Soul Cursed Protector

Chapter 9: Wars Between Coutries Erupt

Leon looked over the wooden chest that sat on the ground before him, he noticed there were symbols notched into the chest. The words above it read, “He who braves the trials of the Great Dragon Graveyard, and has acquired the coins, my open this chest and claim the treasures inside.” Leon looked at the copper coin that was given to him by his father, without giving it another thought he placed the coin in the slot to the far right, it was a perfect fit. “It worked.” he said out of excitement, as a click of a lock was heard.

He reached into his bag and pulled out the other two coins and placed them into the slots next to the other. Leon could hear the gears click as the chest unlocked, he smiled with anticipation, opening the chest revealing the contents inside. “The scrolls.” his eyes widened as he grabbed for them, gently placing them in his bag. And there underneath was the piece of the legendary blade, Leon took hold of the item and instantly felt something evil emanate from the object that he held in his hands. Is this why Master Gawain placed the first piece in cloth?

Out of fear Leon placed the item in his bag with haste, he didn’t want to handle the object for to long just in case it could cause him some unwanted side effects. All he could think about at the time, was getting back to his friends. On his way back Leon had it easy, all the trials he had pushed through had vanished. Not that he was complaining about how easy it was for him, he just found it odd that the whole graveyard had changed. There was no mist to fight through, the maze that he barely made it out

of alive was now gone, all that was seen was the overly sized bones scattered across the earth. None of that was important to him now, for the entrance into the cave was in his sights and he bolted inside. “Leon.” his friends shouted at the same time, they were relieved to see him back alive and well.

“The boy has returned, with my scrolls I presume?” the leader of the Mages said. “I have, now let my friends go.” Leon demanded.

“You don’t get to make such demands here, boy.” the man grumbled. “If you truly wish your friends lives to be spared, then show me the scrolls.”

Leon took the scrolls from his bag and held them up in the air, “If you want these, then set my friends free first.”

“What are you going to do if I refuse, boy?” the man laughed.

Leon held out his other hand and chanted the same spell he heard Master Gawain chant to burn the undead soldiers to dust in the Cave Of Sorrow. “You wouldn’t dare?” the man hissed.

“Try me.” Leon smiled as flames appeared in the palm of his hand. “Release my friends or I burn the scrolls.” he said, holding the scrolls up to the flame.

“Wait.” the man yelled and raised his hand in the air for a brief moment, then lowered it. “It has been done, the barrier around your friends has been dispersed.”

Leon looked back at his friends, “Can you guys move?” “Yeah we can move.” Ulrich answered.

“Yay, I can finally stretch.” Ellyn smiled happily.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I found it to be comforting.” Gawain joked. “There. Your friends are free, now hand over the scrolls.” the man demanded of him.

Gawain walked up to Leon, “It’s okay Leon, hand me the scrolls.” he said, reaching out his hand. Leon trusted Master Gawain, at this point he was the only one that Leon could trust and handed the scrolls over to him. Gawain then turned to face the leader of the Mages and threw the scrolls at

his feet. “Now you have your bloody scrolls, a deals a deal after all.”

The man bent over and picked them up, “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment. To think that I hold scriptures from the most powerful wizards that history has ever known.” he exclaimed.

“That’s all fine and good, if you don’t mind, I think we will be taking our leave now.” Gawain


“But of course.” the man snapped his fingers at his servants to get their attention. “Bring these people their horses, and be sure to show them the way out, we repay our debts. But know the next time we meet, things will go quiet differently.”

“I will keep that in mind.” Gawain smirked. “Everyone mount up, we’re getting the hell out of


As Gawain and his companions made their way out of the cave, a man dressed in black appeared behind the leader of the Mages. “Is it wise to let them go?” he whispered.

“Did you notice the marking on the young boy that had the message for us?” the leader asked. “I did.” the man dressed in black replied. “What of it?”

“He is the boy of legend. It would be wise not to hurt him, Darz.” “You believe him to be one that carries our Dark Lords powers?” “I do.”

“Then what shall we do, Lord Zerius?”

“We shall wait for his return, then prepare for the awakening.” Zerius answered. “However I have a special task for you, Darz.”

