Spin The Bottle: A college romance (Campus Games Book 2)

Spin The Bottle: A college romance: Chapter 14


The bar is packed.

My teammates are surrounded by drinks and girls—while I wish I was home. I need to be out here with them, celebrating, making sure the team is strong because, if not, then none of them will respect me.

“Want one?” I turn my head to Jordan, holding out his empty beer glass. “Lacy here was just about to order another round.”

I swallow, staring at the drink in front of me. “I’m good.”

“You never drink, Cap,” he says, the girl on his lap snickering into his neck. “What’s up with that?”

My shoulders lift in a shrug, avoiding his eyes and the girl laughing along. “We have a game next week.”

Ethan scoffs, and I twist my head towards him. “Such a pussy,” he murmurs. “You need to loosen up.”

My jaw clenches when the rest of the team quietens, all looking back at me. I knew I shouldn’t have come here. Today is my day off. The one day I don’t have to work at The Barrel Room and they drag me to another bar instead. Most of Redfield usually hang out at Murphy’s which is closer to campus and packed with athletes every night.

Seeing as I had to work pretty much every night, they started to get suspicious about my whereabouts, wondering why I would never go out with them, so here I am, hanging out in a bar with drunk girls and horny guys and I fucking hate it.

I grab my glass of Coke and lift it to my mouth. “I’m captain. I need to keep a clear head.”

Carter nudges me on the arm. “You good?” he asks.

“Fine.” My hands clutch the glass, taking another sip. “Just tired.”

“Tonight’s your day off, right?” I nod, dropping the glass to the table. “And you’re spending it in another bar?” he jokes.

I chuckle, rubbing my jaw. When I lift my head, my laugh settles, watching the one girl that seems to pique my interest. Her friends walk in behind her. Rosie’s decked out in a short pink dress, reminding me of the first time she ever showed up at the house.

Her friend Gabi taps on the bar, getting the attention of the bartender by taking off her jacket, leaving her in a crop top and some jeans.

And Madeline looks as elegant as she always does, wearing a long white dress complimenting the tone of her dark skin, her brown hair flowing down her back.

But the one girl that has my undivided attention, the one girl that I can’t seem to stop looking at is, Leila. Her ass is so prominent in the tight jeans she’s wearing, almost looking like they’re painted on, and the black, low-cut top does nothing to hide her full figure, her tits the center of attention.

Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

“Hey.” My eyes snap away from Leila to the girl standing in front of me, short brown hair above her shoulders, wearing a skimpy outfit that my teammates are drooling over. “Aiden Pierce, right?”

I press my lips together, giving her a smile. “Yeah, that’s right.”

She nods, giving me a smile of her own. “My friend was wondering if you would give her your number.”

My brows raise. “Who’s your friend?”

She turns, pointing at a girl sat at the bar, sipping on a cocktail. She tucks her blonde hair behind her ears, her face tinting with pink when my eyes meet hers. She’s pretty, but she’s not who I can’t stop thinking about.

It would be so easy. I wouldn’t even have to give her my number, I’d just nod, and she’d be in my bed by tonight. Don’t want that though. I want one person who’s hellbent on keeping me at a distance. “I’m sorry,” I tell the girl. “I’m not dating right now.”

She laughs. “She doesn’t want a date.”

Of course, she doesn’t. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl who was interested in me beyond just sleeping with me or bragging to their friends. “I’m not doing that either.” Her face falls and I’m quick to add, “You’re both beautiful, but I’m focusing on basketball right now.” Or trying to. I don’t want them to think there’s something wrong with them, there’s not, I’m just not interested.

“Your loss.” She turns around and heads towards her friend.

“What’s wrong with you?” Ethan asks, raising his eyebrows. “She was hot. They were both hot.”

“Then you can have them.”

He scoffs, lifting off the chair and downing the rest of his beer before heading towards the two girls.

I can’t help myself, my head turns to where Leila was standing before, but this time she’s not alone. Some guy is standing with her, talking and laughing with her. I see him take a sip, his eyes dipping down her body, checking her out.

I’d be pissed if she wasn’t constantly looking at me. When my eyes meet hers for the umpteenth time, she twists her head away from me, nodding along to whatever the guy is saying. She doesn’t want me, my ass. She can’t keep her eyes off me, just like I can’t.

That night replays itself in my mind frequently. More than I’d like it to. I can’t stop thinking about her, about the noises she made and how she keeps me on my toes. I’ve never met someone like her, don’t think I ever will.

“That’s my girl, jackass.” A loud crash rips my gaze from her to the two guys rolling around on the floor. I lift off my seat, my eyes widening when I spot Ethan straddling the guy, swinging his fist, punching the guy.

“Campbell!” I shout through the noise, pushing everyone aside until I get to them. “What the fuck are you doing?”

My arms reach for him, attempting to rip him off the guy, but when he turns and sees me, the anger is directed at me, nudging me off him. “Fuck off,” he says, lifting off the guy and pushing at my chest.

“What are you doing?” I repeat, narrowing my eyes at him. “What the fuck happened?”

He shakes his head, pushing at my chest again. “I don’t listen to you. You’re not my captain.” With that, he turns and walks out of the bar, murmurs spreading across the room.

I wipe a hand down my face, turning to Carter. “What the hell just happened?”

He gestures with his chin to the short-haired girl who approached me, who’s now clutching at the bloody guy on the floor, calling him ‘babe.’ “I guess Ethan flirted with the wrong girl.”

“Everybody out!” The bartender shouts, escorting everyone out of the bar.

I blow out a breath, and when Jordan and Andre come out, looking at the smashed glass and blood on the floor, they turn to me. “What just happened?”

Once again. This is all on me. I’m team captain. I should have a hold on my team, and instead, I let everyone down. I shake my head. “I messed up.”

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