Sovereign of the Ashes

Chapter 36: An Ambush

Chapter 36: An Ambush

The destructive power of the Fiery Hand spell surpassed even that of the Fire Wall spell, though they were both intermediate magic spells.

As the nearby flames raged on, abundant pyro elemental particles lingered around. This caused the fiery hand conjured by Sein’s spell to appear larger than usual.

The moment the massive fiery hand materialized, the King Green Plume’s advance toward Sein came to an abrupt halt.

While it was true that low-level magic beasts were easily provoked and had limited intelligence, they possessed a strong instinct for self-preservation.

The strong desire for survival and the fear of death made the King Green Plume to reconsider its aggression and escape instead.

However, it was too late to retreat at this point!

The massive fiery hand swiftly closed in on the King Green Plume.

In its gentle grip, the magic beast was thoroughly cooked alive. The other adult Green Plumes at its side suffered the same fiery fate, turning into charred remnants.

The death of the King Green Plume and the intensifying heat from the surrounding flames drained the last ounce of defiance from the few remaining Green Plumes.

Surrounded by flames on all sides, they fled in every conceivable direction, sparing no thought for the fledglings behind them or their precious eggs.

The fiery inferno illuminated Griseo Valley as brightly as day.


As the flames gradually subsided and the residual heat dissipated into the cold, dim environment of the Underworld, Sein could finally assess his spoils.

The twenty-one charred Green Plumes and a King Green Plume were undoubtedly Sein’s largest harvest of this journey.

He proceeded to meticulously collect the most valuable parts of these creatures, their claws and beaks. Half of them would need to be submitted as evidence of quest completion.

As for the remaining half, Sein had the luxury of choice—he could either entrust them to Bousse for sale or reserve some of them for personal use.

Having studied alchemy under Master Morsidor for some time, Sein had been eager to put his newfound knowledge to use.

While it would be a waste for him to practice with valuable ingredients, these claws and beaks brimming with weak elemental energy were perfect materials for him to hone his skills.

In addition to the twenty-two Green Plumes, Sein also secured seven eggs, each slightly larger than a fist.

Quick mental math revealed that he had earned over two hundred autrum on this adventure.

Considering his minimal expenses, it was a satisfying profit. This realization significantly brightened Sein’s mood.

Unfortunately, his lack of a spatial storage meant he had to be selective with his spoils, only choosing the most valuable components to carry home. contemporary romance

The claws and beaks of the Green Plumes, as well as their eggs, quickly filled up his backpack.

Sein also secured the King Green Plume’s hind leg around his waist, intending to bring it back for Leena to enjoy.

With his hard-earned spoils, Sein appeared more like a seasoned hunter than a black magic initiate as he left Griseo Valley.

At the exit, he was met by the valley’s inhabitants.

To his surprise, they worked together to carry an injured and dying adult Green Plume here, and it appeared they were waiting for his arrival.

Yet, the allure of a magic creature’s worth hardly enticed Sein. After all, he had progressed far beyond the level of a fresh initiate who had just set foot in the Black Magic Academy.

Amidst the awestruck expressions of the inhabitants, Sein said, “Keep it and split it among yourselves. There are still some Green Plume remains and dead fledglings in the field back there. They should adequately compensate for the loss of your moss fields which were extensively scorched by the flames.”

Sein’s generosity brought tears of joy to the inhabitants’ eyes, and they promptly knelt before him in gratitude.

Not all black magic initiates displayed such compassion.

While the fire had indeed left the inhabitants devastated over their moss fields, it was a far better outcome than having their fields ravaged by the flock of Green Plumes.

The pile of Green Plume carcasses held little value in Sein’s eyes, but to these inhabitants, it was an absolute treasure.

Meat was considered a luxury among the common folk in Mystralora City, especially the flesh of magic creatures and low-level magic beasts.

Sein had a hunch that these inhabitants would be hesitant to enjoy the Green Plume meat themselves. At most they would only keep a small portion for themselves and sell the majority of it.

In the unforgiving Underworld, all beings lived in constant struggle. It was only normal that survival was everyone’s priority.

Sein gazed at the kneeling inhabitants, and their tearful expressions of gratitude began to thaw his heart, which had long been frozen by the harsh environment of the Black Magic Academy.


After leaving Griseo Valley, Sein headed straight back toward Mystralora City.

Before departing, he had instructed the inhabitants of the valley to clear away the remains of the Green Plumes as soon as possible.

Delaying the cleanup could result in a persistent stench of decay in the valley, potentially leading to his return for another quest to exterminate other creatures.

The significant amount of spoils Sein carried did not slow him down much.

After all, his constitution and physical fitness were considered exceptional, even among the other intermediate initiates.

Moreover, while the spoils occupied a significant amount of space, they were not overly heavy.

Sein moved swiftly through the darkness, his silhouette resembling a fleeting shadow.

Griseo Valley was not that far from Mystralora City, and Sein’s initial estimation proved to be accurate. He managed to complete the quest within five days.

To be precise, four days would have sufficed for him to complete the quest and return to the academy.

The journey back to the academy, while initially deemed relatively “safe”, took an unexpected turn for Sein.

He could not ascertain whether it had anything to do with the fire on Griseo Valley or just sheer bad luck.

In the darkness, a blinding flash of light shot past Sein in an instant.

A surge of danger made the hair on his body stand on end, and he felt a cold sensation on his neck beneath his magic robe.

Fortunately, Sein reacted in time and rolled to the side. Otherwise, his head could have been sent flying.

Nevertheless, the slight numbness in his neck caused his body to tense up as he hit the ground.

Almost instinctively, he raised his arm, which had been hidden under his black robe.

With enhanced vision provided by the Pale Mask on his face, he unleashed a powerful attack with the Acid Wand in his hand.

The assailant had been lying in ambush for a long time, intent on dealing a lethal blow to Sein.

However, the previous attack had already depleted much of its strength, and it did not expect Sein to be able to evade his attack in time, let alone deliver a counterattack.

In the darkness, the Acid Wand emitted a faint, whistling sound as it discharged an advanced magic spell.

A muffled grunt followed, indicating that Sein had successfully struck his assailant.

The Acid Wand, proven powerful on numerous occasions before, did not disappoint this time either. After stumbling a few steps, the assailant finally collapsed.

It was only then Sein managed to overcome the growing numbness in his body and approach his fallen assailant.

In the darkness, he saw a dwarf, slightly over a meter in height, dressed in black moss clothing.

Its distinctive, enormous, pupil-less, pure black eyes revealed its non-human origin.

The blade of the dagger in his clutch was smeared by a mixture of light blue substance and fresh blood. It was no doubt the weapon that had wounded Sein.

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