Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 16

“Oh, ouch!” I gasped as I reached my hand back to grab my hair. “That hurt.”
“Honey, I really need to finish getting your hair ready for the ball.” My mother told me in a sweet but firm tone. She added some
serum to her hands, gently rubbed it into my hair, and continued combing it. My hair was still semi-wet from soaking it that
afternoon, but the serum really helped to detangle it even more.
It wasn’t that I never combed my hair or anything. But, tonight was the most significant night of our lives. The Moon Goddess ball
was held in honor of the Great Mother Goddess of the Moon. She was our guide in the dark nights of the woods. The frigid
winters in the mountains. The lonely evenings we spent beneath the aurora borealis listening to the wind sweep over the tundra.
That was centuries ago now before we were given the ability to shift our form.
We are werewolves now, but we have adored the moon mother ever since we crawled on all fours in the wilderness of the world.
That was why we cried out to her in a song of sorrow, our faces pressed to the sky, releasing our solemn howls.
“Are you excited, Ariana?” my mother asked me as she continued combing my long, black hair. Her hands were rough and dry
from hard work, but they were still so gentle. I glanced at my own smooth, white, creamy hands and felt a tinge of guilt. I lived
such a pampered life when compared to all the turmoil she has endured.
“I am, mom,” I responded to her slowly as I thought about all that this ball has meant to me throughout my life. “Do you think I will
meet my mate tonight?”
“Oh sweetie,” she responded dismissively, “you are not yet 18 years old. You will not be able to smell your mate yet. Alex is a
fine member of our pack. Just stay close to him and see how he feels and acts towards you. He is 18, and he will know if you are
his mate or not. Just remember, he might not be your soulmate.”
“But, why must I stay beside him?” I asked nervously.
I love Alex. We have been dating for two years. Ever since we were 16, I was eager for this night, but I knew it could establish us
forever and destroy us forever. If it turned out he was meant for someone else, what would I do? What could I do?
That was why all the pack elders would always say that young pups dated way too early. They should wait until the Moon
Goddess ball. They’d save so much heartache. But, back when I got together with Alex, everything just felt so right. I was so
sure he was my eternal mate. Tonight just felt like the test I didn’t want to have. I felt so sure, but what if Alex did not feel the
same way?

“If you remain beside him and away from the enemy pack, there will be no chance of them fooling you.” My mother said
reassuringly. “You are not 18 yet, so you will not be able to smell your mate. But, at least you will know for sure if Alex really is
your mate. You just need tonight to assure you who is your eternal mate. But, do not stray near the enemy, or they will try to lure
you. Stay away, and everything will be fine.”
I know she was trying to be reassuring, but I still felt so nervous. I stood once she finished tying my hair into a loose braid and
intertwining a ribbon. I saw myself in the long mirror on the wall.
My light blue dress came to my knee with a silver sash and a moonstone necklace. I critiqued my appearance harshly. My
breasts looked small, my legs so big, and my face was solemn. I might look more playful if I added makeup, but I did not know
how Alex would interpret that. I wanted to look perfect so he would choose me as his eternal mate. He had to.
“Darling, you look stunning!” my
mother declared, grasping my hands and looking me over with loving eyes. I smiled, but she was my mother. She’d love me if I
had mismatched socks, bad breath, and had no front teeth. She was not so sure about her boyfriend, though. She needed to
show him how amazing she could be. Alex had to be my soulmate. I just needed to prove it tonight by being perfect.
“Hi, sweetie.” I heard Alex’s voice from behind me.
I jumped in a startled fright. I wasn’t ready yet. I did not know when I’d be ready, but I knew I was not yet. I nervously ruffled my
skirt with my hands and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. Alex gazed at me with a large smile on his face and seemed lost in
thought. I blushed as I noticed his eyes wandering over my body.
“Hi, honey.” I greeted him shyly. He reached out and took my hand.
“We will be back before 12, Mrs. Lloyd,” Alex told my mother as he escorted me out of the house. After my mother took a dozen
and a half photos, we got in his car and went to the school where our ball was being held.
I gazed lovingly at Alex, and he reached out and touched my lips.
“Tonight will change us forever.” He said gently and then kissed me softly. I felt my heart soar as we took off down the road to our
school. He was my soulmate. I was certain.
***Triton’s POV***

I gazed at Jessica as she adjusted her hair tie for the third time since we got in line 15 minutes ago. She was so gorgeous in her
yellow gown and golden curls. She wore the little tiara I had purchased for her. She was my queen.
“Triton, sweetie,” my girlfriend said to me as she handed me the flowers I bought her, “could you just hold my flower while I get
this hair tie right?”
I grinned as I reached out and held her flowers. She continued her battle with her hair tie as I watched her movements with
pleasure. She always impressed me with her amazing beauty, but tonight she was especially astounding.
I moved to see how further the line went and realized we’d be in line for quite a long time. I saw the Shining Moon pack had
beaten us to the wait. I rolled my eyes. As usual, the Black Sky pack was scattered throughout all of us since they are the neutral
pack and really don’t care who they stand with. My pack, the Starlight pack, was arriving fashionably late. I shrugged. It didn’t
matter, really; the Shining Moon pack was always pretentious.
But then, something weird happened, which threw me off. I smelled something sweet, like a daffodil flower in the springtime. I
froze in my spot. I looked over at Jessica to see if it was her, but I did not smell it from her to my shock.
I moved a little from my place in line long enough to see a young woman in a light blue dress and beautiful black hair bend over
to pick up a broach she dropped. She was with the Shining Moon pack, though. But, I could not ignore her scent. It was
astounding. The most beautiful thing I ever smelled. I couldn’t resist her. I automatically caught myself moving towards her.
I saw her only from behind, but her hair was beautiful and her figure divine. She wore a light blue gown that fell just below her
knees. But, most of all, I caught her scent so strong I was to run up to her and tell her how I felt. But I just felt dizzy and confused
now. Then, just as I was about to approach the girl and offer to get her the broach that she dropped, Jessica came up behind
“Oh, so this is what you do?” she screamed at me, tears in her eyes. “Why are you so enamored by her? I get it. I know what this
She dashed off towards the street, and I called after her frantically as I dashed off after her.

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