Spiritual knight

Chapter Case 5: Carribean Chaos

A couple is walking on the beach of Cabo Rojo on the island of Puerto Rico, they were having so much fun, they were walking when they notice a bunch of pelicans and seagulls on the far side of the beach.

One of the couples is human, and the other is a dog demon.

The dog demon started to gag, by the smell that were coming on the bunch of birds, when the human got closer, noticing some fins and a body of a woman,

With a high pinch scream by the dead body of the mermaid on the Cabo Rojo beach.

A very fresh summer time in New Glacier, the Knights team walks inside the SCIS building.

Scarlet and Nicolas were talking to Titania and Otto, discussing their plans for the summer Vacations.

Titania is talking about a trip to Hawaii with her current boyfriend.

Otto’s plans are simply laying all day in bed, watching movies and sports with some friends.

Nicolas plans are spending time with his wife and son and pampering his wife with her 6 month belly.

Scarlet, plans on going to a cruise trip in the Alaskan waters away from the summer heat.

The team are excited to start their vacation plans, that is until Aron came around, grunting, irritated and angry. Standing in front of the team, watching how their excitement are shown in each and others eyes.

Aron sigh

“Well guys I got good news and bad news”

Everyone stare at his action.

Scarlet was on edge after what happen a month ago, but this aura that Aron is showing means business, not in a happy way.

Aron took a sharp intake of air as he said the news

“I go some bad news, we got a call and we have a murder on our hands” said Aron mad

Everyone grunted and argued due to their vacation plans been ruind.

“The good news is that the murder happen in one of the most enchanted and visited Caribbean islands, known as Puerto Rico, so everyone pack your bags, because we are going on a working vacation” finish Aron

At first everyone argue, but in the end they accept the fact that they have to work and have their vacation together, something that others aren’t looking forward, especially Scarlet.

Both Forensic Scientist, walk inside the Lab, and starting to pack some of the equipment they need, for this «trip», as they make some calls to cancel and arrange their new vacation destination.

Scarlet arrived at her apartment, packing her summer vacation clothing and some bathing suit for the beach, she had never visit the island before, she also heard that the island enchants people by its beauty, she is not the king of people «Dragon» that listen to rumors, she’s the kind that «seeing is believing», once her pack is ready, she grabs her passport and leaves the apartment.

Nicolas arrived with his wife Monica and his two year old son Louie, Scarlet place her bag on the back of the car and sat beside Louie, he is always excited to see Scarlet, the entire ride was based on Louie asking questions and Scarlet answering each and one of them, the kid is very smart like his father.

Louie looks at Scarlet

“Aunty Carly (Since Louie is two, he can’t pronounce Scarlet’s name, so he calls her Carly), why that you don’t have someone like daddy and mommy?” ask Louie

Scarlet stare at Louie and giggle at his question

“Oh Louie, I don’t need someone like your mommy and daddy, I’m ok on my own” she explain to him

Louie thought for a moment

“Well in that case, I will be with you like mommy and daddy” he smile at Scarlet

Nicolas, Monica and Scarlet laugh at Louie’s confession and cuteness.

They arrived at the airport, and started to unload their bags.

Nicolas help Scarlet unload the equipment for their investigation on the island.

Monica glare at her husband, they started to argue about the vacation plan they had and why he is going to work wiled they have fun.

Titania and Otto walk on Scarlet and Louie’s side, staring at the couples argument.

A sport car stop in front of Nicolas car, the driver came out, turns out to be Aron.

He is wearing a black leather jacket, with a white shirt on, jeans and combat boots, he is staring at Scarlet and gave a smirk at her direction.

Scarlet turn her head away from his stare, Louie stare at the cool guy that is currently walking at their direction.

“Good Morning team” said Aron

“Morning” grunted Titania and Otto

Scarlet ignore him and Louie stare at him with sparkle in his eyes

Aron turns his attention at the couple that is arguing

“Um? Nicolas is everything ok?” ask Aron

Both adults turn their heads toward Aron.

Monica was about to shout at Aron, when she sees how handsome and hot the guy look, Monica turn her head to her husband and then back at Aron

“Nick, do you know this guy?” ask Monica not looking away

“Baby, this is Special Agent Aron Kingston, he is the legendary Golden Dragon, and these are his co-workers, Special Agent Titania Whiter, the Silver Dragon and Special Agent Otto Maroon, the Bronze Dragon. Everyone, meet my wife Monica Stone, our baby girl Iris Stone… “Said Nicolas rubbing his wife’s belly

“…and over there with Scarlet is my two year old son Louie Stone” Nicolas presented

Monica is glowing by her pregnancy, as a nurse she walks all the time, she has a light brown hair color and blue eyes, she is petit on Nicolas 6′1 size, then everyone turn toward Scarlet, she is holding hands with a little boy, he looks like Nicolas only that his hair is the same color as his mother.

