Spiritual knight

Chapter Case 3: Teen Drama

The Rich kids community High School, were most of the high class families place their kids to educate them and prepare them for the greatest journey in their youth, College.

Walking in the hallway, a Professor that teaches Ancient History, enters the classroom, starting with the attendance of this month, he realize that his best student Thomas Westerberg, didn’t show up for the class in over a week.

Moving on with the class, as his mind wander of the whereabouts of his best student.

He finish the class and all the students left the class in a hurry.

He walks to his office, passing by is the principal of the school, whom he bump into on his way to the office. Both professors were talking about their students. The professor had the thought in asking the Principal about Thomas, but the news he heard from the principal shock him, he is telling that Thomas has been missing his school for the week, which is not only his class, but others too.

At the moment the Professor open his office door, still in deep conversation with the Principal, turn their atention around inside the office with shock shown on their faces, they back away, seen the dead body of Thomas Westerberg on the Professors desk.

Later on the afternoon, the Knight Team of the SCIS arrived at the crime scene, they see the kid on the office desk, there is a strong foul smell that is making them a bit dizzy, leaving the office.

When Dr. Joshua Stellar came near the office and sees the team still outside the crime scene

“Oh Dear, you kids look like you will pass out soon, something up?” ask the nice Doctor

Titania raises her head

“There is some kind of smell that is making us a bit woozy” she lean her head again on the floor

The Doctor nod in understanding

“I see, then I guess is a good thing that I brought more than one here” he hangs them facial mask for them

They grab the mask and enter the crime scene again, this time they are a bit alerted

The Doctor started to do his work as the rest of the team kept taking pictures and bag some evidence, Aron got near the Doctor on his side.

“Talk to me Doc” ask Aron

The doctor continue his work as he answer Aron

“Well my boy, this little guy was brutally murder, by the color of his skin he maybe had been kill at least a day or so, there are some organs that are missing, like the Stomach, Intestine and the liver; without the liver I can’t tell you when exactly the kid die. Sorry I can’t be much of a help, I have to continue the job back in the autopsy room and work hand in hand with the Forensic Team” said Dr. Stellar

Aron nod in agreement, leaving the office, instructing the other agents to do their job in taking the evidence and body to the agency.

Once he gets out of the School with Titania and Otto, they remove their mask offs, enjoying the nice fresh air.

Aron turn his head looking around, just to see Scarlet arriving at the School. Looking so mad that in any moment she could burst.

“Scarlet?” Aron call her

“What are you doing here?” ask Aron getting closer to her

Scarlet roll her eyes and walk toward the Knight Team

“My dear mother receive a call from the School about the murder of a Student here and she told me to check it out, also to pick up my...” she was interrupted

“Scarly?” a young teen came close to the group

“What are you doing here?” he ask

Aron glare at the kid, his point of view basicaly is that he sees the kid gaze at Scarlet whit a weir look, wondering if the kid knows her or they are more than that, did Scarlet took a liking at smaller kids? He wonderst.

Scarlet stare at the kid

“What am I doing here? Mom try to call you, she was at the border to call the air force if I didn’t check up on you and I won’t imagine what would Dad do if he finds out” she raise her tone in annoyance at the Kid

The kid felt that he shrunk a bit at the tone Scarlet was talking about

“Sorry Scarly, my phone die a couple a minutes ago, I was going to ask Thomas if he could let me borrow his phone...”

Aron interrupt the unknown kid “Thomas? What’s this Thomas last name?”

The kid looks at Aron “Thomas Westerberg”

Aron looks at Scarlet, widen eyes, he grab her by the arm and pulls her away from the kid and the rest of the team.

“What now Kingston?” glare Scarlet

Aron gaze at Scarlet’s eyes “Thomas Westerberg is the kid that was found murder today”

Scarlet look at the kid, she cover her mouth in shock, questioning of whom could hurt a kid. Her mind started to wonder in any possibility and any senario that could had happen ti the kid.

An hour or three later, they all arrived at the agency, the kid witch the entire team is not aware of his place on an interrogation room, as for Scarlet rush back to the Forensic Lab.

Aron is looking at the white board about the things they got, so far. they know that the dead kid’s name is Thomas Westerberg, son of the most Greatest Doctor and Famous Actor, Janet and Bill Westerberg. The kid had bright future ahead, great scores, first place in the Ancient Histories championship tournumants and a promising scholarship for the Ox Ford University; he was also a senior year, 18 years old and 100% human.

Aron rub his eyes at the case in front of him, as Scarlet walk beside him, watching the same board, she puts her hand in his shoulder, trying to cheer him up for a bit, she gave him some papers and left the office, the papers has information about his parents, also there is a note that Scarlet left in one of the page saying that the parent’s never reported that his 18 year old son is missing.

Aron walk inside the interrogation room where the kid is, he enter and watching the kid, he had puffy red eyes, Aron got the idea the he is grieving his friends death.

Scarlet told him about Thomas death, what Aron can’t figure out is why Scarlet is attach to this 16 year old kid.

