Spirit Blood: Genesis of War

Chapter 26

Amon, TaeAnne, Nephida and Jashel hurried down the east corridor and away from the eerie lab where Moira stayed behind to face off with Giselle. Each of them wondered whether or not leaving Moira alone was a good idea and if she’d be okay.

They continued down the corridor in ease with Amon leading the way. Even in the dark, he remembered every crevice in the floor and every bend and turn as if he’d never left. Jashel followed close behind him, having the gift of natural night vision, leading the others as she trailed only a couple of paces behind the young prince. If Jashel hadn’t known better she would have sworn the young prince too had night vision, but for a human that wasn’t possible; was it? Before she could ponder on this thought further, Amon came to a halt and stood with his sword raised. The others followed suit raising their weapons as well. In the near distance a figure could be partially seen standing in the shadows. A faint glow from a torch on the wall revealed the darkened figure of someone who appeared to be wearing a dress.

“Stand aside,” Amon announced, “we have work to do!”

“I’m sorry, but I cannot allow you to go any further, my dear,” the calm feminine voice spoke from within the shadows.

For some reason the voice seemed familiar and almost soothing to Amon. He shook his head, trying to clear it so he could continue with his mission.

“Who are you?” He asked, still trying to sound brave and commanding.

“Who I am is not important; only keeping you safe is,” she spoke softly and endearingly.

Amon lowered his sword and stood upright. He trusted so much in the voice that all intentions to fight

or pursue his goals vanished instantly.

“What are you doing?” Jashel asked in a low whisper.

“I’m trusting our new friend. I want to see what else they may say,” Amon answered almost dreamingly.

He motioned for everyone else to lower their weapons. He didn’t want for this new person to be frightened away. Still she kept herself hidden with only her silhouette and flowing dress to be seen.

TaeAnne came to her brother’s side, “Do we know this person?” She also felt the voice was familiar and soothing.

“I don’t know, but we will soon see,” he answered her.

Slowly he moved away from the group and began to approach the lady. He walked with his arms open and his palms out showing he was coming in peace, however he still wielded his sword in one hand.

“We mean you no harm. I believe you mean us no harm. Why not show yourself?” He asked the lady.

The figure moved further into the shadows, “No,” she said in a voice of slight panic, “you must not see me or much will be jeopardized.”

Curiously Amon asked, “What will be jeopardized?”

The woman cleared her throat, for she had perhaps said too much, and answered, “You and your efforts, my dear.” When Amon stopped in his place, she continued, “The one you call Jason is a traitor. He betrayed the kingdom of Talkain with his father, Haldrov. This is how he was able to escape the attack while so many others perished.”

Amon’s brow hardened, “I cannot believe this!”

“That is not true! It is a lie!” TaeAnne spoke out.

The figure retreated still further into the shadows with the raising of voices.

“How would you know this?” Amon asked, quite curious as to the answer.

“Because I was there. I saw him when he left your mother to die, and was sure to take with him the only two chances he had to ever be king, while allowing our beautiful kingdom to fall to the enemy,” she replied. “I mean you and your sweet sister, being his two chances, that is.”

Amon shook his head, “That isn’t true. He loved my mother and…and…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence from the mention of his mother’s death. For so long he had wondered with dread if Jason’s lack of mentioning her was indeed evidence of her demise. Amon fell to his knees and buried his face into his hands, sobbing. TaeAnne ran to her brother and wrapped her caring arms around his shoulders. She too began to sob. He suddenly stood to his feet and angrily shoved his sister off of him.

“I knew I couldn’t trust him!” He announced through clinched teeth. “All he ever wanted was the crown for himself. That’s why he’s acted like he cared so much about our safety! He must need us alive for some reason so he can take over Talkain!”

As Amon’s grip on his sword tightened more and more, Jashel yelled out trying to catch his attention, “Amon! How could you believe that?”

TaeAnne backed away from her brother, quite frightened by his anger, “Jason has never done anything but care for us Amon. Why would you believe such horrible things about him?”

