Spirit Blood: Genesis of War

Chapter 15

The kingdom of Karza was alive with hover carts traveling to and fro and the busy bustle of people going on about their day. The crowded streets of Karza closely resembled Roog’s Port City, however the splendid beauty and size of the metropolis looked more like the Elvin city Sherlin-Dea. The reigning king, Kenneth Wulf, now in his sixth year of rule, allocates the glory of his thriving success to Shiloh himself. Unlike Talkain, the people of Karza respect and admire their brave and humble king and look to him for wisdom, intelligence and guidance in their lives.

But even Karza in all its splendor and blessings could not withstand the threat of the impending Dread Army. Ever since the attack on Talkain, Karza has been on full alert. Kenneth’s own brother, Simon, leads the Karza army and has instructed his men to remove any and all possible weapons from anyone entering or found within the city. Not even a mere stick in a child’s hand can be tolerated during perilous times likes these. There isn’t a corner you can turn where a heavily armed soldier isn’t posted in cyber armor watching for any possible threats.

When Makaylen, Davien and Christopher reached the high gates of Karza they were reluctant to relinquish their weapons to the soldiers, but did so in order to gain entrance into the city. Having traveled for four days through devastated and desolate towns filled with the decaying deceased of townsfolk that had been consumed in a battle, none of the three were too quick to enter yet another city without some form of protection. Banners of Talkain had been found along their travels lying on the ground encrusted with the symbol of Great Chaos. Makaylen was determined to gain an audience with his old friend Kenneth, a onetime knight of Talkain and present ruler of Karza, and hopefully get some answers about the growing evil spreading throughout the world of Krysala.

“I was hoping to find Karza without a semblance of war, but the magnitude of soldiers surrounding the city do not leave me with much optimism,” Makaylen stated to his friends after entering the city. “There are soldiers everywhere you look.”

“Can we please get a hover cart?” Davien whined. “I am too tired and this city is too big to walk across in order to reach the palace.”

“I believe that might be an excellent idea,” Christopher stated witnessing the strange glares he and his friends were receiving from the nearby soldiers standing post on a street corner.

In agreement the three men flagged down a hover cart and traveled up the exquisite roads of Karza towards the palace. Makaylen felt great pride for his old friend Kenneth witnessing the beauty of his kingdom. Kenneth had attained many triumphs and rewards as a knight, but none of these compared to the splendor of Karza.

The palace itself was heavily armed with soldiers, riflemen and archers posted in various spots on the grounds and palace walls. Each of these men were covered with cyber armor bearing the crest of Karza, a dragon bodied wolf spewing flames around itself, and the soldiers were armed with heavy tech-rifles and vibro-swords. The two men standing guard at the electrified portcullis seemed quite perturbed at the arrival of a taxi ejecting three dirty, shaggy haired men.

“What do you want here?” The first guard demanded in a brute voice, raising his weapon.

Putting his hands in the air in submission, Makaylen stepped forward in front of his friends attempting to step closer to the guard, but the immediate reaction of the guards readying their weapons to open fire caused the three friends to halt in their places.

“I’m sorry. I’ll step back,” Makaylen started as he took a few steps back hoping to ease the soldier’s tension. “My name is Makaylen Stryphe. I’ve come to see the king as he and I are very old friends.”

The first guard lowered his weapon and whispered something to the second guard before going into his station and mumbling very quickly into his communicator. Within seconds the guard had returned to the men and motioned for the other guard to lower his weapon as well.

“King Wulf requests that you stay at the Golden Stallion Inn. Arrangements will be made for your stay and an armed vehicle will escort you back here tomorrow for an audience with him,” the guard quickly and emotionlessly stated.

Eyeing the guard curiously, Makaylen replied, “You got all that in the few seconds you were gone?”

“Sir,” the guard said, now more annoyed than before, “you are not the only guest who has recently requested to see the king. Arrangements have been made for others as well, some of which have been waiting for over two weeks now.”

“Why have they had to wait for so long?” Chris felt confident to ask after the guards relaxed their posture.