“Ok kid, I need to know everything about Thomas. Can you share anything that can help us in the case?” ask Aron sitting in front of the kid

The kid nods

“Thomas was the best in knowledge, especially in Ancient History, he was like a walking encyclopedia. He and I were the best, even though I am two years younger than he is, we became very close friends” he answer

“Tell me about Thomas friends, do you know any of them?” ask Aron

“He wasn’t popular, but he had a group of College friends that helps us study for the championships, we hung out at Thomas place, as far as I know only three of them were demons and the other were some half-mystical creatures. Only Thomas and I were the only humans in the group. As far as I know they don’t develop hunger for human, and they are extremely nice; for some reason I had develop a sixth instinct for the supernatural, so I know who is good and who is bad” explained the Kid

“Has Thomas tried to compromise his family name? Then why there isn’t any news about it or even a case about it?” ask Aron

“There was a time when Thomas got in deep trouble, because he stood up in his believes of freedom and equalize laws for both worlds; there was a time that they drug him and let him for dead, his parents found out and pay the media to erase the evidence from it” explained again the kid

The interrogation is took more than an hour, letting any detail slip.

Scarlet and Nicolas are working on the evidence that was found on the crime scene, they tested Thomas Blood and tissue, not leaving any stone unturned, Scarlet used her sense of smell to try to find something on the evidence, as Nicolas took note at some results. The blood test result came on screen with some chemical that no one could determent the origin of it, then one of the test result show the DNA of another being, that is only 50% human.

Back to the interrogation room, Aron finish interrogating the kid, he open the door and the kid follow him to his office, when Aron sat down he saw that the kid was heading to the Forensic Lab. Aron fast walk to block the kid before he could go to the elevator.

“Whoa kid, where are you going?” ask Aron

The kid look at Aron like he grew a head

“Um, to the Forensic Lab?” his tone was like talking to a toddler

Aron made a nervous smile “Kid, no personal is allow to go to the Forensic Lab”

“I know that” said the kid getting irritating

“Do you even understand? You can’t go down there” Aron got a little angry

Confusion shown on his face and a feeling that the kids expresion and atittude are quite familiar, feeling that he had saw them before, or more time that he could count.

The elevator door sound, opening to reveal Scarlet there with her hands inside her lab coats pocket.

“Oh, Kingston, are you done with him?” ask Scarlet

Aron sigh

“Yes, and I am waiting for a family member to pick him up” he cross his arms, making his muscle bulge

Scarlet notice this and made a deep sigh, she reconize that gesture of dominace, or in this case jelousy.

“Of course you are, well...” she left the elevator

“... Where do I sign?” she ask him

“What?” Aron looks at Scarlet

“Kingston. I am here to pick up my little brother” she said crossing her arms making her breast push up a bit

Aron widen his eyes

“Your...little…Brother?” he move his gaze at the kid in front of him

The kid smirk at him

“Nice to meet you Agent Aron Kingston, my name is Alexander Ivan Walker, little brother of the beautiful, extraordinary and smartest Scarlet Hope Walker” he extended his hand to shake his

Aron put the pieces together, the kid is identical to Scarlet, only smaller, the difference is that instead of her honey color eyes, there are green, his hair is black like hers and his features when they are mad are the same.

Scarlet laught in silence not to embarras Aron for not realizing thte similarity the two of them have.

“Is funny that you didn’t figure out that Alex and I are related, any how, I am taking him to the Forensic Lab, he will study in my office wield I work, so good by Agent Kingston” said Scarlet with a hint of amusement on her voice

Scarlet and Alexander walk toward the elevator and head to the Forensic Lab, where Alexander made a high five to Nicolas, he walk to Scarlet’s office and told him to call their parents.

As he does that, Nicolas and Scarlet were checking Thomas school bag, when a body spray tip spray a bit at Scarlet’s face, she back away fast and started to groan,

“Scarlet are you alright?!” worry Thomas

Nicolas try to rush toward her, then he back up when he saw some of her claws extent.

Alexander hears the strange noise and went to check it out, but when he sees his sister in pain and groaning, he rush to his sister’s aid.

“Scarly!” shouted Alexander

Nicolas took a hold on him and pull him away from her.

“Alex is too dangerous, give her some space” said Nicolas holding him

Scarlet manage to get some words out, mostly asking for a cage.

Nicolas got the hint and rise the cage that they build for out of control myths or in this case a legend, he grab Scarlet and help her inside (well nearly push her in) and close the doors.

Scarlet felt like she first awaken her powers, out of control, her shift-shaping is taking place, she groans, growls and ended with screams of pain.

“Nick what is happening to Scarly?” asks Alexander worry

“I don’t know Alex, but something tells me...” Nicolas pick up the body spray

“...that this has something to do with her actions and the murder of your friend” turn Nicolas showing the body spray to Alexander

“That is Thomas body spray he use it to try and ‘conquer’ some ladies” said Alexander

Nicolas rush to the test machines and spray a tube and prepare the machine to analyze the components of the body spray.

Alexander watch as his sister is trying to endure her transformation, to make things worst the elevator’s bell sound,

Nicolas and Alexander widen their eyes, looking at each other, they move in a hurry making sure to hide Scarlet in her curent condition, so Alexander press the cage bottom to close it, which hides Scarlet in her mid- transformation.

Aron enter the lab to see Nicolas and Alexander, Nicolas is working on the body spray as for Alexander he is studying his notes.

Aron search with his eyes for Scarlet, he was about to take a sniff, when Nicolas and Alexander shouted at him, he watch as they grew two heads. Nicolas got near Aron, holding his shoulder, making a very (white-lie) explanation to him of the contents in the Lab room and that cannot be smelling inside the Lab. Aron accepted his explanation and left the Lab floor.

Nicolas rush back to the Lab after escorting Aron out of it, he press the hidden bottom to rise up the cage, to find Scarlet mid- shift of her Dragon transformation.

Alexander and Nicolas never saw this side of her, she was still clawing her skin and pounding on the force steal glass, they don’t know if is permanent or temporary.

