Soul Cursed Protector

Chapter 20: The Reaper Blade Is Restored And The Academy Is No More

The kingdom of Drasal was now in sight, it been a long harsh journey, full of excitement, wonder and loss, but Gawain, Leon, and Ulrich had finally made it home after a very long year and a half. With them was the last piece of the Reaper Blade, most of the time though, Caine would send for someone to watch them and retrieve each piece, but not this time. As they rode through town, they expected a hero’s welcome, or at least that’s what Ulrich had expected. But they didn’t get anything of the sort, not even one welcome back was heard.

“I thought for sure we would receive some kind of honors for our trouble.” Ulrich grumbled. “King Edward is sickly, and I doubt that he even knows of our endeavors.” Gawain said.

“We are home, that’s all that matters.” Leon smiled brightly. “First thing I’m going to do is take a nice warm bath, then eat a hot meal. I can honestly say that I’m tired of eating rabbit meat.”

“Sorry Leon, but that will have to wait.” Gawain informed him. “We must find Headmaster Caine.” speaking of Caine as a headmaster made his stomach crawl. “And give him the last piece of the blade as proof to him that we have completed our mission.”

“Do I have to tag along?” Leon muttered.

“Yes.” Gawain answered. “Like it or not, all three of us have to make an appearance.”

“Stop whining.” Ulrich interrupted. “We may not have had a hero’s welcome, but we shall still be heroes in the eyes of Lord Alistair, and Headmaster Caine. Don’t you see, they will give us anything that our heart desires at that very moment.” he could barely contain his excitement.

“Who would want things from two evil men like that?” Gawain snapped. “I would never sale my soul to the likes of them.”

“You know nothing old man.” Ulrich grumbled.

A young boy ran up requesting he take the horses from them, he was the stable master’s helper, and was quiet a good at his job. Gawain smiled, dismounting from his horse, “Take good care of this horse boy.” Gawain smiled, fast to remove the saddle bag.

“I will Mister.” the boy gave a toothless grin.

Gawain reached into his money pouch and removed a gold coin, dropping it in the young boys hand. “There’s more where that came from if you keep your end of the deal.” he winked. The young boy smiled happily and pulled the horses towards the stables.

“Why do you insist on giving those filthy peasants money just to do what they are told.” Ulrich snarled.

“These are troubling times, Ulrich. Not every child is lucky enough to join the Academy, they do what they must to survive, same as their parents.” Gawain explained.

“I don’t need a lecture, old man.” Ulrich growled, then walked on ahead.

“Don’t let him get to you, Master Gawain.” Leon smiled, before running after Ulrich.

Gawain was tired from the long journey, and was also getting tired of dealing with Ulrich’s snide remarks. He looked as though his anger was reaching a boiling point, just when he was getting about ready to chase Ulrich down and teach him a lesson that he would never forget. A voice whispered to him from the shadows, “He’s not worth it.” he recognized who it was right away.

“What makes you think I was going to do anything?” Gawain hissed.

“I’ve come to recognize the faces you make when you are angry, and thinking about doing something foolish.”

“You’ve got me there, Shadow.” Gawain chuckled, letting his anger go.

Shadow stepped out from the alleyway, wearing another outfit as she has always done. This time she bore a worn out brown tunic and tattered jeans, like always she had a hood that covered her face, and a worn out cloak that concealed the double blades she wore on her back. “Forget about the boy for now, we have bigger problems to deal with.”

“What can be a bigger problem then giving Headmaster Caine the last piece of the Reaper Blade?”

“He is no longer Headmaster.”

“That’s good to hear.” Gawain let out a sigh of relief. “No, it’s bad, really bad.”

“How can that be a bad thing?”

“Because Cain, has become the new First Knight to the king.” Shadow explained. “What?” Gawain choked. “Is King Edward that naive?”

“That is the more disturbing news I have to tell you.” Shadow sighed. “Your precious King Edward has disappeared and Alistair has been anointed the new king of Drasal.”

“This cannot be!” Gawain slammed his fist into the first hut door nearest him. “Calm yourself.” Shadow snapped. “This is not the time for anger, but action.”

