Spiritual knight

Chapter Case 7: Kidnap

A young man was jogging on his usual route from every morning, as he jogs people great him and he great back at them, passing the park area he continue to jog, he side track and took the road toward the forest where fairies live for generation, as he kept jogging he pass by some old fairy, he greeted her and she greeted back, she tells the guy to be careful from some demons that are lurking on the forests shadows.

He wave a good bye and she does the same, he kept jogging until reaching a river, he stops to take a breath, that is when it hit him, the smell of rotten meat, he cover his nose, when he walks away from the river he notice that the smells is much more stronger, he move some bushes and then he made a frighten gasp.

He is staring the body of a woman, that is barely half dress and her eyes roll on her back and some pieces of flesh missing on the nape of her neck.

Later that day, the agents were walking toward the crime scene, they were stop by an officer and they were given some gas mask, the three of them look confuse

They walk wiedl put the mask on

“I hope we don’t get to see Scarlet with her mask?” Said Otto chuckeling

“I don’t think so” said Titania

Otto started talking about a date he had last night, but he suddenly stop when he sees the woman’s conditions.

Aron notice Nicolas working on the pictures, he turn his head toward a big tree and sees Scarlet throwing up on it, noticing that her face is a bit green.

They walk toward Nicolas, where he is now collecting samples

“Hey Nicolas, let me guess murder number 3” said Titania

“I am afraid so, meet Courtney Garcia, age 26, from the human sector of our New Glacier city, single and stated her new job” said Nicolas

“Cause of death could be the cut on the nape of her neck Doc. Stellar?” ask Otto

Doc Stellar stood up

“This time wasn’t the cut, more like strangle the poor child to death, the cut is actually a rough wolf was hungry and searching for a piece of meet, but I can’t give you more details once we have her back on the lab” explain the Doc Stellar as he moves around

Aron got close to Nicolas “What is wrong with Scarlet?” ask Aron

“Scarlet is a bit sick today and sensitive, once she has those symptoms, her nose becomes more sensitive to the smell, so she kind of took a big whiff of the dead body” explain Nicolas

Nicolas knows what is wrong with Scarlet, but because she is keeping the secret of her been the Black Dragon, she can’t simply take a gas mask and put it on, that would bring more suspicion to her.

Scarlet is vomiting the continent of her stomach, when she felt a cold water bottle on her forehead, she looks up and sees Aron with it, he moves his head in a faraway direction, telling her that if they could move to another space.

Scarlet glares at Aron, she knows that he knows that there is nothing between them from getting back together, but Scarlet feels insecure on what she could end up been with Aron again.

Besides, keeping a huge secret from them is not a good base for a new relationship.

They walk and enjoy each other’s company.

“How are you feeling?” Ask Aron

“I am fine Kingston” responded Scarlet with irritation on her voice

“Scarlet, enough” he stops and stops Scarlet

He gaze at her eyes as she does the same, both losing on each other’s eyes.

Aron felt his inner Dragon purr of the closeness he has on her, as Scarlet holds and suppress the instinct to purr.

Aron grabs Scarlet hand and pulls her closer to him, she moves slowly toward him, both never taking their eyes off each other. Just as they were close to touch their lips. Otto step on a branch and made Scarlet pull away from Aron’s hold, she took off on the direction of the scene of the crime.

“Oops” said Otto

Aron glare at Otto as he walks toward the scene “Thanks a lot”

Everything was clean up on the scene when Scarlet got down and notice some footprints on the ground, she touch the area and took a small sniff, her senses is telling her that the killer is male, by the look of the print and the smell, she took a quick scan of the area, she also notice scratch marks on the ground, she kept looking around, but there was nothing else on the scene of the crime, so she left to the van where Nicolas is waiting for her to get ready.

She saw him writing down on a board he has on the hand, Scarlet walk toward him.

“Hey, how are things with Agent Lover Boy?” he chuckle at his little joke

Scarlet glare at him

“Not Funny” said Scarlet as she place the bag with some evidence, then she took out the pictures

“Look I notice some scratches and some footprints” said Scarlet

“Yeah I notice too, also Otto found disturbance in the ground like they move her, could it be that Miss Garcia was drag here, demon?” Nicolas ask me

“I don’t know” Scarlet lean on the truck

“But I know is a man that we are looking for, but the faint smell could be a low level supernatural being or human” said Scarlet in a monotone voice

They both enter the truck and head back to the agency.