Slowly turning his attention towards Chris, the guard glared before frustratingly answering, “The king will see who he can and when he can even if that means waiting a few days or weeks. As I’m sure you can see, a new threat is on the horizon which has kept him very busy and with limited time.”

Chris now wished that he’d stop letting his curiosity get the best of him. The two guards returned to their posts as a taxi abruptly stopped before the three men ready to transport them to the Golden Stallion Inn.

Upon entering the large ten story hotel, the three men were taken back by the lavishness of their surroundings. Having spent the last few weeks sleeping on the cold hard ground, thoughts of soft bouncy bedding permeated their minds with every step inside the large white plush carpeted lobby. Chris was astonished at the large marble fountain that protruded from the wall on their left side which gushed with

an actual waterfall amid a painting of a forest while Davien kept his eye on the beautiful lady elegantly playing a black grand piano sitting in the middle of the lobby. Behind the front desk stood five desk clerks working with various guests. Makaylen stood in line waiting his turn to speak to a desk clerk as he admired the golden twin elevators zooming guests up to their lavish rooms.

The clientele of the inn were all well dressed and groomed, quite a contrast to the three dirty ragged looking men standing in line before the front desk. Makaylen tried to nonchalantly shake the dust from off his clothing while Chris pulled his cloak around him in attempt to cover up the dried blood stains splattering his robes. Davien was more preoccupied at smoothing down his tousled tresses as they stepped up to the desk to speak to a pretty blonde haired, blue eyed young lady bearing the nametag Megan.

“Welcome to the Golden Stallion Inn gentlemen,” Megan brightly stated. “How may I help you today?”

Before Davien could undoubtedly speak, Makaylen answered, “Hello. We were sent here by King Wulf who wished for us to stay until our meeting with him tomorrow. I’m afraid, however, that we do not have the funds for such an establishment.”

Not dropping her smile despite the appearance and smell of the three men before her, Megan touched the screen of her computer monitor a few times before returning her attention back to Makaylen.

Smiling, Megan replied, “Yes sir. I see here that King Wulf has arranged for you to stay on the seventh floor in three adjoining rooms. If I could please just get your name to verify your reservations then we can get you started.”

“Um, Makaylen Stryphe,” he answered quite happily while shrugging to his friends.

“Very good. Here are your keys,” Megan stated as she slid three keys with no teeth onto the front desk. Picking up a strange pen from the desk, she swiped it over the keys illuminating in bright white the

room numbers upon each.

“Your rooms will be 776, 777 and 778. Please look here,” she added as she swiped her hand over the top of the marble front desk revealing a full hotel map demonstrating the direction needed to reach their rooms from the front desk. “You will see how to find your rooms and where each of the emergency exits are should you need to find one during your stay.” Handing each man a paper copy of the map she continued, “Please, if there is anything we may do to make your stay with us more comfortable just contact the front desk and enjoy your stay at the Golden Stallion Inn.”

“Thank you very much,” Makaylen and Chris said before they turned to make their way to the elevator.

Grateful to finally be able to get some much needed rest and a bath, both Chris and Makaylen earnestly walked towards the elevator without realizing that Davien was not behind them. Turning back to look at the front desk, they saw Davien leaning onto it coolly talking to Megan.

“Should we get him?” Chris asked jokingly.

“No,” Makaylen shrugged watching the spectacle. “I say we wait and see if he gets slapped again like he has every other time he’s tried to talk to a pretty girl.”

They both stood anxiously awaiting the familiar sound of an opened hand slap hitting against Davien’s cheek, but were surprised to see that Megan was handing over a piece of paper with a star struck look in her eyes instead. Quickly the elated Davien caught up with his friends bearing an irremovable smile upon his face.

“What did you say to her?” Makaylen inquired grabbing the paper away from Davien to see a communicator code written on it.

“I just told her about some of our dealings during our travels and she was so impressed that she gave me her number without me even asking for it,” Davien spouted proudly and a bit surprised.

