Spiritual knight

Chapter Case 16: Subcome to the Love Demon

A wild night in the club, teenagers, college students and workers off daily basics, are joining the dance and liquor in the night club.

A woman came close to one of the college students, asking him to dance and have a memorable night, the man ended up enchanted by her beauty; the woman guided the man to the upper rooms to join a wonderful and magical night.

Morning came in, Scarlet is early in the lab, working on the computer, and cleaning up some of her trash, and by trash she means, her old skin, today Scarlet is moving skin, she might be the Black Dragon, but she is still a giant lizard, so she is moving skin today of all days.

Aron came into the lab, bringing her coffee, he gave a small kiss on her forehead, then he shows confusion, because she didn’t reacted at his touch nor at his kiss.

“Scarlet?” ask Aron

Scarlet took one of her ear buds off, and look at Aron

“Oh hey, when did you came in?” ask Scarlet

“Just a few minutes ago, are you ok?” ask Aron concern

“By ok, you mean that I can’t feel anything from the tip of my pinky toe to the last strand of hair, yeah I am fine” said Scarlet with a tint of sarcasm

“What?” ask Aron

“It seems that I am moving skin today, I don’t feel anything, not even your touch. We are giant lizards, eventually the four of us will move skin, just not at the same time” explain Scarlet

“So you can’t feel anything?” ask Aron

“It will go away, I just have to wait until the skin is hard enough for me to break it and have my new skin” said Scarlet

Aron stay with Scarlet a wield longer as he ask some questions about the Dragon part of them, until his cellphone sounded, Scarlet continue to work with her ear buds, he move her head, making her look at him, she nods understanding that he is going to take the call and continue her work.

“Kingston” answer Aron his phone “...where?...ok, we are on our way” Aron hung up the phone

He left the lab, in a hurry, Scarlet made a small wave of good bye.

The Knights team arrived at the night club X, the cops let them pass, when they arrive in one of the upper rooms they found an almost drain and lifeless body, the skin look like is stick to the skeleton, Aron sees Nicolas and Dr. Stellar.

“What we got?” said Titania

“Well the lad, is a college student Andy Anderson, football player, his is major in Sport science. He died, almost at the time of midnight to dawn; his life force was suck out of him. If you see here, there are punctual marks on his neck, but I believe that the boy didn’t know he was becoming a meal” said Dr. Stellar

Aron look around, he reach Nicolas, he ask about Scarlet, Nicolas told him that she didn’t dare come in case her scales contaminate the crime scene, Aron look at Nicolas confuse.

They arrived back, when Scarlet is signing for the evidence box they brought to her, she took the box to the table and put some long, very long gloves on, started to work on the evidence. When Otto enter the lab, he take a quick look and salute Scarlet, then head to the Forensic Scientist couch, until he stops and looks back at her, he saw her from top to bottom.

Scarlet’s arms were fully black and with scales, her nails grew longer and sharper, he notice that on her neck is starting to look for the black lines, then when he got closer her right eye is purple and her fangs came out.

“Scarlet?” ask Otto

“Don’t you dare ask, I am in a foul mood” said Scarlet with a warning

She continue to work of the evidence, she took a bra out to inspected, she notice the smell and with her eye sight she saw a strand of hair, in that moment Aron and Titania enter the lab.

“What do we have for nooow-whoa” said Aron

As he stops in track to see his Girlfriends appearance

“You look great” said Aron

“Really?” ask Scarlet with a cold glare

“Not in the slightest” answer Titania “What happen to you?”

“I am moving skin and is a huge pain in my a*s, my Dragon transformation is force to come out of my body, if I struggle the pain will be worst, that is why I am letting it go” explain Scarlet

Looking that she is calm, though everyone knows that she is far from calmness

“Anyways, I found a strange scent in this bra, they are usually used in the clubbing, making out or having s*x, the scent is much more stronger which would tell me that the women used it a lot. There is a mixture of perfume and oil creams, but the scent I manage to describe comes from a 100% demon. Now, the DNA results about our Victim, is 75% human and 25% demon, but the thing is here...” said Scarlet

As she clicks on her computer mouse and show the crime scene images

“...There is no force entry, the victim has no force trauma, nor there is s****l harassment what so ever, that could only mean that our second person is our killer” Finish Scarlet

Back at the agents working area, Aron is pacing, thinking on the explanation that Scarlet just told them, for him there is a puzzle missing.