The entire team enters the agency together, they notice a man near the desk of the Knights team area, he turn to see Scarlet, then he walks toward them.

“Excuse me, by any chance one of you two is Miss Scarlet Walker?” ask the man

Titania and Scarlet glance at each other and then Scarlet raise her hand, the man gave Scarlet a bouquet of Lilly’s with a note written on it, the man took his leave.

Scarlet turn toward Aron with a very cold, deathly glare at her direction.

Aron shake his head sideways, telling here that he didn’t do it, beside Aron knows that Scarlet favorite flowers are Stargazer Lilly, not plain white Lilly, she hates the color white.

All the agents and the two Forensic scientist look at the bouquet, Scarlet grabs the note and read it out loud

“«Your beauty shines like the sun, Your hair black as night, I’ll come forth for our love, once and for all, you’ll be mine ~Anonymous.»” read Scarlet

They all look at each other, as for Aron his blood became to boiled, someone is confessing to Scarlet, the woman that he loves and would kill for her.

Scarlet check the card both ways, she notices the same faint smell early this morning.

Aron was about to protest on the flowers, but Scarlet has other intentions, so she took Nicolas arm and drags him toward the Lab.

Once they reach over the lab, Scarlet throw away the flowers on the trash and took the card, she examine the handwriting on it. One agent came to leave a box full with the victims belonging, as soon as the box was put down, Scarlet grabs some gloves and started to search. Nicolas signed the sheet of the box and the agent left, he stood in front of Scarlet.

“Care to explain what you are looking for?” ask Nicolas

“A card, with the same anonymous M.O wrote me a card with flowers, and his handwriting, I saw the same card on this victims, she could had receive the same handwriting card. Grab the other 2 victims belonging and check everything again. Also pull up their files, there is something missing here and I want to know what it is” Scarlet made a rush explanation

Nicolas didn’t waste time and he rush out to the evidence room, he trust Scarlet like the palm of his hand, so if she felt like there is as piece missing, she will be able to find it.

As soon as Nicolas left, Aron enter the lab with big, powerful steps, showing his dominance, he got in front of Scarlet and put his hands on the table where she is still looking for some clue on the victim number 3 belongings.

“Care to explain what the f**k was that about?” ask Aron very pissed off

“Agent Kingston, I would love to share my hateful thoughts with you, but I am a busy woman” answer Scarlet not even looking at him

Aron got even more annoyed than before, so he grabs Scarlet’s wrists and then she looks at him

“Scarlet what the hell is going in on, is there someone else in your life, am I not good enough for you, I know you felt it” said Aron mad at her

“Felt it?” ask Scarlet like she didn’t know what he is talking about

“The pull that we both have, or attraction to one another, my Dragon is attach to you, I don’t want anyone near you, even if you find another guy, I will rip his head off and lock you up in my room” Aron clarified and gets closer to her

He press her on his body, his warmth passing on her, Scarlet’s body electrified by the contact, she can’t control her body anymore. Aron gaze at her honey eyes as she does the same, he whisper love words to her and she listen as she is under a spell.

Aron lean closer toward Scarlet’s face, she turns her head on the side and he kiss her cheek, he started to descend on her neck and kept kissing her, leaving mouth open kisses on her neck, she felt a strange sensation on her neck that cause her to make a small cry leaving her mouth.

The moment she re-open her eyes she notice what she was looking for in the box, thankfully, Nicolas came in and cough to let them know about his presence in the room.

“As much as I like to see you two getting ‘along’ we got 3 murder victims in our hands” he scold mostly Aron

Scarlet grabs the piece of evidence, she then turn toward Nicolas

“Nick, Agent Kingston, grab pair of gloves and search the other two boxes” said Scarlet in a hurry

They both stare at each other and started to look on the box, after a wield, Nicolas notice that there is a card inside the victim number one’s purse and Aron found the same thing, Scarlet grab all the cards and put them on the table.

