Spiritual knight

Chapter Case 19: The In Laws

A month has pass since the attack of the Angelus inc., so much has happen in a month, beside that Aron just discover that he is going to be a father; Edward Walker became the new Captain of the SCIS Agency, and now currently he is pacing back and forth in front of his sister, Scarlet Walker.

“Ed, will you speak to me please?” ask Scarlet 

Edward sat down in his office chair “Oh, I will speak, I was starting to approved your relationship to the same guy that slept with your greatest bully in High School and now you are telling me that you are caring his child?” resume Edward glaring at his sister 

“That is about it” whine Scarlet 

Edward is a little mad about the whole Aron and Scarlet thing between them, but he can manage, I mean he is dating Blaze a nine tail fox, so he doesn’t have much to say. Scarlet return to the Lab to start working, Nicolas on her a few minutes later due to lack of sleep by his few months old daughter Iris, daddy’s little girl. In one point Scarlet felt this funny, but now she find this seriously, since she is going to be a mother in a few months. 

Aron is walking inside the SCIS agency; he left his bag and gear on his desk and walks toward the elevator, he need to speak with his mate about the baby, but once the elevator open to reveal Edward. They both stop in their tracks and just stare at each other, Edward was going to pass Aron, but he grabs him by the arm and drags him back inside the elevator, to the Forensic Lab.

“Holding your new Captain against it wills is a crime you know?” said Edward 

“I need to talk to you about Scarlet” said Aron 

“About her pregnancy with your child?” ask Edward 

Aron just nods his head, but then he sum up all his courage to speak again “I want you to know that Scarlet and I are matted, that mean that if I ever sleep with another women again, she will eat me alive. Despite that you know that Scarlet hated me because Ileana and I slept together, but that is not what happens. Ileana place a drug on my drink and rape me, I didn’t knew this neither did Scarlet, we both play on her game, and made us break apart. I love your sister, so much that I will die just for her” said Aron 

Edward look at Aron in the eyes and see the honesty and truth about his feelings for Scarlet, he nods his head and approved their relationship. They reach the Lab floor when the elevator door opens to reveal Scarlet with some paper on hand. She looks between her brother and her mate, they for some confusing reason made up, she didn’t question as she hands Nicolas and her report to her brother. Edward groan and look at Aron for help, when Nicolas gave his, the same amount of paper to Aron saying that those are evaluations for previous cases that he has to review and summon, now it was Aron’s turn to groan. Hard to believe that has been a year since Aron enters Scarlet’s life, and now they are mated and with a child on the way, what could possibly go wrong?

Aron thought so soon, in the lobby a women and a men were walking inside the agency, both highly class people and very strict, they got out of the elevator as Alexander is trying to convince them to stop to delay them until he message Edward or Scarlet, but is bit too late for it.

“Ah this isn’t such a good idea, maybe we should visit them in another time?” said Alexander

“Out of the question” said the women

“Alex gets out of the way or we will ground you for a month” said the man

Alexander shut his mouth and ran as fast as he can toward the elevator to the lab before both adults could reach it.

“Scarlet is not going to like this” said Alexander to himself

Once he reach the floor he ran as fast as he could toward his sister, he found her in the office talking to Aron about some paper works he hands her over, Alexander ran toward her and with heavy pants he warn Scarlet of the intruders in the agency. Scarlet’s eyes widen and Aron got a cold sweat running on his back. Back at the main office, Edward is staring straight at the two adults in his office, both adults are glaring at him, for unknown reason, there is a heavy silence in the room, the atmosphere is so intense that it could be cut with a knife. Edward feels uncomfortable on the heavy gaze of the adults, despise been one himself. Scarlet enter the room with a glare and an angry expression matching the same expression that the women has.

“Care to explain why you guys are here?” ask Scarlet

Alexander and Aron maintain their distance, they know how explosive Scarlet could be when she is mad, and both guys learn it the hard way.

“Is been a year since we talk Scarly and not a single word of «Hello» what kind of a daughter are you?” said the women

“For the billionth time, I can take care of myself and we talk three weeks ago Mom” said Scarlet slapping her forehead

The walker siblings sigh, one thing that they can’t stand beside each other is their parents, and they like to poke their noses where they don’t belong. The Steven Walker look at the door he notice Alexander and Aron, that moment is when hell let lose, rapid like a velociraptor Julia Walker glare and stomp toward Aron, she looks at him and then she points a finger at him.