“No, what did you really say to her?” Chris said trying to hold back his laughter.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know my attempts haven’t always worked, but this time I’m telling you the truth,” Davien stated, rolling his eyes at his friends.

As they entered the opening elevators Makaylen spoke up, “And just how much of what Chris and I accomplished did you lead the girl to believe you did?”

“I didn’t really get into specifics, but I mentioned you two,” Davien said trying to get the guys off his back.

After a few moments of chuckling while the elevator zoomed up to the seventh floor, Chris turned to Davien and raised his arm asking, “Hey, do I stink as much as your story or what?”

Impatiently Jason came out of room 770 at the Golden Stallion Inn as the elevator doors in the hallway opened to expel three loudly laughing men.

“Excuse me gentlemen,” Jason said to them trying to keep his calm, “would you mind keeping it down? A friend of mine is ill and is trying to recuperate and get some rest, but you’re laughter could disturb him.”

Both Chris and Makaylen nodded apologetically, but Davien felt challenged by the taller and more muscular man.

“Hey, we’re just having fun pal,” Davien said defiantly. “We’ve had a hard time ourselves, so why don’t you mind your own business?”

“You listen here little man…,” Jason started quite aggressively.

Just then a beautiful half-elf lady came out of her room and stood in front of Jason trying to calm him down. Meanwhile, Chris grabbed Davien and pulled him away from what was about to be a heated


“Jason, please stop this,” Lockefren begged trying to catch his attention away from the disrespectful man down the hall. “You’re better than this. Just go back and take care of Terrell, I’ll handle this, ok?”

She motioned for Ben, who had peeked his head out of his room and was quickly joined by Moira and the children, to go back so she could handle things peacefully. Turning her attention to the three men she noticed the shaggy one speaking roughly to the man Jason had been ready to clobber. She was ready to say a few harsh words herself when her gaze met the beautiful amber eyes of Makaylen.

“Um, I’m sorry about my friend, but our travels have been hard and we have a wounded comrade. We’re all a bit tense right now,” Lockefren told him.

Makaylen nodded glancing back at his disrespectful friend, “Yes, I can understand. I apologize as well for my friend’s behavior. We’ve just arrived after traveling for quite some time ourselves. I thank you for your intervention. My friend doesn’t always practice restraint when faced with a possible challenge.”

With a smile she replied, “You’re welcome. Well, if there are no hurt feelings, I should get back to my friends.”

Before Lockefren could turn to leave, Makaylen blurted out, “I do feel very bad for your troubles. I would like to treat you and your comrades to dinner as an apology. My quick tempered friend is buying.”

“No, that won’t be necessary, but I thank you just the same,” Lockefren said trying once again to leave the hallway.

May we see each other again my fair lady?” Makaylen said in Elvin after walking Lockefren to her room door.

With only a flush to her cheeks and a grin, Lockefren opened the door to her room and went inside.

Sitting alone in his throne room, King Kenneth was deep in prayer. His brother, William, a man of the Word, had taught him years ago how to speak to Shiloh when in distress. With his eyes tightly shut and his attention somewhere else, Kenneth tried to ignore the sound of the doors to the room being opened and a person entering. Loudly coming in the room was a man bedecked in gold jewelry and dressed in a regal red robe covered with silver stars and moons. In his hand he carried a serpent shaped staff encrusted with gems and a large crystal in its mouth. He was followed closely by a bodyguard dressed in black bio-armored body armor. Upon entering, the robed man looked at Kenneth disapprovingly for wasting his time with such meaningless tasks, however, Kenneth did not stop for he had grown quite accustomed to the rude intrusions of this man. Having not yet received a welcome, the man whacked his staff hard on the ground to awaken Kenneth from his prayer.

“Stop that nonsense Kenneth!” The man exclaimed. “It doesn’t do you any good.”

Kenneth rose to his feet and grudgingly walked over to meet with the robed man.

“I wasn’t praying for me, but for my people and the people of Talkain,” Kenneth announced.

“Hmm, how touching. Regardless, it doesn’t change anything between us,” the man said condescendingly.