“What would you have me do?” Darz questioned.

“Watch over that boy, keep him safe until the time presents itself.” “As you wish.” Darz bowed and disappeared into the shadows.

Meanwhile Ellyn, Gawain, Leon, and Ulrich were miles away from the cave and they felt safe

for the first time in days, but that didn’t mean danger would not find them again. Nevertheless, at that moment Gawain had something else on his mind. “Leon, I forgot to ask. Did you find the piece of the blade?” he asked, when he rode his horse up closer to Leon’s.

“Yes, Master Gawain. I have the piece of blade.” Leon answered hesitantly.

“What is the matter?” Gawain could tell that something was a miss with his young pupil. “Well.” Leon was still somewhat hesitant.

“Go on.” Gawain calmly said to him.

“When I touched the piece of the blade, I felt something evil emanate from it.” Leon whispered. Gawain’s mind started to race after hearing what Leon had to say, It’s just as I feared. Alistair and

Caine must be up to something fowl, I must find out what that is.

“Master Gawain, are you alright?” Leon asked.

“Yes I’m alright, just deep in thought.” Gawain smiled. “If you don’t mind, can you hand me the piece of the blade?”

“Of course.” Leon said. “I don’t fell right carrying this damn thing around with me anyways.” he went to give Gawain the piece of the blade out of his bag when a feeling of dizziness suddenly came over him.

“Leon?” Gawain had a look of concern on his face for his student.

“I’m......Fine.” Leon faintly replied. “Just-” in mid sentence he fell off his horse and hit the ground hard.

“Leon.” Gawain pulled the reigns of his horse to make it stop, and dismounted from the saddle a rushing over to where Leon laid unconscious on the ground. It wasn’t long before Ellyn and Ulrich were standing behind him looking over his shoulder.

“Is he going to be alright?” Ellyn asked, concerned for her friends well being.

“He will be just fine.” Gawain answered. “I think he passed out like the time before.”

“Leon needs to learn how to use his strength wisely.” Ulrich said with a smug look on his face. “Do you not care for your friend?” Ellyn hissed.

“I do, but that doesn’t change the fact.” Ulrich answered harshly.

“That’s enough bickering from the two of you.” Gawain grumbled. “Calm yourselves, we have much work to do if we want to have camp setup by nightfall.”

“Hey, old man. We can’t setup camp here, we’re out in the open. That’s dangerous, remember?” Ulrich said.

“Do you not think I know this?” Gawain responded with a hint of anger in his voice. “We have no choice in the matter, just keep your guard up at all times. Now please, no arguing. We must prepare for nightfall.”

Again Leon awoke finding himself back at the holly grounds, “I’m back here again.” he muttered. Leon slowly got to his feet, this was only the second time he had been to the holly grounds and didn’t quiet have his barrings about him just yet, plus he was in a completely different area. It would seem as though he would have to do some walking this time around. He walked through a field of green grass, and a pasture of flowers for about an hour, it was a nice walk and the air was filled with different aromas. This was clearly different from the last time he was there. Ahead of him was a worn, beaten down old church, that somehow was still standing tall and proud over the land.

If I’m lucky I might find someone there that can help me. He smiled brightly thinking that things were now going his way for the first time, before running up to the church. The doors of the church creaked open as Leon let himself inside, “Hello, is there anyone here?” he called out. Inside of the church was just as worn down as the outside, at first glance you would think that the church had long been abandoned. That was what Leon had thought at first, until he had seen the candles near the pillar that had been placed there recently. “Hello.” Leon shouted again. “Is there anyone here?” again he didn’t

get a response, just the sound of his voice echoing back. “Look, I know for a fact that someone is here or there wouldn’t be freshly lit candles near the pillar. I’m not leaving, so you might as well show yourself.”

“Pipe down. Pipe down.” a familiar voice shouted back. “Give an old man time, would you.” when the person rounded the corner, Leon could tell exactly who was shouting back at him.

“Robin, it’s you.” Leon sighed with relief.

“Oh, I see you have found your way back here.” Robin sarcastically said. “It would seem that way.” Leon smirked.