“So what now?” ask Alexander

“We wait, we don’t know how long your sister will be out of control” answer Nicolas

“Also I better take note on everything Scarlet is doing right now in case there might be something of importance, that we are missing out” said Nicolas as he grabs a pencil and a piece of paper

Nicolas started to write down every move, every single detail about Scarlet’s behavior, after 12 hours, Scarlet started to show signs of her normal self.

Scarlet watch all around her, she lean her head like she felt sick or something between the lines.

Nicolas stood up and walk toward the cage

“Rise and shine Princess” said Nicolas with humor

Scarlet glares at him

He turn serious for a moment

“Listen, I’m going to ask some questions to see if is safe to get you out of there Scarlet, is that ok?” ask Nicolas near the cage

Scarlet nods her head slowly

“OK. What is your name?” ask Nicolas

“Scarlet Walker” answers Scarlet

“Your hole name” mention Nivolas in annoyance

“Scarlet Hope Walker” answer Scarlet in anoyiance

“How old are you?”

“24 years old”

Nicolas continue to ask simple basic question to Scarlet, even Alexander join the interrogation, then they started to make the questions a little bit harder, to be extra sure that she was in her right state of mind.

When both confirm that Scarlet is alright to come out of the cage, they release her and sat her down near the chair of the room, Nicolas lower the cage back to the ground, he drags a chair in front of Scarlet and started to check her vitals.

Nicolas write on the pad that her pressure is very high for a normal being and that she is still swaying, like a drug addict.

“Scarlet what happen to you? You went all berserk for 12 hours” ask Nicolas

Scarlet raise her head slowly “12 hours? That can’t be?” question Scarlet

She stood up , still swaing and started to pace side by side slowly

Alexander came to the Lab with a glass of water and some headache pain kills

“Here you go sis for the headaches” said Alexander

Scarlet grab the pills and swallow it, then she look back at Nicolas

“Nick, I felt that I was 15 minutes out” said Scarlet

Nicolas and Alexander look at each other, Alexander pointed at the clock, marking the time.

“You sure?” ask Alexander at his sister

“How is that possible? Look, during the out of control, I had, negative thoughts and desire to kill. The worst is that it felt so good. All I wanted was to kill-...never mind, the point is, the desire to kill grew inside of me, it felt like instinct to hunt” explaining Scarlet as she sat down again with her head hanging low

Alexander got to Thomas bag and got the body spays out, Nicolas stare at his direction and made sure that he stood away (Very) away from Scarlet.

The machine started to made a small sound, high enough for Scarlet’s headache to pound harder, then Nicolas saw the results, he looks at Alexander and sighs.

“Well Alexander, Thomas Body spray isn’t to conquer some Ladies; is more like an drug to turn good supernatural beings into berserking monsters, it seems that Thomas became a walking lunch for those demons” said Nicolas

Scarlet watch from the sidelines, since she doesn’t felt good, Alexander eyes widen, the meaning of someone try to kill Thomas and pin the blame on the demons.

Alexander started to explain Scarlet what happen to her, at the same time Scarlet watch her brother’s worried expression.

Scarlet was in no condition to work, specialy since her half transformation drain most of her energy.

So in order to help Nicolas she ask Alexander if he could help him. Alexander’s eyes widen with excitement, she told him to get some gloves and instructed him to use the equipment to create a vaccine, something that can cancel the sense of smell for the supernatural being.

It was already 10 pm of the night, Scarlet call her mother to let her know that Alexander was going to stay with her for the night, her parents gave the her the entire instruction paragraph and ended with agreen to let him stay with Scarlet.

They arrived at her apartment 1 hour later, she order chines and started to read the chemicals results and the results of the vaccine, what she saw surprise her.

She then left to the bathroom, with one of the syringe on her hand with the content of the vaccine. She close the bathroom doors and inject the vaccine on her side shoulder, she started to sniff the air in the room, Scarlet’s sense of smell started to decrees into a normal human sense of smell. She look herself in the mirror and smirk at herself by been a great mentir to her brother.

“Alex! It work” shouted Scarlet happy

“Yes!” She heard her brother exclaming with joy

The next morning, after dropping Alexander on school, she when back to the Lab,

Nicolas is already working on the body spray, looking at Scarlet enter the room, he grabs her famous oxygen mask and force her to wear it.

“I don’t want a repeat of yesterday’s event” said Nicolas

Scarlet took the mask off and got near the body spray, surpriseingly nothing happen to her.

Nicolas ask her if she took the vaccine, she nods her head and confess that its working like a charm.

They started to work on the ‘search’ of the killer of Thomas Westerberg.

Back with the Knight’s team, Aron manage to contact Thomas parents, at first they were rude to him, until he told them that they are needed on the SCIS agency for some questioning. At first, they didn’t agree about the rudeness of his tone, but today they manage to make an appearance into the conference room, where Aron and Titania walk inside and sat across from them.

“Thank you for your spare time Mr. and Mrs. Westerberg” said Aron

“Oh my you sure are handsome in person than in the crime paper and if I knew that you are this hot I woundn’t had spoken rude to you” said Mrs. Westerbeg

Aron made a small chuckle

“Thank you, but I am more interest in smarter women, not shallow ones like yourself. Now the reason you are here” said Aron crossing his hands and sitting down

“What we had done, that the police had to ask us here” said Mr. Westerberg irritated

“I assure you, Mr. Westerberg, that you and your wife had nothing to do here, but both of you are here to discuss the case of your son, Thomas” said Titania

“Thomas? What did that boy did this time? How much is the fee to free his sorry a**” sigh and said Mr. Westerberg

Aron and Titania stare at each other, now with sure confidence of the information that Scarlet brought them, about the fact that his parents weren’t involve in his sons life.