“Ok, we know now that we are looking for a woman at least” said Otto on his chair

“Thanks to stand out the obvious Otto, we know that we are looking for one woman, from all the women that are in one club” said Aron fill with sarcasm

“Beside, some women, goes to a club for a one night stand, hanging out or get hook up with the sexiest men alive” said Titania

Then Dr. Stellar enter the agents area

“Well at least I can rest at ease for a bit about the case” said Dr. Stellar

The three dragons look at him, they are no were near a killer, the only thing they know so far is the scent that Scarlet knows and the gender of the killer, nothing more.

Dr. Stellar grabs the monitors remote and gave a click on the dead body.

“I want all of you to look at the body, what is the first thing that comes to mind?” ask Dr. Stellar

“He could had ben murder by a Vampire?” said Otto

“Yes, that I thought at first, until I find out something strange, fist there is no blood stains, second, the victim has the normal amount of blood and there are no punctual marks. Our Victim has all the organs and everything normal, there is not a single problem” said Dr. Stellar

“That is because your victim was murder by a Subcus” said a calming voice behind the team

They turn around to see Vlamid behind them, Titania walk toward him, gave him a kiss and hug.

Vlamid responded to the kiss and hugs her close by, they engage a small talk until Aron interrupted them.

“Sorry, a Subcus?” ask Aron

“Yes, a demon on the family line of Mermaids, they don’t drink blood, but they steal their life force. Unlike mermaids that they take youth from the men, Subcus takes life force and the only way to do that is by the contact of lips” said Vlamid

Vlamid explain a bit about the Subcus, until Scarlet came to the room, she confirm that what they are looking is a Subcus, the murder left a strand of hair in the scene that clarified that 100% demon is a Subcus.

They slip into a groups, Vlamid grabs hold of Aron’s shoulder, he mention that is much more safer that only Titania take the lead on the case, they didn’t understood why, until Scarlet explain that most Subcus target handsome, strong and fill with a huge among of life force men, in other words, the strongest of them all, mostly alphas supernatural.

She also mention that the victim’s 25% demon blood is mostly kind of wolf, an alpha’s son, she call out to them and had Otto and Aron take care of the notification, since she is so embarrass about her appearance.

Titania is walking back in the club, she started to ask questions about the victim, a bartender told her that he wasn’t alone, that he had a few friends with him and they were whispering about a funny scent from the women he took, he also gave a description on the woman.

She return back to the lab, this time she is surprise to see Scarlet with one of her wings out and very annoyed, she ask for her about the description and try to find a match about it.

Scarlet is extremely annoyed, her left wing came out and now she can barely fit in tight spaces, but she manage, later on enter Aron with some new clothing, at least from the top area.

Scarlet isn’t shy in front of Aron, she use her wing to cover herself as Aron enters in her wings to help her, he is trying to tie her bra without breaking or hurting her wings, also he help her put a back open bottom up shit, that is when she found a match on the murder, she tap on the screen.

“We got a match on the description that Titania got. Her name is Jessica Love struck, she is a Subcus, and has been working as a night clubber for about 2 years” resume Scarlet

“There isn’t much about her, but the fact that she is a subcus is enough” said Scarlet turning her head to Aron

“Can you tell me more about her demon?” Ask Aron

Scarlet took a deep breath

“There a very dangerous specie, they are like sirens, the only difference is that they don’t sing, nor have fish tail, they do have wings and a devil tale, most of its pray is men, handsome men” finish Scarlet

“That is a problem, because most of our men are handsome and if we put them with a demon like that they’ll have a life time meal” said Titania

“And that is why I am going to help you join this case” said Scarlet

Aron look at her, he shake his head saying no to her, but Scarlet put the lid on his ego, telling him that she is the strongest among the dragons and her senses are sharper, but the fact that she is moving skin today didn’t stop her.

Titania is walking in the scenes and Scarlet is jumping from building to building, keeping her distance from the enemy.

Titania enters the club showing her badge, Scarlet flew to the roof and hid on the shadows. Inside the club, Titania is walking toward the bar as Scarlet is position on top of the lights.

“Any sigh of our suspect?” ask Titania with the earphone plug on her right ear

"Negative" said Scarlet

"There is nothing showing on the eye camera either" said Nicolas on the radio

“Again why is that I am the one with the Camera in the eye and Titania is the one with the pin on her clothing?” ask Scarlet

"Scarlet you have a panoramic view where are you standing, I can facial each and every one of the people inside the club, Titania is the one with the handcuffs and the badge" explain Nicolas

They argue for a wield about the indifferent between Scarlet and Titania, then Titania spotted some suspicious movement in the VIP area, she ask for Scarlet to look around there, as she did, Nicolas continue to facial recognition on the people on the VIP boot.

