Spirit Blood: Genesis of War

Chapter 29

Makaylen’s personal journal entry log:

This is my first entry in my new journal. With new times ahead, I believed a new journal would be ideal. Someday, when my mind is fleeting away, I’ll have something to read and remember. I only pray I can continue this as a testimony of sorts regarding my life and the lives of my beloved friends. It is a new beginning age for man I am proud to admit.

The much needed rebuilding and reconstruction of Talkain took a little over a year and a half. Happily, however, Talkain is now functioning better than ever before and the people are, once again, flourishing. Amon, King of Talkain, started new trade agreements and alliances with Malvra, which is now, by the way, being governed by Kenneth and Garrett. They call it the Kingdom of Malvra and have appointed Kenneth as a king, once again, and Garrett as the Grand Duke. Garrett was the first choice by the people for king, but he admitted he wasn’t the right person for the job. Instead, Kenneth, his wife and their new son, Luke, have taken the position as the royal family. Ken has vowed to never again allow fear to force him to make compromises regarding his people. Garrett didn’t exactly welcome the role of Duke, but Ken gave him no other choice. Garrett does have excellent leadership abilities and his acts of heroism in, what is now being called The Resurrection Campaign, definitely earned him a position of grandeur. I suppose the name for the war is appropriate since something must die to come back to life. Besides Krysala, many friendships and relationships were reborn throughout the whole ordeal.

Ken is planning to rebuild his once fine kingdom of Karza, however, that plan is set for the future. The bond between the Wulf brothers, being the only two siblings surviving out of five, is much more important to him now and he’s not in a rush to leave Malvra just yet. Only Shiloh could have helped these two to

become so close, much closer than ever they have been. Both have agreed to construct temples of Shiloh in their great cities so others may come to know of His grace as well.

Terrell and Benthalas went back to Sherlin-Dea after peace and Talkain’s trade agreements were made final. Open communication between the three kingdoms is their primary goal now. Too much could, and would, have been lost had a bond between men and elves not been established during the war. Both Sherlin-Dea and Talkain have even begun to teach one another’s languages in their schools for the young children. Understanding of their differences must be taught, not only in school, but also in the homes. I am proud to say that finally an alliance has been made firm between the two very different races. Not since the times of peace and prosperity, when the Xythanians ruled from Xythan, has such an alliance taken place. Miracles are being made for future generations who will never know what it truly took for such things to occur, but that isn’t an entirely bad thing.

Amon is now nineteen and TaeAnne is quickly approaching her seventeenth birthday. For two so young, they have definitely experienced much. This I pray will benefit them in their reign of Talkain. Amon is already showing such great wisdom and intellect in the manner of business which, I’m afraid to say, he gets from his father. TaeAnne has taken on traits of her mother (so I hear from Jason over and over) with her sincerity and kindness. She has a wonderful nurturing nature about her and seems to favor anything that is in the best interest of her people. Both children give much of the credit for their wisdom to Moira who has decided to stay at their side as their royal advisor and assists them in decisions they would otherwise know little to nothing about.

Speaking of Moira, she is more than just a royal advisor, but a well versed magi in her own right. The more she grows in her faith the more powerful she seems to become. She has done what we all should do and has embraced the Burning Spirit. With that being done, new understanding of her abilities have shown themselves. The knowledge she attains from reading the ancient texts amazes even Christopher. So, actually, to call her a magi is an insult to her power for hers is not magic, but a gift of Manna from the great almighty Shiloh. She’s a great woman and one day she will be blessed with a great husband to nurture her as she does the royal family. She and Davien did toy around with the idea of a possible relationship, but the passion of their lives isn’t currently in finding a mate, but rather following the road Shiloh has set out for them. Perhaps someday in the future, however, we may hear differently regarding the two of them.

Christopher took up permanent residence in Talkain after the war ended and has helped to convert many to the ways of Shiloh. With him he brought many converted believers from Malvra to help those that were in need. Their mission was to feed, clothe and help all the families of Talkain that had suffered at the hands of evil. He never stops amazing me. His kindness knows no bounds, nor does his determination. Through both, he has shown the people of both Malvra and Talkain that great ideas are worth nothing if no one is willing to do the work needed to make them happen. Even in the worst times during the reconstruction, his flock did not complain or let the circumstances bring them down. They simply prayed. I have only one word to describe them all: Inspirational.

Davien, my dear friend Davien. He had one of the biggest meetings with Shiloh through all of this, I believe. The man I first met was arrogant and full of pride; now he is a humble servant of Shiloh and

anyone else who may be in need of him. He lived in Talkain during the reconstruction period, but has since moved on to seek out an academy he heard about from Chris. Apparently the academy trains men and women to be paladins in the Order of Light and is taught by knights and priests of the Temple of Shiloh. Now a man of meekness, Davien is not afraid to ask for help or admit when he is wrong and, above all, gives all the glory to Shiloh. I don’t believe he’s given up on a possible future with Moira. He is quite taken by her beauty and faith, but, like her, he is thinking more about his walk than in finding a mate. The future is definitely bright for the both of them, that I can say with great confidence.