“Mr. Westerberg, where do you think your son is at this moment?” ask Titania

“Probably in School” answer Mrs. Westerberg

Titania look at Aron’s direction, he made a small sigh, preparing for the news he is about to say to Thomas Parent’s. Titania, pick up some crime scene pictures and put them on the table, sliding them toward Mr. and Mrs. Westerberg.

“Your son was found dead on his professor’s office desk 24 hours ago, I’m sorry” said Aron with a sad expression

Mrs. Westerberg made a small gasping sound as Mr. Westerberg cover his mouth at the scene of his son dead like that

“Wha-?” a soft tone came to Mr. Westerberg’s voice

“Acording to the professors, Thomas hasn’t shown to school for a week and then he was found dead in one of the professor’s office. His friend and teammate Alexander Ivan Walker, told us that he had demons and half-mystical creatures friends at his place when both of them were practicing for the tournaments. We also have information that your son was drug by some demons, due to the fact that he is claiming on the believes of equality between both worlds. Never the less we are waiting for the results from Dr. Walker and Dr. Stone about the contents of his death” said Titania

“It has to be the partner, that Alexander Walker kid!” accuse Mrs. Westerberg ignoring the information that Tatiana just gave them

“With all due respect Mrs. Westerberg. Alexander Walker is 100% human, there for he couldn’t kill your son and eat some of his organs, which would have been call canibalism. Also if he ever did some evil Dee, which I doubt, his older sister would murder him personally” said Aron

“Oh then it must be his sister!” once again accuse Mrs. Westerberg still ignoring the information

“And again with all due respect, the Forensic Scientist team that is handling your son’s case are no other than Dr. Nicolas Stone and Dr. Scarlet Walker, also Alexander Walker’s older sister” said Titania

Mr. Westerberg try to calm his wife down a bit “Sugar Bun, better measure your words carefully, I know that the Westerberg are the Walker’s competition, but let’s not blame any of them, beside, one of the Walker family member is helping our son’s murder and the other was our son’s best friends. Their children’s have nothing to do with Mr. Walker and myself for the time been” said Mr. Westerberg

Mrs. Westerberg calm down for a bit and apologize to Aron and Titania.

After the ‘jumping to conclusion’ crisis with Mrs. Westerberg, they started to ask some question related to their son’s life, according to Scarlet, the parent’s weren’t involved in their son’s life, as the information is provided, neither parents knew their son, simple words they never really know the poor kid.

As Aron and Titania walk back to their desk, Otto finish a call, he tells them that the Forensic Team has something to show them and is much related to the case.

The Knight’s team headed to the Lab, where they find Nicolas and Scarlet inside a cage and spraying a dummy with some body spray, the curious thing is that they are wearing contamination suits, once they finish, they got out of the suits and the cage, exterminating the poor suits on the way. Scarlet stood in front of them and Nicolas on her side.

“Hey guys ready for our little stage?” ask Scarlet

“I hate when she does that” whisper Otto to Titania

Scarlet heard his whisper, she decided to ignore it

“OK, first of all, we manage to get most of the blood test results from Thomas classmates, most of them are human except three of them that are a cat demon, a tiger demon and a siren demon (mermaid), but I manage to get more detail on their demons ability and information, none of them can eat human organs, also there wasn’t any trace of human blood on them, so they are on the clear. Then as the tissue on Thomas skin, we found some high dose of chemical components mostly heroin was involve, but there are other high dose of narcotics mixture inside the components that can make a supernatural being go Gaga. We search the details on Thomas school bag to find a body spray for men to ‘Conquer woman’, however the smell is quite different, that is why, we put the among of splash on the dummy, that a teenage use daily” explain Scarlet

She grabs another body spray and splash it on Aron, she had a small grin on her face

“Otto, could you smell the splash on Agent Kingston for me?” she made a sadist smile

Otto got near Aron and took a small sniff

“Hey that is a good spray, I want to buy it and see if I can really conquer some ladies” he wiggle his eyebrow

Scarlet and Titania roll their eyes, Aron and Nicolas made a sigh at his childish behavior.

“This is the actual smell of this product. In comparinson to Thomas’s splash, is not the same smell” said Nicolas

Scarlet guide Otto to the cage and push him inside, locking him tight.

“Hey!” said Otto glaring at Scarlet

“Not cool Scarlet” shouted Otto

“Oh relax, you won’t realize that it has been 12 hours” said Scarlet

“12 hors?!” question Otto

Scarlet giggle, then turn serious

“Ok Otto, listen to me carefully, we don’t know how will your Dragon react to the chemicals of this spray, I want you to take mental notes on what you are feeling and thinking during this reaction, you got it?” ask Scarlet

Otto confuse by the instructions that Scarlet gave him, giving a nod to them,

Scarlet told Nicolas to let the dummy in, and a machine carry the dummy from one cage to the other. Placing the dummy down.

Otto started to feel funny, his head felt dizzy, like when he enter the crime scene yesterday, but now he felt like a thousand bricks were hitting him.

Aron sees this behavior on Otto, then he turn toward Scarlet where she is taking notes of every single detail.

Then everything went black for Otto, he started to groan and growl at the people inside, then when he snap his head toward the dummy, he jump toward the dummy and made it to shreds, Scarlet wrote everything down.