That is when it hit Scarlet the scent of the owner of the missing bra in her lab. She looks frantically, like a wild animal. Nicolas couldn’t continue to facial recognize the people, because of Scarlet’s behavior.

Titania looks at Scarlet’s position for a minute, then she notice that she isn’t there anymore. Titania is looking at her, she ask Nicolas her position and he describing her location.

When Titania turn her head toward the VIP boot, she saw the Black Dragon seductively reaching the VIP, but then she turns her face toward a woman.

Scarlet started to dance with the music, the women sees this as a threat of her part, which is when it hit Titania, Scarlet found the killer and she is challenging her on territory war.

After an hour of sexy dances and possess, Scarlet won the dual, by kissing her so passionately.

The other men wanted to sanitize their eyes and Aron wanted any more than to f**k his women like ever before, beside the dance and kissing another woman, it turns him on in a whole new level.

Scarlet spread her wings, not before she looks at Titania, telling her to meet up in the agency. Titania got the message and left the club.

Back at the agency, Titania is carrying a sleeping murder and Scarlet is struggling with her instinct and wild dragon side, she ask for the cage and they place her there.

Nicolas tranquilizers her just in case she goes on a rampage. Now they understood why Scarlet kiss the woman, Scarlet took a drug pill on her mouth and made her swallow it, that way she couldn’t resist arrest.

The women wakes up in the interrogation room, she started to struggle with the cuffs.

“Glad to see you are awake” said Titania

“Who are you? Where am I?” said the woman

“I am agent Whiter, the Silver Dragon. Me and my partners wanted to know why did Andy, was found dead in the same bed you f**k him?” said Titania glaring at the woman

“I don’t know what you are talking about?” said the women

“Ok” said Titania standing up “Jessica Carter, 40 years old, with the appearance of a 20′s year old woman, a subcuss, also known as a demon that steels the life force of men and it so happens that you were in the same place at the same time and targeting your prey for the night” said Titania slamming the pictures of the crime scene.

Jessica look at the pictures and her lip started to quiver, she was breaking but it wasn’t enough to condemn her, they need a confession.

After hours of denying and arguing, Titania hit her last straw of patient, she grabs Jessica by the arm and walks her toward the lab as Jessica is struggling.

“One of our partners is moving skin today and it so happens that she is on her wild instinct side, if the scent from the crime scene that she smell before, matches your scent, she will react to kill” said Titania

Titania enter the lab, Jessica looks at Aron and the other males in the room ready to feed on them, but when she turn her face toward Scarlet, her blood drain from her face as the Black Dragon stood up from her and roar into the cage.

Scarlet reacted and try to break the glass and kill the woman, Aron enter the cage and holds her down as Otto pins her wings and legs. Aron is pining her down, Nicolas enter with an injection that was place on Scarlet’s shoulder, she started to pant hard and goes back to sleep.

The men look at Titania, as the woman confesses her crime.

“Ok, I did kill Andy, but I was pay to do it, one of his team mates was about to be kick out and was going to be replace by Andy, he was so furious that he search for me on the net and ask me about my powers, here are the text and call he ever did to me” said Jessica.

Titania and Otto went to the campus in order to arrest the actual killer, in the agency the guy struggle with Otto as Titania finish her report, Aron sat on her desk.

“Good work” said Aron

“I couldn’t have done it without Scarlet, she is one hell of a Dragon” said Titania

Aron goes to the lab, he opens the cage and gets inside, then he close it up, he slowly sat down across from Scarlet, she is still hanging her head low by the amount of tranquilizers they injected her.

"My head hurst so bad, it feels like is going to burst" whine Scarlet

Then Aron notice a slice peel off from her skin, he reach it and pulls it out.

Scarlet hiss at the slow pull, then he notice how slimy and soft her skin has become, he knows that Scarlet discard her clothing a few hours ago for her to finish up her skin moving problem and her wings that came out of her back.

“Scarlet what happens if I peel of your skin?” ask Aron

“I really don’t know since I had to move skin on my own, why?” said Scarlet

Aron hiss in pity and looks at her

“You might not like what I am about to do to you” said Aron

Scarlet grew confuse of his words, that is when he grabs the peel and rip it off her body.Scarlet cry of pain and hiss at her mate.