Aron got close to the kid and got in one knee to talk to him

“Hey kid, I’m Aron” said Aron with a cool smile

Louie smile at him

“H-Hi, I’m Louie Stone” reply Louie

Louie stare at Scarlet, he notice that she looks irritated, he tug on her arm, she looks at the kid and gave a sweet smile, then he turns toward Aron that he is standing all tall, he notice a pout on his side, but in his eyes there is sadness on them.

After a few more minutes, they all walk toward the deepest part of the airport, waiting to board the plane. The girls wanted to go to the bathroom before they leave, so Monica passes Louie to Nicolas, as he heads with the other guys.

In the ladies room, the girls did their business; Monica and Titania were refreshing their make up as Scarlet is washing her hands.

“Titania, tell me about Aron” ask Monica

Titania look at Monica suspiciously

“Miss Stone you are married to our Forensic Scientist and you are asking about Aron?” quedtion Titania

“Oh God no, I love Nick like life itself, I was thinking about a friend that would love to go out like a guy like that” said Monica laughing

Titania sigh, both of relieve and pity

“Miss Stone...” started Titania

Monica interrupted “Please call me Monica”

“Monica, with all due respect of your friends, I don’t think Aron is into any girls, everyone knows and even your husband knows that he is interest in only one girl” said Titania and then turns her face toward Scarlet

Monica got the hint, when Scarlet left the bathroom, she turns her face back toward Titania

“So Aron is interest in Scarlet?” ask Monica

“You could say that, the truth is that, Aron is head over heels in love with Scarlet. As what I could gather from both of them, they used to date when they were in the university, but in Scarlet’s point of view, Aron did something that she can’t never forgive him for and on Aron’s point of view, he doesn’t remember anything that happen that might had cause for their break up” explain Titania

Monica stares at her reflection and remembers when her father rejected Nicolas because he was a no body, someone without a future, and look know, the man loves her husband and relies on him when they need something.

The gate started to call the passengers to board the plane,

Entering in the plane Scarlet didn’ reslize that her sit is the window seat and Aron is on her side, she glares at the ticket on her hand, she could destroy the plane with a lightning, but for the sake of her secret and the lives on the plane, she holds her pride down and sat down,

Aron sat down on his sit without looking at Scarlet, knowing her, she could cut his b***s out and serve them in a silver platter.

The plane started to take off, the airplane assistants started to serve the passengers some snacks,

Louie was so happy to watch the sea from the sky,

Titania was listening some music and Otto is snoring on her side.

Aron is working on the computer he brought and Scarlet is reading a book that she recently bought.

One hour has pass since they took off, Aron finish reading the police report of the case in Puerto Rico, as Scarlet stare at the window wishing she could fly there and not be seated on his side.

“I didn’t plan this you know” said Aron toward Scarlet

“It doesn’t matter, you would do it anyways” said Scarlet with annoyance on her tone

Aron sigh “Please Scarlet this is getting really irritating not knowing what the hell are you mad at me or why you hate my guts is been months since we reuinited and I don’t understand you diliking me” argue Aron

Scarlet turn her head toward him

“I am not mad at you Kingston” said Scarlet

“If you aren’t mad at me, then why don’t you call me by my name? Like last time” ask Aron

“We are professionals, I rather keep it that way” glare Scarlet

“Enough Scarlet, this is getting irritated, annoying and it pissed me off. I love you since the moment I lay eyes on you, I love every moment we spend together, I love the way we made love together, even though it was annoying making love with the girl you love in a button shirt on, or blindfolded, but I didn’t care because I love you. What did I do to deserve your hate toward me so much?” said Aron

“You betray me!” shouted Scarlet

Everyone on the plane stare at them, as Scarlet heaves her breath from her mouth, Aron took his seat belt off, stood up, Scarlet glare at him

“Where do you think you are going? Turning your back toward me? Such a coward” said Scarlet

Aron face Scarlet, his expression made Scarlet feel weak, vulnerable and submissive, she knows that he is using his Golden Dragon’s tone, also his eyes are glowing Golden yellow

“Is not cowardly, is giving you space for your tantrum to cool off before I lose my patience with you Scarlet, you only see what you want to see, but there is two versions of the «betrayal» you say I cause you. Let me simplified this for you I.DON’T.REMEMBER.BETRAYING.YOU. Get that in your thick skull of yours, because the way I see it, you are just a girl that is wounded by a long time ago, and I am a man that has no f****g idea why” said Aron pissed at her

He walk away from Scarlet to the back of the plane, Scarlet stay there in shock.