“I knew it” said Scarlet

Aron and Nicolas saw the cards carefully they notice what Scarlet was trying to find out

“The Cards are the same, Flower shop, handwriting, even the color of the card is the same, which only means that the killer chose their targets by sending them gifts” said Nicolas

Scarlet was going to explain a theory, until Otto and Titania join in the lab

“Before you start talking, you guys have to see these” said Titania

Otto pull up on the screen the victims picture, all three victims were honey color, hazel color and light brown color eyes. All of them have black hair color, short or long, white skin color and they were all Scientist students or interns, that including Courtney Garcia, a young new doctor.

They all turn toward Scarlet, they confirm their suspicions, and they all look like Scarlet.

“S**t, you got to be f*****g kidding me!” said Aron turning away and passing his fingers on his hair

During these past few months, everyone change their apperance, some of them even change styrls.

Nicolas cut his hair shorter than before, yet he stills used the same style of clothing.

Titania, cut her hair in shoulder lever, and she wears a lot more tan tops with her brown jacket and her skin got a little less color.

Otto is almost the same as always, he use more polo shirts and jeans with running shoes.

Aron has a major change his hair got a bit longer, almost touching his shoulder, his clothing is basic and more casual, shirts that show his biceps, jeans and combat boots, he wears his leather black jacket when he is out the agency, but inside he takes it off.

Final, Scarlet feature change her black hair is longer, her style change too, she is wearing more skinny jeans, long sleeve shirts and boots, she stills use her glasses and picking up her hair.

So the reason that all the victims were pick up with them same physical apperancr could be an indication that all of them looks like Scarlet.

She eanted to change her apperance intentionaly (She is trying to get Aron’s attention again >:)).

“So I’m guessing that our killer likes Scarlet and his real objective is her” pointed out Otto

Aron turn toward him “You think!”

Scarlet is a little worry, not because she has a killer after her, is because the killer doesn’t know who he is dealing with.

He is not dealing with just anyone, but with the Black Dragon, to make matters worst, he will deal with the other three Dragons if something happen to her, even worst if we are talking about Aron’s possessiveness side.

Later on Aron gave the instruction to each and everyone, including putting one of the three dragon to guard Scarlet, obviously Aron took the role to guard her 24/7 , as they started to investigate.

Aron is in the lab with Nicolas and Scarlet, both Forensic Scientist are annoying and on edge with him watching them, first, Scarlet can’t use her ability to finish the case and most of the time she made a lowly grow at this situation.

A few hours later, they stop working, Aron though that they hit a dead end, but then he sees that there are turning the equipment off and leaving their Lab coat on the hangers, that is when he realize that they are leaving.

He stood up, walk beside Scarlet, the hole way on the exit were silent, until he grabs her arm and drags her toward his car, he push her in and lock the doors, Scarlet hates to be the ‘weak human’ but she has to act it out if she doesn’t want to be discover.

Scarlet broke the silence first “You know I live a few block away?”

“I don’t care, a killer is after my woman and I’m supposed to leave you alone with it, not under my watch” he growl at her

“Kingston, you better leave me alone or you are going to -” Scarlet was cut off

“Going to what Scarlet? Denied the fact that you are in danger, which I could lose you like those victims? That you may become the fourth victim? Or worst, be impregnate with that b******s child and become his baby mama? I rather die than see you like those options” Aron glare at Scarlet

She never saw this side of Aron before, he is really worried of Scarlet’s safety, and Scarlet could see that he is also jealous of the killer.

They arrived at Scarlet’s place, they got out of the car and she sees Aron opening his trunk, to get a bag out of it, she arch an eyebrow.

Aron explain that he always carry a spare of clothing incase a situation like before could happen again.

Scarlet let him inside her apartment, Aron started to scan the area to make sure she is safe from the kidnaper.

Scarlet went to her room, grabbing some pillows and blankets, she walks toward Aron and gave them to him, he thank her for the things, she went again to her room and change clothing, a short jeans and a black tang top, she let go her hair and removed her glasses, when she was about to leave the room, she almost (key word: almost) forgotten about Aron in her apartment, so once again she pick up her hair and wear her glasses.

She left the room, once she got back in the living room, she didn’t saw Aron anywhere, she used her hearing senses and hear the bathroom water running, telling her that there is a nude Aron bathing, to distract her naughty thoughts, she walks toward the kitchen and started to prepare some food for the both of them.