Amon turned crossly towards them, “If you side with him then you are traitors to Talkain as well and deserving of death!”

The sound of a hammer being cocked back from a gun echoed in the small area halting the yelling. Amon turned to see Davien pointing a large pistol toward the shadowed figure.

“Step away from her Amon, she has you under an enchantment. She’s trying to confuse you,” Davien


Amon only responded by raising his sword and readying himself to fight Davien, “Put your gun down or you’ll fight me.”

“Why are you protecting a person you do not know, Amon?” Davien pleaded for an answer.

Just then the figure stepped forward into the light. Slowly she emerged revealing your gray flowing dress, then her gray skinned legs and finally her beautiful, yet very gray, face. Amon’s jaw dropped, as well as his sword, at the sight of the woman. TaeAnne began to furiously shake her head and trip over herself stepping backward trying to distance herself as far as possible from her.

“Mother?” Amon muttered fairly above a whisper.

“Yes, Amon. It is me, your mother.”

“How…whe…wh…why are you so gray?” He asked, quite confused.

Thessa sighed deeply, “My dear, this land is under a terrible enchantment. It has made a great many things dark. For my strong will I have been punished and disfigured by being turned gray so as to show I am untrustworthy. Jason, in fact, told them to do this to me.”

Immediately Amon’s anger flared up again, “I’ll kill him for this!”

“She’s lying, Amon. She’s not your mother anymore. Perhaps she bears the shell of her, but she is not your mother,” Davien tried to express.

With a scornful glare towards Davien, Amon announced, “You are a supporter of Jason and will be dispensed with appropriately.”

“Amon, if you come towards me or anyone else aggressively I will have no other choice but to shoot her down,” Davien said, taking better aim towards Thessa.

Thessa’s face looked horrified as she pleaded with Amon, “Kill him, Amon! He just wants to destroy

me so you won’t hear the truth! Do it, Amon,” then her voice turned evil, “Do it Amon!”

With lightening quick reflexes, Amon picked up his fallen sword and flung it towards Davien hitting him in the shoulder which held his gun. Davien dropped his pistol and fell to the floor with great force. Smiling, Amon went to his mother to see her smiling back at him. As he approached, Thessa drew a small dagger which was buried inside her belt behind her back, and kept it hidden in her hand. She embraced him with her free arm, running her fingers through his thick hair. He hugged her with all his might, relishing in the moment. Slowly she raised her hidden dagger. As she attempted to plunge it deep within his gut, a shot rang out in the room. Her body stiffened in Amon’s arms.

“Mother!” He cried.

Carefully he tried to lower her to the ground. Her body seemed to immediately go lifeless with the dagger sitting loosely in her opened hand.

“What was this?” He said aloud, noticing the dagger in her hand.

The lifeless body of Thessa did not move, but something inside of her body seemed to be squirming around. Amon got to his feet and began to back away from what he’d believed to be his mother as the wiggling around inside her body began to become more intense. Without warning, her skin was torn open and a small one-eyed creature began to slither out form within her torso. Amon attempted to run towards his sword, which was still in Davien’s shoulder, when his sister screamed from the sight of the twenty tentacles emerging from within Thessa’s body. Amon stopped and turned to see the creature supporting its small round body and eye on top of its wildly flailing tentacles. Jashel began hurling knives as quickly as possible while Nephida opened fire upon the creature. A shield of psychic energy surrounded it, however, blocking the ladies weapons from penetrating. Moving like a spider, the creature swiftly moved towards Amon who’d backed away in shock. One tentacle grabbed his ankle and tripped Amon. He fell

on his face while the creature began pulling him towards itself. Suddenly pincers revealed themselves from within the creatures small body which snapped open and close several times. Amon attempted to hit the tentacle which held him, but the creature did not seem to notice. Then, as if the creature was turning into something else all together, a small tail unfolded from underneath the body and raised up into the air resembling a scorpion’s poisonous stinger. The tail was small and flexible, becoming a living entity of its own, and thrashing about as if to get air into its none existent lungs.