Gawain took a few deep breaths, clinching his fists tight. “You are right Shadow, I must calm myself and figure out the best course of action.”

“Do you still have the last piece of the Reaper Blade.” Shadow questioned. “I do.” Gawain answered.

“Check to make sure, Alistair must never get his hands on it.”

“Don’t worry, I have it right here in my saddle bag.” Gawain reached into the bag and fumbled around until he pulled a torn piece of cloth out. “It’s right here.” he unwrapped the object and let out a gasp of disbelief.

“That’s a piece of wood.” Shadow said. “Where is the relic?”

“It was right here, wrapped up in this cloth.” Gawain still had the look of disbelief written all over his face. “He wouldn’t dare.” his eyes then filled with anger.

“Who has it, if not you?”

“Ulrich.” Gawain growled. “He must have known that I was having second thoughts about giving it to Caine.”

“You must go after him, and be quick.” Shadow said with urgency. “He must not be allowed to hand it over to Caine, or Alistair.”

Gawain turned and chased after Leon and Ulrich. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, sweat was forming on his brow, and he was breathing heavily. As he drew near fear started to build inside of him, for he had seen Leon and Ulrich heading into the castle. “Wait.” he shouted. “Don’t give them the last piece of the blade, Ulrich. Ulrich.”

Ulrich turned smiling at Gawain, it was a way of defying his teacher of old one last time. “Did you hear someone shouting?” Leon asked.

“It’s no one.” Ulrich said. “Let us hurry.” “What about, Master Gawain?”

“Don’t worry about the old man, he will catch up to us.” when the soldier standing guard opened the castle doors, Ulrich ushered Leon on inside.

“Why are you pushing me?” Leon barked.

“Because we don’t want to keep Lord Alistair, or Headmaster Caine waiting.” the door closed behind them, followed by a loud thud, then a clicking of a lock. Ulrich turned from Leon’s view and smiled faintly. It’s to late old man, you can’t stop us now.

Gawain ran through the crowds of people with desperation, pushing them to the side, sweat was

dripping from his brow and into his eyes, his legs were starting to give, he hadn’t had any rest in days and it was showing. Just as it seemed he was about to have Ulrich and the last piece of the blade within his grasp, both Leon and Ulrich walked inside the castle, the doors slamming shut behind them.

“Open the doors.” Gawain demanded.

“Sorry Master Gawain, we are not allowed to open the doors to anyone from the Academy.” “Why?” Gawain grumbled.

“I do not know, but those were my orders from Caine.”

“But you gave access to my students.” Gawain replied. “So why not me?” “You always were a hot head.” a familiar voice said.

Gawain turned around to see Caine standing before him with soldiers to his left and right. “Caine, I should have known this was your doing.” he snarled. “Tell the guard to let me inside the castle.”

“I’m afraid I cannot allow that to happen.” Caine smirked. “Alistair has big plans, and I will not let you interfere. Soldiers, arrest this man.”

“Arrest me, for what?” Gawain grumbled.

“You will find out soon enough.” Caine answered. “Master Gawain.” he shouted, drawing the attention of the townspeople. “I here by place you under arrest for working with the Academy to kill King Edward, and treason against the new King Alistair. Soldiers, do your duty and apprehend this man.” the soldiers that were with Caine acted, bounding Gawain’s wrist together, while Caine held a blade to his throat. “Stop struggling or I will slit your throat.” he warned.

Gawain glared at Caine, hate boiling over in his heart, “What happened to you Caine? I thought you were a man of honor, never thought you would be the one to sell your soul.”

Caine was so close to Gawain’s face that he could smell the stench of his breath, “Honor means nothing to me, power is all I seek, nothing more.”

“You’re nothing more than Alistair’s lackey.” Gawain muttered.

“Think what you will.” Caine smirked. “I’m just using Alistair until I complete goals of my own, and then I will no longer have a use for him.”

“And what of Leon and Ulrich?” Gawain questioned.

