Spirit Unbreakable

Chapter 17

Reniko watched as the door to Orborok’s cell closed behind her. She could see through the window that he was attacking the inner cage with furry. Apparently he felt tricked. What he was expecting was something Reniko couldn’t figure out. Did he really think that I would let him wander around at his own pleasure?

The shaking started not long after she had left Orborok’s sight. Malik was still staring contemptuously at Orborok and only turned to Reniko to see her incredulous reaction to the creature’s extreme violence; instead he saw her clutching her arms like she was cold while her body shook uncontrollably. He went to her side and grabbed her before she collapsed to the floor.

“Lyss, what’s wrong?” he asked.

With the adrenaline wearing off from her confrontation with Orborok, all she was left with was the intense fear that she had felt. She was thinking about Orborok’s hand clutching her throat, as well as Imako being inches from slicing into her delicate flesh. She couldn’t fathom how she had reasoned with Orborok. Why didn’t he kill me the moment he saw me? Instead of telling Malik all that she was experiencing, she simply said, “I was careless. I should have put more thought into what I was doing and I should have taken more precautions.”

Malik rubbed her arms, the friction causing heat enough to dispel some of her shaking. “I know how you are when you are excited about a discovery, especially of that magnitude. I should have been more insistent.”

Dertrik came up to them at this moment, two men trailing behind him. He was about to speak when he saw Reniko’s condition and looked instead at Malik, questing for an answer.

It was Reniko who finally spoke after taking a deep breath and composing herself, “What is it?”

She started walking away from Orborok’s cell as the pair of men that had been standing behind Dertrik positioned themselves in front of Orborok’s cell.

“I brought two of my most adept men down to guard Orborok’s cell,” Dertrik said as he followed Reniko and Malik.

“I’m so glad we chose you as head of security,” Malik replied, “Who told you what had happened anyway?”

“Word travelled fast when Rimca was brought to the infirmary unconscious. Everyone was concerned about her child, but they both seem to be doing just fine. I bet she is going to be furious when she wakes up.”

“I can’t believe I put Rimca in such a situation,” Reniko replied suddenly.

“I can’t believe you did that without telling me. I can only do so much as head of security if you leave me out of the loop.”

“Well you know Reniko, she gets a little careless when she is excited,” Malik replied.

“Oh yes, I know that all too well. I’m pretty sure she showed me just how careless she can be when she fell into that interstellar bridge back on Earth.” Dertrik caught Reniko’s eyes, they were blazing.

“Well, I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t done that. I don’t think you would have held up in your duties as Shidenen if I hadn’t ended up here all on my own.”

Dertrik looked sheepish now, but Reniko did not feel remorseful for bringing up possibly Dertrik’s biggest blunder. He had, after all, made a conscious decision never to tell Reniko about her heritage or her parents’ wish for her to return to Vespen and free it from the oppressive Rük. “You brought it up. Don’t look so guilty.”

She shook her head and spoke again, “Do you think I should wait until Orborok calms down a bit before I bring him the information I found on his species gene manipulation?”

Malik and Dertrik both looked at her with open surprise, “Do you even have to ask?” Dertrik and Malik said simultaneously.

Reniko looked at them with a grin. “Seriously? You think I haven’t learned anything?” She suddenly took to the air and left them behind laughing as she went.

The laughing helped to bleed out the rest of the fear that she still felt from her encounter with Orborok. She couldn’t have everyone thinking that she couldn’t handle all of this. Besides, after all of the horrors that she had experienced in her life, she couldn’t even understand the reason she had had such a volatile reaction to this most recent one. She was starting to feel as if she didn’t even understand herself anymore. Are my emotions still in my control? She shrugged it off, attributing it to a distinct lack of sleep over the past few weeks.

Evening fell on Sentralon in a brilliant array of colour. She watched the rays of the sun bleed into a deep crimson which seeped into the deep darkening blue making a mix of dark purple. She loved the views of the sunsets from her bedroom balcony. She watched the last of the sun leech from the day as it disappeared behind the nearby mountains and the town below filled with moon-like light. She rather liked the softer more natural feel to the light that the Levanith had left behind in their wake; it was far easier on the eyes than the garish lights that inhabited most of the cities on Earth. It made the town below look like a sea of stars. They even flickered as people down below went about their business. She was happy to see that the people of Vespen were starting to adopt the technologic advances that those in this city were uncovering.