In all the time she knows Aron, he never raise his voice, nor he never argue with her, but this time it scare the hell out of her, and in the same time its a turn on.

Monica sat beside her, thinking that she could be sad, but she notice that she is more in shock that sad.

Monica took a hold on Scarlet’s wrist “You ok?”

Scarlet blinks a few times

“Yeah, just shocking, that’s all” said Scarlet

Monica hums “You know, Titania told me something interesting, that you were betray by Aron, but he doesn’t know what have he done to lose you”

Scarlet looks at Monica “There are things that I would have rather never seeing back in campus, but the fact that I saw what he did to me is unforgettable, is imprinted on my mind forever and I can’t bring myself to forgive someone like him”

Monica stare at Scarlet’s eyes

“You love him” she whispers

Scarlet’s eyes widen and she turns away from Monica’s view

“No I don’t” argue Scarlet

Monica chuckles

“You know is not bad to love someone you could never forget, but he is right in one thing, there are two versions of the story, and you just go on with your version, but had you ever thought that he could clear things out” Monica pat Scarlet’s shoulder and left toward her sit.

A few minutes pass and Aron came back from the back of the plane toward his seat, he sees Scarlet with her eyes close.

She has fallen asleep,

Aron notice the position, she looks uncomfortable, but he doesn’t want to put more gasoline on the flame she has on, so he left her like that, as he sat down and started to re-read the report, Scarlet’s head change at his way and puts it on his shoulder, she snuggle under his neck, a very sensitive and dangerous part of his body, she made a cute happy sighs on his neck

“Aron” Scarlet sleep whisper on his neck

Aron chuckles and kept on reading the report.

A few more minutes later, Otto was passing toward Aron’s seat to ask about the investigation and where is the Cabo Rojo area in Puerto Rico,

Reaching the seats, he sees Scarlet leaning on his shoulder sleeping and Aron’s head is leaning on her head sleeping, both of them very peaceful and happy, he took the opportunity and snap a picture at their direction.

A few more hours later the Captain’s voice sounded on the plane, saying that they arrives and they are ready to land the plane, by the announcement Scarlet woke up from her slumber and was about to stretch when she feels the weight of someone on her head, she looks toward the computer screen on Aron’s laptop and sees that he fell asleep and leaning his head on top of hers.

she looks away from the screen, very ashamed and embarrass by the affection, then she felt his stir a bit, Scarlet close her eyes and use her other senses to feel what is going on, she felt him stretch a bit and then his big hands holding her head, and leaning it on the other way.

Scarlet felt a pang on her chest, she knows why too, because he doesn’t want her to be mad at him.

The plane landed, Scarlet woke up and the rest on the sleeping team, she look on the window,

The place is fill with threes and body of waters.

They check that they have everything, then once they got out of the airport, they see a police officer holding a piece of paper with the words ‘SCIS’ on it, Aron got close to the guard with his bags on hand

“Hi, I’m Special Agent Aron James Kingston, this is my team of the SCIS” said Aron

“Nice to meet you Special Agent Kingston, I’m Officer Rivera at your service” said Officer Rivera

“We are lucky to have you and your team here with us, please get in the van and we’ll be heading toward your hotels” said the Officer Rivera guiding them to the police van

The Officer took them to the city of San Juan where they arrived at a hotel Howard Johnson, they settle up in their rooms, Monica, Nicolas and Louie, Titania with her Boyfriend, that he made arrangement to meet her up there.Otto and Aron in one room, and Scarlet has single room for herself.

Once they get comfy in their rooms, they SCIS agents and Forensic goes to the lobby and meet with Officer Rivera, they got in the van again and they arrived at the Forensic Science Institute, there they saw Dr. Joshua Stellar arguing with another doctor, also a man wearing a suit came close toward them.