Robin smiled faintly. “I guess I won’t be getting rid of you anytime soon.” “It’s not like I want to be here.” Leon grumbled.

Robin laughed, “Can’t take a joke I see.” he said. “But lets skip your lack of humor and move on to something important, like your training.”

“My training?” Leon replied with a confused look on his face. “What about finishing the story you started the last time I was here?”

“Like I said before, you’re not ready to hear the ending of that tale just yet.” Robin replied. “When will I be ready?”

“I cannot say for sure.” Robin answered. “You will have to prove that to me.” “How can I do that?”

“By training.” Robin said.

“But, I have been training.” Leon smiled.

“That may be true, but you have yet to train with me.” Robin said.

“What? You want to train me?” Leon laughed. “What could someone of your age possibly teach me?” Leon perceived Robin as a frail old man, and laughed at the thought of him having any skills to pass down to the younger generation of possible knights. Master Gawain had always taught his students

to never judge a book by its cover, which seems to be the one lesson that Leon had yet to learn. “You find my words funny?” Robin’s brow furrowed.

“I find your words to be nothing more than a joist, old timer.” Leon carried on.

“Then let us see if you find this to be funny as well.” Robin took up his cane and with agility and quickness never before seen by a man his age, hooked Leon’s right ankle and pulled, which caused him to fall to the ground. Leon tried to raise up, but Robin was already upon him using his cane to keep Leon where he lay. “Did you find that funny?”

“No.” Leon frowned. “Forgive my ignorance, Sir Robin. I did not mean anything by it.” Robin reached down and grabbed Leon by the chest plate of his armor and pulled him up to his feet. “You’re faster and stronger than you look, Robin.” Leon was clearly trying to get back in the mans good graces.

“Do not try and give me praises, that time has passed.” Robin responded. “Of course, my apologies.” Leon bowed.

“Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to judge a book by its cover?” Robin chuckled.

“Master Gawain says that to me all the time.” Leon answered. “Maybe I should pay more attention.”

“That would be wise. Just as you would be wise to learn what I have to teach you.” Robin explained. He turned away from Leon and started to walk on ahead. “We don’t have much time left, so let us be on our way.” they walked until they happened upon a statue at the far end of the church that Leon hadn’t noticed when he first walked in, it looked to be that of a goddess holding up a sword towards the heavens.

“That’s an amazing statue.” Leon was in awe. “Who is she?” Robin turned to look at Leon, “You really don’t know of her?” “I do not.” Leon answered.

“What do they teach youngsters nowadays.” Robin whispered to himself.

“Did you say something?”

“Nope.” Robin smiled. He turned his attention back to the statue, “This is a tribute to the goddess Celestial. If not for her these lands would not exist, and neither would we. For you see, Celestial created these lands, and thus the age of man began. Legend has it that the ancient ones were angered by the fact that she created something without their approval. With that they sought to destroy her creation, but Celestial wouldn’t go down without a fight. She took up her mighty blade and fought the ancient ones. With her last breath she managed to drive them away from these lands. Thus becoming our goddess and protector.”

“That’s amazing.” Leon responded. Why does the Academy not teach of such things?

“Come boy, we have much work to do.” he reached out flipping a switch that activated a mechanism, causing the statue to move to the right, revealing a hidden passage. “I can see the wonder on your face. However there is no time for questions.” with those words Robin lead Leon through a dimly lit tunnel that seemed to strike fear into Leon’s heart at first, but when they existed, that fear vanished as curiosity and excitement took over.

Leon was amazed at what he was seeing, before him was a clearing of land that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. However it wasn’t just any normal land, it was set up specifically for training warriors to prepare for battle, that much Leon knew for sure. He had seen something like this before at the Academy, but only the most experienced were allowed to train there.

“You expect me to train here?” Leon asked. “I do.” Robin answered. “Is that a problem?” “It is, I’m not at the skill level to train here.”

“Skill level?” Robin laughed. “Child, the only way to train is to jump straight in head first. That is the way of the warrior.”

“But that doesn’t seem smart to me.”

“When is preparing for war ever smart?”