TaeAnne remained against the wall, horrified by what she saw. She couldn’t move from the shock of what seemed to be her mother lying dead on the ground and some unknown creature dragging her brother to its horrible mouth.

“TaeAnne!” Jashel yelled, getting the young girl’s attention. “Your brother needs you!”

Finally having been released from her state of shock, TaeAnne scrambled for her sword and shield, running at the creature with a ferocity none had ever seen her possess before. She hacked and slashed at the creature’s thrashing tentacles with her teeth clinched and her eyes filled with tears. The three women doing what they could to defeat the creature did help in slowing down its pulling of the heavy teenage boy giving him the chance to try and scramble away further from its ever closing-in mouth.

Davien was trying to pull the sword out of his shoulder, but the injuries he had sustained in his fight with Jayhem were denying him the strength. Amon continued to fight, grinding his heels into the tentacles holding his two ankles whenever the creature was too distracted to pull at him. A sharp shriek came from the beast as it released one of Amon’s ankles. With one free leg, Amon continued his onslaught of kicks until the creature finally completely released him. Speedily Amon crawled to Davien while the creature was temporarily distracted by the women.

“Davien, I am so sorry. I should have listened to you,” Amon apologized.

Davien only nodded, “Yes, yes, that’s wonderful. Now, can you please get your sword out of my arm so I can help?”

“Sarcasm? Good, obviously you’re not too hurt,” Amon joked, feeling quite like a kid to have messed up so badly and injure his friend.

With a hardy tug Amon pulled the sword free from the muscle in Davien’s arm. He stood to his feet in agonizing pain and tried to raise his arm to fire his gun, but Davien couldn’t lift it more than an inch.

“I can’t raise my gun enough to get a clean shot,” Davien announced. Seeing the creature head towards the three girls, he commanded to them, “Take out the creature’s tentacles! I’ve always been taught, if you can’t move, you can’t fight!” Moving his gun into his good hand, Davien continued, “Get in there and help them, Amon! They need your blade!”

Amon lingered for a moment, doubt running through his mind after his latest blunder. Watching the creature attempt to hurt his friends and sister, however, gave him much needed courage. He raised his sword and ran to attack it, yelling the whole way. The three girls blocked whipping tentacle attacks while trying to strike the creature without it deflecting or protecting itself with its self produced shield. Jashel retrieved a dagger from the floor from a previous failed attempt and readied herself to throw it just as she noticed Amon headed towards them. The creature heard his charge and swung a tentacle to knock Amon out of the way, but instead lost it to the swift swipe of the boy’s blade. The monster howled in pain as yellow sludge oozed from the severed tentacle. With each lash of its tentacles, Amon would sever one after another sending the creature into a fit of yelps. Jashel copied Amon’s strategy, unleashing her fury at the waving tentacles. As the creature tried in vain to protect itself, a burst of white light streamed from across the room and hit its one eye and driving it hard to the floor. Davien managed to lumber over and step on its tail.

“I think I can make this shot,” he said as he raised his gun and shot, killing the creature.

They each turned to see where the light had come from to see a battered, but not beaten, Moira standing there.

“What happened with the mage? Are you alright?” A round of questions started.

Holding up her hand, Moira humbly answered, “I won…I guess. That’s what happened.”

Davien walked away from the creature and towards the others who were surrounding Moira. His face was almost unrecognizable with bruises, cuts and dried blood. He walked with a limp holding his broken hand and drenched from his shoulder in fresh blood, still he managed a cocky grin.

“That thing,” he said, glancing back at the creature, “won’t be bothering us anymore.”

“My goodness, Davien!” Moira exclaimed. “I do believe you may look the worst of any of us,” she joked.

With a slight chuckle from Davien in response, she laid her hands upon him and spoke aloud, healing his wounds as Shiloh’s power had helped her to do for others. He wiggled his fingers and rotated his shoulder, amazed that there was neither pain nor evidence of his wounds.

“You have quite a gift there, Moira. You should really thank Shiloh for it,” he offered.

“I didn’t realize you believed in Shiloh,” Moira responded, a bit shocked.