“I believe is the SCIS special agents and Forensic?” said the man shaking Aron’s hand

“Yes sir, Special Agent Kingston, Whiter and Maroon, and our best Forensic team Dr. Walker, head Chief and her assistant Dr. Stone” introduce Officer Rivera

“Glad you guys came, this is very weird for us here in Puerto Rico” said the man

“Glad we could be of any assistance” said Aron

“Let me introduce myself, I am Lieutenant Francisco Maldonado, I’m in charge of this investigation” said Lieutenant Maldonado

“I see your autopsy doctor is here” he turn his face toward Dr. Joshua Stellar

Both Autopsy Doctors look at the group and headed toward them, Aron shakes Dr. Stellar’s hand and the other doctor

“So Doc what do we have?” ask Aron at Dr. Stellar

“Well, we have a Mermaid laying in the autopsy room, there wasn’t much in her body, I took the prints and some tissue under her fingernails for the Forensic team to analyze it” said Dr. Stellar

“Ok, we will need those right now to see in the database who is our mermaid and what the evidence in tissue samples” said Scarlet

Dr. Stellar sigh “That is the thing dear, the Forensic Scientist here are very uncooperative on the investigation, they already took the prints and the tissue sample” explain Dr. Stellar

Scarlet widen her eyes, she looks at the Lieutenant

“Is that how are we going to work, because I didn’t come all this way for some unprofessional Forensic Scientist to take full credit of the results, you could send the wrong person to prison and let the killer lose” argue Scarlet

Then two Doctors came toward the group they were laughing and talking

“Well what we have here, a bunch of outsiders came to play” said one of the Doctors

“Excuse me?” said Nicolas

“You heard me old man, now if you excuse us, let the pros work” said the other Doctor

Scarlet grab a hold on one of the Doctors collar and push him near the building wall, Nicolas smirk and the others sighs, the Lieutenant was about to take out his gun and point it at Scarlet,

One of the Doctor step back and the other is been held by Scarlet’s massive strength

“Listen her you worthless son of a b***h, I didn’t study all my life to be step down by some bunch of newbies, beside I’m pratactly the same age as you and I am the best of the best, so if you want to keep your ego intact, you are going to listen, cooperate and think before you speak an insult, because I might not look like it, but I can make you eat your d**k for breakfast, are we clear?” said Scarlet

The Doctor nods faster than lightning, Scarlet let him go

“Good, now bring me the prints and tissue, before you guys ruin it” she order

Both Doctors left in a hurry, speaking in Spanish of what they think of Scarlet.

Aron hads a major turn on, seeing Scarlet as a dominant one, even though he knows that Scarlet is a submissive one in bed.

The Doctors arrived with the things Scarlet ask and walk away; Nicolas gave a call to the other Officers to bring their equipment in the same Doctor’s lab.

Scarlet and Nicolas enter the building and started to work as the Doctors watch them.

Wield the SCIS Forensic were working one of the Doctors is speaking to the Lieutenant about the incident outside the building

“Por qué no la arestastes, ella me agredio (Why didn’t you arrest her, she insult me)?” said one of the doctors

“En verdad que eres bruto (You really are dumb), esa Chica es la Dra. Scarlet H. Walker (that girl is Dr. Scarlet H. Walker), Jefa de Ciencias Forences del SCIS (Chief Forensic Scientist of the SCIS)” said Leuitenant Mardonado

The Doctor turn his head toward Scarlet, he sees how she works and how fast she is getting the results.

Aron and the others came in

“Hey guys what we got?” ask Otto

Nicolas answer, since they all know that Scarlet is very pissed off

“Well beside the piss off maniac in the room” said Nicolas

Scarlet glare at him, he could feel daggers hiting him harf on the arm

“We got a few suspects for this case, first of all, meet Aquamarine Ocean, quite a signer in the underwater world, but a model in our earthly world, she has a bunch of enemies, mostly rivals in both worlds, but the thing is that in the underworld sea, she is the Princess Aurora Trident’s best friend, would mean that no one could touch her, so our killer is mostly someone in the model agency” explain Nicolas

One of the Doctors came close

“How do you know all this, in our report we find that our victim is a model in Victoria Secret, nothing out of the source that she is mermaid” crossing his hand making eye challenge toward Scarlet

Scarlet grin at the poor knowledge this guy has

“When you see it from this perspective, we have more DNA data on all the creatures around the world, not to mention that this case is very time-rush, since we are against time her, so we put the Tissue sample that you guys collected and boom, we got a mermaid, or the fact that if the tissue is in a humid or wet weather, in this case contact with the water, the tissue turns from a piece of skin, to a piece of fish scale, mermaids have that ability” said Scarlet fill with challanging tone

Nicolas and Scarlet fist bump each other and posing for the two Doctors that stood there mouth open wide, they got so angry that they left the Lab.