“He should be alright, since he kill poor Doug the dummy. It should wear off the effects since he kill the target and reach his objective” said Scarlet

Everyone back up a bit, Scarlet’s dragon sense of attack and dodge run throught her spine, she turns around to see Otto still under the effects of the drug, unexpectely Otto attack the steel glass around him, like he was looking for something else, or someone else to attack.

Scarlet eyes widen in shock and horror, knowing what could have meant.

Aron sees this and gets close to her, she turns her face toward him fill with horror.

“Kingston we have a huge problem” Scarlet whisper at him

The tone she use made his stomach cringe, he knows that whatever Scarlet is going to say is not good news, at all.

“Don’t tell me” said him afraid of the words

“I think we have a massacre in our hands” she said in horror

Scarlet started to pace one side to the other

“Ok, um, we have a big situation here...Otto should had come back to us after he ‘murder’ the dummy, but he is out of control, and I’m talking about ‘killing’ out of control” said Scarlet

Aron sat down and Titania stood by Nicolas side

“Would you stop pacing?” ask Titania

“Let her, is a destressful way to release every negative emotion she has, plus she works up great results with her pace-thinking” said Nicolas

“So what do we do? If we sniff that spray we might end up like him” Titania pointed at ‘Crazy’ Otto

“Well for starters, You guys can’t use your sense of smell, in other words we have to neutralize that sense, so I made anti-nasal vaccine, that would block your sense of smell, making it 100% human, the effects won’t last long, in other words, we have 48 hours to find the guy” explain Scarlet

“What about Otto?” ask Aron

“The effects on the spray is temporary” answer Nicolas

“I got a question. How do you guys know this?” ask Titania

“We experiment with some mutated rats with demon and mythical blood. Although, we never expected mush that it would be like this with a legendary Dragon” said Nicolas

Scarlet and Nicolas inject the Vaccine to Aron and Titania, they have to work faster now to search the guy or supernatural creature that kill Thomas, or they have to wait for another day for them to re-inject the vaccine again.

The vacine research indicated to Scarlet, if they do this frequently, they will be overdose and sleep for 4 days, since is a numbness sensation on the body.

In the moment that they are going to leave, Scarlet grabs Aron’s arm and stop him from leaving.

“Is something wrong Scarlet?” ask Aron

“Nicolas and I will be taking care of Crazy over there, but I need a favor Agent Kingston” said Scarlet with worry in her honey color eyes

“Sure, anything for you” answer Aron connecting his blue eyes to her honey color

“Please, if this suspicion about Otto’s behavior is correct, than I beg of you to protect my little brother Alex” Scarlet beg at him

Aron could understand her worry for her brother.

Then a thought ocoure

“Wait, Thomas had everything he wanted, but his passion was History. If Thomas dies then the soace if champion would kove to the next one. Think about it, with him dead, the weight would be on Alexander’s shoulders or any other peroson that could have been with Thomas” said Aron

Scarlet thought for a minute, to the school board, since Thomas is out of the game, the next one that is taking his place is no other than Alexander Walker, making him a target as well.

“Oh my God, Alex, if your theory is right, them we must find someone that is involve in the competition” said Scarlet

Puting Scarlet to think would relese the tension of the enemy making her brother a target. Yet is not enought for her wories to not show, so Aron nods and kiss Scarlet’s forehead as a way to promise her that he will protect her brother.

Titania and Aron arrived at the school, after searching Thomas parents’ house; they only way for him to had that container of body spray would be after P.E, in other words the men’s locker room.

Titania went in search of Alexander as Aron walk toward the men’s shower/locker room. He found a student that was part of Thomas classmates, the student directed Aron to his locker.

Aron use his super Dragon strength to open it, he use his Dragon eye sight to see if there was something that could indicate a switch or force entry on the boy’s property, since he can’t use his sense of smell due to the effects on the spray, he started to relay on his other senses, he close the locker and walk toward the boy that were in the locker right now.

He made a couple of questions to the kids, he wrote down everything they said to him, then something came up, one of the students mention that a few days that Thomas disapear a guys in black hood open Thomas locker.

At least they know is a ‘him’, when Aron came out of the restrooms, he saw Titania with Alexander on her side, they explain some of the suspicion to Alexander.

They walk out of the School when a flash granade exploted at their faces,

Aron manage to cover his eyes on time, but Alexander and Titania were blind by the light. Aron sees a young demon with spikes, shooting one of his spikes at Alexander, but Aron push him back on the ground, one of the spikes hits him on the shoulder, and some demons were attacking them in front of the school.

Titania, made an icecles spikes that froze some of them on the spot. Both agents were going to snitch at least one of them, a tall build man, came and push them away, taking every demon on the car. They drive away, Aron and Scarlet’s suspicions were correct, if Thomas weren’t enough to calm the out of control killer, then they were goin under their sub- enemies, in other words, they were after the one that will replace Thomas, Alexander Walker.

Once they return to the agency, Aron took Alexander to the Forensic Lab, where Scarlet ran toward him; she saw that he was scrape and that Aron is bleeding on his back shoulder.

“What happen?” ask Scarlet worry

“We were ambush, some spike kid show up, he was wearing a mask and all. I was right, they were after the next one in line, they went after Alexander” said and report Aron to Scarlet

She felt her rage climb, she can tolerate the fact that they kill a rich, smart, innocent kid, but to hurt her little brother, which is a line her enemies should not cross,

Scarlet told Alexander to stay in her office, then she drags Aron to a chair and she fetch the first aid kit.