Davien shrugged and glanced back again at the dead creature, “I’ve learned in the last year that either you’re a believer and you succeed, or you don’t and you get left behind with these things. I am a true believer now.”

Moira smiled back endearingly at the man as Nephida spoke up anxiously, “What now?”

“We have to get to the towers and stop the turrets from shooting upon our men,” Moira answered her.

“Where are our troops?” Davien asked.

“Some are pinned by the east wall and the others are unable to advance on the battlefield. Why?”

Davien scanned his memory of the structure of the building from what he’d seen making his way towards it, “There should be only one turret on the east side. I can handle that alone.”

As Davien began to run off towards the tower, a new found energy in his step, Amon asked him, “What are you going to do?”

With a confident and cocky grin, Davien answered, “I’m going to turn the tide. You should do the same. Take out the siege weapons before destroying the turrets. Let the battle be man against monster.”

“Yes! Now why didn’t I think of that?” Jashel announced.

The battle outside raged, ranged weapons against ranged weapons, as the Dread Army kept them pinned down on the flat null which was surrounded by boulders, trees and the small upward hill behind them. Soon they would be out of any ranged weapons and their defenses would be breached giving way for the Dread Army to be able to reach them. However, with the enemy’s siege weapons, and the turrets still shooting down upon them from the castle, the army had no other choice but to stand their ground and wait for whatever may come their way.

“Sir!” Gideon called to Jason from over the communicator, “The enemy must expect we are low on ammunition! They’re moving a quarter of their troops to each flank! Soon we’ll be overwhelmed!”

“Once you’re depleted of all ranged resources, draw swords and prepare for close combat, Lieutenant. Just stay out of range of those turrets,” Jason answered back.

Garrett spoke up, “Jason, let me go and help them. I can’t sit here while they are fighting.”

“Thank you, Garrett,” Jason replied.

Having loosed the last of their arrows, the men drew their swords with weary and shaky hands. Gideon

knew too many of them were inexperienced in battle and feared today may be their last day to live. Knowing his duty, he stepped out before his men to deliver them courage.

“Men,” he shouted, “hold your lines and stand your ground! These foul creatures can be defeated and nothing less than that is expected of you! Fight with courage and honor remembering all that you have been taught and you will survive to see another day! A day filled with light! Light makes darkness disappear and you, my fellow soldiers, are the light!”

All around Gideon the men’s postures straightened and a new vigor seemed to fill their hearts. Today would be a day for victory; a victory delivered by fighting, not fear or running away.

Before them the Dread Army clamored up the battlefield with great haste. As long as the Dread Army was advancing across the field surely the turrets would not fire, however, they knew if they were to move from their position the turrets would begin firing again. As the monstrous army neared them, a large shower of light shot down from the sky taking out the entire front line of the charging party. In fear, they began to run back, away from the onslaught of what looked like an attack of lit up locusts. As the light neared them, taking out many of the front lines trying desperately to run away, it was more visible to the Dread Army leaders that the light was coming from arrows raining down upon them.

“What’s going on?” A soldier asked Gideon. “We’re out of arrows. We are not firing those.”

The battlefield lighting up in fire could be seen from where Jason, Terrell and the remaining Dark Commanders were positioned. Each of them turned their attention to the battle to see innumerable elves coming out of the forest and down the hill to the battlefield. From within the forest, arrows were being shot into the sky and landing into the fleeing Dread Army.

“Elves?!” Léon exclaimed, grinding his teeth together. “King Sess, that ignorant fool! He must have joined their rebellion.” Looking to the commanders waiting with him, he commanded, “Take your armies

and flush the archers out of hiding! I want the knight to myself. Kill the rest!”

As the commanders rode off, leaving only Léon, Jason and Terrell there, Terrell looked to Jason, “Jason, obviously the fight here will be fair now. I’m going to the battle.”

“Thank you my friend,” Jason said, nodding.

Terrell took off for the battle and for the elves he could see still lining the forest edge. As he neared he realized Lorith was one of the men standing and watching as the Elvin soldiers joined Gideon’s men on the field.