“Ulrich will continue to serve me well, just as he has done before. That is until he is ready to accept his true fate.” Caine answered. “As for Leon, well lets just say he will share in your fate, and the fate of the Academy.”

“You cannot do this.” Gawain hissed.

“I can do whatever I wish.” Caine laughed. “Take him to the dungeons.” he commanded, pulling the knife away from Gawain’s throat. About that time a knife was hurled through the air killing one of the soldiers that had Gawain’s arms bound. The man screamed in pain, falling to the ground.

Gawain, now released, took his knife from his belt and stabbed the other soldier in the throat, blood spurted from his neck, as he lay on the ground dying.

Gawain was now freed, he wanted to turn and kill Caine but he did not, instead he gave Caine a warning. That one day he would make him pay for his evil ways, and turned fleeing out of sight. Caine stood there watching Gawain disappear from sight, not once did he call out for help, nor give chase.

Gawain, old friend. If you do not survive then all of my plans will be for not. Caine turned and casually walked away.

Ulrich moved through the castle halls with haste, all while Leon did his best just to keep up with him. When they came to the king’s throne room, two castle knights stood guard in front of the double doors. The knights were preparing to draw upon the two young youths, “Who goes there?” they both asked at the same time.

“Calm yourselves.” Ulrich snarled. “We are trying to find Lord Alistair.” “What business do you have with the new King?”

“New king?” Ulrich looked perplexed. “Are you talking of Alistair?” “That is King Alistair to you runt.”

“I don’t think King Alistair, would appreciate the tone you have with me.”

“Get out of here you smart mouth punk.” he placed his hand back on the hilt of his blade, “Or you will not like what happens next.”

The throne room doors behind the knights opened, and King Alistair made his way out to greet Leon and Ulrich. “My young friends you have returned.” he smiled. “Does that mean your quest has been completed?”

Ulrich knelt before King Alistair, but Leon refused to do so. “We have conquered all of the trials, and have retrieved the final piece of the Reaper Blade my lord. But your two guards here were refusing to let us speak to you, they even threatened our lives.”

“Is that true?” Alistair asked the two men.

“It is, King Alistair. But we did not know who these kids were, your majesty.”

Not a second later Alistair pulled a knife, slitting both of the men’s throats, “It’s hard to find good help nowadays.” Alistair laughed. “Now where were we? Oh yes, that’s right.” he turned his attention back to Leon and Ulrich. “Please, come inside. The throne room is always open to you and your friend, Ulrich.” Alistair ushered the young boys inside. This was the first time that either of them had ever been inside such a glorious hall. The throne room stretched far, and walls made from Litrock surrounded them. The floor looked as though they were walking atop of mirrors, there at the far end of the room was two large chairs setting on what seemed to be a small stage. Behind those chairs were paintings of King Edwards most trusted of friends and family. Leon could have sworn that one the paintings looked like his father.

King Alistair walked up the steps, taking a seat in the chair on the right, Leon wasn’t much on the ways of loyalty. But he had heard of thrones for Kings and Queens, “Tell me. Am I right to assume

you have the last piece of the Reaper Blade?”

“You are my Lord.” Ulrich smiled. “I have it right here.” he pulled out a ripped cloth tunic from within the saddle bag he took from Gawain and proceeded to unwrap it, revealing the last piece of the blade.

“Where did you get that?” Leon whispered. “Master Gawain had that in his saddle bag if I remember correctly.”

Ulrich ignored Leon’s question, “I humbly offer this to you, my King. Proof we have completed the mission you asked of us.” he bowed his head.

“Ulrich, don’t give that to him.” Leon grumbled, but again he was ignored.

“You have done Caine and myself proud, Sir Ulrich.” King Alistair smiled. “Now take your first step in becoming a knight and bring me the item.”

Leon grabbed Ulrich’s shoulder, “You cannot do this, Ulrich. Please listen to me.” he pleaded.

Ulrich pulled away from Leon’s grasp when he rose to his feet. Leon went to grab for Ulrich again, what he failed to realize was that Caine now stood behind him. Putting his arms around Leon, Caine had him in a bear hug. “Let me go. Let me go.” Leon demanded, trying to wiggle himself free.