Scarlet is working on the kitchen, making some sushi, fried rice and fish, for them, but her thoughts were everywhere, questioning herself and where is her relationship with Aron? Where does he stand on her life?

Suddenly two strong arms, embrace her from behind her, Scarlet made surprising squeak and shudder from the contact, mostly because he isn’t wearing a shirt.

“What are you making?” ask Aron

“Um” try to answer Scarlet “Food?”

Aron chuckle “You like Japanese food, so I know what are you making”

The was a silence in the room, Aron’s face came close to Scarlet’s ear and blow a small puff of air, Scarlet shiver even more that even Aron could feel it.

“Scarlet” he whisper on her ear

“Please, don’t” said Scarlet

“Don’t what? The fact that you can feel the same thing I can feel? Or is that you-” Aron stare at Scarlet’s eyes

Through the knife she is cutting he could see her eyes, showing insecurity and confusion.

“You are afraid” he said as a statement

Scarlet widen her eyes and made an aggressive turn looking at him into his eyes

“I am not afraid of anything” Scarlet declare

Aron made a small grin “If you aren’t afraid of anything then let’s prove it”

Scarlet glare at his face “Fine!”

“I want you to call me by my name” said Aron

Scarlet stops her mouth for a minute; she started to question once more, wondering if she can truly say his name? Could she be afraid on been stab on her back from him again?

Aron sigh and lets her go

“Ileana did a number on you, she destroy you so bad that you can’t even say my name, worst you can’t even look at me the same way that you used to. I thought that knowing the truth will make you understand that I never betray you or never would hurt you, but know you are so broken that you don’t see how hard I am trying to be with you again, no matter if you hate me or not, I will forever love you”

Aron separated from Scarlet’s body, taking his heat from her, Aron turns around to leave the kitchen, but Scarlet reach out his arm and stops him from leaving.

Aron gaze at her eyes and he sees everything he remembers from her, her kindness, tenderness, even the innocent eyes he miss so much, but he even loves her aggressiveness, her fearless actions, and her honesty when she speaks out her mind.

“Please, don’t leave me again, Aron” said Scarlet her voice started to crack

“Your right, Ileana did a huge number on me, she made me believe that you were using me for a personal vendetta, in the end, you and I ended up broken and lost. You are right, I am afraid, that one day you will leave me and that one day you’ll stab me on the back, I am broken and scare of what the future might bring us together” a tear is falling on Scarlet’s cheek

Aron hugs her and kiss her forehead, whispering reassuring words, making her feel better. He cares her tear away, both gazing in each other’s eyes.

Aron came down, kissing her lips, this time Scarlet didn’t fought back, she return the kiss with the same passion that he has. Aron was losing control of his self-steam, he grabs Scarlet’s hips and sat her down on the counter, he got between her legs, never breaking the kiss, Scarlet cares Aron’s neck, grabbing his hair and now caressing his back making little scratches.

Aron stop kissing her lips and started to leave open mouth kisses on her neck, getting on her collar bone and starting to kiss the top of her b****t.

The moment Aron put his hand under her top, one of Scarlet’s window broke, a gargoyle enter the room, Aron put Scarlet down on the kitchen floor and stood in front of her, the gargoyle growl at Aron.

“You shouldn’t touch that woman our master wants!” said the gargoyle as a warning

Aron growl, leaving his protective side take control, Scarlet notice that Aron’s eyes started to turn a Golden yellow color, letting her known that the Golden Dragon is protecting her and not Aron.

One thing Scarlet knows about the power struggle is that is ether you or the Dragon, but Aron has no knowledge about it or as far as she knows any of the other Dragon.

The gargoyle and Aron fought in the living room, Scarlet used her ‘hidden’ powers to capture the gargoyle and question him about it.

It took them sometime to get this over with, Scarlet’s living room look like a war zone and Aron seams tired enough to sleep the whole night.

Scarlet got close to the gargoyle

“I got questions for you and you are going to answer me honestly, if not, my partner won’t be the one making you scream like a little girl, also I am really in a bad mood” said Scarlet

The gargoyle nod his head quickly, knowing that she isn’t kidding on her threat even though she is ‘human’

“You said master when you enter in my home, so tell me what he wants?” ask Scarlet

“He wants you, is always been you” answer the gargoyle

“Does your master have any particular reason that he wants me?” ask Scarlet

“He said that you were the one that understood him better than anyone, but when you and him, became an item, he thought that he has lost you” said the gargoyle

Scarlet notice something on his answer, the kidnapper/ killer knows Scarlet and Aron that could mean one simple thing.