“Lorith? What are you doing here?” Terrell asked, jumping off his horse and rushing towards the elf.

“My job, Prince,” Lorith replied.

Lorith gestured with his head towards the trees behind him. Terrell looked in to see his father, King Sess, sitting upon his Elvin steed looking as regal as ever he had. With a triumphant grin, Terrell ran to his father’s side.

Speaking in his Elvin tongue, Terrell asked, “Father, why did you come?”

Sess lowered his head, grinning. When he looked back up into his dear son’s eyes, he replied, “I was told once that if I sit and do nothing then nothing would be done, however, much would still be lost. I’m not a man that prefers loss. Not loss of land, power, a good fight or…my son.”

Terrell bowed respectfully to his father before raising his wrist communicator to his mouth to speak to Jason, “We have reinforcements now if you wish to charge. The enemy has retreated and is gathering again on the other side of the field.”

“Good,” Jason answered back, having only been staring at Léon from a distance. “No, have the men stand their ground and wait for the enemies move. Until the turrets are taken care of it isn’t safe to advance. I’m going to end this meeting with Léon, however, the other commanders are headed your way

through the forest and they are not alone. You will have to deal with them soon.”

Terrell gave the command to Gideon to remain in position over the communicator and then turned his attention to Lorith.

“Our army is standing down and waiting for a move by the enemy. Dark men of skill are headed this way and the humans will not be able to defeat them. I will go and warn Ben and Lockefren and ask for their help in defeating these men. Warn your men of their soon arrival. Also, if you could, please take command of my men here. I’ll be too busy with the dark army to do them any good.”

“Of course, my prince. I will do as you ask,” Lorith said, taking Terrell’s communicator so that he may speak to Gideon himself should the need arise.

Terrell leapt upon his horse once again and took off towards where Ben and Lockefren were situated. With the presence of the Elvin army, it was much easier to make his way to where Ben and Lockefren were fortified as long as he remained out of the turrets range.

“Ben, Lockefren!” Terrell called out in Elvin once he neared their camp. “Dark Commanders are in the forest with their special army. I need your help in defeating them. The humans will not be able to fight; only the elves have the skill and weaponry to defeat these creatures!”

Ben and Lockefren gave command of their armies to Kenneth and made their way to the forest edge where their Elvin kin were grouped. Suddenly the forest came alive with dark men robed in black. Their attack was silent, taking many of the elves off guard. Effortlessly the Dark Commanders were able to get passed the blockade of elves and to the unsuspecting men below the hill. As a battle began between these specially trained members of the Dread Army and the elves up on the hill, many more of the enemy were headed down the small hill and battling with the elves and humans there.

One Dark Commander headed straight for Gideon as he was running for cover. Lockefren chucked a

large rock and hit the robed figure in the head knocking him off his cybernetic horse. The commander was swift and rose to his feet immediately, ready to stand off with her. Wasting no time, he rushed at her with deadly slashes of his sword. She was able to move, dodging the blade, but could feel the wind rush passed her. She tried to parry the strikes, but the vibration from the two swords clanging into one another rang in her palms making it quite difficult to hold on. The commander was obviously much stronger than he looked. She would have to change tactics or he would surely strike her down soon. She dipped under one of his slashes and came across his gut with her sword. He flinched back, as if unharmed, but the blood on her blade showed otherwise.

Both prepared, without words, to begin their fight again while moving in unison in a circle. Cautiously they closed the gap between them finally clashing blades again high in the air. The two spun and attacked with such precision it appeared to be a well rehearsed acrobatic performance rather than a fight. Their moves were harmonious, however, she could feel that her strength and timing were giving. Too many close encounters had already occurred leaving her with several nicks and scratches. He did not seem to be slowing down in stamina as she was.

Lockefren fell to one knee and placed her sword upon the ground in front of her. Lowering her head, as if to concede to the battle with the commander, she breathed deeply. The great pride of the commander made him chuckle at the cowardice of her submission. He moved in, raising his blade to plunge it into her back, but as his blade came up she rolled on the ground in a somersault grabbing her sword. When his blade hit the ground where she had been she was already up on her feet and spinning around in a large horizontal arc. When the commander straightened back up he immediately fell down upon his knees, decapitated.