Scarlet and Nicolas were still working after hours in the lab.

Mean wield, the Doctors started to walk out of the building, toward their car, where they drove toward the cafe two blocks away from the building.

They orders were taken care off, they sat down on the far side of the cafe, talking about the SCIS Doctors.

Doctor #1 started to grunt and bang on the table

“Esa maldita chica, quien se cree que es (That damn girl, who she thinks she is)?”

Doctor #2 try to calm down his partner

“Tranquilo amigo, tengo una idea (Calm down friend, I have an idea)” said the Doctor #2

Doctor #1 lean on the table for Doctor #2 explanation

“Escucha, dejemos que ellos terminen con el trabajo, despues le llevaremos una bebida refrescante (Listen, let them finish with the work, and then will give them some refreshments)...” plan the Doctor #2

Doctor #1 interupted Doctor #2

“Les quieres recompensar por el trabajo que están haciendo? Idota!, Nos están comiendo los dulces (You want to reward them for the job their doing? Idiot! They are eating us like candy)” he said angry

Doctor #2 glare at his friend

“Me dejas terminar (Let me finish)...La bebida sera la única forma de que podamos drogarlos y todo el credito sera nuestro, ya que ellos estaran demasiados borachos para completar el trabajo, matamos dos pajaros con un tiro (The refreshment would be the only way that we could drug them and all the credit would be our, since they would be so drunk to finish the job, we kill two birds with one stone)” said the dictor #2

Later that day, Aron, Titania and Otto went to the scene of the crime,

Titania use some of her eye sight to identify any source of body heat on the waters.

Otto try to contemplating on the ground and for

Aron is trying to identify the temperature of the sun.

They reunited in a pool area, where they sat down and talk about the case in hand.

Titania, started by telling them that the water was too warm for a mermaid to pass by this season, they usually come when is winter on the north,

Otto said that the sands were very hard to walk on, so is either that the murder had problems walking since there are a lot of disturbance in the sand.

Aron he mention that the sun would get hotter by the passing time, and the strongest point would be by noon until evening.

As they were conducting their hypothesis on the case, a woman came close toward them.

Otto was drooling over this woman, she was blond, with brown eyes, very skinny, white skin and this smile that could put other women to shame.

“Aron?” said the woman

Aron look at her

“Ileana Murcury? What are you doing here?” ask Aron

Ileana smile at him

“What do you mean silly, I am working around the corner of this hotel, I am a Victorian Secret Model, well one of the best, what are you doing here, don’t tell me someone told you that I am here and that you are here to see me” Ileana said with a seductive lean on him

Aron try to make some distance and made an akward smile

Titania sees this behavior on her and stood up

“Excuse me? Hi” said Titania

Ileana sees the other two on the table and smiles at them

“Hi, um, who are you people?” question Ileana

“We are Aron’s friends and co-worker, I am Titania and this is Otto” said Titania with annoyance on her tone

Ileana sees this and glares at Titania, Aron intervene before Titania loses a casket and murders her

“Ok, listen Ileana. We are working, there was a murder her two days ago, you mention that you work as a Victoria Secret model, tell me, do you recognize this woman?” Aron shows a picture

Ileana takes a look at the picture and looks at Aron hungry

“I might, if you come over tonight Aron” said Ileana seductively

Titania was about to jump, but Otto stops her,

Aron chuckles and laughs a bit

“Oh, Ileana, you haven’t change a bit, the answer is No, I’m working, and I want to finish this before the Forensic team kills me for ruin a family vacation and a cold trip to Alaska for a week, so tell me now or I’ll go there and talk to every personal in your agency”

Ileana pouted at him

“Yeah, I know her, she is the number one spotlight on the Victoria Secret model, if I remember correctly her name is Aquamarine Ocean, they call her the Aqua Angel, recently she hasn’t come back for work so we got a little worried, I mean sometimes she goes to the ocean and visit her friends and family, but is been two days and she take only one day to go and come back” said Ileana

“Is there anyone that you might recall that hates her and dislike her?” ask Titania

“Excuse me, we are talking here” said Ileana

“Excuse me this is SCIS business” answer Otto showing his badge at her

“SCIS? What the hell that supposed to mean? Don’t tell me… You guys are like the Sexy Club International Society” said Ileana as she laughs at Otto’s badge

Titania did the same and when she turns her head toward Aron

“No Ileana, it means Supernatural Criminal Investigation Service” said Aron as he shows his badge.