“Tell me did your master knows us well enough that we used to be an item in the University?” ask Scarlet

The gargoyle nod his head

“Tell me the name of your master, now" demanded Scarlet

The gargoyle gulp hard, on his opinion, is ether tell the truth to the scary woman or face punishment with his master, ether way he is the one with the short side of the stick and if he doesn’t cooperate he is going to get worst punishment in the end.

“Is Troy Jackson” answer the gargoyle giving up his faith

Scarlet look at him confuse, Troy Jackson was Scarlet and Aron’s classmate, but he wasn’t the most popular one, in fact he was what they call a ‘bully punching bag’. the moment Scarlet and Aron started to date he used to stalk her and study Aron’s tactic.

She could never imagine that that kid would do something like this, Scarlet analyze the situation, as she is thinking this through, she grabs her phone and dial, Titania’s number as the sun rises.

Scarlet heard a small conversation on the background “John move a side...I don’t care that is hot, I am not your cooler!...Move!" She heard a small slap thinking that this John person might have cross the border

"Hello?” Said Titania

“Am I interrupting something?” Ask Scarlet

"No, I was going to wake up anyway, so I’m guessing this call is not personal?" Said Titania

“More or less, think you can call Otto and meet me at my place? I’ll explain everything once both of you are here” said Scarlet

"Sure, I’ll be there in an hour or so" said Titania

“Ok” said Scarlet as she hangs up

Scarlet took a look around, her living room is a mess and she doesn’t have the strength to fix it, she watch Aron sleeping soundly on the couch (That happen to survive the attack).

She crouch down to look his sleeping face she saw how peaceful he sleeps, his eyelashes are long and his hair is long and soft, Scarlet made a small smile at his handsome face, she started to doze off, she closed her eyes for a small rest.

The moment Aron woke up he took a look around, he thought the same thing Scarlet thought about her living room, when he looks down, there laying on the ground is Scarlet fast asleep, he notice that Scarlet looks so beautiful without her glasses, but knowing that has ‘bad eye side’ (Which everyone that is reading this book know that is big fat lie).

He scratch a bit his head and pick her up bride style, he carry her to her bedroom and lay her down, he felt a bit tired, so he got comfortable and lay on her side, he hugs her from behind and doze off again.

An hour and a half pass and Scarlet could hear her door knock, she woke up after hearing her phone, when she open her screen there was a text message from Titania

Titania: Open up

Scarlet texted back that she will open the door, when she was about to stand up, she felt her body a bit heavy, she turns from her side to the other, she sees Aron fast asleep and in a very promising position, he snuggle from behind and took a large breath of Scarlet’s scent, he open his eyes and gaze at her shocking one.

“Morning” he said with a voice that melted Scarlet like butter

“M-Morning” greeted Scarlet

Her thought were that he will cling to her and not let her greet her guest, but surprisingly, he let go and stood up from the bed, he walks toward the bathroom.

Aron change a lot for Scarlet sake and she understand that, she acknowledge that, so she should too, no more running away, she has to face the fact that they can be together again and this time no interruptions.

Scarlet got out of bed, as Aron got out of the bathroom, Scarlet enter to wash her mouth, Aron change into some short pants and a t-shirt, he tie his hair into a low ponytail.

Scarlet change into some black leggings and another tang top, then she wore some lose shirt that can shows one shoulder and she lest not forget her glasses, as she is brushing her hair.

Aron hugs her from behind again, and he leaves open mouth kisses on her shoulder, Scarlet blush and made a low small cry, as he started to suck her shoulder blade. He watch in the mirror her reaction, Scarlet’s expression is so sexy that Aron made a small smirk.

“Once this case is over, I will make sure to make you mine, that is, if you accept me once again” he let her go and pat on her head

“I won’t rush you, when you are ready let me know” said Aron leaving Scarlet alone

Scarlet thought that her heart was about to jump or skip a beat, Aron is willing waiting for her, she will give him an answer, when the case is over. She walks toward the door as Aron started to make breakfast.