“War?” Leon looked confused. “What do you mean by war?”

“You will find out soon enough.” Robin answered. “Do you see that bow over there?” “Yes. Is there something special about it?” Leon said with a hint of sarcasm.

“No, there’s nothing special about it smart ass.” Robin smacked Leon on the back of the head. “What was that for?” Leon hissed.

“Smart mouthed kids are the first to get themselves killed, remember that.” Robin replied. “Just get over there and pick up the bow, child.” he demanded.

“Stop calling me child.” Leon angrily walked over to where the bow was hanging, mumbling under his breath the whole time. Even though he was training to become a knight, Leon was still a young boy and threw tantrums from time to time when he didn’t get his way. What he didn’t know was that Robin was following behind him listening to every word he was saying. Leon picked up the bow and turned to ask a question but Robin was nowhere to be found, or so he thought.

“Robin. Robin.” Leon called out.

Robin was a stealthy old man and managed to stay close behind the boy the whole time without him noticing. Again he smacked Leon on the back of the head, “Lesson one, pay attention to your surroundings.”

“Would you stop doing that.” Leon growled.

“It’s not my fault that your reflexes are slow, child.” Robin joked.

“Stop calling me child, I have a name and would like for you to call me by it” Leon hissed. “When you earn my respect, then and only then shall I call you by your name. For now you are

a child to me, therefor you shall be called one.” Robin explained.

“Fine, then I shall earn your respect.” Leon lifted up the bow and arrow, pulling back the thin rope, he aimed for the target the best he could before releasing the arrow. It sailed through the air until

it hit its target, “How’s that for you? And to think, that’s not even my strongest skill.” Leon bragged. Robin took the bow from him, lifted it into the air, and shot an arrow of his own that hit Leon’s arrow splitting it in half. “How did you do that?” Leon gasped. “Hitting another arrow that is lodged into a target is near impossible.”

“If you put your mind to it, nothing is impossible.” Robin replied. Just then the sky started to darken and thunder could be heard off in the distance. “Hmm. It would seem our time is up for now, until next we meet.” Leon wanted to ask how Robin knew that their time was up, but before he could get a word out he started to feel dizzy, something he had become quiet familiar with. He tried to fight it, but it was of no use for he fell to ground out cold, when he awoke, Leon found himself back with his friends.

“He’s waking up.” Ellyn happily shouted. Gawain and Ulrich walked over to where Leon was just starting to wake from his deep sleep.

“Leon, it’s good to see that you are awake and moving.” Gawain smiled. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling alright, just a little tired.” Leon answered. He then remembered that he was about to hand Master Gawain the piece of the blade before he passed out. He reached for the bag that he had tied around his waist and frantically searched it, but did not find what he was looking for. “Where did it go?” he gasped.

“Where did what go?” Gawain asked.

“The piece of the blade, it’s gone.” Leon frantically said.

“Calm down, Leon. The old man here took the item from you not long after you fainted.” Ulrich explained.

“Master Gawain, is that true?” Leon questioned.

“It is.” Gawain answered. “It fell from your hand when you hit the ground, so I took it and put it

away somewhere safe.”

“That’s a relief.” Leon smiled faintly. “Can you stand?” Gawain asked.

“I believe so.” Leon answered.

“Doesn’t he need to rest?” Ellyn grumbled.

“He does, but unfortunately time is not on our side at the moment.” Gawain responded. “But that’s not fair to, Leon.” Ellyn said.

“Look Ellyn, I don’t like it either but we have to go. It’s to dangerous here.” Ulrich explained.

Leon slowly got to his feet, “Stop arguing over me, I’m not a child that needs protected. I can look after myself.”

“Seems as though Leon has grown up a bit.” Gawain smiled. “Lets mount up.” the four of them got back up on their horses and rode on towards their next destination. After a few days of riding and resting the best they could, they happened upon something that was unexpected, war between two lands.

“Hold.” Gawain held up his hand and motioned for the others to stop.

“What is it?” Ulrich asked, ridding up beside Gawain, Ellyn and Leon also rode up as well. “Doesn’t anyone ever listen to me?” Gawain asked.