“What do you want Danick? I’ve got much more important matters to tend to than you,” Kenneth replied after giving an icy glare to the foreboding bodyguard.

“Well, you are full of charm today aren’t you Kenneth,” Danick spouted. “One would have to ask himself why?”

“A prayer has been answered Danick; Makaylen has arrived!” Kenneth said triumphantly. “With him I know I will finally be rid of you.”

Snickering, Danick shook his head as he began to circle Kenneth.

“You know the deal Kenneth. No person is to enter here without my say so. I forbid him to be here!”

“I know you do and that will only make him come quicker,” Kenneth told him. “I have never turned down seeing my friend especially since my brother William’s death and my sister’s as well.” Shooting a hot glance at Danick, he continued, “Makaylen has always been there for my family. It took William to open my eyes and Alexis to open my heart to him, but I consider him family as does he. If you deny him entry he’ll know something is wrong and he’ll only take this place that much faster.”

“Fine, invite him in then. I still have an ace up my sleeve for your dear Makaylen. If you don’t get rid of him though, you’ll only bring the end of his life that much sooner. I’m sure you know what I mean, don’t you?” Danick asked eyeing Kenneth.

“I won’t kill Makaylen!” Kenneth shouted shaking his head defiantly.

Starting out the door Danick called out, “Then I guess your wife and unborn child will have to take his place instead.”

“Stop!” Kenneth commanded.

Danick turned back to face the King with a cold look of victory upon his face.

“I’ll do it,” Kenneth sighed defeated. “I’ll do it.”

“That’s a good boy,” Danick teased as he left the room with his bodyguard close behind him.

As the door slammed Kenneth fell to his knees dropping his face into his hands sobbing bitterly.

“Please Shiloh deliver me from this great evil or, if not, please forgive me for what I may do.”

For the first time in several weeks, as he dried himself off from his long hot shower, Makaylen thought to himself, I can’t wait to get into my clean bed and sleep soundly. He wiped the bathroom mirror and began to indulge himself with the simple things such as trimming his overgrown mustache and

goatee. Combing his scruffy head of hair he wondered if such a nice hotel would have a barber shop available. He walked out into his comfortable and peaceful room, wrapped only in his bath towel, and laid out a pair of silk pajamas he had bought long ago in Roog’s Port City but had never had an opportunity to wear. As he slipped into the smoke colored clothing, a knock came at his door.

“What do you guys want?” Makaylen annoyingly asked his two friends standing outside his door.

“Wow, what fancy duds you have there Makaylen,” Davien teased.

“Yes, thank you, now what can I do for you both?” Makaylen asked again.

“We were thinking we could all go to the restaurant and actually have a meal that hasn’t been prepared on a spit,” Chris said wearing a huge smile that could now be seen having been shaved and cleaned up.

Shaking his head, Makaylen answered, “No, I was thinking more of getting some sleep while we still have actual beds to sleep on.”

“You do realize it’s only five o’clock, right?” Davien asked behind a chuckle.

Looking back into his room at the closed curtains, Makaylen could see a faint glint of light peeking through a gap. He sighed and lowered his head knowing he wasn’t going to be able to get out of going.

“I’ll meet you guys down there. I, um, have to get dressed in something a bit more appropriate,” he said motioning to his pajamas.

“Don’t take too long,” Davien said trying to hold in his laughter as he and Chris started their way towards the elevator.

Lockefren, Ben, Moira and the children were headed towards the elevator to have dinner when they saw one of the men they’d seen earlier already waiting for it as well. They each stood behind the man no one knowing exactly what to say. Makaylen slightly glanced behind him and then looked forward again.

“So are you all going to beat me here or when we get on the elevator?” He jokingly asked the troupe standing motionless behind him.

The doors opened and everyone entered with a slight smile upon their face.

“We were going to do it in the elevator. Less witnesses that way,” Ben joked back. Offering his hand to Makaylen, he added, “Just joking my friend. My name is Benthalas Wenguard, but everyone just calls me Ben.”

“Oh, good. You actually had me worried there for a moment,” Makaylen admitted gripping Ben’s hand to shake it.