“You” said Julia

The mighty Golden Dragon gulp, he is more afraid of Scarlet’s parents than the daily life of an agent “Hey there Miss and Mister Walker” said Aron nervous

“Aren’t you Aron Kingston? The boy that broke my daughter’s heart?” ask Steven

“Yes and no, I didn’t broke Scarlet’s heart, that was a plan from Ileana in order to break us apart” explain Aron briefly

Then Julia was about to question Aron until his phone started to ring, Aron pick it up and then look at Scarlet, and she didn’t miss a beat they both ran toward the exit, with her parent’s on their tail.

They arrived at a mansion, it was getting colder due to the close autumn weather, Aron help Scarlet move around the area, but she just shove his arm away telling him that she is pregnant not invalid. Nicolas is taking picture of the crime scene, Scarlet head toward him to help him out. Aron walk toward Dr. Stellar, he sees the damage, the first thing that come to mind is robbery, but there are faint scratch marks and the smell of humid and dirt.

“Tell me what you got and make it good, so I can get distracted” said Aron

“Let me guess, the in-laws?” said Dr. Stellar

“More like nuisance that are trying to protect my mate, so?” ask Aron

“These two were kill last night, brute strength and shredded starting from the outside of the body, but this is interesting, there are bite marks almost everywhere on their bodies and the rip of the throat, could indicate a beast form” said Dr. Stellar

“Thanks” said Aron as he stood up and walks around

Titania enter the room with Otto “We look almost everywhere, but there is no force entry or any other way to force the entry, this place is like a fortress , there are security alarms every entering point” said Titania

“So is an inside job” state Aron

“I talk to the neighbors and all of the employees, they say the same thing, the Robins are a noble family and that they help those they are in need, specially crossbreed demons or half-humans” said Otto

“Any suspicious?” ask Aron

“Just the employees, but we have to make a lot of interviews to at least narrow to five of the 20 employees” said Otto

“Alright start working” said Aron in command

Aron walk over Scarlet and Nicolas “So?”

“There so much tampering in the crime scene for me to work my magic, but we manage to get some blood evidence, hopefully our suspect is hurt; there is also traces of mud and I can smell a lot  humid here” said Scarlet

“I realize that when I got near the bodies” said Aron

“That would mean that whoever did this, knew these people and they knew who their killer is, there is also something else” said Scarlet as she and Nicolas walk toward some of the rooms of the mansion ”Whoever he or she is; has been on their tails for some quite long” said Scarlet showing Aron the room fill with scratches and the picture of a happy family, broke and damage.

When they got out of the crime scene they headed toward the agency when they were stop by Steven and Julia Walker, Aron groan in anger and frustration, he knew that he has to face the Walker’s again, but not this soon. Julia walk toward where her daughter and Aron were getting out of the crime scene tape, she demanded Aron to let Scarlet go, but that made Aron extremely protective toward his women and the baby.

Scarlet lean into him “Remember they don’t know about me or the baby” said Scarlet to his ear

Aron totally forgotten that Scarlet didn’t told her parent’s about the Black Dragon thing and now they have to keep a secret about the matting bond between them and the fact that they are going to be parents in the span of 8 months. They return to the agency, Scarlet and Nicolas started to work on the evidence they collected, as they are working, Alexander is helping around the lab, as her parents are staring at her like hawks, making not just Scarlet, but Nicolas uncomfortable.

“I am so sorry Nick” apologize Scarlet

“Is not your fault, more like they are here to protect you since they find out about Edward’s relationship with Blaze” said Nicolas

Scarlet remember well when Edward told their parents about Blaze and her status, they totally freak out, if they find out about Aron and her relationship they might have a heart attack. Then the machines started to indicate that their analysis is completed, they see the result in that moment that Aron and the rest of the Knight’s team enter.

