Spirit Unbreakable

Chapter 27

Reniko could barely breathe as she stood as the centre of attention in a room housing nearly 200 people. Most of the room’s ‘inhabitants’ were holographic images from the leaders of the UNG who were remotely attending this summit. Only a handful was truly present, but all were staring at her in puzzlement.

After the exchange with Shanahan, Rimca had insisted that Reniko get into something more befitting her station. Reniko had replied in a measured tone. “There is nothing on Vespen that will demand the respect of an official office. If I go in with ostentatious dresses or anything of the like it will only serve to show them that I feel my position is precarious.” Rimca, about to protest, could not find words to refute Reniko’s logic. “I will go in with what I am comfortable wearing.”

“Shouldn’t you at least uncover your wings?” Malik asked.

Reniko bit her lip as she weighed her options and shook her head. “I’m not sure that it will garner a favourable response if I show how truly alien I am.”

Reniko took in a deep breath to ground her and began. “I am sure that all of you have been debriefed on the reason that you are here,” she started, “I am sure that to most of you it comes as a shock to learn that there are indeed intelligent species on other planets. As you can see from my appearance, however, there is not much difference in our appearance.” Reniko paused and took another deep breath to steady the tremor she could feel starting in her hands.

“I am also sure that you aware that up until 2 years ago I was an inhabitant of Earth. A refugee, if you will, that found shelter here in your home from a war that was waging on my planet, Vespen. Here on Earth I was known as Reniko Dorsalin. I come before you today to plead for the life of one of my citizens that was also forced to hide amongst your people, Riumi Odasell.” Reniko made to press on, but was interrupted by a clamor of voices all protesting at once.

A woman to Reniko’s left called for order with a gavel. Reniko had met her briefly before the summit had begun. Her name was Claire Ombridge and she was the Supreme Chancellor of the UNG. Her very presence demanded respect. She wore a tailored black suit almost the same colour as her skin and her hair fell in spiraled curls all around her face which was spoke of a quick intelligence while at the same time hinting at empathy for Reniko’s situation. It was Claire’s duty to make sure that the summit remained orderly. Even without the gavel, Reniko felt that everyone would submit to her will with one word.

“The Chair recognizes the senator from France,” Claire announced when the murmur had subsided.

“I am sure I am not the only one here today that feels that this whole summit feels like a child’s game,” the boisterous senator said. He was one of the few that were actually physically present. “Does it not seem preposterous that this young woman, a citizen I might add of my nation, suddenly appears before us announcing little green men are among us? We are not fools!”

The sudden noise in the chamber was almost deafening, the gavel Claire was banging barely heard above the din in the room.

“I will call for order,” Claire said, her voice resonating clearly over the clamour in the room. When silence had once again been established, Claire spoke, “Although this information has just come to all of the senators’ attention, the LD Division of the UNG has been a closely guarded secret with a ‘need to know’ stigma around it. Before the UNG was established, it was written into the edict that the Supreme Chancellor, and only the Supreme Chancellor, be given the particulars about the actual work done in the LD division. Our forefathers felt this was the best way for this to continue until such time that there was solid proof that the humans on Earth were not the only intelligent beings in the universe.

“That evidence now stands before us,” Claire said.

“You mean to tell me that you have known about the existence of this woman and her people since you took Office?” the French Senator asked.

“Yes. All decisions regarding the LD Division have come directly from me, through Director Johnson.”

Reniko looked at Claire perturbed, realizing that she was responsible for the mistreatment of Riumi and most likely the reclassification of working guns in the UNG’s arsenal. Reniko shook the thought of the guns aside; that was a problem for another time.

“I do not recognize this young woman as proof of aliens,” another Senator said. “In fact, I think all of this is a huge waste of time.”

Reniko could see the summit starting to stir in response to this comment and she looked back at Malik and Dertrik who were hiding in the recess of a nearby doorway. Dertrik nodded to her and she took a deep breath. She reached behind her back and unsheathed Imako. The whole room grew silent and Claire stepped back a pace.

“How did security let that come through,” Claire asked.

Reniko looked in her direction and gave a reassuring smile. “I and my attendant Dertrik are both registered Blade instructors. According to the laws of the UNG, we are not required to relinquish our steel, even in a summit.”

Claire eased back into her position as she realized that Reniko was not threatening the room with her blade. Instead, she watched as Reniko unclasped the cloak she was wearing to reveal bandages covering her chest and torso. Positioning the blade between the gauze and her shirt at the small of her back she cut the bonds and let her wings unfurl. The whole assembly gasped.

“That’s impossible!” She heard as the general consensus of those present.

“I was hoping to appeal to our similarities and not our differences,” Reniko said, the whole assembly having her rapt attention.