She heard Malik come into the room and she glanced in his direction, watching as he stared intently at one of the Flimsies that Rae had introduced to her the day before.

“What do you have on the Flimsy?” Reniko asked as Malik reached the desk that stood off in the corner of the room covered in a mix of ancient books and journals. Malik seemed to have a pile of books in all the rooms that he frequented. She was starting to feel he was uncomfortable without some sort of solid proof around him. She didn’t mind. The clutter of books always made the room feel warmer.

He looked up at Reniko, “Sorry?”

“Your turn to do research late?” Reniko teased and came up behind Malik leaning her chin on his shoulder and staring at the Flimsy.

“I actually thought you would be in the lab late, so I thought I would take the time to try and finish the translation of this passage.”

“My research is kind of at a standstill until I talk to Orborok. Wish I could help you with yours like you help me with mine.”

“Oh it’s nothing at all important. I like taking my time on this. It’s a lot better than looking over all those lovely papers that always seem to need our approval.”

Reniko giggled and pushed Malik onto the bed, “Yeah, such an inconvenience. You would think that you and I were actually ruling this planet.”

Malik grinned and drop the Flimsy onto the pile of books. “Only a fool would put you in charge.”

Reniko hovered over Malik from the ceiling and watched his gaze follow the contours of her powerful wings. The breeze she was making tousled his hair. She descended slowly and dropped lightly on top of him, slowly peeling off the layers of his clothes, waiting to feel his hands doing the same to her.

“Well then, I guess I live among fools,” Reniko whispered in Malik’s ear. He whispered into her ear and she let out another gentle laugh.

They ended in a tangle of sheets staring at the ceiling as the first of the moon’s light slowly washed over the room. Reniko was watching the path of the light as it gently crept up the wall.

“You never told me what was on the Flimsy,” Reniko spoke into the silence of the room; it resonated with much more force than she had intended.

Malik rolled over and laid his hand across Reniko’s lower back, tucked under her wings already half asleep, “It’s just about how the gateway system was established between Earth and Vespen.”

“How was it?” Reniko asked suddenly.

“It’s mildly interesting,” Malik muttered.

“No, I mean how was it established?” Reniko realized that she was far more awake than Malik at this point and was sure she wasn’t going to get much in the way of coherent conversation.

“By some Levanith.”

Reniko sighed and brushed aside the hair that had fallen over Malik’s sleepy face. “Tell me in the morning, okay?”

“Of course,” he said. Moments later, he was fast asleep. Reniko gave a yawn and stared at Malik’s sleeping frame in the gentle glow of the moonlight.

For a moment, as Reniko stared at her husband’s sleeping frame, she had the sense that he was someone else. The moonlight was gaining in intensity as another of the moons rose and it gave his hair a silver glow. She fingered his hair again, using the motion to lull her to sleep. She whispered four words before she slipped into a deep sleep, words that made Malik wake to stare at her. “Riumi, where are you?”

Reniko was awake before dawn. She left Malik asleep in their room, dressed, and went for an early morning flight. She loved the invigoration of the icy air as the days progressed deeper into winter. There was a skiff of snow on everything this morning and the predawn light illuminated everything below her. She felt a presence beside her and glanced over to see Orric.

Sorry I was late today, Orric intoned.

Reniko was glad that she could Engage with Orric, especially when they were flying. Her voice didn’t carry far with the wind stealing it. You’re always late, Reniko replied and smiled.

I’m thinking of making a trip back to Tordaskar to see my son. Reniko could feel it was a sudden decision. She had never questioned Orric about why he had not brought his son to Sentralon when he had decided to stay with her here. She was too afraid that the mention of his son, Lorri, would remind him of the loss of his wife Variss almost a year ago. She didn’t know how to respond now. She sent these feelings and thoughts to him now questing for a response.

Another female has been taking care of Lorri since Variss was murdered. He will not be able to leave the nest for another five years. I’m sure he’ll want to come here when the time comes. I didn’t want to leave you here alone right after everything happened.

Didn’t think I could handle it? Reniko asked. She thought for a moment what it would have been like if Orric had not stayed and had instead gone back to be with his son. She felt regret that she had taken him away from his family for so long.

