Soul Ties(Chris Brown)

Chapter Chapter14

Lisa POV

I can’t believe that I went back to New York for a couple of days and Chris gets into trouble. Some white woman accused him of threatening and hurting her inside of his home. The police and Swat team came for his ass like he was the Boston Bomber. Wtf my future hubby isn’t a terrorist and he didn’t hurt that lady. His crew was over, and as usual, they brought people aka women with them. Chris being stupid and cool didn’t say anything cause he was too occupied missing me and Ro. He didn’t say anything till he caught the lady trying to steal a necklace he bought me.

I got to L. A and Chris are out of jail but the situation isn’t really solved. The cops don’t know whether to charge him or not. I think this situation is a pure setup run by his so-called friends. I think it’s time for Chris to clean the house and it’s time for me to use my investigative aka nosey skills to figure out who is trying to ruin Chris Brown’s life.

Chris is laying on my breast slowly falling asleep and forgetting about his worries.

“I wish you were there.

“I know but I’m here now. I know your heart and I’m a logical person with sense, therefore I think This whole thing is bullshit.

“For real, that bitch just wants my money.

“Maybe it’s more to it.

“Like what?

Warning: I’m going to say something that is going to make you mad but knows I love you and I want the best for you. okay? *Lisa

He sits up and looks tense

“I think your friends are setting you up. All these random incidents that have been happening to you over the years, shouldn’t be happening to you. The guy in D.C, the breakup in, the lady that claimed you broke her cell and hit her, and now this. It all leads back to the company you keep.

“You are not the first person that said that but I did cut a lot of people off.

“Except the two that live with you.

“Nah. They wouldn’t set me up cause they are my brothers and I take care of them niggas.

“Well people do get greedy and when they get greedy they get crazy. Just think about what I said okay?

I kiss his lips

“Okay. They not going to have company over without my knowledge firsthand. Also no more random strangers.

“Okay. I have a feeling that’s still not going to help. More crazy shit is going to happen cause I have a bad feeling.

“Don’t worry baby, I’m not going anywhere. Let’s just focus on us and Princess.

He pecks my lips

“I’m hungry. *Chris

“Me too. Keep me company while I cook for us.


He runs out the room. Greedy butt

*Two days later

Chris POV

For the past two days, I’ve been in the studio being my usual hardest working man in music entertainment. My new album is going to be like X but way better cause I’m going to do what I promise and bring some R&B vibes. I can’t wait to let Lisa hear some of the stuff that I’ve been recording.

Anyway, I drive up and park my car. I go into the house and I feel a weird, bad vibe.

“Lisa! baby where are you?

I walk into the kitchen and see her passed out on the floor bleeding.


I rush to her and try to watch her up.


“thank god you're still alive.

I hug her

“Did someone break in?

I sit her in a chair and grab an ice pack

“Thanks and No.

“Who did this to you?

“Your so-called friend. I think I should go to the hospital.


She passes out and I pick her up. I’m going to take her to the hospital then I’m going to figure out what’s going on.

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