Lockefren fell against a nearby rock and rested herself; she was exhausted. The head and body of the

commander lit up into flames burning to nothing but dust, finally blowing away in the breeze. She breathed deeply then lifted herself from her resting place. There were still many more to fight before she could afford to rest.

Terrell stepped forward into a clearing where two of the Dark Commanders were riding followed by a small armada of men. Alone, Terrell raised his sword-axes and gave a ceremonial bow inviting the commanders to a duel. They looked at one another and laughed. With a signal, their militia halted and one of the commanders dismounted and drew his sword. With a half hearted return bow, the commander slowly started towards the elf. Without warning, the second commander came riding hard and fast towards Terrell with his sword ready to strike.

From the forest two arrows shot out and struck the riding commander sending him off his horse and instantly into flames. Ben stepped out from his hidden position in the trees wearing a huge grin.

“Let’s keep this battle fair, eh,” Ben said to the angry commander standing before Terrell.

“I don’t know the meaning of fair,” the commander hissed from behind his helmet.

His small armada, each heavily armed and armored, rode up to surround the two elves. The commander began to laugh again wickedly just as the forest came alive with several more elves stepping out into the open.

“Take them!” The commander demanded of his men. He turned his attention back to the elves in front of him, “I’ve got these two.”

The dark army set a charge for the forest, but several arrows rose out of the trees and began to rain down upon the riders. The screams and howls of unnatural beings sounded as they fell from their horses and melted into the ground like shadowy water.

Ben stepped back in order to allow Terrell to have this fight. In what seemed to be in several different directions, the commander came at Terrell, but the elf prince was there to parry every shot. Terrell continued to parry and dodge, but did not attempt to strike. He wanted to lure the commander into a false sense of power by making him believe Terrell couldn’t move fast enough to attempt a strike; even allowing the commander close enough to land a front kick to his chest. Terrell fell to the ground gasping for air while the commander moved in for what he believed to be an easy kill. I guess he’s done playing, Terrell quickly thought to himself before effortlessly moving from the thrust of his opponent’s blade.

Once again both men were facing off with one another, now, however, the commander was angry and irritated. The commander came at Terrell, as he had done in the beginning, but with a fury raging in him to the point of unconscious behavior. Terrell took full advantage of the commander’s lack of attention, as he was wildly thrashing without thought or reason, and came low for a gut shot. Terrell’s blow was parried, but his blade had skimmed the commander’s ribs. This only worked to further enrage the man. They continued their battle with Terrell getting in many shots, but the commander never seemed to show the effects. He kept thrashing at Terrell as if he’d never been hit. Terrell, however, had taken a few scratches from the commander’s serrated edged blade which burned his skin like a small flickering flame. Again and again Terrell tried to bring the man down, putting everything he had within him into his shots, but the commander refused to fall. Finally, Terrell ducked under a wild slash and drove one of his blades up into the chin of the commander’s helmet, slicing his sternum.

The commander flailed around screaming a very high pitched and animalistic sound. With a chain-mail covered hand, the commander delivered a right hook onto Terrell’s cheek driving him down. He pulled the axe out of his helmet and cast it to the ground, incensed with anger. From the ground, Terrell blocked the commanders sword from cutting him. With the commander standing over him, Terrell moved

his legs tripping the man a bit so that he lost his balance. With a quick kip up, Terrell fluidly came across the commander’s neck with his two blades, like a pair of scissors, and severed his head.

“Drive them all back!” He shouted in Elvin to his friends and allies before joining them in the fight.

Léon slowly rode his horse closer to where Jason was standing and waiting. Jason eyed his opponent, still unsure if Léon had a trap planned to ensnare him. Léon chuckled to see the brave knight so cautious and on edge.

“Don’t worry, Knight,” Léon said, “I want you all for myself. There will be no interruptions.” As Jason nodded, Léon continued, “This is the same place I killed your father, isn’t it? I felt it only proper to kill you in the same place.”