"According to the results, both victims are married, Mister and Missis Robins are a group of wealthy people that help children that were abandoned, or even traumatize since their childhood, in that mansion they are 8 kids including 2 teens and 1 college student. The hair that Nicolas found is a crossbreed hair, we are still working on the DNA results of it” said Scarlet

“The humid and mud that both of you got, are from a river not too far from the mansion, we need a sample to see if they match” said Nicolas

Aron nods and started to give orders, after that he walks toward Scarlet, covering her from her parents prying eyes, he touch her belly and gave her a kiss on the cheek, he smile at her and told her to go home and rest for the little one sake. Scarlet nods, she has to learn to take it easy now that she is with a child on its way, she told Nicolas what she is going to do and left to get her things. When she turns around her mother is waiting for her to leave the office, then Scarlet close the door and lock it from the inside, her mother started to pound the door, Scarlet open the passage way that she used to sneak out from the agency when she was undercover as Kurohi now she used it as a getaway escape plan, in cases like this.

Scarlet arrived at the apartment that she is sharing with Aron (living together) she got the keys out, just as she looks up, both her parents is waiting for her in the door, she growl at them, making them look at her confuse, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let the frustration out of her system.

“What are you doing here? And how did you find out where I live?” ask Scarlet

“We are your parents, dearly, we have the power to set up a detective to let us know where you live” said Julia

“Please tell me you are staying at a hotel?” said Scarlet already knowing the answer

“Nope, we are staying with you” said Steve

Scarlet’s face paled more than before, she sigh in defeat, sooner or later they will figure out what is going on, and there will be hell to pay in this relationship, especially since they hate Aron’s gut and all the above. Scarlet let her bag and coat near the entrance, her parents, move their bags into the guest room, then Scarlet realize that Alexander is not with them, that is when her father explain to her the Alexander is going to stay with Edward. That concludes to Scarlet that her parent’s wants to poke around in her life, she told them to sit down in the table wield she is making them some dinner, a few minutes later, the door open again, Aron looks exhausted and tired, he walks toward Scarlet and hugs her from behind, he purrs of joy and content by having her by his side, then Scarlet direct his head toward the table where her parent’s is glaring at both of them. The four of them are sited in the table eating their dinner, in silence, something that Scarlet, nor Aron are custom to, they her parents started to question Aron about the relationship between Scarlet and him. Aron answer them with honesty and keeping silent about the Dragon thing, the least they want it to lock Scarlet up because is became a Dragon, but on the other hand Scarlet has to tell them that she is a Dragon herself. 

“Alright, I have decided. We are staying her to see if Aron is fit to be with you” said Steve 

Scarlet and Aron’s eyes widen “What?!” shouted in union 

“That is a great idea Darling, we could see how Scarlet’s line of work, or life is with him and them we can determine if we can accept them” said Julia 

“Out of the question! My line of work is basic 24/7, also in this relationship the equation is him and me, not the 4 of us!” said Scarlet losing it and feeling a bit dizzy 

“With all due respect, your daughter is old enough to make her own decisions" said Aron standing up in anger

Scarlet notice the small change of color in his eyes, he is reaching his limit, also she manage to see the reflection of her eyes, they are also reaching her limit, Aron notice this and sighs, leaving the room before he could really lose it, Scarlet stood up and left behind him, they both lock the door of their room. They could hear Julia screaming to Scarlet to head to a different room, but they ignore her, in that moment Scarlet loses her balance by the dizziness and almost fell, Aron manage to grab her and hold her numb body near him in protective stand, his instincts are telling him to protect mate and baby. 

The next morning, Aron is making breakfast for the entire Walker clan that is inside his apartment, in that moment Julia enter the kitchen and see him, Aron isn’t wearing a shirt, only his sweat pants and has a messy hair by the all night tossing and turning, Scarlet didn’t sleep well either by all the morning sickness and anger she is bottling up. Julia is eyeing Aron, she notice the Golden Dragon mark with black lines on it, on his shoulder and his well build body, then Steve enter the kitchen and sees his wife eyeing his daughter boyfriend/husband, the three of them are in a staring showdown, then Scarlet enter the kitchen all dress up and ready to work, she glare at her parents and kiss Aron on the cheek with her coffee mug on hand, after that she left the room. Aron continue to make breakfast. 