Ben noted to himself that Makaylen’s grip felt much stronger than his build would reveal.

Pointing to the others in his group, Ben introduced them, “This is Amon, his sister TaeAnne, the beautiful Moira and, of course, you know our lovely Lockefren.”

Makaylen met each one of them with a smile and a hearty handshake, “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’m Makaylen Stryphe.”

As the doors opened into the front lobby where Davien and Christopher were awaiting their companion’s arrival, the new friends filed one by one out of the elevator exchanging conversation. When Davien realized Makaylen was talking to the very people he associated with the large rude man on the seventh floor, he huffed in irritation.

“What’s this all about?” He asked Chris.

“I don’t know. It looks like Makaylen’s made some more friends,” Christopher pointed out cheerfully.

“Well I’m going to find out,” Davien spouted before heading over to Makaylen still standing by the elevator doors talking to Ben.

“Don’t do anything stupid Davien,” Chris said out loud following closely behind his ill tempered


“What’s all this about?” Davien asked Makaylen in a frustrated tone once he was in ear shot of him.

Makaylen looked at his friend confused, “What are you talking about?”

Davien erratically motioned his hands from side to side indicating he was talking about the five people Makaylen was engrossed in conversation with to which he was met with the disapproving glare of his friend.

“Well gee Honey, they’re just friends. Nothing was going on, I swear,” Makaylen teased hoping to keep the mood light and divert another confrontation between Davien and this other group.

The children and Ben chuckled a bit, but Davien only glared at Makaylen before storming off in a huff for the lounge.

“I’m very sorry for that,” Makaylen told the group. “My friend is not really all that bad, he’s just slower to forgive than others I guess.” Realizing Chris was standing nearby, Makaylen waved for him to join them. “This is also a friend of mine, Brother Christopher Bream. He is my conscious and healer,” Makaylen said complimenting his friend.

“It is very nice to meet you,” Chris stated before being introduced to each member of the group.

“Why don’t we all dine together? I’m paying,” Amon announced after a few moments of idle conversation with their new acquaintances.

“Would your friend like to join us?” Lockefren asked Makaylen motioning towards the lounge after everyone else started for the restaurant.

“You know, he’ll probably join us in a little while after he’s gotten over his pride, but perhaps I should invite him personally. Please excuse me,” Makaylen said excusing himself from the group to speak to Davien.

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As he entered the lounge Davien spied him coming over, but quickly turned his attention somewhere else so as to appear like he didn’t see his friend approaching.

“Knock it off Davien. I know you could hear everything we were saying. You’re the worse spy ever,” Makaylen shot at Davien trying not to sound too brash. “Listen, you really have to get over this and grow up. These people are not our enemies. They are here in Karza to seek assistance just as we are. What happened upstairs was just a simple misunderstanding between two men. Now they want to treat us to dinner and you’re over here acting like a juvenile.”

Davien kept his back to Makaylen as if he wasn’t listening, but his empty belly forced him to take heed to his words.

“Now you can take my advice and come join us or you can stay over here and miss out on a free meal with some very interesting people. Either way, it’s your decision,” Makaylen finished before he rejoined the others standing wait for a table large enough to accommodate them.

Large pitchers of water and juice sat along the long table prepared for eight. As the seven of them sat discussing what had brought each of them to Karza, it became more and more clear that it would be most beneficial for Jason and Makaylen to meet. Also, Moira and Makaylen discussed their similar experiences regarding their powers even though their actual abilities were quite different. As the conversations continued and the night went on, Christopher was delighted to discover that his senses had been correct, after he first met Moira, and he actually had found another Xythanian ancestor. Forever a watcher, I guess, he thought to himself.

“My friends, I believe it to be quite clear that it was our destiny to be brought together,” Chris started. “Too many similarities exist between our groups. If I may be so bold to suggest, what we need to do now is discover just what our one common goal could be. Obviously we have the fate of Krysala to contend

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with, however, I do not sense that this is our only objective. Surely there is something else, as well, that needs to be addressed.”