Jason shook his head, “He is not dead, you wretched beast. My father lives on with Shiloh in the Land of Light. And for myself…well, I’m far from dead.”

“Very well then,” Léon announced, bowing from his horse to his opponent, “let us begin.”

Léon placed his full size helmet on his head which resembled a bellowing monster with sharp teeth and two small horns coming from the temples. Jason could only believe this was what Léon truly looked like beneath his handsome façade. As Jason activated his own helmet, Léon dismounted his horse and drew Dark Inferno, his terrible purple sword with golden runes decorating the blade like a fire. Jason raised Deadly Wave, his own powerful sword of blue and silver with platinum edging the blade, and runes of pearl running over it like waves of water. The hilt was in the design of a griffin with the wings spreading out to protect his hands.

Both men knew this battle was to be their last for one of them. Neither could afford the survival of the other. Intensely staring at their foe from behind their helmets, the two took a fighting stance while

circling one another. Their anxiousness was obvious as they began to move faster and faster in their circle. Finally, as if reading one another’s mind, their swords clashed. Both began to jostle for position hoping to gain the advantage in their battle. It was obvious both men had grown in strength since their last encounter. Behind their metallic helmets they wore the look of struggling upon their faces. Neither of them could gain the upper hand causing them to finally push away from one another.

“You’re much stronger than before, Knight,” Léon hissed.

“I’ve learned a lot about myself since we first met. I’m not the man I once was,” Jason replied.

With a shrug, Léon moved in on Jason with a swinging slash to his mid-section. When Jason parried, Léon spun around, and dropped to one knee thrusting his blade deep into Jason’s leg. Jason hollered before driving his sword into the shoulder of the lowered Léon. Both men withdrew their blades and staggered back away from their opponent. Blood had now been drawn on them both working to refuel their flames of loathing towards the other. As if neither had been injured, they came at one another again, swords meeting in the air.

With a speedy slash towards Jason’s already injured leg came Léon, but his attempt was parried by Jason deflecting his sword to his right side and driving it down, attempting to pull Léon to himself. Without fail the maneuver worked and Léon was met with a gauntleted fist to his face. Léon fell back and spun around using his own momentum and landed a spinning roundhouse kick to Jason’s temple. Quickly they both shook off the stun of the strikes and came right back at each other with ferocious exuberance. Training and old battles served them well as the two enemies successfully used moves and techniques against the other trading cut after cut and blow after blow until finally both stood back from one another in exhaustion. Breathing deep, Léon and Jason stared from behind their helmets .

Broken and bleeding, Léon stood straight up and raised his sword as if to salute Jason. Instead,

however, he began to speak in a dark ancient language causing the runes on his blade to flare with light until they burst into flames covering his menacing sword.

“Now you’ll see why my sword is called Dark Inferno,” Léon yelled.

Again he yelled the ancient language while making quick slashing motions with his sword. What looked to be fiery arrows were cast from the flaming sword towards Jason. Quickly Jason muttered the language of the Xythanians sending his own sword into a fit of white and blue flames moving along the blade like large waves in the ocean. The fiery arrows were doused by the blue light as if it were water and they fell to the ground before Jason. The two swords came to life as if pulling their wielder’s towards the other one in order to duel.

Léon’s eyes lit up in disbelief, “That is why Canoes worried about you! No matter! Your blood is no different than my own! I will only relish your death all the more after I’ve destroyed you!”

Léon rushed his opponent with his sword held to his side. Jason followed his lead and rushed as well holding his own sword strong and against his shoulder. The two warriors clashed together striking one another in the helmet. As if synchronized, both fell to the ground tearing at their damaged cybernetic helmets to remove them so they could breath. Léon removed his helmet first and gasped for air. Realizing Jason was still trapped within his own helmet, he rose to his feet gripping his sword tightly.