There are actually so many to speak of, too many for my first entry unfortunately. Perhaps I can elaborate further on others while on my pilgrimage. I must be on my way soon…

I cannot end yet, however, for I must write something of Lockefren. Lockefren is someone I think I could talk about for hours and hours. Her half-breed heritage has not slowed her down, especially with the new bond between man and elves. She is the new Captain of the Guard in Talkain and remains quite close to Jason. She and Ben have developed a loving, yet long distanced, relationship with him in Sherlin-Dea and her in Talkain. Perhaps the distance will put a strain on their relationship, but I believe they’ll find a way to make things work. Their care and concern for the other is heartfelt and engaging.

I must find more room to speak of the Three Ladies…this being Jashel, Iwo and Nephida, of course. When the war ended they began to work so closely with one another that it was almost impossible to ever see one of them without at least one of the other two somewhere close behind. They actually left Talkain over a month ago. They wanted to go on their own adventure, probably causing some kind of mischief

along the way, I’m sure. They’re good women, but they have a streak for getting into trouble. I can only pray they will come around one day and see it’s not so bad to settle down and start a family. My parting with Jashel was not as bad as I had feared, however, it was noticeably hard on her. She admitted she felt feelings for me that I just couldn’t reciprocate. In time I know she will find someone truly set out in this world just for her and she will no longer feel for me as she does now. At least this time our parting was not hostile and, I do believe, if ever I need her help again one day she will quickly come to my aid.

Bildan and Gideon…well, Bildan stayed around just long enough to do some demolition work, but then set off for the mountains and his people. He will be missed for his straight forward attitude and comic relief. Gideon returned to Malvra a war hero and is now the Lead Commander of their army. I guess he finally accepted his promotions. The last I heard, he’d found a lovely woman, settled down and is expecting his first child soon. He is evidence that good things happen to good people, I suppose.

Finally, my last entry for today is of Sir Jason Jendryke; a noble man filled with honor and valor. We could all take a page from his book! Recently he has founded the Order of Fire, a group of brave and loyal knights. Their main objective during times of peace is to protect the temple of Shiloh and all those within its walls. He said it was something he felt lead to do to honor what Shiloh had done for him and his home. Even after a year, Jason still cannot explain what happened to him during his fights with Kalagin and Léon. All he could say, with confidence, was that he knew he had to give in to the spirit within him and embrace the power it was trying to freely give. When he finally submitted to it, the new him emerged. He has said he could feel the Burning Spirit all around him. He’s also admitted that without it he would never have come out alive. His faith has grown so immensely that Chris and Moira

are the only ones that seem to know more about the ancient texts than himself.

He is now the Lead General for all of Talkain and is always by Amon and TaeAnne’s side. They treat him like their father and he would have it no other way. In my opinion, they quite favor him in appearance actually. They are quite endearing to see, which brings a perspective to me: There is something more than my pilgrimage that I am interested in pursuing…a future with a family of my own. What I do is good and needed, but I will always long for a future with a wife that I find so precious I would do anything necessary to protect her. I know one day I will be blessed with this, but for now I must do the will of my God and help defend those incapable of defending themselves. I believe that was His true purpose when He exalted the Xythanian people, they just never reached their true potential in order to discover this for themselves.

And myself, well I can only speak of the Burning Spirit. As a Spirit Blood I have been blessed just to be part of the great powers from above. The spirit-blood flowing through each person of my same heritage empowers us like no other, but the Burning Spirit can only fully come over us if we embrace our heritage and Him. We must understand, we can’t control the power, and it should never be thought of something that can be controlled. It is a gift, and as a gift, it can be taken away from us, such as Canoes learned too late. The Xythanian blooded people do not deserve, just because of who they are, such a gift, so it should be respected as such. There are few of my kind left in the this world, however, it is still up to us to defend it entirely. Even those that do not believe must be protected and watched over until the great powers from above choose to end it all. The will and grace of the almighty Shiloh is beyond the understanding of mere men, so who knows for sure what is to come. We’re not meant to know or understand everything or we would have been given that gift as well. I am His servant, not the other way


Well, I believe this entry is quite long enough and I’ve still quite the journey ahead of me. However, this is not the end, but instead, a wonderful beginning!