“Aren’t you going after her, she didn’t ate anything" said Steve 

“Scarlet doesn’t eat much breakfast, just coffee and goes to work, I bring her breakfast to the lab as she continues to work” said Aron ending the conversation 

As the Walker’s eat their breakfast, Aron got dress and left to his work with a bag of food for his girlfriend/wife (in the supernatural world Aron and Scarlet are married). When he arrived he sees Nicolas alone in the lab, then he pointed at the side of the lab where he find his mate, hitting a punching bag, releasing some steam that is making her life a little miserable. Aron told Nicolas that he is leaving the bag in her office; he did that as he leaves the lab. Scarlet smells the food that Aron brought, making her sick to her stomach again, but she has to eat, now that she is eating for two; as she is eating her breakfast a machine just ring, Nicolas pass the results to her, then she analyze the paper. 

“I don’t like that look in your face” said Nicolas 

“A Lycan, we are dealing with a werewolf” said Scarlet 

“What is a Lycan?” ask Steve entering the lab 

“Dad? What are you doing here?” ask Scarlet 

“I’m just observing” said Steve looking at Scarlet 

“Nick can you give us a minute?” ask Scarlet

Nicolas nods his head as he leaves toward his office locking the door, Scarlet turns toward her father and glare at him. 

“Why? Why are you and Mom really here for?” ask Scarlet 

Steve lean on a table cross from her “There has been massive activity of murders, supernatural criminals, even powerful Dragons her in New Glacier, and your mother got extremely worry that both her babies are in a danger zone” said Steve 

“Well she shouldn’t be worry, at least we aren’t in danger” said Scarlet as she turns to continue her work

Steve sigh “I know that Aron isn’t normal anymore” said Steve 

Scarlet stops what she was doing and turns toward her father “What?”

“Aron isn’t human anymore, isn’t?” said Steve looking at Scarlet 

Scarlet didn’t say a word, Steve chuckles “What is he? I promise I won’t tell your mother” said Steve

Scarlet can trust her father, he’s been keeping secrets from her mother of things she used to do or break when she was small “He is one of the Dragons” said Scarlet 

Steve widen his eyes “Which one?”

“The Golden one” said Aron entering the lab “Mister Walker, I know that you are worried of your daughter’s life being with me, but I would never hurt her, I rather die than let something happen to her. I love your daughter so much, that I am willingly here and asking your blessing to marry her” said Aron 

Scarlet’s eyes widen and looks at Aron, then Aron kiss Scarlet’s forehead calming her down, Steve sees the affection they both have “Well Agent Kingston, you do have my blessing, with the condition to protect Scarlet and my grandson” said Steve 

Both of them look at him with horror, Steve mention that he notice Scarlet going in and out the bathroom a lot and her tiredness is clearly visible, something he had witness in one women alone; Julia happen to have the same symptoms when she was pregnant with Edward. At least they know that Steve Walker is good with the news, but they aren’t out of the woods yet. Steve stay in the lab with Scarlet and Nicolas as they work, with him, they don’t feel been watch, that maybe because Julia isn’t there, she is the most terrifying women beside Scarlet in her anger mode. 

The Knights are taking swap evidence from each and everyone in the mansion, ever since the Robins couple death, they didn’t leave the manor. Titania was taking DNA test on the employees and Otto is taking DNA test from the adoptive kids, Aron notice that they are 7 of them in the room, he question some of them about one of the teens, the college student said that the last time they saw him was at School, ever since they didn’t saw him again. Aron grab both Otto and Titania, taking them to the kitchen, he asks a couple of question referring to the conversation with the witnesses, they both answer him what they know, and they even show him the notes they took from them. Aron contact with Edward explain what is going on, Edward believe that the teen must be hiding until it is safe to come back to the manor, so he order some agents to guard the house in order to capture him. 

Is been weeks since the order of guarding the manor, is been also weeks since Scarlet’s parents came to invade their privacy, they can have the dirty thing because of them, also Scarlet is starting to show a tiny small baby bump and her morning sickness had worsen, in the point that she can’t go to work, Edward understood the situation and order her to stay home, that didn’t stop Julia in following Aron like a shadow, Aron even started to wonder if Scarlet may had inherit the Black Dragon’s power from her mother, making Scarlet hit the back of his head hard. They are both lying in the bed, Aron has his head on the tiny baby bump, listening how his son or daughter is growing inside the women he loves. 