“Over a thousand years ago a war was raging on my planet, Vespen, between my people and a vicious invader called the Rük. In that time two of my people, along with some attendants were sent to Earth as refugees. We did not want to pollute your world with our ideas, philosophy, war, or technology and so kept to ourselves. I, along with another of my species, was sent here in suspended animation with a group of partially human, partially Levanith attendants. We did not mean to infiltrate or affect your own progress at all. The Shidenen, my guardians and that of my kin, kept strict watch of their lineage so as not to pollute your population with our differing genetics. All I am asking now is that you allow me to find my kin and take him home.” Reniko paused to garner the effect her words were having and there was a stony silence that followed.

“This war with these Rük, are you still in the midst of it?” The senator from South Africa asked.

Reniko shook her head. “No, my people are free from their tyranny. As I said, my only wish is for you to allow myself and my attendants to take my kin, Riumi Odasell, or as you know him, Riumi Takahashi, back home. We have no intention of invading or even staying here on Earth.”

“What of the opportunity of trade,” quested one of the braver senators. He seemed to feel inclined to believe Reniko’s story and she smiled gratefully.

“That is not the reason this summit was convened,” Claire interjected. “We need to vote on whether or not we are going to allow Reniko to take her kin home.”

“This Riumi Takahashi, he is being held in the LD Division is he not? It seems to me that he forfeited his rights as a Guardian and deeded the remainder of his days to the UNG government’s discretion.” Reniko looked at the senator across the room, another of the ones that was physically present. He seemed to be the representative of Great Britain. He looked at Reniko with conniving eyes. He obviously wanted something in exchange for Riumi’s life.

“As a citizen of Earth, Riumi Takahashi legally does belong to the UNG,” Reniko replied, staring directly into the senator’s eyes, “however, as he is not a human being, and instead an alien resident, your current laws would in effect not apply to him.” The plump senator shifted in his seat uncomfortably. A murmur of conversation rang through the room causing Claire to assert herself with the gavel.

“The information has been presented, I now call for a vote,” Claire replied.

Lights above each senator’s box lit up either in the affirmative or negative. Reniko was relieved, as even before Claire announced the final verdict, there was a clear majority vote in her favour.

“The majority are in favour. This summit is adjourned,” Claire responded. Reniko watched as the holographic images slowly started to dissipate and those physically present left the room, gazing back at her unfurled wings in disbelief. She left the room the way she had come where Claire also stood with the man, Shanahan, from the LD Division.

“I must apologize to you, Wayann,” Claire said giving a slight bow. “I have let Director Johnson have a long leash since my appointment and was unaware of the treatment of your kin by his hands. Mr. O’Reilly here has apprised me of the situation and Hader Johnson has been relieved of his position. I hope that this incident will not put a damper on future relations with your people?”

Reniko tried not to seethe at the Supreme Chancellor’s words. She knew politics well enough to know that Claire Ombridge had been well aware of what was being done in the LD Division and that she was trading her subordinate’s position for peaceful relations with an entity of unknown power. Reniko sheathed Imako and folded her wings, carefully adjusting her cloak over them.

“I am sure there will plenty of time to discuss future relations. At the moment, I am keen to have Riumi released.”

Shanahan took a step forward at Reniko’s request and bowed stiffly. “I am sorry to inform you, Wayann, that Riumi is no longer in the custody of the LD Division.”

“Excuse me? Does that mean he escaped your custody?” Reniko asked.

“Well actually, he left our custody with my help. I was worried about his safety in the hands of the LD Division and sent him to New Zealand where there was another potential Levanith contact.”

“I appreciate your assistance in this matter, Mr. O’Reilly. Would you by any chance be able to accompany us to this location?” Reniko asked.

“Gladly, Wayann,” Shanahan replied and gestured for Reniko to follow him.

Reniko, Malik and Dertrik were led to a private air car that was awaiting them. Shanahan climbed into the back along with the three of them where benches in the car were arranged much like a carriage ride, facing each other. The Indian woman that Reniko had seen through the hologram earlier was driving. When they were a distance from the UNG compound Reniko finally let out the breath had unknowingly been holding and relaxed.

“I hope you don’t mind if we drop the formality,” Reniko replied holding out her hand towards Shanahan.

A little bit thrown, Shanahan grabbed her hand and shook it. He remembered then the strange outburst Reniko had had when first speaking to him.

“I’m Reniko, my friends call me Renny,” she supplied.

“Shanahan O’Reilly,” Shanahan replied dumbfounded.

Reniko smiled and leaned forward closer to Shanahan. “I have a feeling that you have been an advocate for the cause of my people here on Earth. Tell me your story Shanahan.”

“Do you want me to start when I first encountered your kin, Riumi?” Shanahan asked.

“Start at the beginning,” Reniko replied.

“I guess you could say it started when the Storyteller came to my village –”

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