Titania and Otto enter the apartment, and they notice the living room and the frozen statue in it.

Both, Scarlet and Aron gave them a detail explanation of what happen, leaving a side the fact that they almost did it on the kitchen.

Once they finish Scarlet stood up and face the three of them.

“I know who is behind this and I might have an idea of how he did this” said Scarlet

“Aron...” she surprise everyone now that she could say his name with tenderness and not hatred

“...remember a boy in our college life, with the name Troy Jackson?” ask Scarlet

Aron thought for wield, and Otto started to search on his mobile, some information.

“Not that I am aware off, I remember a kid name Troy, but it doesn’t ring a bell” answer Aron honestly

“Troy was just like me, a nobody, he used to talk to me a lot, but when we started to date, he kind of distances himself, I’ve notice that most of the time he spends stalking me. Now, yesterday we figure out that he is targeting women that looks just like me, making me the real target, conforming that my suspicions is correct, he became obsess with me and the only thing standing in his way is Aron” explain Scarlet

Then Otto made a shivering jump

“Well you might want to hold your underpants for this...” he shows a criminal record

“...Troy Jackson, age 25, he is a warlock, uses magic to manipulate minds and cast spells, maybe that is the reason that they didn’t capture him sooner. He has a huge criminal record in assault, bad surgery practice in turning his clients in to Scarlet’s, murder in 3 other states with women the same resemblance and men that look just like Aron, so in other words, he might be looking for the perfect Scarlet Hope Walker and destroying Aron James Kingston. According to a medical psychiatric, he is mentally unstable” finish Otto

Titania and Scarlet stare at each other for a minute, then she stood up in front of Aron, her face was a bit scare and Aron could feel the tension in the room growing, they all can feel it

“Aron, I might have a suggestion, but you might not like it, if you see this more clearly, our murder is after Scarlet. I am suggesting in using Scarlet as bait, that way, we can lure him out” suggested Titania

Aron’s eyes widen, he knows that Titania doesn’t mean any harm to Scarlet, but it does make sence in what she is saying, the only way to lure the killer out is using Scarlet as bait and capture him in the action. Scarlet stood up; walking beside Titania she looks at Aron, knowing his internal struggle.

“I’ll do it, but I want you guys to capture him in his hideout, despise the fact that you might catch him, he wouldn’t spill his secrets due to the fact that he can cast a spell on himself to make him mute or erase his hearing, may I suggest, implanting me with a tracking device and a microphone to record his confession, once I am in the hideout, be used as a beacon to trap him and have all the proof we need to incriminate him” said Scarlet confidently

“I don’t like the idea, I am 100% against it” said Aron

“It is our only option to capture Troy, so I will allow it, with the condition...no...With the promise that you’ll be safe and hopefully that the guy doesn’t touch you” warn Aron

They made the arrangements for the undercover OP.

A weak later, Scarlet is in the coffee shop picking her favorite coffee, keeping up her usual routine, when she was almost near the agency, someone grabs her and pulls her toward the alley near the agency.

Even though Scarlet is the Black Dragon she has to pretend to be 100% human in everyone’s eyes.

Then the man’s hand switches to one that has a cloth with chloroform, making Scarlet dizzy.

In the same moment that this happens, one of Aron’s cup made a crack, he thought that he use more of his inhuman strength to his cup, then a beeping sound came on the computer, it was the tracking signal that they put on Scarlet, that is was moving and in a very isolated place, letting know that the plan work, that the killer has Scarlet and now they can trace it, he grabs his jacket and tells his team to move out, before it’s too late.

Scarlet wake ups from her passing, she still felt a bit dizzy, but she was conscious enough, she look around the place, she sees and deducted that she would be in the basement of a house, she closed her eyes, concentrating on the dark energy around the place, she felt a lot of shadows outside the house, also one human warlock shadow near her.

Scarlet realize that she’s been kidnap by Troy, then the basement door open revealing Troy Jackson on the door, he descents from the stairs getting closer toward Scarlet, she tries to stand up, she notice that she still numb from the chloroform and her hands are tied behind her back

“Hello there my dearest love, Scarlet Hope Walker” said Troy gazing at Scarlet’s eyes

Scarlet took a look at Troy’s appearance, he looks like Aron when he was in college, so that would mean that Troy doesn’t have an idea how Aron looks now that he is much older. Troy used to wear glasses now he is wearing blue contact Lents to match Aron’s eye color, he cut his hair the same way Aron used to had, and his style, he was a copycat.