“No, not really.” Ellyn giggled.

“Just tell us why we have stopped, old man.” Ulrich demanded. “That was rude of you, Ulrich.” Ellyn scowled.

Ulrich turned to look at her, “We don’t have time to be nice, do we?” “No, I guess we don’t.” Ellyn pouted.

Gawain looked around cautiously, “Follow me and I shall show you.” he said. Gawain lead them to the edge of a step hill, “It’s just as I thought.” he frowned and looked back at the others, “Take

a look for yourselves.” looking over the edge of the hill is when they had seen at least three thousand men engaged in mortal combat. One side wore the colors green and red. While the other dawned what would seem a light blue color, on their flags and armor. Blood covered the ground below, and the smell of death and urine filled air. The battle was so intense that when one fell in battle another would take his place.

“It’s just as Robin said it would be.” Leon muttered. “What was that?” Gawain questioned.

“Nothing, just thinking out loud. My apologies.”

“This is horrible.” Ellyn gasped. “Why are these men fighting each other?” Ellyn knew exactly why, she just thought it would be best if she played dumb for now.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Ulrich responded. “War is starting to break out between the neighboring countries.”

“But why now?” Leon questioned.

“The same reasons as always, power and greed of course.” Ulrich responded to Leon’s words.

Someday I will show everyone who holds the power to change the world, not even Leon will stand in my way.

“This is going to become a problem.” Gawain sighed. “Why is that?” Ellyn asked.

Gawain pointed straight ahead, “That’s the way we need to go.” “Can we not go around them?” Leon interrupted.

“No.” Gawain said. “But I have an idea.”

“Great, the old man is going to put us in danger again.” Ulrich said sarcastically.

But a deep raspy voice intruded in on their conversation, “Who goes there?” when they turned around, there behind them were five soldiers with their bow and arrows drawn. “Answer my question

or I have my men to fire their arrows upon thee.”

Gawain raised his hands up in the air, “Forgive us, we were just passing through. When we came to this hill we noticed the danger down below, and now we are not sure if there is safe passage through this part of the land.”

“Lower your weapons men.” the man ordered his soldiers. “My name is Micha, sorry about that.

But you cannot be to careful these days when your enemies are roaming about.”

“My name is Gawain, pleased to meet you.” Gawain humbly bowed. “If you would be so kind, tell us how we can get past the dangers down below.”

“Hmm. At the moment we are currently at war which makes things a bit difficult. The best I can do is take you to our commander and chief, maybe he can be of assistance in getting you through unharmed.” Micha replied.

Gawain thought about it for a moment and came to the realization that they didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, assistance would be needed to pass through without a fight. “I don’t see much of a choice here, we accept your humble offer.”

“You have made a wise choice, Sir Gawain.” Micha replied.

“Just call me Gawain, no reason to hold me in such high regards. Like I said before we’re just humble travelers passing through these lands.” Gawain explained.

Micha was no fool, he knew warriors when he seen them. However they seemed like honest people to him and he felt like it wasn’t his place to pry information that wasn’t willingly given. “As you wish, Gawain. Please, you and your companions follow me.” he said. After a short ride, it wasn’t long before the four of them found themselves at a war camp, and not far off in the distance the sounds of metal hitting metal could be heard, along with cries of the fallen, it was war at its best. It was sounds that Gawain was all to familiar with, to him it was nothing more than needless bloodshed.

“May I ask what land you hale from, Micha?” Gawain said.

Micha turned to Gawain and said, “Save the questions for the General.” they came to a huge white tent that had two swords pointing towards each other. It was to signify where the general of the army resided. Micha held his fist up in the air to let the others know to stop, “Alright men, take the horses to be feed and watered. Gawain, you and your companions follow me inside the Generals tent.”

Micha called out to his General when they entered, “General Angmar, I have returned with the report you have requested.”

“Is that you, Micha?” a deep and powerful voice answered back from the far side of the tent. “It is.” Micha answered. “And I have brought guests that need our aid.”

