Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 11

***Talon‘s POV
After the conversation I had with Ethan, I went to see Estrella the next day. She had made sure to put Rosalie on a strict diet and
rest order to ensure she gained her strength back. A couple weeks had passed, and Rosalie had been improving steadily, both p
hysically and mentally. Estrella convinced me that Rosalie needed to get out of the house. That way, she wouldn‘t feel like she w
as a prisoner within our walls –
of course, she would always need to be accompanied. Usually, I watched Rosalie from a distance. My sister Vicky had taken ov
er being Rosalie‘s caretaker when it came to venturing outside of the main house. The two of them got along quite well. I knew th
at Vicky‘s heart would break, though, when Ethan had Rosalie killed. Rosalie was a kind spirit that you couldn‘t hate even if you t
ried. She did no wrong, and I didn‘t understand how her family treated her the way they did. “Talon!”
Vicky‘s voice filtered through the air, and I turned in the hallway to see her running towards me.
“What‘s wrong?” I frowned. She seemed frantic, and I didn‘t like seeing my sister like that.
“Nothing. I just have to go take care of something, and I was hoping you can take Rosalie out into the village today.” Me? Take h
er out? “Please, please? Help me this once, please? You are the best brother ever!” Vicky blinked at me, her eyes pleading her c
ase. And unfortunately for me, she knew I could not turn her down on a small favor like this. Plus, it wasn‘t like I didn‘t know what
Rosalie did
every day. I was always watching her to make sure she was safe, anyway. “Only this once.” I tried to put on a stern face, but I kn
ew it held no deterrent for her. “Great! Thank you so much!” she squealed with
excitement. She wrapped me in a hug before turning and scampering off. “The höll just happened...” I chuckled to myself as I ma
de my way towards Rosalie‘s room. I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it. I
didn‘t want to intrude on anything she might be doing. Regardless of her status within our pack, she was still a lady, and should b
e treated as such. When the door opened, I came face to face with
her mesmerizing blue eyes. “Talon?” She said softly. I couldn‘t help but put on my polite smile. “Vicky had to go take care of som
e errands, so I figured I would take you out to the village today.” She seemed genuinely surprised by my offer to take her out, and
quickly nodded her head before following me.

The village was lively that day.
After a few hours of wandering around and watching her with the people of the pack, I had to admit iRosalie had
luna qualities. She was kind, and sweet. She was still very hesitant around men she didn‘t know, but when it came to women and
especially children– she
was radiant. “Talon...” Rosalie said softly as she padded up to me. “Here.” She held out a scarf that she had been making with a
nother woman. I couldn‘t help but be confused. “What‘s this for?” I asked. Her smile faltered for a moment. The hesitant look
returned to her eyes. “Oh... um... Well, I made you a gift,” she stammered with her words while her eyes directly went
to the ground, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment. “You‘ve helped me so much since I came here. I wanted to give you s
omething, as well.” I had never had someone give me a gift for doing my job – a job that would lead to her death. “No –
please don‘t be embarrassed. I just wasn‘t sure why you would want to give me something. Here ... give it
to me.” I quickly took it
from her open hand and placed it around my neck. It definitely wasn‘t something I would ever personally choose to wear, but she
had made it for me and given it to me as a gift. So I wasn‘t going to be disrespectful. I had
seen how quickly her mood changed when I
questioned her. It was a shame she always seemed to feel the way she did. She didn’t realize how captivated everyone was with
her, and how well respected she already was for someone who had not been here all that long. It was like a feeling deep inside
us. Our wolves could sense
there was more to her than there seemed. A connection. “Well, what do you think?” I asked, trying to make myself look happy. As
she looked at me, she actually giggled. “You look great. Those colors look good on you. I was a bit surprised when Vicky told me
you like colorful things...”. Dammit Vicky! I
should‘ve known it was her idea!! No wonder she asked me to take Rosalie out today. She was sweet, but I would never have wo
rn this mix of colors together any other
time. I felt like I was wearing a rainbow around my neck. It definitely wasn‘t something you could miss. I tried my best to maintain
my smile. “Thank you. I will wear it with pride.” Rosalie scampered off quickly to rejoin the women she
had been knitting with, talking and smiling with the group. I grounded my teeth – Vicky, you just wait! “Beta.”

One of the warriors approached me. He was in charge of all the informants we had in other packs.
“The informant reported that a few packs on the frontier were attacked,”
“Details?” I asked curtly, “It seems that some of the outlying packs have been attacked
sporadically. There were a few casualties, but there weren‘t too many involved in these first incursions. We are still getting reports
Ethan and I knew that this day was coming.
This was why Ethan was so adamant about always preparing – about having an heir,
“Any ideas who was behind the attacks?” I asked, trying to piece together more information to share with
Ethan. “We have some guesses, but no proof,” he replied. “Get me the list of the packs that
were attacked and the details of the casualties. I‘ll need it in thirty minutes.” “Yes, sir.” He disappeared in
a blink of an eye, just as he had arrived, but I did notice that his eyes settled on my scarf for a couple seconds. Good thing that he
the past few years, the packs along the edges of the country
had been bothered by rogue attacks here or there, usually every two or three years. Normally, it wasn‘t a huge problem, but it was
towards me with flowers in her hand and a mysterious glint in her eyes. “Talon... Do you have a piano here?” she asked
out of the blue. I found myself a little taken back by her question. She read my face and quickly added,
“But don‘t worry about it if it‘s too much trouble. I was just curious.” I was about to tell
her no so that we could return to the pack house. I needed time to sort out the information and report to Ethan. But then I saw the
sudden, I felt
bad lying to her. She rarely asked questions, let alone making any requests. It made it really hard to turn her down when she did.
since, after she gave birth, she would be .. terminated. The thought intensified my guilt. I understood sacrifice was necessary, but
come up with any excuses, I found myself saying, “You know... I think we may.” Seeing her eyes light up, I could
not bring myself to disappoint her. “Would you like me to take you to the music room?” I asked. Rosalie‘s eyes lit up at the fact tha
a facility. “This way, please.” I gestured to her to follow along. She quickly caught up and walked side by
side with me. “I haven‘t played the piano since the day my mother
died. Even when I could have, I‘d feel alone most of the time, because she couldn‘t play with me.” “Why do you want to play now?
Rosalie was doing everything she could to fulfill her role. She was brave. I sighed as we made a turn and arrived at the
music room.

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