Ileana cough a bit and kept talking about Aquamarine, in the end their suspect list reduce to 5 people, that hated her.

Once they head back toward the Lab,

Titania was arguing and angry at Ileana’s b********s, Otto was in La La Land knowing that he spoke in a «cool» way to a Victorian Secret model.

Titania tantrum finish

“...Who does she think she is?!” Titania shouted angriedly

“She is the one that everyone loves back in the university, the popular girl, and me been the popular boy, she wanted to get in my pants for a very long time, but ever since I meet Scarlet that same time, I wanted to be with Scarlet and not with Ileana, so she try every mean necessary to make me break up with Scarlet and made me go with her. After Scarlet broke up with me, she did the impossible to seduce me, but all I could think about is Scarlet” said Aron with a sigh

When they arrived at the Lab, they saw Nicolas moving a «dead» Scarlet, they walk toward them and see they little act, they are already use to it that nothing surprise them at all.

“So how did you kill your boss? And How is our dead Scientist doing this far?” ask Titania

Scarlet saw the three of them there

“Not dead enough” she stood up

“I receive your text Titania about what you got from the crime scene, let’s talk about the water, you were right on the temperature, is way too hot for mermaids to come here this time of year, so our victim would have gone to the beach to make a telepathic communication with her underwater friends- we just discover that one of her abilities is water telepathic using her hands- Now on the fact that her body was found like 10 feet away from the shore, yet wet from it, could have mean that our killer strike at the moment when she was making the call...” said Scarlet

“...Now on the sand, Otto send me the pictures of the disturbed sand, since is mostly every day that happens, but noticing the disturbance and a little ultraviolet light, we found traces of blood in the disturbing area, also I can see that is very hard to walk in it, so the killer could had a struggle to move the body to a place where the sand wouldn’t be hard enough to walk , as for the temperature that Aron send, he is right, here is very hot from noon to evening, so the event could had happen very early in the morning or very late at night” finish Nicolas

Aron pace around the room

“You guys rock, but our work isn’t done, so this is what we are going to do Otto, interview every one of the suspects back at the interrogation room, Lieutanant Fransisco is letting us use for now, Titania need you back on the field, interview the witnesses that saw Aquamarine and any of the five suspects, Nicolas, I saw your record when you were a kid, you got good computer skills, I need them to put them into use, hack the security cameras on the following nights, I want to see if any of the witness were with Aquamarine or if they are telling me the true when I get the chance to interview them, Scarlet I need the murder weapon, I need to know what he or she use to strike her, according to Dr. Stellar autopsy report, she had a skull fracture and swelling, so I’m looking for something strong but accessible to grab in a beach, Let’s move it people”

After Aron gave the instructions to everyone they started to work none stop.

The five suspects were interview by Otto with the Lieutenant, they spend hours talking to each one of them, each of them telling them different stories and event’s the made with or without Aquamarine.

Titania, hold her Dragon down before she freeze the shallow women’s, she interview every last personal in exception of Ileana, since she gave everything she knows away and she manage to spend the day with her boyfriend that wanted to go with her.

Aron is in the Lieutenant’s desk searching on his computer information on every suspect they manage to get, the list of parties, gifts, he learn things from the suspect and the relationship of their victim.

Nicolas, spend hours hacking the security system and helping Scarlet with the murder weapon, they been picking things up on the beach and swinging them at a hard object that might be equal as a mermaid skull, to see which murder weapon the killer use to kill her, using her inhuman Dragon strength to see how strong the killer use on her.

After 24 hours working none stop, they manage to finish their work,

Aron conducted a reunion on the conference room in the police station, they started the reunion, giving everything they thought, they wrote and every little detail explain conclusion they had, by the end of the morning, they have their killer, murder weapon and motive to do so, then an officer enter the room where they are reunited

“Excuse me, Agent Kingston you have a visitor” said the Officer

The Officer disappeared from the door and there enter Ileana with her tropical clothing for the day, she smile at him and Aron groan in displeasure and irritation, not to mention that the women he loves is in the room

“Hi Aron, how are you doing? I was wondering-” Ileana was interrupted by a broken wooden crack

Everyone turn their way toward Scarlet, in her hands there is a hard wooden tablet board on her hand to write down on her papers, she was glaring daggers at Ileana, so much hatred on her that her iris turns a bit purpel

“Well well well, look what the cat drag in, if it isn’t Scarletina Walker” Ileana cross her arms evidently hatred on her tone

“Ileana Murcury, what the f**k you doing here, you worthless b***h?” growl Scarlet

Ileana laugh “Language, we don’t want Lady Walker making such vulgar words”

“You little...” Scarlet was about to jump on her

Nicolas sees this a very bad situation, so he grabs Scarlet as hard as he can hold a Black Dragon down.