“Hold still” she said to Aron “Can you take your shirt off?” ask Scarlet

Aron smirk and removed his coat and shirt, Scarlet took a sharp breath at his muscular body, she remembers how (less) muscular his body was when they were together, but now, it look like the greek gods carve him well.

She moves toward Aron’s back and examine the still spike on his skin.

“Why didn’t you go to Dr. Stellar, he could had remove it” she sighs and scold Aron

“He told me that you should exanimate first, that could might be a second trigger in case is removed” explain Aron

Scarlet analyze it “Well he is not wrong. There is a capsule tap on the point of the spike, if I remove it, the continent inside could spread in your body” explain Scarlet

“Can it be the same contaminant that the slapsh had inside, the Spike?” ask Aron

“Could be? But Nick and I have to analyze it first, well after I remove it” said Scarlet

She didn’t have the materials to remove the spike property, so she use ice that numb the area, once the area is numb enough, she use her electricity to cut the nerves system on his shoulder, that made Aron a bit confuse on how his arm is losing the sense of touch and movement.

Once the nerves where cancel, she use two tweezers, one to hold the spike, the other to open up his wound, she use a small hook to grab the capsule and pull the spike with the capsule. Scarlet finishing up removing the spike and started to disinfect the area so he could heal property.

Scarlet had finish up, she clean up the table where she heal up Aron and put the first aid kit on the place she found it. The moment she turns around, Aron was pining her on the table, blocking her exit.

“Um, Agent Kingston?” said Scarlet

Aron lean near her face and gave her a kiss on the cheek, Scarlet stood there shock

He chuckle “Thank You Hope” with that he left the Lab

Scarlet growls, he used to call her hy the second name, one that she kills a long time ago.

Aron was on the way out with Scarlet on his tail, when he stops and watches Otto lying on the couch sleeping.

“Is he Ok?” ask Aron

Scarlet stare at where he is pointing

“Oh, Otto will be fine, the effects on the spray lasted 12 hours just as we expected, we ask him a couple of questions and fell right to sleep, now some agents are searching...” Scarlet stops talking

Aron could see the look in her eyes “Let me guess, there are more bodies out there”

Scarlet nods

“I can’t tell about the murder yet, but something tell me that is some one that is near him and that someone is the killer, I mean, it had access of his locker and knows him in a rivalry level or challenge level, right?” finish Scarlet

“Well at least we know the gender of the murder” said Aron

“Eh?” Scarlet gave a confusing expression

“It’s a guy, and I bet my next salary that if we find where he got the chemical ingredients to create this mortal spray, we find our killer” said Aron leaving the lab

Scarlet never thought about the supplier before, so at least she has a small lead, that the killer is a guy, Aron left the description on the killer on a piece of paper for Scarlet to make a sketch of him.

Scarlet and Nicolas are working on a sketch that Arron describes. They also contact the kid that saw thys guy, he mention more details on the guy that came into the locker.

Finishing the sketch, Alexander arrive at Scarlet side, he watches as the image is develop, he manage to reconize the guy in the sketch.

“Hey I know that guy” said Alexander

“He is our rivals in the competitions, his team always had the first place, until Thomas arrived and took it, they thought that once he leave the school, they will assume the first place again, until I came to Thomas teammate” said Alexander

Scarlet smirk at this information, now she knows who implanted the body spray, but the Kid could denied that he implanted the Spray inside the locker. The only way for Scarlet to prove that he could be a suspect is by finding the kid’s supplier.

Scarlet left to her office, she told Alexander to go home without anyone seeing him, and Nicolas knows what to say to the others if they ask about her.

Alexander did what she told him,

Nicolas enter in the office when Scarlet is changing her cloths to her gear, her sleeveless spandex, with high black boots, long arms black gloves and the purple scarf that she use, and her ninja mask.

Scarlet open the secret door behind her desk, and ran toward the dark tunnel, she manage to get to the agency roof and jump as high as she can.

Scarlet knows that the vaccine, would wear off soon, also she can control herself at least for 20 minutes.

She start on a factory in the west of the city. she sniff the air and left, then process to the south, nothing, finally she went near the harbor on the southwest area. She sniff the air when a glimpse of the scent she was looking, the scent got stronger when she arrived in a warehouse near the port.

Scarlet started to get a little dizzy, that would mean that the vaccine is starting to wear off, yet she enters the warehouse in search of the supplier.

What surprise her more is to see the place empty, but some cans of substance lingers on the floor, she pick one up and sniff it, she recognize the smell immediately and place the can inside the evidence bag.

An hour later, Scarlet started to have the effects of the chemical she just sniff,but before she could leave, her nose took the scent of a young boy, two kids scent, they were very faint, but it was there imprinted in the building.

Scarlet got out of the building and ran as fast as her powers allow her, arriving at the Lab and changing clothing faster than before, as she was about to walk out she groan in pain.

Aron enter the lab, he sees Scarlet, she alsos saw him, so in order to avoid him she return back into her office, but he stops her on her tracks.

“Scarlet?” Said Aron confuse by her appearance in the lab

“What are you doing here?” question Aron

Scarlet turn around with a thoughtful and pained facial expression “I...I work...here…What…are you…doing here?”

Aron got near her, since he has one more day for the vaccine to wear off, he can’t smell her scent, instead of cherry and vanilla he would had smell the scent of sea and wood on her.

“Nicolas told me you went home early, so?” Ask Aron

Scarlet bit her lower lip holding the pain of losing her mind and senses

“I think, I might figure out our supplier...” she took a long breath in

“... but my machines has to confirm what I think about my theory, so if you please, please excuse me” she beg and order him

Aron got a little worry, he could clearly see pain on her expression, but he respect Scarlet’s wishes so Aron left.