You and Malik are my family as well. I made the decision to leave Lorri in the care of my clan long before you came along. I was trying to make the world a safer place for him. Really, because of you, I get to see him a lot sooner than if it had just been me and Malik still struggling alone.

You should go as soon as possible, Orric. I can’t believe that you felt you needed my permission. She could feel Orric’s sudden embarrassment. She could also feel a more buried feeling; the same feeling that she often felt when she spent time with other inhabitants of Vespen, that of respect and awe, a certain distance that could not be completely bridged. Orric, do you really feel that way about me?

Every day I watch you do more and more wonderful things for this world. It’s hard not to feel as if you are leaving us all behind.

Reniko somersaulted in the air and landed deftly onto Orric’s back, hugging him tightly.

Don’t say such things. I couldn’t do anything without you and Malik here. I need you to see all my faults, to remind me that I am still the same person that I always was. I don’t want to be that Goddess that all the people still imagine I am. If you make me out to be that too, I don’t think I could be what I need to be for everyone else.

I’ll make sure to tell you every mistake, Lyss, Orric replied.

Thank goodness! She jumped off his back and let the air fill her wings. She watched the sun breaking the horizon and glanced back at the castle far below her. Guess I better get back to my duties. Will you be leaving right away?

Right after the council meeting.

You could leave before if you want. Distance is no problem with Engaging, so I could always link you in. I’m sure you’re anxious now that you have made up your mind to go.

Unlike you, Lyss, I have a lot of patience. I will wait until my duties have been performed before I leave.

Reniko blushed at the not so subtle reminder of her impulsivity and began to descend towards Sentralon castle. I’ll see you later. Orric wheeled off in the opposite direction in search of his own responsibilities.

Malik was awake when Reniko finally returned, breakfast waiting for them in the corner of the room. He shivered against the cold blast of air that followed Reniko through the balcony doors.

“We get to have breakfast together today?” Reniko said as she kissed Malik lightly on the cheek and sat across from him.

“Yeah, I’m not in a rush today. I scheduled the meeting I have for later in the morning. I was tired of rushing off with just a wave,” Malik replied.

“How are the plans coming for opening the university?” Reniko asked. She knew that Malik had been excited to reopen the Sentralon University from the moment they found the building five months ago. It had been rather slow going as the entire archives had to be rebuilt from the Sentralon and Reflaydun archives and Malik was still weeding out the information that was too sensitive for the populous to have access to. He had a lot of people helping him with the work, but all final approval came from him, and he was still the only person that was able to translate the Levanith encoded archives.

“Well if all goes according to schedule I was hoping to start off the Emayen Ki’enta with its opening. Skylar has agreed to be headmaster and his wife Sarah and their two oldest children Garrin and Ryne will be helping to teach. It will be a small staff until we have more knowledgeable Vespians to join them. Skylar said that Kaia, his daughter, was also interested in becoming a professor, but she still has a few more years of learning ahead of her.”

“And Tobias and Xanthus?” Reniko asked. She knew that at the moment Skylar’s middle children were helping Dertrik with training, as was Ryne.

“They decided to continue on with Dertrik.”

“Claire was hoping to establish a school for the children, right? I know she was already on Eric’s case that just because he wasn’t on Earth anymore, he was not excused from his studies.”

Malik nodded. He seemed so happy with this. Reniko loved this side of him, this person who needed to spread knowledge as far as possible. She could only imagine that it came from the isolation that Vespen had experienced under the Rük’s rule.

“Who will be heading up the science department in this university of yours?” Reniko asked.

“I was hoping Rimca would, but she was disgusted by the idea. I think her exact words were, ‘how would I get any work done for Reniko if I am stuck teaching rudimentary knowledge to ignorant people?’”

Reniko laughed. “I wouldn’t have appreciated if you had taken away my chief science officer. As rude as she was about it, she is right. I would be too far behind without her.”

“Well in the meantime, Rae has said that she would by all means help out.”

“Well if she plans on helping out at the University, I hope that she picks a different form to present to the students.”

Malik’s eyes smiled at this, “I don’t know, I think it would make them pay attention more, if they thought they were being taught by their Wayann.”

Reniko glared at Malik. She was wondering if Rae even knew the strong resemblance Shyss, the form she regularly took, had to her own. She had gotten used to looking at herself when talking with Rae merely for the fact that they did not in fact share the same voice.