“Caine, would you please do something about that loud mouth of his.” Alistair grumbled. “What would you suggest?”

“I don’t know. Slit his throat, or cut out his tongue. Something.” Alistair suggested. “Just shut him up.”

“Wait.” Ulrich interrupted. “I have a better idea.”

Alistair sighed. “Whatever you are going to do, be quick about it. His screaming is getting on my nerves.”

“Thank you, my Lord.” Ulrich nodded, turning to face Leon. “Please don’t do this.” Leon pleaded one last time.

Ulrich shook his head, “This is the way it must be.” he punched Leon in the gut with as much force as he could muster. Leon gasped for air, but none flowed through his lungs, he tried to speak but could find no words, the whole room was starting to go dark. “Someday you will understand.” was the last words he heard before everything went black.

Later that evening Leon was awoken to the noises of a scuffle just a few feet from where he lay, his head was still ringing, his vision blurred. But still he managed to pick himself up, it took a little bit for the cobwebs to clear from is head. And it only took a second to realize he had been thrown into the dungeons, as strong metal bars blocked his only exit. He wanted to scream, curse out loud, however fear held him back . Then out of nowhere he heard a loud moan, followed by a thud, now there was only one shadow instead of two.

“W-Who’s there?” Leon nervously asked.

“Steady your nerves, Leon.” Gawain appeared in front of the bars with the keys to cell in hand. “It’s just me.”

“Thank the gods.” Leon sighed.

“How did you end up down here?” Gawain asked as he fumbled with the keys. “And where is Ulrich?”

“Ulrich is the reason I’m down here.” Leon snarled.

“Damn.” Gawain muttered. “What of the piece of blade? Does Ulrich still have it?”

“I don’t know.” Leon answered. “The last thing I remember is Caine grabbing hold of me, while Ulrich knocked me out cold.”

“I was afraid of this.” Gawain frowned. “I am to late, Ulrich must have given Alistair the last piece of the Reaper Blade.” after a few tries he had finally found the right key that unlocked the cell door.

“Thank you, Master Gawain.” Leon said. “Just a quick question though. Where were you this

whole time?”

“Dealing with other matters.” “Such as?”

“We can discuss that later. Right now we must hurry before Alistair has a chance to return the Reaper Blade to its former glory.” Gawain tossed Leon’s belongings back to him. “Hurry and prepare yourself, it won’t be easy.”

“How can we stop him?” Leon sighed, strapping his sword back to his side. “I don’t know, but we must try.”

Leon took his bow and quiver of arrows from his cloth bag, tying the quiver to his back, and placed the bow over his shoulder. After tossing the bag to the side he looked at Gawain nervously, “I’m ready when you are.”

Gawain and Leon made their way towards the king’s throne room, taking down any unsuspecting soldier that got in their way. When they stormed into the throne room it was empty, “Where have they gone?” Gawain grumbled, before punching the stone wall hard enough to split his knuckles open.

“I think I may know where.” “Where?” Gawain barked.

“Think about it.” Leon responded. “What do the one thing, Alistair, Caine, and Ulrich all have in common?”

“Their love for attention.” Gawain smirked. “Great thinking, Leon. Lets get to the town square, it’s the only place that could feed their egos.”

Gawain and Leon took flight from the castle, they ran towards the town square and fast. At times they would have to stick to the back alleys, just to stay out of sight from the soldiers that sought after them. Their muscles ached, both were huffing and puffing, but still they did not stop for anything,

it was their last chance to stop Alistair’s dark plans. When they had made it to the town square, it was filled with people from all over the lands. In the very center of the crowd was a grand stage, and standing upon that stage were King Alistair and Caine, along with three other knights. “My people!” Alistair shouted to the masses. “Today, you have been invited here to witness a grand event. Not only did you witness a new king being crowned. But you shall now witness a turning point, not only for the kingdom of Drasal, but for the entire world.” the crowd roared. “Let the ceremony begin.”