Scarlet texted Nicolas that for no matter what, no one is allows in the Lab for the next 12 hours.

Nicolas respond the message with a thump up emoji

Scarlet rise the cage from the ground and enter it, with pain and suppression, once she was in and lock on, she made the cage to lower back to the ground as she lets every pain and out of control Dragon instinct go.

The next morning, or dawn (?) Nicolas ran to the lab and raises the cage, with a change of clothing for Scarlet, courtesy of his wife Monica.

The cage rise and on the floor lays Scarlet, most of her clothing is shred to pieces.

“Oh my God, Scarlet what happen?” ask Nicolas worry

Scarlet took a breath in and out

“I lost it, but manage to suppress it for 25 minutes, last night. Nicolas, I have a pretty much an idea on who might be involved in the murder and how he got the spray” said Scarlet

“Who?” ask Nicolas

“What would you do to gain everything you want?” ask Scarlet

“If is me, then I would work hard, but if is someone that wants an easy way to obtain it, it would be eliminating the competition” explain Nicolas

“Oh my God, Scarlet, you aren’t thinking”

“Yeah, some rival wanted to win so badly that he wanted to eliminate the best competitors in the school, Thomas Westerberg and Alexander Walker, that is our guy, our murder, a young boy, smart enough to make sure that we don’t get a sniff of him or we would go Gaga, he is the killer, also he didn’t make the chemical, the kid found some of the product and decided to use it for his advantage” explain Scarlet her theory

“The supplier scent is very faint, like has been there for years, but when I check it out, the guy has been in jail for more than 3 years or so” said Scarlet

“Ok, that is good, but how are we going to make this work without the four of you going out of control?” ask Nicolas

“I’m still working on that” answer Scarlet getting the clothing that Nicolas brought and heading toward the Shower on the basement.

As Scarlet took a nice shower, she’s been forming a plan that didn’t involve sacrificing one of the Dragons, she knows that she has to give the vaccine at Alexander’s school in order for her plan to work, but that would leave one of them without the vaccine.

Scarlet left the shower and puts her new cloths on, when she arrived at the Lab, the three Dragons are there talking with Nicolas about the new data she collected, obviously not telling them how she collecting them.

“I see you are all updated” Scarlet saw as they all nod their heads

“As far as I collected, the owner of the abandon warehouse, is been in jail for more than 3 years, so he can’t be the supplier, which lead us with the solid fact that there is no supplier in this case. We are looking for a guy that compete with Thomas and my little brother Alexander, that he would do anything to win first place even murder the competitors of the competition, so here is what I got...” they all sat down or lean on the Lab’s table as Scarlet explain her plan

“...First, Alexander will be the bait, tomorrow there will be a competition, in honor of Thomas death, they made an exclusive fininaly, and my brother been the only one alive to win against our murder. Second, once our murder is spotted, two of you guys will get closer to cut his exit points, that way he won’t be able to run away, and finally arrest that son of a b***h. There is a problem though...” said Scarlet

Aron watch her as she lowers her head in thought or shame to spell it,

Titania and Otto are waiting her last explanation, and Nicolas stood next to Scarlet for support, something Aron didn’t like, but knows that Nicolas is a married man and with kids.

Nicolas spoke for the missing piece of the plan

“What Scarlet is trying to say is that, there should be someone in the school that will not have the vaccine, that way we can proved that he kill Thomas and try to kill Alex” said Nicolas

“In other words you are going to sacrifice someone in the school to go rampage and kill the person that hates?” ask Titania with a insane look on her face

“Pretty much” answers Nicolas

Otto spoke to both scientist

“I don’t have the vaccine, but I can manage to hold my urges to kill someone for at least 10 minutes or less, so let me be the one that gets sacrifice” he watch Scarlet and Nicolas eyes

Aron stood up, facing Otto “You might be a little immune to the smell, but this is a human child we are going to hunt, so for now, you should have the vaccine Otto,

Titania and I have until tomorrow for the vaccine to wears off, so we have no time to waste, this is a one chance to catch the guy, if he gets away is over for the people inside the school, and you are the only one that could help them...” Aron turn his eyes toward Scarlet

“...I’ll be the sacrifice” Aron took the descision for her

“Ok” said Scarlet nearly in a whisper

The next day, early in the morning, every demon that enter the school receive the vaccine, except for Titania, who has more than 3 hours away for her vaccine to wear off, and Aron, that is in the same condition as Titania, only that Scarlet inject some chemicals that made his vaccine wear off completely off him, in less than 20 minutes, Aron could smell the kid in a heartbeat.

Scarlet even took he vaccine as well, she doesn’t like the idea of a rampage Golden Dragon and Black Dragon on the loose.

Later that day, the competition began, and soon after an hour, Alexander’s team is on the lead, but his opponent started to get irritated.

Scarlet took a glance at Aron and his poster change, watching Alexander’s opponent like a piece of meat.

Titania gave a signal to the referee, giving him the moment to make the final question to our murder.

“Arthur Cloud, ready for your final question?” said the referee

Alexander nod at Scarlet letting her know that he is Thomas and his opponent that has a huge grouch on them.

Scarlet got the message and gave the signal to Titania and Otto to move close to corners and preventing him from running away.

Arthur nods his head in confident “Yes, mister Referee, give me my huge points!”