Scarlet struggles on his arms to get free,

Scarlet insulted Ileana as Nicolas carry her out of the room, the rest of the SCIS team are surprise to see such hatred toward one woman,

Titania and Otto walk pass Aron and Ileana, going after Nicolas and Scarlet.

Aron on the other hand glare at Ileana and stood up from his chair, holding the bridge of his nose to stop a headache.

Ileana try to get close to him, but he hold his hand out

“Ileana, what are you doing here?” ask Aron

“I want to invite you to the last runaway tonight, so?” ask Ileana happy and seductive

“Well Ileana, I am going to the runaway, with my team and to arrest the son of a b***h that kill that woman” he finish and left the room after the woman that he loves

Nicolas struggle with Scarlet back in the Lab, when he let her go, she was pacing and arguing, her eyes were a vivid purple color with fury screaming and making every electrical machine go haywire even overdrive, some of them exploded,

Scarlet was a mess, she punch a wall near the area, it made it crack , she hold back most of her inhuman strength,

For a few seconds arguing herslef, she started to pant and groan. She slowly bend down and place her heand on the wall. Taking a few deep breaths she started to calm down.

Otto and Titania arrived at the moment where Scarlet is sitting on a stall and Nicolas on his knees, they got close as they see the mess she is made

Titania goes on her knees putting a hand on her knee

“Scarlet?” she said in a whisper

Scarlet look at Titania

“Look, I don’t know what happen between you and that b***h, I got a feeling it has to do with Aron too, but I want you to know that you got me, Nicolas and Otto on your side, if you need a shoulder to cry on, we are here for you” said Titania still in a smooth whisper voice

Scarlet’s eyes well up and she lean on Titania, wield her tears slowly came down her face,

Otto and Nicolas hug her as well, wield on the side lines, Aron sees this moment where his team has an affect on her,

Scarlet is everything to him, and suspecting that something that happen between them in the past made him believe that Ileana is in the middle of it, but watching Scarlet crying on his friends shoulder make his Golden Dragon’s heart hurt, all he wants was to comfort her.

Later that night, Nicolas and Scarlet are cleaning the lab, packing their equipment (well the ones that works) and getting ready for some vacation,

The Doctors #1 and #2 came to the Lab, giving their apology and a refreshment for the last day of their work,

Scarlet sees the liquid on her hand, strange and notice the smell of a drug in it, when she sees Nicolas almost drinking the thing, she took it and drank it, both his and her refreshment,

The two Doctors widen their eyes, they know an overdose of the drugs they put in both cup, could kill someone, Scarlet grab both Doctors by the arms and wave at Nicolas Good Night, she push them on the ally

Scarlet take a breath of air in her burning lungs

“Listen, You guys got me in a very bad, extremely bad mood, but I won’t tell anyone of what you were trying to do to my friend and I, because I will hunt you down, and burn you guys to hell, as long as you don’t tell something to anyone, do I get myself clear”

The Doctors grin at her, they try to push her and make her fall, but she punch the wall breaking it, scaring the s**t out of them, when they look at her Purple iris with the catlike pupil.

Scarlet was full on Black Dragon mode, the Doctors pee their pants and nod their heads, Scarlet groaning started to walk on the hotel she and the other are staying.

The SCIS team a long with the Puerto Rico police officers and Lieutenant Fransisco, were on position for the arrest,

Aron is walking on the room with Titania on his side, they meet up with the coordinator of the event, Ryan Plaza, and with his boyfriend Michael Rome,

The runaway finish with Ileana modeling her bikini suit, and all the girls came walking again, they went to the after party, where Aron got close to the pair

“That was quite a show there Mister Plaza, you must be proud of yourself” said Aron

“Oh God, Yummy handsome, thank you, I made all the theme in honor of our Aqua Angel, may her soul be in peace” said Ryan

“Hey, why are you looking my man like that?” said Michael

“I thought he was single, since he and Aquamarine were having an affair together?” said Titania

Ryan gasps and look at Michael “I would never, I love you Michi, so much, you know it”

Michael gaze at Ryan’s eyes “I love you too”