Scarlet is caressing and cutting a little of Aron’s hair “What are you thinking?” ask Scarlet 

Aron is please “In what our baby could be, as beautiful as it’s mother or handsome as it’s father” said Aron letting Scarlet cut his hair

“I think that it can be as strong and determine as its father or stubborn and prideful as it’s mother” giggle Scarlet finishing cutting Aron’s hair “All done” 

Aron look at the mirror, he is content by the new hair look, is not too short, but not too long, just the right grip for Scarlet. They both lay back in the bed, until morning, when Aron’s phone is ringing, he grunt and try to find his phone with his hands on the nightstand. 

He grabs it “Kingston” he yawns 

"The guards were attack last night" said Otto 

“What?” ask Aron 

“What’s wrong?” ask Scarlet waking up 

Aron put the call on speaker ”The car was found near the river of the manor, all beat up and scratch up, the agents are in critical condition" said Otto 

“Did they saw anything before they pass out?” ask Scarlet 

"No, Titania and I are review the recording of last night" said Otto when Titantia took the call ”Scarlet is right, we are dealing with a Lycan, well a brand new Lycan, it seems that it has no control of its power and he is just following instinct" said Titania

“Alright, Knights we are going to guard the manor tonight, make sure to be ready to fight this guys” said Aron

He stood up from the bed, he got ready, and he gives Scarlet a passionate kiss and left as fast as his Dragon legs could go. Steve and Julia woke up, by the sound, they see Scarlet wobbling toward the bathroom, then she faints in the middle of the hall, Steve manage to capture her before she hits her head, Julia is screaming and trying to make Scarlet woken up. A few hours later, Scarlet woke up in the couch, her father caressing her head, she ask about her mother, but he answer that she went after Aron to demand some answer from him. Scarlet panic, she knows that they are heading to a hand in hand combat with a werewolf, and it so happens that her mother is going to be in the middle of it, just because she fainted in the hall way. She grabs her father, ask how long her mother left, when he answer, she realize that she doesn’t have much time, so she open the balcony doors from the apartment, her father thought that Scarlet was going to make a scene so her mother could come back, but he never expected that Scarlet would spread her black dragon wings and jump the balcony, taking flight toward the fight zone. Steve couldn’t believe that her daughter had become one of them, he grabs the rental car keys and chase after her. 

The Knights are making a line of defense in the road where the strongest scent of lycan is located, near the manor; Edward is with them with a tranquilizer at hand, to knock the lycan down.

“How is Scalry doing?” ask Edward to Aron 

“She’s been having constant morning sickness and she has been sleeping a lot, I am even terrify in waking her up” said Aron 

Edward chuckle, he knows how much Scarlet loves to sleep, but messing up with a pregnant woman is a nightmare, but messing up with a pregnant dragon is «probably» the worst case that could happen. Then the knight’s team head a crunching sound near the area, Edward started to pint it’s gun at the direction of the sound. Aron made sure that everyone knows the course of action they have to take; the it came out of the light a human looking wolf walking toward them, he is growling and showing his fangs, his claws are very extended and his red eyes are no mistake that he gone rouge. The Dragons ran toward the beast wield Edward is preparing to get a clear shot, after a few minutes, of restraining the beast, Aron shouted at Edward to shot, Edward found the right angle and right opening to shoot the beast, that is until his mother arrived near him, scaring the s**t out of him. 

“Mom what are you doing here?!” whisper yell at his mother 

“Where is that Aron Kingston?!” shouted Julia 

Edward is concern that the Dragon’s won’t hold the lycan very long and that his mother is in the fighting scene “Mom, we’ll talk later right now I am busy” said Edward 

“Where is that son of a b***h!” shouted louder Julia

Titania shouted at Edward to shot, making Julia look behind his son, she sees a women and two me, she notice that one of them is Aron, she started to walk toward him, and Edward make her stop in her tracks, trying to make her back off, then Julia sees that Aron dodge and backflip behind the beast, with a blazing looking whip, he try the beast and hold him to the ground as his Golden eyes glare at the Lycan’s. Julia couldn’t believe what she is see, a monster, just like the women her Edward is dating, something click on her making her scream in horror and anger, that made the Lycan look at her with hate and anger. Julia grab the gun that Edward was holding and aim at Aron, but she shot Otto instead, making them one Dragon lose and the Lycan free from its grasp. The Lycan jump for the kill at Julia, Edward is going to jump in front of her, and Aron was going to burn the beast to ash, making her believe that he is dangerous to his daughter, but then a purple lightning bolt hit the beast making him fell to the ground. Everyone look at the Black falling creature land (in a superhero landing) in front of Julia, she spread her wings to reveal Scarlet in front of her, Julia sees her daughter, black wings on her back, fangs and purple vivid iris with a catlike pupil, her daughter had become a monster, one of them, Scarlet growl at her mother making her stay her ground, as Steve arrived and ran toward his wife in the ground. Scarlet turn toward the Lycan, rage consuming her due to hold her emotions back for her parent’s sake, but know she doesn’t care that they classified her as a monster. 