“Is a simple question, why did you kill Thomas Westerberg?” the referee look up at Arthur

“What kind of sick joke is this?” stand Arthur about the question he was ask

The principal of the school rose up from his seat, also Arthur’s parents

“What is the meaning of this?” shouted Arthur’s mother

“My son a killer? What a sick joke!” yell Arthur’s father

The principal grabs a hidden microphone under his seat and spoke “Arthur my boy, you see the woman over there?” the principal pointed at Scarlet

“Yes, she is a beautiful woman, so what about her?” ask Arthur

“That woman is a Forensic Scientist in the SCIS, and those three...” the principle pointed again at the three Dragons

“...are elite Dragons agents that conduct the investigation of the murder of Thomas Westerberg, as you can see one of them, Special Agent Aron Kingston, isn’t feeling himself, why is that Agent Kingston?” ask the principal at Aron

Aron with painful expression answer the principal’s question “I...can...smell it...” he started to pant in pain, but still holding his ground “...the...chemicals...that were...on...Thomas Westerberg’s...body, is all...over...your...hands” Aron started to grunt

Arthur parent’s gasp at the revelation of the case, they couldn’t believe that their own son, kill a kid. Arthur grab the microphone and toss it at Titania, when Otto was about to jump him, Arthur pull out a gun and aim at Alexander.

Everyone in the hall left in a hurry, leaving, Arthur’s parents, Titania, Otto, Alexander, Scarlet and an almost rampage Aron.

“Don’t come any closer or I’ll blow his head up!” shouted Arthur

“Why Arthur?!” shouted his mother

“I was becoming a disgrace in the family, winning second place and almost third place in the competition, I was almost going to be the winner this year, since Thomas was going to graduate, but then he came, mister-know-it-all, taking Thomas place and winning a long side him. So I had to eliminate Alexander Walker, Thomas happen to find out about my plan and I took matter on my own hands, I kill Thomas and remove two of his organs giving them to the demon market, what I didn’t expect is the connection that Alexander has with the SCIS. All I wanted was to make you and Dad proud of me and not disappointments!” shouted and yell Arthur confessing his crime

Scarlet glare at Arthur and the gun he has on her brother “Titania and Otto, take Aron to the cage back in the Lab, and take this kid’s parents as well”

“What are you going to do Scarlet?” ask Otto

“Saving your brother alone is suicidal at this point, let us help you” said Titania

“I thank you, but he is just a brat that wanted Mommy and Daddy’s attention, beside I’ve taken martial art lessons since I was four, I know how to deal with him. Beside, Aron is on the brick of losing it, and Titania your time is almost up, this is between him and me, since he puts the gun on my little brother’s head” said Scarlet very piss off

Titania and Otto did what Scarlet said and left her there, where only Arthur, Alexander and herself are in.

“You shouldn’t let them go, Doctor, even though you are hot” he sinkers and laugh

“Tell you what, after I kill Alexander Walker, I would f**k that hot c**t of yours and then kill you for ruining my plans” he gave an evil laugh

Alexander sighs and stares at his sister “Hey how long are you going to stare at me like this Scarly? This is cruel even for me”

Arthur glares at Alexander and then turn his face toward Scarlet, watching as her straight lips turn into an evil smirk

“Not long” she said keeping her head low

“Hey kid, listen well, this is only a warning... get your filthy, bloody, dirty hands of the little brother” she said gritting her teeth

She raise her head revealing her Purple glowing right eye (since her left is cover with her hair).

Arthur stare at her eyes and shiver with fear, cold sweat crossing his back, he never felt so afraid before, then by instinct, he aim his gun at Scarlet and started to shoot at her,

Scarlet dodge the bullets like there were nothing. Reaching toward Arthur, Scarlet grabs the gun and destroyed it right in front of him.

“W-what are you?!” shouted Arthur in fear

“You meet the three Dragons right...” Scarlet lean forward on to his ear

“...Well I am the forth elite Dragon, do you know which one I am?” she smirks again at him

“...I am the Black Dragon you little p***y brat” with that she used her power to shock Arthur

Releasing her brother, they went back to the SCIS, as the agents on the SCIS arrested Arthur for his crime on the death of Thomas Westerberg and the attempt murder on Alexander Walker.

That night, Scarlet walks alone in the Lab, watching the cage where Aron is, he raise his head slowly due to the side effects of the chemicals, he stares at the woman that he desires and wish to have in his arms once again.

Scarlet left a relief sigh out “I thought you would go Gaga, by now as you are the Golden Dragon”

Aron made a small chuckle “I have self-control Scarlet, I don’t go down that easily”

There was a silence in the room for a wield, Scarlet broke the silence

“They found eight dead bodies today, based on the Doctor’s autopsy, they die the same day Thomas die”

Aron lower his head “Those demons or half-demons didn’t mean to kill those 8 people”

“I know that is why the trial gave them 2 years of prison and 3 years of community service for their crime, this will happen after they graduate from high school” said Scarlet

Aron chuckle once again “Do you remember when we were on College?”

Scarlet made a small laugh and then she glare at the floor

“Maybe I do sometimes, but that period of time is bury deep inside me a long with the feelings I had for you” She stood up and started to walk

“Well I remember to be the happiest times of my life, because I get to fall head over heels with you, and still am in love with you. I still remember when we first made love to each other, I can still remember your taste, your smell, your skin with mine...I really miss those time when we were happy together” said Aron still in a daze from the chemicals

“That was a long time ago, the past stays in the past, I must move forward, I don’t want more heartbreaks and betrayal, good night Agent Kingston” said Scarlet hiding her face from him and keeping her tone neutral as possible

As Scarlet left the Lab, Aron whisper to himself

“Good night, My Love”

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