More and more theories were batted around when Davien finally humbled himself and joined them. He took the open seat next to TaeAnne and was received with welcoming looks and greetings. TaeAnne tried desperately to explain to Davien a wild theory of Ben’s, but failed quite short of making it clear for him to understand bringing a round of laughter to the joyous table.

After dinner only a few of them remained at the table. Ben and Davien both discovered their fondness for competition and left hurriedly for the lounge to battle against one another every game they could find to play. Both Amon and TaeAnne bored of their adult company and took off for their rooms and a good nights sleep. For yet another hour Lockefren, Moira, Chris and Makaylen conversed enjoying one another’s company and fellowship. Finally, Chris called it a night and, being a gentleman, escorted Lockefren to her room.

“I think the restaurant is closing. Should we continue our conversation in the lobby? The sofa by the fire looks quite inviting,” Moira asked hoping to continue her riveting conversation with Makaylen a bit longer.

After taking their seats Makaylen revealed a bit about his past experiences in trying to discover his powers.

“I’ve made innumerable mistakes, but through each one I’ve been most blessed to be able to learn a valuable lesson as well,” he told the very attentive lady. “I can’t explain where or how I attained my powers or even when I first used them, but throughout the years I’ve continuously discovered more and more of what I been given the ability to do.”

“Didn’t your parents have any clue or help you in any way?” Moira asked, most interested in his

answer as everything else Makaylen spoke of she had experienced the same.

“I never knew my parents. I was raised in an underground Fighters guild. My guardian apparently found me tucked away in the hollow of a tree,” he revealed to her.

“Really? I didn’t know my real parents either. I was left at the doorstep of an orphanage as a baby and was soon adopted,” she timidly told him. “You would almost think that we were brother and sister, I mean with so many fascinating similarities in our makeup and backgrounds?”

“It’s probably not very likely, but nonetheless, you can’t understand how refreshing it is to have someone to talk to about these things,” Makaylen stated.

“Yes I can. It is very nice to talk to someone who understands so much about me. However, if I don’t get some sleep now I may not understand myself in a little while. Besides, TaeAnne is sleeping in the same room with Lockefren and I and she is a very early riser,” she joked.

“I agree, it is most definitely time to head off to bed. I hope we can pick up where we left off soon,” he yawned.

Slipping back into his silk pajamas and into his warm bed, Makaylen began replaying the last few hours spent with his new friends. Over and over again Christopher’s words ran through his mind as he pondered on a possible common goal or destiny that would have brought them all together at this time and place. He was quite eager to actually meet and talk to their friend Jason whom Lockefren couldn’t stop talking about in comparison to many of the things Makaylen himself spoke of regarding his life. I think it would be a most beneficial time to speak to Chris about the old prophecy from the days of the ancient Xythanians before they were utterly destroyed, he thought to himself as his eyes finally closed from exhaustion.

The restless city of Karza boomed throughout the night where Davien and Ben went searching for more excitement. As they ventured through the city streets a large explosion illuminated the night sky.

“Where did that come from?!” Davien yelled.

“From over there by the front gates I think,” Ben shouted back.

Instinctively both men ran towards the front gate forgetting neither of them were armed should their help be needed in fighting. Alarms sounded all around as water tanks sped passed them with their hover jets in full throttle. Finally reaching their destination, Davien and Ben were astonished to see how quickly the emergency technicians were on the scene and helping out where needed.

“Hey, isn’t that where our weapons were being stored?” Davien asked noticing that the small building consumed in fire was the same building the soldiers had placed their weapons upon entering the city.

“Oh no, I think it is,” Ben said disheartened.

Davien ran over as close as he could trying to see if there were any salvageable weapons lying on the ground, but was quickly halted by emergency workers and intense flames. Ben, instead, questioned the paramedics on the scene trying to inquire about any injured or dead persons possibly found. So far no bodies, injured or dead, had been found and there would be no way of searching until the fires had been put out. Helplessly both men watched with the paramedics as the fire consumed the building and the water tanks attempted to extinguish the flames.

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