Scarlet struggle with the rope tie on her hands behind her back

“What do you want Troy?” ask Scarlet

“Troy? No Scarlet, I am Aron, your boyfriend” said Troy

“No, you are Troy Jackson, we used to study together in college, although you change” said Scarlet trying to buy sometime

“I am not!” shouted Troy

Scarlet is convince that he went delusional and needs medical help urgently

“Now Scarlet, let’s celebrate our reunion with a passionate night like this together, forever” said Troy getting closer to her

Scarlet felt a really bad gut feeling that she put her Dragon defenses on.

Troy try to touch her skin, he got electrified, he jump from shock, he look at Scarlet, he thought that Aron order to put a defensive force field on Scarlet.

“Even now that I sam so close to be eith the love of my life, HE stills interfere. No mater I eill remove this rechet envhantment and we can continue of my dear” said Troy preparing to cast

He started some enchantments to remove it, Scarlet feeling weird, like her entire been is on high alert and soon to go on instinct mode.

She look at Troy noticing that he is trying to remove her defensive line, but there is a huge backfire on Scarlet’s part, which could end bad for both of them.

Mean wield, Aron and the rest of the team are tracking Scarlet’s position, Aron is driving like a mad man, in pursuit of the killer that has taken his woman, Titania is guiding him, as for Otto and Nicolas that are behind them.

Nicolas is tracking Scarlet, but on the other side he is monitoring Scarlet’s vitals, in case that something happens, he could direct them on a longer route. Nicolas notice that Scarlet’s defensives are up, he also notice that most of her vitals are going overboard from the green line, and that is not good, knowing that she is close to lose it. Nicolas takes the Knight team on a longer route in order to keep the identity of the Black Dragon a secret.

Troy is using more of his magic to remove Scarlet’s defensive, as for Scarlet she is trying to keep her instinct under control, that is until Troy open his mouth

“Oh my dear Scarlet, the things I would do to your body, I will bring you to heaven as much as you want, you are mine in body and soul, after this spell that it was cast on you is removed, we will have our heaven moments together under the dazzling moon” said Troy like he was Aron

“No one is touching me, No one, not you Troy, and certainly not Aron Kingston!” shouted Scarlet letting herself lose on her inner battle with her Dragon

Troy didn’t like the sound of that, she made an angry expression that even scares the poor gargoyles that were nearby, and he amplified his magic until something, snaps within Scarlet.

Scarlet lost consciousness, she felt her shackles been release at this point. Troy got closer toward the unconscious Scarlet, believing that he release her from the spell that was cast on her.

Unfortunaly, when he reach to touch her hair, Scarlet jumps on him with a lot of growling and her presence became known to anyone that it was near her. Scarlet’s eyes were cover with her hair, he couldn’t see what was going on, but he notice some nails grew longer, she started to show fangs, she is inhumanly strong and fast.

Troy push her away and stood up, knowing this isn’t the Scarlet he knows off, also her glasses broke, when she raise her head, he could see, a black line forming on her face and eyes with a purple vivid color.

He understood what he had done, he release something else within Scarlet and he is going to pay for it, he try to run, but Scarlet took a hold on him, she grabs him by the wrists and ties him up with the rope he used on her.

“How does it feel to be the one to get hurt?” ask Scarlet her voice became alluring and sexier than her normal voice as Kurohi

“You are not my Scarlet! What the devils name are you?!” scream Troy in fear

“You should had stop the enchantment wield you still had the chance, on the other hand I thank you for letting me free, this way I could made you repay for what you did to every single victim you murder to find me” said Scarlet very sadist part of her

Scarlet with her claw scratch Troy’s face, then she punch him, holding a bit back from her inhuman strength, Scarlet made Troy pay for every woman and men that he kill just to get to her.

Hours pass, Scarlet stood up from an unconscious Troy, she slumps down near a wall, she started to meditate, concealing her powers and leaving her senses unseal, she look at the gargoyles, they back off a bit, then she sees the leader.

