explain that if he goes out of the elevators top, if he manages to see ice on any part of the elevator, to take samples of it, then he should go to the lab and make the analyze of it, if they match they are dealing with a professional killer.

Aron didn’t want to leave Scarlet alone especially when she is freezing in the elevator, but he knows that if the killer is in the building their best chance is to arrest him here and now.

He gave Scarlet a kiss on her cold nose, he removes his jacket and gave it to her, he stood up and open the hatch of the elevator, he jump high, he stood on top of the elevator he saw that there is ice on the strings and on the breaks, he fist his hand and break a bit of ice and grabs some, he jump higher and higher.

He manage to reach the lab’s floor, he use his inhuman strengths to open the door, not before he sees that the someone tries to open it,looking around to see that no one is near the area, he manage open it with the security key pass that only agents have.

Aron lock himself in the Lab, just in case the guy tries to enter the lab again.

He speed dial Scarlet

“Scarlet, I am in the Lab, tell me what I need to do” ask Aron near her working area

“O-Ok” said Scarlet

She explain Aron every step he has to do, Aron did everything that Scarlet said, when he finish, he started a small conversation on the phone with her as they wait for the results.

After a few minutes later, the computer beep, Aron face time with her asking what the computer shows, Scarlet explain to him that the samples are a match that the guy in the building is in fact is Laura’s killer.

Then Scarlet look from behind Aron and shouted at him, Aron turns around; he manages to dodge the attack.

The killer enter the Lab trying to erase evidence, but Aron jump from his hiding place and attack the guy, they were making fist fight first, then they turn to ice with dodging, Aron didn’t had a chance with this guy.

“Agent Aron Kingston, I heard so much about you, the fourth generation of the legendary Golden Dragon, with the mighty power of fire, no wonder you can whist stand the cold, your power is keeping you warm enough. However that is not enough for your pretty mate, she must be freezing downstairs” said the ice guy

Aron got into his battle stand, he knows that the guy in front of him is the killer of Laura and he is trying to take the evidence away.

The guy came over the light, Aron’s eyes widen in shock to see who the guy is.

“Agent Alan Winston? Why?” said Aron

Alan grin at him

“Laura was a b***h, a stupid, worthless w***e that wanted nothing to get in someone’s pants. I must admit that it took me a wield to break free from the good Alan and return to find myself as an Agent, never the less, I took down every single woman that made me into a stress reliever, inviting me over to their houses, having s*x and then return to their husbands or boyfriends. Then I heard that Laura was here in New Glacier, it was the opportunity I was looking for revenge, so I pretended to be a surprise party entertainer for the women’s, I took her to the room, I try to kill her silently, just to end up escaping throw the window and ran toward the park where I murder her, but my other half melted her broken pieces and let the New Glacier’s best SCIS agents the legendary Dragons and their Forensic team take the case. I saw that anyone pay attention to minor detail so I wasn’t worry, that is until Dr. Scarlet Walker notice some details on the ice, as she took the ice branch, I could see it on her eyes that she saw the difference of the normal ice vs the magical ice. I wanted more to remove the evidence from her hands, that is why I lock her up in the elevator, then I though why stop there, I can kill the mate of the Golden Dragon” confess Alan

Aron grit his teeth, he knows that Alan is walking in the unknown territory on Aron’s point of view.

He never thought that Alan had such rough childhood, but this wasn’t his choice and now his alter ego is taking the good side of him, but the mention of killing Scarlet his eyes turn a Golden color, his hands summons fire, he is letting his emotions take the better of him, his anger, rage and possessiveness of him is taking the control he needs.

Alan didn’t know what he had done by putting Scarlet on the middle, Aron made an explosion ring of fire around him that destroy the lab, Alan duck at the explosion and when it passes he look around, he knows that he has a nasty and angry Golden Dragon.

Aron pants, but his eyes were on his target

“Don’t involve Scarlet into this!” he shouted

Alan and Aron began to fight in the lab, ice vs fire, freezing and burning everything on site.

Meanwhile, Scarlet is huddling in the corner of the elevator, by now she can’t feel her hands, she turns around thinking about her conditions.

“Alright Scarlet, get a grip, there’s got to be a mirror or something I can use as a reflection” said Scarlet to herself

She scans the area then she notice that the area where the bottoms are located can be used as a mirror, so she got closer, she sees her reflection, she notice that her lips are blue, her cheeks and nose are getting redder, her skin is ice cold and her body is shivering every second, she though and got to the conclusion that she is in a state of hypothermia, as the temperature of the room is lowering, so is her body heat.

“S**t, if this keeps up, I am going to freeze, and if I freeze my important organs will die out too. Think Scarlet, Think” said Scarlet to herself

Then she thought about it, the way for her organs to keep running she must keep her heart running. She open the container where the phone line is, she broke the ice that was still around the phone, she grabs the cables, she hold them on both hands, then she press one hand on her top side of her right b****t and the other on the left lower part of the ribs, she cover up again with her jacket and with Aron’s jacket.

“I didn’t survive a Hunter’s knife attack on the abdomen just so I die like a frozen popsicle” said Scarlet

“Come on Aron, I need you here to warm me up” wishe Scarlet

Back in the lab, Aron and Alan were burning the lab so bad, Alan grabs a chair and throw it at Aron, with one hand Aron grabs the chair and push it toward the window. The smoke was going out the window making it visible for the people around the building to see and call for emergency.