Aron turns her around and with his claw rip her old skin without harming her new one, he grabs the between of the cut and rip it off her, making Scarlet arch her back and cry of pain once again.

For some reason it’s making Aron sadist to hurt his mate and turns him on so bad. They continue to do this for hours, Aron was already so a****e that he started to pant and Scarlet rip away from her old skin and landed on the floor with her new skin all slimy and soft.

Aron started to touch her and Scarlet m**n by his touch. Then he started to taste her slimy skin, he lick every part of her body, from her face to her neck, leaving bite marks and drawing blood from it, then lowering to her b****t, licking and biting both her n*****s, then he proceeds on her abdomen and belly, licking her belly bottom.

Scarlet m**n louder and hold Aron’s hair on her hand, caressing his scalp, as he proceeds lower on her navel, leaving hickeys, marking her as his possession.

“A-Aron, not here, please” said Scarlet m*****g her words in a whisper

“Let me pamper you, let me taste you, I need you Scarlet Hope Walker, every part of you” said Aron getting ready to strike

When Scarlet was about to protest, Aron strike at her p***y, making her arch her back even more and her wings spread in a covering way, she started to feel his t****e p********g her insides, tasting every inch of her.

She became a crying mess as she spray all of her j****s on Aron’s face. Scarlet panted by the p******e that Aron brought her, she thought that he was done eating her up, but she couldn’t be more wrong, she notice that Aron’s body has change into that of a Dragon the same as she is right now, his golden wings spreading covering both of them as her wings tuck on her back, her spin her up and made her stand in her knees and hands, he then r*b his very pronounce e*****d e******n.

Scarlet widen her eyes in how large he had become, then Aron connected their bodies as one, making Scarlet scream in p******e.

Aron t****t deep and hard, then he press his body with her back, Scarlet couldn’t hold her position any longer so she lower the front part of her body, but that made the p*********n much more deeper, and by that small movement, Scarlet tighten her grip on his c**k, Aron m**n and g*****d, feeling so close and so good by such position, then he use his fangs to bite Scarlet’s black wings, that hit the right spot as Scarlet came all over his c**k, squeezing him so hard, that release a chain of event that he too came inside her, m*****g his s***d inside her warm u****s.

They both collapse on the cage’s floor, panting and fill with sweat, Aron use his wing to cover them together.

“When did your transformation happen?” ask Scarlet in pants

“A few days ago, it took a hold in me, I’ve been using tranquilizers to keep it at bay, but I might need a teacher to suppress it” answer Aron in pants and with a chuckle

They both fell asleep inside the cage, wield they slept, unconsciously, their bodies turn back to normal.

The next morning, Nicolas opens the lab and press the bottom of the cage, when the cage was rising up from the floor, Nicolas was humming.

“Ok, rise and shine Scarlet, is time to see whaaaaaaaaaaaaat the f**k did just happen? Oh my eyes! My eyes! It burns!” said Nicolas as he turns around and leaves the lab in a hurry.

Scarlet and Aron woke up by the noise, they realize that they are both n***d inside the cage, then Aron open the door, helping Scarlet getting dress as they do, Otto and Titania enter the lab in a hurry, as they watch Aron and Scarlet getting dress.

“What the hell happen here?” ask Titania

“Well by the looks of it, it seems that Nick found them in a promising position” said Otto with a snicker

“Yes and No” said Aron

“More like he saw more than we thought” said Scarlet

“Yeah, having s*x” said Otto snikering

“I don’t make s*x to Scarlet, I made love to her” answer Aron glaring at Otto

“He just found us sleeping that is all” said Scarlet

“Yeah on your birthday suit!” said Nicolas entering the lab

“Scarlet that is a cage to prevent rampage demons or Dragon contain, not a place where you and your mate can have fun in it!I am having a hard time forgetting what I just saw!” said Nicolas on the edge of crying and clawing his eyes out

“I am soooooo sorry Nick, I’ll make it up to you” said Scarlet tying her hair up

“You better, because this is soooo unprofessional of you. Shame on you Scarlet and you too Aron is enough that the elevator had suffer, now the cage! Where did you guys did not made love to?” said and Ask Nicolas

Scarlet and Aron remain silent, Titania and Otto widen their eyes at their silence

“Oh My God” said the trio that are looking at them

Scarlet blush a bright red color on her face as Aron scratch the back of his head, they answer everyone’s question with that silence.

They continue the day like nothing had happen, the only thing is that they are avoiding Scarlet and Aron, the day ended and this time they made sure that nothing else in the agency suffers from the two h***y Dragons.

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