Four men in black robes came walking through the crowd of people, humming some unknown hymn, carrying some foreign objects. It was the most outrageous thing Leon had ever witnessed in his whole life. The next man that came out behind the men in robes he recognized right away.

“Master Gawain, that is the leader of the Mages.” Leon gasped. “What is he doing here?” “I do not know.” Gawain grumbled. “But this changes things.”

“Why?” Leon questioned. “I’m not afraid of him.”

“Because if we rush the stage, innocent people will die.” Gawain frowned.

The four men in the black robes carrying the foreign objects, each walked over to a corner of the stage and stood there humming the unfamiliar hymn. Zerius walked up the steps, joining King Alistair, and Caine on the stage. He raised his hand up in the air and the humming stopped. “Would the young lad known as Ulrich, bring me the pieces of the Reaper Blade.” he called out.

Humming started again as Ulrich walked through the crowd of townspeople, carrying a long thin wooden crate in his arms. Ulrich knelt down and placed the crate on the the stage, “Open the box, young one.” Ulrich opened the crate, removing the hilt of the Reaper Blade first. “Hand that to me, and we shall begin the ceremony of “The Calling Of Power.”” Zerius commanded. He took the hilt from the young man, holding it tight in his hands. “First Knight Caine, if you would open the scroll of power.”

“That scroll, I recognize it.” Leon exclaimed. “How so?” Gawain inquired.

“It was one of the three scrolls I gave to Zerius.” “In exchange for not killing us all.” Gawain added. “Exactly.”

“Then the Mages were in on it from the very beginning.”

“And Ulrich helped them.” Leon shook his head with disgust. “He must have known Alistair and Caine’s true intentions this whole time. Ulirch used me to retrieve the scrolls, he must have also told Zerius he wasn’t allowed to touch any of us. That means they tricked us into believing harm would be done instead.”

“And played us for fools.” Gawain sighed. “I should have kept a better eye on him.” “It’s not your fault, Master Gawain.” Leon snarled. “He played the part very well.”

“Watch and witness a new era for all lands.” Zerius proclaimed, making Gawain and Leon turn their attention back on to the stage. Zerius began to read from the scroll that Caine held up, Doth. Nein. Petrino. Monitinite. The red jewel on the bottom of the hilt started to glow, it was almost hypnotic. “Hand me the second piece of the blade, child.” he held out his hand, Ulrich nodded giving him the second piece. Zerius placed the hilt and the broken piece of blade together, reading the second verse from the scroll. Necro. Mandat. Terone. The broken blade glowed and the piece of the broken blade held together with the hilt.

“That’s not good.” Leon nervously swallowed. “No, it’s rather unnerving.”

Zerius held out his hand, and Ulrich handed over another piece of the Reaper Blade. Just like the time before he read from the scroll of power. Zerius repeated the process until all that was left was the final piece. King Alistair stood watching, the anticipation of yielding such power made him smile with glee.

“The Reaper Blade is almost complete.” Leon gasped. “Lets rush the stage.” “No. We wait.”

Leon turned to face his teacher, the look on his face said it all. “Are you mad? We cannot wait for the blade to be complete before we make a move.”

“Settle down, Leon.” Gawain grumbled. “Even if the blade is complete, they still need one last piece of the puzzle to give the sword back its powers.”

“Alistair will have to call upon the power of the Kings Defender.” Gawain chuckled. “But he has the Kings Defender.” Leon replied.

“Still, it doesn’t mean he can control the power it contains.” Gawain smirked.

A bright red light formed on the stage, to Leon it was as if the sun had fallen from the sky and landed in Drasal. They both watched on, a feeling of dread filled the pit of their stomachs. Neither could explain the feeling, but both knew something bad was about to happen. “So it begins.” a voice whispered. He turned back to Gawain, “Did you say something?” however, when he caught a glimpse of Gawain’s face boiling with rage, Leon knew that it wasn’t him that spoke those words.

Zerius held the blade up in the air. “Behold, the Reaper Blade is once again whole.” he turned his attention towards Alistair. “King Alistair, kneel before the Reaper Blade and accept it as your own.”