“You love him so much that you had to kill someone just to prevent that person to steal your lover?” Aron smirk

They both stare at each other, after that the Police surround them, Ileana try to get close to Aron, because she didn’t want him hurt, Michael then grab a pole and made a batting pose

“That is why you kill Aquamarine Ocean, because she was flirting with Ryan Plaza, yet little did you know is that Ryan was helping Aquamarine, she was going back home to the birthday of her best friend, and Ryan help her made a new set of sexy dress for her friend, but you jump into conclusion and thought it was for her, so you grab a lever bar and crack her skull, she fell into the ocean, where you know that if mermaids dies in the water, the others might know. Push her into shore, striping her from her clothing and leaving her there to die, now you didn’t expected that the Puertorrican police would communicate with us, everything would have been great if we didn’t interfere, but other countless women would die, because of your jealous sorry a*s” explain and finish Aron

Michael swing the pole and hit’s Aron in the face, everyone scream and Ileana scream his name, but only to see that the pole broke in half.

Michael took a few steps back to see this unexplainable event, when Aron raise his head and open his eyes, those Golden iris were looking at Michael.

Heat was pouring from Aron as fire was consuming his hand, something that never happen before,

Titania grab his hand and stop him.

Aron watch Michael angry and then the police

Aron pass by the police “Arestenlo (Arrest him)”

That night Aron couldn’t explain what happen to his body, but they arrived at the hotel, there he meet with Nicolas pacing side by side, the trio stop him on his tracks.

In the moment Nicolas explain to the trio that Scarlet is acting weird, in a very «happy» weird, crazy talk weird,

Aron got worried, and left toward her hitel room.

Titania and Otto try to stop him, but they receive a growl from the Golden Dragon, the three of them took a Big step back worry at Aron’s behavior.

“Did something happen?” question Nicolas

“Will explain later” said Titania

“I thought Scarlet was scary, but Aron is right there next to her level” said Otto out of the conversation

Aron arrived at Scarlet’s door, he took a depth breath, knocking the door, the door open duddenly that scare Aron.

Aron was welcome to see a very drunk Scarlet Walker in front of him. She is panting and her cheeks super red. Also her mid long hair flows on her back and without any glasses on.

“Well if isn’t Agent Aron James Kingston, are you here to deliver my meal or are you here to get desert?” she said in a very drunk seductive way

Aron took one big step back to make some space between them, he knows that in these conditions Scarlet could throw herself into his arms and in the morning he will be f*****g murder by the same woman.

“Scarlet are you drunk?” ask Aron

Scarlet giggle “Noooo...Maybeeeee...” she giggle again

They both enter Scarlet’s room,

Scarlet was swaying her hips and body everywhere.

Aron made sure that her room’s liquor still full, he confirm it that they are still seal tight on the fridge, he thought that maybe she party a bit and got wasted, but that is so not Scarlet.

Grabing her by the arms and check her facials, she has her pupils dilated and loss of balance, a lot loss of balance.

Aron try to reason with her, but then she pushes him on the couch and sat on him, she gaze at his eyes

“Why?” she said

Aron show a confusing look

“Why did you betray me like this? Not to mention brining her back into your life with all the love you say you have for me. She is toxic in your life and in mine, she is the reason that I can’t be with you, because of her existence, I can’t never be with you, since the day you betray me, since the day you slept with her when you were going out with me” said Scarlet with anger and tears pouring from her face

Aron widen his eyes,

As far as Aron’s mind is concern, he never slept with Ileana, he never would had betray Scarlet , so he hope not to take advantage of this moment

“Scarlet, baby, I never slept with Ileana, I would never betray you, what are you talking about?” question Aron

Scarlet move her hips a bit making Aron to groan in pleasure. It felt good to have her on top of him and pressing her p***y with his g****g.

“I saw you that night, when Ileana and you were in your room, having s*x as she release her plan in how you took away my innocence” answer Scarlet

Aron thought he was in cloud nine, he knows better to have this moment with Scarlet, so he push Scarlet on the couch, pining her he made her look into his eyes and make sure to pour out some of his heat on her, making her pass out faster.

Scarlet is very much sleeping.

Aron took her to her bedroom, covering her up, but then she started to strip, first with her pants, then she was going to unbutton the shirt, showing her clevage.

Aron close the door and now he has to take care of the little woken up dragon.

“Oh God Help me, Jesus Christ” said Aron

He walks toward her bathroom and take a very very cold shower.

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