A tall muscular man walked out from the shadows and into the light, his hair was shoulder length and gray showing his age, his face was scarred, most likely from the battles that he had fought from his early more youthful days. The armor he had on was beaten and battered, but still it looked like it could with stand even more punishment, like the man that wore it proudly. “What have I told you about bringing outsiders into our camp?”

“But General, all they ask is safe passage.” Micha removed his helmet showing just how young he really was, with his dark brown eyes and short black hair. He couldn’t have been much older than Leon nor Ulrich, “They mean us no harm.”

General Angmar walked up to Micha, placing his hand on the young mans shoulder. “Micha, you have a big heart, I realize that. However trusting in everyone you meet will one day lead to your undoing.”

“My apologies, General Angmar.” Micha lowered his head, feeling ashamed of his actions. “It’s okay, you are still young and have much to learn.” Angmar smiled. “Now give me your

report, afterwards I shall deal with our guests.”

“Of course, General.” Micha responded with charisma, it didn’t take long for him to forget about what he had done wrong, which only showed his immaturity. “Enemy reinforcements are on the move,

my guess is that they should be arriving on the battle field in two days time.” “How many?” Angmar asked.

“I counted at least twenty men.” Micha answered.

“Twenty men are being sent to aid the enemy when thousands are fighting as we speak” Angmar laughed. “That is nothing more than idiocy.”

“I believe there is more to it than that.” Micha sounded very serious. “Tell me why you would say such a thing.” Angmar said.

“Those men were forcing servants to pull a wagon that had a large metallic object atop of it, and that’s not the worst of it.” Micha explained. “I believe the object to be some sort of weapon, never seen before now.”

The look on Angmar’s face was more grim indeed, “If what you say is true, then I fear we are all in grave danger.”

Gawain walked up to General Angmar and Micha. “May I be allowed to speak?” he interrupted. “This doesn’t concern you outsider.” Angmar grumbled.

“General, this man and his companions may know something that will aid us in this battle. At least hear the him out.” Micha pleaded. Angmar could see the trust Micha had for Gawain just by the look on the young mans face. But why? Why would Micha trust in someone that he had just met only moments ago, it didn’t make any sense.

“Why do you put your trust in these outsiders, when you have only just met them.” Angmar questioned Micha.

“Because I know warriors with honor when I see them.” Micha replied. “But why trust in them?” Angmar asked again.

“Look in the mans eyes, do you not see the need for justice boiling over in him? This man doesn’t just fight for himself. He has the same burning desire in his eyes that you have in yours,

General Angmar.” Micha’s words sounded true and sincere, and that triggered something deep inside of Angmar.

“Calm yourself, Micha.” Angmar said. He turned to look at Gawain, “If he has that much trust in you, then I shall as well. You may speak freely.”

“First let me first introduce myself, may name is Gawain and these are my students, we hale from the land of Drasal.” Gawain stated.

“Is there a point to this?” Angmar responded.

“There is.” Gawain answered. “I am a Master Trainer at the Academy and I believe that I know something about the weapon Micha speaks of.”

“Go on.” General Angmar was now intrigued. “I’m listening.”

Gawain rubbed his chin with his thumb and finger, clearly he was thinking on how to explain things in a manner the General and Micha could understand. “If I’m right, the weapon in question is called “The Reaper” but I have only seen it in its construction phase. Last I heard the project was trashed due to how dangerous it could be if it fell into the wrong hands.”

“Looks like you were wrong, King Adan must have acquired it to give his men the edge.” Angmar fumed with anger, that much was clear.

“King Adan?” Gawain had a hint of nervousness to his voice. “What’s it to you?” Angmar asked.

“King Adan is the man you are at war with?” Gawain questioned loudly.

“We are.” Micha interrupted. “Why do you ask? He is just another power hungry King that needs to be dealt with.”

Gawain’s eyes widened and his voice trembled, “Get your men off the battlefield. Send an order to retreat and do so with haste.”

“I will not show such weakness.” Angmar snarled.

“You do not understand, King Adan is an evil man who does not care for the lives of others.” Gawain slammed his fist in his hand, “If you don’t do something now, your men will die.”