Alistair got down on one knee, holding up his hands. “I take the power of the Reaper Blade as my own. May its power flow through my veins and show me the one true path that I must take.”

Zerius placed the completed Reaper Blade in Alistair’s hands, “Arise, King Alistair. You know what you must do to complete the ceremony.”

King Alistair arose to his feet and nodded to Zerius, “I know exactly what I must do.” he unsheathed the Kings Defender. “I must take the power of this blade as my own and transfer it over to the Reaper Blade to awaken its true form.”

“Can you accomplish such a feet?” Zerius asked.

“I can, but not alone.” Alistair answered. “As a matter of fact, I need another who’s heart is the same as mine. You know who I speak of, Zerius.”

“That I do.” Zerius nodded. “Young man, would you please come here.” he motioned for Ulrich to stand beside him. “Would you be willing to aid us in reviving the true power of the Reaper Blade?”

Ulrich looked surprised to be asked such a question, “I do not know what you expect from me, but I shall try my best for King Alistair, Caine, and the rest of Drasal.” he humbly bowed.

“Those are noble words coming from such a brave boy.” Alistair smiled faintly. “Tell me Zerius, what would you have us do?”

“Give the Reaper Blade to the young man here.” Zerius insisted. “My name is, Ulrich.”

“Forgive me, Ulrich.” Zerius laughed. “Please, take the Reaper Blade from King Alistair.” “May I ask why me, and not Caine?”

“Because it takes three to complete the transfer of power.” Zerius answered. “Caine, is already feeding his strength into the scroll, which breaths life into this ceremony. And King Alistair cannot finish the transfer of power alone, or it could kill him. You should be honored King Alistair trusts in you enough to help with such a task, that will change the course of history.” Ulrich said not another word, and reached out to take the Reaper Blade from his King.

“Why has Ulrich taken the Reaper Blade?” Leon muttered. “I haven’t the foggiest.” Gawain shrugged..

“I thought you knew of this.”

“I do.” Gawain replied. “However this part is new, even to me.” “Then we must stop whatever is about to happen.” Leon snapped. “No.” Gawain barked.

“Why not?” Leon hissed.

“Because keeping you safe is more important.” Gawain snapped back.

“Innocent people will die if we let them complete the ceremony. How is my life more important then theirs?” Leon was angry, and didn’t like the fact that Gawain only protected him when others needed aid as well.

“I made a promise to keep you safe above all else, that’s all you need to know.” Gawain said. “Even though I want to run up their and kill Caine, I will not throw away our lives so foolishly.

Especially yours.”

“Fine, then what happens next is on you.” Leon grumbled.

“So be it.” Gawain muttered. “One day I will answer for my sins, but not on this day.” Ulrich held up the Reaper Blade, “What do I do next?”

Zerius leaned in close, whispering. “Concentrate all of your hate, all of your anger, let all of your feelings out into one steady stream, focusing them into the blade.”

Ulrich did what was asked of him, all the feelings that had been boiling over in him for years was brought to the surface. His feelings for Ellyn came to the surface as well, when he thought about her and how she left him behind, set everything into motion. He felt everything inside of him erupt through his hands and into the blade, followed by a strange calmness he had never felt before.

“That’s good, that’s good.” Zerius smirked. “Keep feeding the blade with your hatred.” he turned to face Alistair, “King Alistair, take control over the Kings Defender, make it realize you as its master. Once you have accomplished that, touch the blades together.”

Alistair closed his eyes focusing all of his energy into taking control over the Kings Defender. He struggled at first, but then he remembered his vision for a new world, with all the kingdoms under one rule, his. That gave him the strength and the will to make the power of the of the blade he held his own. The blade glowed the opposite color of the Reaper Blade, instead of an eerie red, the Kings

Defender glowed a bright blue. “Perfect.” Zerius smiled. “Touch the blades together, and bring the Reaper Blade to life.”

Alistair and Ulrich touched the two swords together, a blinding light erupted from the stage.