Aron kept fighting with Alan into the point where he fire punch him so hard that he flew on the next wall.

Alan slide down into the ground and rub his head, he raise it to stare at Aron’s Golden eyes.

“Agent Kingston?” ask Alan

Aron didn’t responded he just growls at Alan as he cowers away from Aron, the moment where he was going to make his final blow, Titania and Otto stops him.

They try to hold him down until he is perfectly calm; Otto is pinning him down as Titania handcuffs Alan.

Aron trash, struggle and growl at Otto, as he maintains Aron on the floor.

“Damn it Aron, pull yourself together!” shouted Otto

“Let me kill him, make him eat his own corps that would teach him to not mess with my woman!” yell and growl Aron

“Then where is Scarlet?! She is still inside that freezing elevator?!” said Otto

Aron stops his movements, he completely forgotten that Scarlet is still in the elevator, probably pass out or even worst dead.

Otto let him go and he rushes toward Scarlet.

Scarlet was receiving electric shocks every couple of 10 minutes, she was freezing, her fingers are turning blue and her nose is reader than before, her heart wasn’t going to last long, she had at least 2 small heart failures due to the cold.

Then Scarlet heard something coming on her way, she was too cold to move a muscle, but she force her body to at least reconnect the cables that she use to keep her heart pumping, and snuggle as much as she could to keep herself warm.

Then Aron came to her, she looks at him and notices his golden eyes, this man wasn’t Aron, this is the Golden Dragon Aron.

He got close toward her, he try to grab her but his temperature was way too hot for her body if Aron grabs her at the state he is in, he will cause her a big shock and could kill her.

Scarlet couldn’t speak so she shakes her head to tell him to not touch her.

The Titania arrived, she took note of the freezing temperature and notice that Scarlet was in no condition to moved or be touch by Aron, he try again, but Titania grab his shoulder.

“Aron your temperature is way to overheated that your touch could burn her and she could go into shock” said Titania

Aron gaze at Scarlet as she nods her head

“Then what should I do? I can’t just let her here to freeze her a*s off” said Aron pissed at himself and his temperature

“Let me grab her, since her temperature is almost as low as mine, Otto said that Nicolas and Dr. Stellar are here to take her to the hospital and later when the Doctor tell us that she is ok to have visit we will go to her” explain Titania

Titania grabs Scarlet and mount her on her back, Scarlet started to pant and shiver more, Titania felt her heart rate, it was slow and out of rhythm, she ten concluded that Scarlet is having arrhythmia attack, she look at Aron with worry written all over her face.

“Aron we need to get Scarlet to the paramedics now or we are going to lose her” said Titania as she jumps out of the elevator

Otto open the elevator door to see Titania, Scarlet and Aron, he signal them and they jump toward he open door, Titania didn’t hesitate to run to the ambulance, she arrive in time before Scarlet suffer an attack.

Dr. Stellar and Nicolas rush to the ambulance and enter the vehicle to head to the hospital. Scarlet is getting really tire, the last thing she head were Dr. Stellar in the phone and Nicolas helping the paramedics as she lose consciousness.

Dr. Stellar is on the phone with another Doctor friend of his, he is explaining the situation without revealing the identity of Scarlet’s true nature. He is also asking for a special room for him to deal with the patient’s condition, his friend agrees to it and told the Dr. Stellar to use the private room in his jurisdiction in the hospital.

When they arrived, Nicolas started to give CPR to Scarlet, they made it to the room without been notice.

They removed her freezing clothing and doing so, both men saw the mark of the Black Dragon on her right side of her ribcage, they continue on with giving her IV and reviving her heart.

After three shocks, the heart monitor started to beep, indicating that Scarlet is alive, Dr. Stellar use at catheter to create an ablation and force Scarlet’s heart beat in the right rhythm.

Once that was over, they both dress her in a hospital gown and cover her up; they walk her bed toward the private room.

Three weeks later, Scarlet stir a bit, she felt her hand a lot heavier, when she open her eyes, she notice that she’s in the hospital, she turn her gaze to a sleeping Aron, she notice that he has dark circles under his eyes and his hair is a mess.

Scarlet made a small smile at his sleeping figure then she remember the chaos that happen, she took her phone out and sees the date, it was Christmas, well dawn of Christmas.

Aron woke up with the surprise of Scarlet awake, she made a smile at him, he lift is hand and cares her warm skin, the skin he loves so much to touch under him.

He left a huge sigh of relieve and a happy expression wore his face.

“Hey” he said in a sweet tone

“Hi” she said to him

“How are you feeling?” ask Aron

“Warm and good; what happen after you left? When you return to me your eyes were Golden” said Scarlet

“Agent Alan was the killer; he was making sure that the evidence was totally erased. We fought and well we destroy the Lab, if it weren’t for Titania and Otto you would be dead and I would had kill him and be send to federal prison” Aron made a brief explanation

Scarlet smile at him then she made him come closer toward her, she grabs his cheek and give him a passionate kiss, molding their lips together, taking his and her breath away, when they separate, Aron made frustrating growl and opening his eyes, to see her honey color ones, she was also breathless and happy.

“Merry Christmas Aron” said Scarlet

Aron’s eyes water, his best present was that passionate kiss the his woman gave him and Scarlet waking up, he lean his forehead to hers and they just sat there in the hospital room, enjoying their presence, making it the best Christmas a Dragon could have.

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