“Why does she like my grandmother’s form so much?” Reniko asked suddenly.

“You’ll have to ask her that yourself.”

Reniko finished the meal that was before her and instead poured herself a cup of hot tea. She almost felt like she had stepped back into her old life on Earth, sitting around drinking tea with her mother with no other thoughts but about what sort of social event she could fill her waking hours with. She knew this feeling would only last until she opened the door and walked back into her real life, but she was content with the few minutes that she was sharing with Malik. Besides, she actually preferred the life that she was leading now than the aimless one she had left back on Earth. She watched as Malik let his eyes rove over the Flimsy from the night before. He was making notes with a stylus in the margins which were quickly translated to text. It reminded her of the disjointed conversation they had had the night before about the subject of that Flimsy.

“Oh, you were supposed to give me the details on that,” Reniko said grabbing her tea so she could stand over Malik’s shoulder. He looked up at her comment too late and stared at Reniko’s empty seat. He was startled by the sudden hand that came from behind him to point at a line of text.

“Some Levanith actually went space exploring?” Reniko said. She tried to grab the Flimsy from Malik’s grasp, “Can I read that?”

Malik pulled it away, “I’m not done translating it.”

“Well what have you translated?”

“Let’s see. This archive is actually a series of burst transmissions sent from a ship that was sent out with a group of Levanith that was interested in exploring the universe to see if there was any more life out there. They left in about 800 LE. About fifty years later, after finding nothing of interest, one of the three vessels that they sent out encountered Earth. They observed for a long time, reluctant to make contact as the culture on Earth was rudimentary at best and the humans were always at war. They did mention that a few had volunteered to have genetic therapy to expulse their wings as they said the humans had a very similar form to their own with the exception that they were wingless land creatures.’”

“I always wondered how humans came to inhabit Vespen. Rae was never clear on that when she first told us that your species was a foreign inhabitant of this planet,” Reniko interjected, “I wonder if we could figure out what time period this corresponds with.”

“That’s easy, from the timeline you provided on what you knew of Earth’s history and the corresponding dates according to the Levanith calendar, I figure that the Levanith encountered Earth around 1400 AD.”

“Wow, we hadn’t even discovered North America yet,” Reniko said with excitement, “What made them make contact with Earth?”

“Well, they had a few go in as spies. I guess the Levanith there encountered some pretty pitiful people suffering from the conflict and conditions there. Against the rest of the Levanith’s wishes, they brought some humans back to the ships. Once there, they really couldn’t go back to their lives on Earth. They instead decided to establish a gateway link back to Vespen. It was initially on the ship, but when they contacted Vespen and told them of the conditions of the planet, they got permission to let refugees come to Vespen. A kind of underground asylum started up. It was very secretive; they didn’t want the general population of Earth discovering what they were doing because of the wars at the time. They kept it going for nearly a hundred years establishing a small trade route as well. They don’t really go into detail on what they would have traded, I think that was mostly handled by those back on Vespen.”

“They must have stopped sometime around when the Rük invaded Vespen. I wonder what relationship Vespen would have had with Earth if the Rük had not come,” Reniko wondered.

“Well, if we ever establish a gateway back to Earth I’m sure we can find out.”

“What happened to the Levanith ships after the war on Vespen started?”

“As far as I can figure, two of the ships returned to help with the war after they made sure that the gateway to Vespen was securely hidden, but they were out of contact with their last ship. I was just about to translate the other ship’s transmissions. They made a short rendezvous with the other two ships that stayed around Earth, but left almost immediately after making contact. Their log was catalogued separately and so I just found it. I only went looking for it because of the reference to the short rendezvous at Earth and the lack of mention afterwards.”

“There wasn’t a reference anywhere in there about the location of Earth?” Malik shook his head. Reniko’s wings sagged dejected. “Yeah, that would have been too easy.”

Reniko looked at the clock on the wall and leaned down to kiss Malik on the cheek, “Keep me updated, all right? I have to go do queenly duties now.” She ran out the door leaving Malik behind at the table. He scratched a few more notes in the column of the Flimsy and watched as it was changed to text. Glancing out the window, he decided he should probably leave as well. He left the Flimsy on the table to be resumed when he had more time that evening.

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