When the light faded, the Kings Defender crumbled into nothing more than ash in Alistair’s hands. And the Reaper Blade’s appearance had changed as well. The rust on the broken blade had vanished, unlike most swords the blade didn’t have a shiny metallic look to it. Instead the blade had a blackish purple tint, the jewel on the bottom of the hilt stayed a dark blood red.

“Remember, this blade belongs to you young one.” Zerius whispered in Ulrich’s ear. “But for now, you must give the blade of power to Alistair. When you are ready, seek me out and I will help you claim what is rightfully yours.” he turned and walked off the stage, the men in black robes following behind him through the crowd.

Alistair held out his hand and smiled, “Hand the blade to me, Ulrich.” Ulrich bowed and handed the Reaper Blade over to King Alistair. “Thank you, Ulrich. You shall make a fine knight to serve the new kingdom.” but something changed in Alistair when he took the Reaper Blade for himself. His eyes went from blue to black as coal, evil emanated from his face, then he began to laugh maniacally as the Reaper Blade glowed with power.

“King Alistair?” Ulrich could tell something wasn’t right.

“All is well.” Alistair smirked. “We have other business to attend to.” his voice sounded different, deeper, darker than usual. Was it still King Alistair that was speaking? Or had the dark powers of the Reaper Blade taken control over him?

Ulrich looked over at Caine, “Something is different with King Alistair.” he said.

“Nothing is wrong with, Alistair.” Caine replied. “The power of the blade is bringing out his true intentions. His one true self is about to be shown, this is all part of the plan.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just watch, and find out for yourself.”

“People of Drasal. I have sad news in light of what you have witnessed today.” King Alistair called out to the crowd. “I have found out what fate had befallen the good King Edward, he was killed and disposed of by people he had trusted most.” people out in the crowd hissed and booed, even started to demand King Alistair to tell them who had done such a thing. A smirk creased Alistair’s lips, “It was people within the Academy that conspired and killed King Edward, even now they aim their sights at me. But fear not, when I took the responsibility of king, I acted to end the tyranny. Executioner, would you please bring the traitors onto the stage.”

“The people at the Academy would never do such a thing.” Leon barked.

“Alistair set the Academy up to take the blame off of him and Caine.” Gawain sighed.

King Alistair’s executioner brought his prisoners onto the stage, there was two young men around Leon’s age, a lady, and two older men, with shackles on their wrists and ankles. Leon was quick to recognize who had been falsely accused, “It’s Henry and Jeffrey.” Leon gasped. “They even have old man Altard in shackles, he is nothing more than a scholar. There’s weapon smith Barkentin as well, I would never have guessed he would go quietly.”

“Those dogs have put shackles on Lady Catherine.” Gawain snarled. “Who in the hell do they think they are?”

“You stopped me from charging the stage when they repaired the Reaper Blade, but you will not stop me from helping them.”

“Give me time think.” Gawain grumbled.

What happened next was sad indeed. Alistair swung the Reaper Blade through the air, the blade connected with weapon smith Barkentin’s neck, sending his head falling onto the stage, blood spurted as the headless body collapsed. The crowd cheered at witnessing such carnage, “Behold. This is what happens when you go against the King Of Drasal.” Alistair swung the Reaper Blade again and old man

Altard joined Barkentin dead before Alistair’s feet.

Seeing both Altard and Barkentin beheaded, sent a spark of rage flowing through Leon’s body, the likes he had never felt before. “Don’t do it Leon.” Gawain could tell by Leon’s body movements that he was preparing to rush the stage. “We will all die if you act hastily.” Leon didn’t respond to Gawain’s words, as he had his hand firmly around the hilt of his sword.

“Not even women, nor children, shall be spared from the justice of the new era.” King Alistair was readying to take the life of Lady Catherine. Upon seeing this Gawain forgot about Leon and went into action, he pulled a knife from his belt and threw at Alistair’s back. The knife sailed through the air, it seemed like the knife would hit its intended target. But Caine darted across the stage, knocking the knife out of the air with his sword, before it could reach his king.

“Damn it.” Gawain muttered.