Makaylen closed the small computerized notebook and stuffed it into his bag along with the rest of his belongings. Slinging one strap of his bag over his shoulder, he picked up his new weapon, Canoes’ halberd, and walked out of his bedroom in the castle. Walking down the hall he relished in the new makeup of the glorious castle compared to how dilapidated it appeared during the war. Now vivid paintings, magnificent silk and tapestries and shining gold and polished marble decorated the warm and inviting abode. It was quite a distance from his room to the doors he would need to take to exit the castle and be on his way, but the view was a pleasant one and one he didn’t want to forget anytime soon. Down the wide and long double staircase he nodded at people passing him, but he didn’t stop and talk. It was already hard enough to leave as it were.

He walked out the front doors and stopped on the concrete steps outside and admired the view of Talkain. He grinned seeing the happy faces of people going about their normal day. Not too long ago, these same faces were filled with dread. Again, he kept to himself as he descended the steps. He had taken ten steps when he heard a familiar voice calling him from behind.

“Leaving us, are you?”

Makaylen lowered his head in playful defeat. He feared someone would see him leaving and he’d be forced to say goodbye. He hated saying goodbye. Turning, he saw the smiling clean shaven face of his friend, Chris.

“Yeah,” Makaylen started, sounding almost guilty. “I’ve got to be moving on. I still haven’t finished

my pilgrimage just yet.”

“I know, it’s just hard to see you leave,” Christopher replied, losing his smile when he finished.

“I’ll be back,” Makaylen offered, trying to comfort the man. “I’ll need to check on you from time to time,” he joked.

Chris grinned, “I suppose, but I don’t like the thought of you being all alone.” When Makaylen only chuckled, he asked, “What’s so funny?”

“I thought of all people you’d understand I’m never alone,” Makaylen teased.

The two met one another half way and embraced heartily.

“What am I going to do without you pointing out simple logic to me?” Chris asked, joking himself.

“Well, I guess you’ll just have to have faith that you’ll find a wife soon. I’m sure she’ll do more than her fair share of helping you see the logic in things.”

“Very funny…,” Chris said, “but in all seriousness, I had a feeling you’d be leaving soon. My new apprentice has offered a gift for you.”

“Really?” Makaylen said curiously.

“Yes, but he’s down by the stables and I believe he’d like to give you the gift himself. Surely you can spare ten more minutes for a friend,” the priest jested.

With reluctance, for leaving was indeed turning out to be harder for Makaylen than he had thought before, he followed his friend down to the stables where a boy of dark hair, and apparent half-Elvin blood (by the ears), saddled up a beautiful and large black horse for what appeared to be a long journey.

“Makaylen, this is Randall, my new apprentice,” Chris said, introducing the boy. “Randall here has a gift he would like to give to you.”

Randall handed the reigns of his horse over to Makaylen, “His name is Storm Wind and he’s an Elvin

stallion…much faster than any regular horse.” The boy sounded anxious, as if he wasn’t actually ready to give up his fine horse, “He has a great sense of his surroundings, especially when it comes to magic.”

“Thank you, Randall. I’ll take very good care of him, I promise.”

The boy only smiled, nodded and headed back towards the temple, still trying to get over the fact he’d just given up his horse.

“He said he felt lead to give you his horse, it’s just a bit hard on him is all,” Chris offered.

Makaylen stroked the silky black mane, “I do appreciate the gesture. He will be blessed for his sacrifice.”

With a final hand shake and a few more words, Makaylen mounted the horse and rode off making his way to the heavy gates surrounding Talkain. As he exited the gates, he could see in the near distance Jason sitting on a horse waiting for him.

“I knew you’d leave without saying good-bye…because I would have too,” Jason told him.

“I have a hard time with leaving. I’d rather just go and try and hurry back, I guess,” Makaylen replied as he rode up beside the regal looking general.

“You know you are welcome here anytime,” Jason remarked coolly.

“Yeah, I know.”

Makaylen looked into Jason’s blue eyes and saw a true look of care and concern in them. The two men only stared at one another with much circling their heads to say, but unable to say them.

“You will tell the rest I’ll miss them, but to pray for us all to be able to get together again very soon, won’t you?” he asked Jason in order to break the silence between them.

“I can do that,” he replied, keeping his composure. “Makaylen, I just want you to know it was an honor and a true blessing to meet you and to be able to fight beside you. Don’t be a stranger. Besides, we’ve never actually had a chance to talk about our heritage, have we? You’ll have to come back soon, so we can have that chat.”

Makaylen smiled and nodded in acceptance of the compliment, “Most definitely.”

Before an actual ‘goodbye’ could be said, Makaylen kicked the flanks of Storm Wind lightly sending him into a slow trot. Jason watched Makaylen ride off until there was no longer any sight of him. Jason hung his head low, remembering a few things, and smiled to himself. With admiration, he rode back into his gleaming city welcoming whatever may be set to come his way.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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