Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 14

It‘s Now or Never However, I wasn‘t alone for long. Night fell quickly over the pack, and soon after Estrella left the room, I heard
a knock on the door. “Miss Rosalie, can we come in?” It was Mrs. White again, with two other young girls. “Of course, please!” I r
eplied politely. I was still not used to being served. One of the younger girls placed some salad in front of me. The doctor‘s order
had to be followed, so I started eating while watching the rest of the group working on my room. Like last time, they lit the candle
s, ran the hot water, and added flower petals.
Mrs. White noticed that I had put down my plate, so she walked over to help me get into the bath
“I... may I do it myself?” I asked Mrs. White with as much courage as I could muster.
“Miss Rosalie, it‘s our job to prepare you...”
“I insist. Please?”
I wanted to do this on my own. It just didn‘t feel right having other women get me ready to lose my virginity.
Mrs. White hesitated for a moment. Then she nodded her head and closed the bathroom door for me.
A sigh
of relief left me. Walking toward the bathroom, I took off my clothes and removed the clip that had kept my long hair up all day. M
y hair cascaded down in loose waves of silk around my shoulders, continuing well past my waist. Stepping into the
hot fragranced waters, I allowed the smell of sage and lavender to fill my nostrils. The combination relaxed me and helped to cal
m my mind. “You can do this, Rosalie,” I whispered to myself. “This is the cost of freedom.” Sitting in the water, I pondered everyt
hing I was going to have to do. “Just relax... the Alpha will take the lead, and
all I need to do is to follow his instructions. I can do this
Once the water began to grow cold,
I stepped out of the bath and wrapped myself with the large white cotton bath towel they gave
me. I wasn‘t sure when Alpha Ethan would be here, but I made sure to prepare myself just as the maids had
done before. My eyes went to the pills Estrella had given me. I stared at them as they sat upon the
counter in their small container.
I didn‘t want to admit to myself that I would need them, but maybe I did. I took the pills from the container and rolled
them around on my palm. I closed my eyes and let a sigh escape me.

“It has to be done.” I looked down once again at the pills in my hand. “It‘s now or never, right?” With a
deep breath for courage, I tossed them into my mouth and rinsed them down with a cup of water.
There was no turning back now. Standing lost in my own thoughts, I realized it was quiet. There was not a single sound
to be heard from outside of
the bathroom. Mrs. White and the maids must have left the suite, and, once again, it was just me. I hated the silence that surroun
ded me. It was quiet, way too quiet. The rapidly increasing rate of my heart filled my ears. No matter how much I thought I was re
ady, I couldn‘t control my nervousness. I took a deep breath and exited back into the bedroom, pleasantly surprised by the warmt
h that welcomed me. The maids had built up the fire, and I felt my tense body being soothed by the heat. Something about the ro
om felt different. As I glanced around, a new addition caught my attention. It was a four–
posted canopy bed. The elegant dark cloth drapes made the intimidatingly large frame seem more private and welcoming. Almos
t magically, it provided me with a sense of security. .
I hadn‘t realized I had soaked in the large tub for so long that
they were able to change the furniture like that, but I couldn‘t help but smile. It must have been Estrella‘s idea. She was so consi
derate and kind to me, as always.
The bedding was also new. My hand ran over
the thick white blankets. On the plush coverlet, there was white lingerie similar to the one I wore last time. The sight of the
lingerie took me back to the first night I had prepared myself to give my virtue to Ethan. The nervousness I had felt was
unlike anything I had experienced before, and the lingerie didn‘t help with my own insecurities. I felt like a harlot in it... regardless
of how elegant it appeared. I hesitated for a moment, then
decided not to put it on. Instead, I stayed wrapped in the towel. The lingerie was just too much of a reminder that I had failed my t
ask once before. I knew what was expected of me. The good news was, with all the changes in the room, I seemed to
This was a good start. I couldn‘t mess this up again! I watched the candles dancing, and my mind started to wander. It had only b
een three weeks since the last time I saw him, but it felt like it had been years. I remembered the well–
defined curves of his muscles, the rippling effect of his black shirt
as he stretched it, crossing his arms across his chest. The way his
clothes hugged him in all the right places, leaving nothing to the imagination.... I could feel my face burning ear to ear. The
room was getting warmer, and I got up to pour myself another cup of water. No matter the coolness of the water it couldn‘t calm t
he thirst I had. There was a feeling deep inside me that longed for him to touch me again. His large hands brushing against my s
kin, as he stared at me with a gaze that
should have been forbidden... What were you thinking about?! Get a hold of yourself, Rosalie... Why was it so hot in here?

Time seemed to go slowly. Ethan... My dangerous but intoxicating master... When would he arrive?
I started pacing back and forth anxiously.
He would be here any moment for one and only one purpose... I should have been afraid,
but for some reason, all I could think about was his slender yet powerful fingers touching my skin. Shouldn‘t I have been afraid
of him...? No, there was no reason to be afraid. He hadn‘t hurt me before, so why would he now...?
Then one thought hit me, and I could not wave it away.
I want to see him...
I want to have him touch me again... I want him to take me within his arms once more..
The feeling was strange and foreign to me. I was a virgin, and shouldn‘t have desired what I did, but I couldn‘t stop thinking about
– Then stopped dead
in my tracks when I heard the door behind me open and close. I knew he was there without having to turn around. His warm gaze
and as
he did, I saw him for the man he was. Powerful, and yet there was something else... A desire... A confidence that I wasn‘t afraid o
slowly, bowing my head in submission. My heart started the pounding again, and for a moment, I forgot about what I was suppose

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