“And so shall our enemies.” Angmar was stubborn in his belief of never retreating from the enemy, no matter the odds. “Besides, they are two days away with that weapon. Which gives us plenty of time to come up with a plan of action.” General Angmar couldn’t have been more wrong. It looked as though the heated argument between General Angmar and Master Gawain was about to come to a head.

“General Angmar. General Angmar.” a soldier rushed in shouting.

“What is the meaning of this, soldier? Can you not see that I am busy at the moment?” Angmar angrily questioned.

The young soldier continued on in a hysterical fashion, “The sky. The sky. You have to see the sky, for something is a miss.”

Gawain did not wait another moment, he rushed out of the tent with urgency. “By the Gods, we are to late.” the sky was turning black almost to signify an early night, which was nay impossible.

There were no stars, nor was there a moon to light up the dark skies, the only thing that could be seen was an eerie glow of red off in the distance.

“What is going on out here? Or have you soldiers forgotten that we are at war?” Angmar shouted at his men. His soldiers had dropped what they were doing just to stare up at the skies anxiously, which was unlike his men. Upon seeing the soldiers reaction, he himself looked up to the skies above and witnessed the same ominous sight as the others. “This be a frightening sight indeed.” he gasped.

“We’re about to witness something amazing.” Ulrich smiled with excitement. “How is this amazing? I find it to be truly terrifying.” Ellyn trembled. “Question is, how do we stop it?” Leon inquired.

“I fear that it is to late to stop what is about to happen.” Gawain said out of fear and frustration.

Angmar overheard the conversation between Gawain and his students, “There has to be something we can do.” he interrupted. “I cannot allow my men to die in such a manner as this.” Angmar turned to his men and shouted. “Mount your horses, it is time that we ride into battle, our comrades lives depend upon us.”

Gawain grabbed hold of Angmar’s arm, “Doing such a thing is suicide, it would be madness.” he tried to talk some sense into the General, but his words fell on deaf ears.

General Angmar pulled his arm away from Gawain’s grasp, “If you touch me again, I shall have you arrested for working with the enemy.” Angmar had his horse brought to him, after he mounted up he turned to look at Gawain one last time. “When I get back I expect to find that you and your companions have left my command post, if you refuse then punishment shall be swift.” he then spurred his horse on, and off he went leading the rest of his men towards the battlefield, all except for Micha.

“Do you not ride with your General, Micha?” Gawain asked.

Micha lowered his head and answered, “No, he leads them off to their deaths. It would be fool hearty of me to do the same.”

“You made the right choice, Micha. There is no reason to lower your head in shame.” Gawain said with pride in his voice.

“Its beginning.” you could hear the excitement in Ulrich’s voice when he shouted and pointed up at the sky.

Gawain looked to the skies yet again, watching in horror as what looked like fire falling from above, he frantically looked over the area realizing that they were to close. And if they didn’t find a place to protect them from the blast, they to would lose their lives as well. “Look around, we have to find a place to hide before the fire hits the ground.”

“Why? I want to witness that power first hand.” Ulrich smiled.

“Ulrich, if you wish to parish from the blast then be my guest. But I however wish to live for a while longer.” Gawain said.

“Look over there, I see a cave” Leon pointed.

“Good eye, Leon. Everyone make a run for the cave, don’t stop until you have made it inside.” Gawain told them. “Decide if you wish to follow us to safety, choice is yours Ulrich.” and with that Gawain took off for the cave leaving Ulrich behind to choose his own fate. The ground started to shake violently as the fire hit the ground, flames erupted from all directions burning everything in its path into nothing more than ash.

Master Gawain was ran on relentlessly, he could feel the heat of the flames closing in. He was starting to feel like he may not make it into the cave in time, but seeing Ellyn and Leon make it ahead of him put a smile on his face. At least two will make it on this day, he thought to himself. Gawain could feel his body starting to slow down, he knew that was one of the side effects from the weapon that was being used. It was a special poison used to ensure not a soul could escape the blast. Just when Gawain started to lose hope that he would live, he felt someone grab his arms and pull him forward. Micha was on one side of him, and Ulrich was on the other quickly pulling him along until they had reached the cave. Before they could enter, the force from the blast had reached them, sending all three of them flying forward into the cave violently.

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