“You all see nothing tonight?” Scarlet glare at each and one of them

They all nods their heads, including the leader, later on she could hear from a distance a car, knowing that it might be Aron and the rest of the team.

She told the closest Gargoyle to tie her up again, and they might leave the basement, they all did what she said and left.

Scarlet felt tired from concealing her powers, so she closed her eyes a bit letting rest took her over.

Aron and the others arrived at a wooden Cabin, they open the doors and started to search on Scarlet, they found the way to the basement, where they find Scarlet on the ground tie up and pass out.

They also found, Troy tie up near a pole and all beat up. The rest of the team took Troy to custody, well first to the hospital, then to a mental hospital.

As for Scarlet she was taken by Aron back at his place, since they are remodeling Scarlet’s living room.

Scarlet open her eyes and sees in unfamiliar place, Aron walk by the coffee table he has on the center of his living room, leaving a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows in it.

“Did I wake you?” ask Aron

Scarlet scratch her left eye “No, but where am I?”

“My Place, since they are remodeling your living room, I thought that coming here would be the best option” explain Aron

Scarlet chuckle a bit, Aron try to make her talk about the incident, all that could Scarlet said is that she saw a woman with black clothing and a purple scarf. Aron deducted that it was the Black Dragon’s successor Kurohi.

After a few minutes of silence, Aron glance at Scarlet Honey color eyes, as she does the same with Aron’s blue eyes. Their gaze was bringing up the tension in the room.

Aron felt suddenly hot and Scarlet felt the air electrifying, you could cut paper on the air with these two.

Aron lean on Scarlet’s face and kiss her, softly, the kiss intensify every second, Aron grabs Scarlet and pull her into sitting on top of him, their bodies grazing each other, however their clothing was a burden, Aron grabs Scarlet shirt and lift it up slowly, Scarlet shiver and grab a hold on Aron’s wrist

“No Aron, we can’t, I-” she was interrupted by Aron

“I promise I won’t look, but please, let me satisfy you Scarlet” said Aron breathing near her lips

Aron close his eyes as he promise, he kiss her again and this time Scarlet let him take her shirt off, he hugs her close, kissing her neck and shoulder.

Scarlet push him a bit to take his shirt off, Scarlet sees the eight packs he has and a well-built body, she kiss him on the neck, continuing downward, licking his v-lines.

Aron carry Scarlet in bride style, taking her to his room, Scarlet thought that he is looking, but once she sees his eyes, they are still close, Aron can’t disobey Scarlet’s orders.

They both remove the articles left on their bodies; they were caressing and kissing all over the places they still remember.

Aron is drinking Scarlet dry, wield she cries in pleasure, they were pleasuring each other, missing their touch, kiss, even their heated moments.

After a wield pleasuring each other, Aron reconnected with Scarlet, he dances within her and the sheets were tangling them, at the most parts, Scarlet’s sings loud and clear how much she wanted this, Aron grunts every time their connection gets intensify, by the end they both sync in each other’s bodies, as Aron sparks their connection to their new highs, both panting and catching their breaths they both pass out by the exhaustion.

It was 3:00 am at dusk, Scarlet woke up from her sleep, looking around the room she sees a mirror where in the reflection she sees herself half waist nude and Aron behind her sleeping, his arm wraps around her b****t, making sure no one sees her lady top part, she also notice their marks, Aron’s Golden Dragon mark is on his shoulder all the way to his elbow, as for Scarlet her Black Dragon mark is on her right ribs all the way to her hips, the two Dragons that once they were lost, now they are united once again, Scarlet scan the room and finds a one of Aron’s shirts, she use her abilities to pull the shirt closer, she grabs it and puts it on. Aron snuggles closer to Scarlet; his breathing is close to her ear, making her feel electrifying again, then he crack one eye open

“Did I wake you up?” ask Scarlet returning the question

“No” Aron hug her closer

“I thought you left” said Aron

“I am not going anywhere Aron” said Scarlet

Aron hugs her closer to his body “Get some rest, you need it”

“Ok” said Scarlet

When Scarlet close her eyes, trying to be back to dreamland, Aron sigh and whisper the words that she heard so many times

“I love you” said Aron

His voice hold tenderness, sweetness and a lot of love, not like the love confessions he’s been trying to push into her, this time his words got into her heart and hopefully, she could love him again, the same way that they used to be.

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