Jason finally freed himself from his broken helmet and gasped for air just before noticing Léon’s boots approaching him. He scrambled for his sword lifting it just in time to barely deflect Léon’s shot. The unexpected strike caused Jason to loose his grip and his sword was knocked from his hands. Léon planted his boot in Jason’s chest again causing Jason to gasp for breath, and slamming him into a boulder which sat a foot away from where Jason had originally been seated. He leaned back against the rock sitting up as Léon walked towards him with a cold stare in his illuminated eyes.

“Now, what do you have, Knight?” Léon mocked.

He raised his sword ready to plunge in into Jason’s heart when Jason activated his shield thrusting the bottom point into Léon’s lower abdomen. Léon could only stand frozen in shock of having been pierced. As Jason pulled his shield free, Léon stumbled back holding his gut staring in disbelief at the blood on his hand. Jason grabbed his sword and struggled to stand up.

“A good knight always relies on his shield as well as his sword,” Jason offered to the shocked Léon.

Léon fell to his knees a short distance away from his opponent, “That may be, Knight…”

He began to tap a couple of buttons on the forearm of his armor while he spoke. A volley of mystical arrows fell from the sky causing Jason to raise his shield and retreat a short distance from Léon. Léon took this moment to draw a circle of purple fire around him with his sword. When Jason turned his attention back to Léon, he was met with a salute.

“I yield to you, Knight. You may have this victory, but I will return and with a much greater power than even now.”

The purple flames rose up like a blazing pillar around Léon vanishing the injured warrior from sight. Jason lowered his head in defeat. He knew Léon had not just offered an idle threat, but indeed did plan to return someday to avenge his loss. Riddled with disappointment, Jason stared at the singed ground where Léon’s fire ring had been. Again he had been forced to allow this creature to live and again he would have to face him someday. A blast from one of the castle turrets caught his attention.

“But not again today,” Jason mumbled to himself turning to see the field alive with battle. “Today is a day for victory and the liberation of Talkain.”

With a whistle, Jason’s trusty horse rode out to meet him. Mounting his horse, he grabbed another cyber-collar to link to his armor from the saddle bag. Activating his collar to produce another helmet,

Jason rode back to his men to help win the war once and for all.

Terrell overlooked the view before him trying to find any way into the castle, but all looked grim. The castle turrets showed no sign of running low on ammunition, the siege weapons firing upon them were constantly being fed by large creatures and other menacing creatures were seemingly growing in number to continue to fire arrows and bullets at them. The drone soldiers were still the largest number of foe left standing, but they did not seem to know where to go or what to do. The strange dark army Léon’s commanders had been leading fell back only to regroup and continue their rampage meaner than before. Nothing seemed to be an advantage to his army. There was no way for them to get into the kingdom gates and storm the castle.

Suddenly two of the side turrets turned down to the creatures below and began to open fire on their own army. The siege weapons were then hit and destroyed while the Dread Army surrounding them scattered around. The war beasts were falling in their tracks as the front castle turrets turned upon them destroying all that had stood in front of the gates preventing anyone from entering.

Terrell mounted his horse and swung one of his sword-axes in the air allowing the whistling they made to catch the ears of those nearby. The change of events scared the few foes within their midst to retreat and encouraged his own men to rally together. Each of them readied themselves for what they hoped to be the last of the unfair odds against them. The large gates enclosing the kingdom of Talkain began to slowly reopen. With a war cry to sound the charge, Terrell began to ride with his mighty men behind him on foot and horses towards the gates. Anything that lay in their path was demolished and destroyed as they crossed the field and reached the gates.

When they burst through the half opened gates the army was met with a hail of arrows and gun fire

from within the city causing many of them to fall, but the remaining men continued on in their efforts reaching the opposing shooting army and forcing them into a hand to hand battle.

Jason had by now rejoined his men and rode into the city. Shock came over him more abundantly when he could see his once fine home up close. No longer did he feel the torment of having left Talkain years ago; now he only felt a numbing anger and hatred towards the foul creatures that had contributed to Talkain’s demise. Without a pure thought, Jason began to hack his way through the growing numbers of ogres, goblins, dark elves and the many more detestable creatures blocking his passage to the castle. His only objective now was to take back what the enemy had stolen from him.

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