What had seems hours it was quite fast what Scarlet did to the Lycan, she cancel his nerves on his body and force him to change back, showing dominance in her domain, after Edward cuff him and told him his rights, he took him in, not before telling Scarlet that is time for them to know the truth. Scarlet stop her way toward her parents, her mother cowering away and glaring at Aron, she was about to speak when Scarlet raise her hand, stoping her from insulting her mate and the father of her baby. 

“Before you insult Aron and yell at me, allow me to speak first and then you can talk Mom” said Scarlet all calm and relax, she really needed that fight “We are not monsters, we are Dragons and the last one of our own kind. Aron and the rest are the 4th and last generation of the Dragons, in my case I had become the 1st and last generation of the Dragon. I meet a Dragon in the backyard of our house, I had spent 10 years with him, until I was 15, that day I was attack and was meant to die, but Dark save me, I was young and immature and out of control of my powers, Alexander find out and help me keep this secret for so long. In the supernatural world, every supernatural being has only half of our souls, that is because the other person has the other half. Before Aron became a Dragon, he was human, and he was my other half, I didn’t understand it at that time, not until we reunited again. Yes, Aron did something that broke my heart, but it wasn’t his fault, at that time, Aron was drug and rape, he fell disgusted every time I say it or there is a case of it. Right now, I am happy with him, we had become one, in the supernatural world, if two mates are bonded and mated, is consider marriage; if you want to separate us try it, because there is something growing inside of me that will keep us together for all eternity" finish Scarlet 

Julia’s eyes water as she reveal her pregnancy, she lean closer and touch her small baby bump, then hug her daughter hard, she look at Aron “Do you truly love my daughter?” ask Julia 

Aron smile at her “I would die for her” answer Aron 

Titania and Otto look at them, mouths wide open, they blink an eye Scarlet’s navel noticing the small bump “You are pregnant!” them both shouted in union

Aron and Scarlet laugh and nods their heads, they walk toward them and gave them a tight, breath taking hug.

A week later, Aron and Scarlet are bidding their farewell to Steve, Julia and Alexander, they couldn’t wait for their return to see their baby. Aron and Scarlet wave their good-byes in the airport, then they headed to their home, Aron carry Scarlet to their room, then tossing her to the bed, getting between her legs and taking his shirt off, showing her who is her male, her alpha, her lover and husband. Aron began attacking her lips, then he attack her neck leaving open mouth kisses, Scarlet felt pleasant and m**n wield purring to her male, he manage to reach the waistband of her jeans, then the door knock.

“Aron, the door” said Scarlet breathless 

“Ignore it” said Aron continuing his assault

The door knocks again

“Aron” said Scarlet more stern 

Aron grunt and stood up from the warmth of his wife, he was grunting and his eyes shows the frustration that he is having.

“Whoever it is, better be important, if not I am-” said Aron as he opens the door to reveal pair of familiar couple “Mom! Dad!” said Aron

"Jaime!” said his mother as her shower him with kisses, his father shake is hand and they both enter the house with suitcases 

Scarlet enters the living room to find Aron’s parent’s, then she looks at Aron with some amusement in her “Mister and Miss Kingston?” said Scarlet 

“Scarlet! Darling how are you? You are so perfect for my son and you had gone so beautiful!” said Miss Kingston 

“What a surprise?  Why are you here?” ask Scarlet 

She look at her husband and they both smile at the young couple “We are staying for a few weeks here isn’t that great!” said Miss Kingston

Aron face palm and Scarlet laugh so hard that she crouch “Here we go again” grumble Aron as Scarlet wipe away the tears that are coming out.

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