“Did you think that would work, Gawain?” Caine barked.

Gawain glared at Caine with fury in his eyes, “Leon, it is time. Be mindful not to die.” “Same for you, Master Gawain.” Leon rushed through the crowd towards the stage. He had

King Alistair in his sights, in his mind that was the first person he was going to kill. As he made his way through the crowd and up the steps of the stage, Ulrich stood in his way. “Get out of my way, Ulrich.” Leon hissed. “I do not wish to fight you.”

Ulrich lowered his head, “But you intend to hurt King Alistair, do you not?” he said, with his hand on the hilt of his blade.

“I’m not going to hurt him.” Leon smirked. “I’m going to kill him for what he has done.”

“Then you leave me no choice.” Ulrich drew his blade. “I cannot allow you to do such a thing.” “Why?” Leon grumbled. “He has brought nothing but pain to everyone that has crossed paths

with him. The man is pure evil.”

“King Alistair is not evil.” Ulrich snapped. “He is a man of vision, not only that, he is doing

whatever it takes to bring forth a new world, no matter the sacrifices it takes.”

“He is killing innocent people.” Leon growled. “Alistair has to be stopped.”

“King Alistair is just in what he does.” Ulrich responded. “Sacrifices must be made.”

“You are just as delusional as Alistair and Caine.” Leon said with anger. “Do you not care about what he has done to our friends at the Academy?”

“They killed King Edward, that is why Alistair is king now.” Ulrich snapped. “That’s a load of bull, and you know it.” Leon snapped back.

Ulrich looked at Leon and sighed, “I’m going to give you one last chance to stand down, if you do I promise no harm will befall you. I offer that only because we are friends.”

Leon looked away, “We are no longer friends.” he muttered, unsheathing his sword. “Because if we were you would be standing beside me, not against me.”

“I could say the same for you.” Ulrich said with sadness in his eyes. “Then I guess this be our fates.” Leon sighed.

“So be it.” Ulrich swung his blade, and metal crashed against metal, as Leon blocked his attack.

Gawain was making his way towards King Alistair as well, when Caine jumped off the stage with his blade drawn swinging downward at Gawain, barely missing his face. “Gawain, I’m surprised that you would try to attack your king.” Caine smirked.

“That man is not my king, I refuse to bow down to such a fiend.” Gawain snarled.

“Watch your tongue.” Caine snapped. “I let you live the first time, don’t make me regret it.” “You, let me live?” Gawain laughed. “Words of a coward indeed.”

Being called a coward infuriated Caine to the point that he had forgotten that Gawain was needed for his master plan to take form, and he attacked him out of anger. Gawain parried the attack swinging his blade upward towards Caine’s head, barely missing by just inches. “That was a close one.” Caine smiled. “I see you are playing for keeps this time.”

“It’s a pity the blade missed your neck, Caine.” Gawain laughed. “But there’s still time to make sure that happens.” Gawain went on the attack, swinging his blade at Caine multiple times. It looked as though the two were engaged in some sort of ritualistic dance, both attacking, both blocking each others advances. Sparks flew as their attacks increased with speed and intensity, however Gawain thought that Caine wasn’t giving his all. “Why are you holding back?” Gawain huffed.

“I’m not the only one holding back.” Caine blocked another of Gawain’s attacks.

Not only was Gawain engaged in a heated battle with Caine, but so to was Leon against his former friend. Leon lunged with his blade in hand, Ulrich was quick to knock the blade away before it could pierce his skin. “Why do you fight me?” he shouted angrily, swinging his blade in a slashing motion at Leon.

“Because you stand on the wrong side.” Leon pushed the oncoming blade to the side and connected with a punch to the face, that sent Ulrich reeling backwards.

Ulrich retaliated with a punch of his own that had the same effect on Leon, “I stand with the winning side.” Ulrich barked. He sighed, lowering his blade, “Join me Leon, we can accomplish great things in the new world. Please, I do not wish to hurt you, you’re the only friend I have.”

“I’m sorry, Ulrich.” Leon muttered. “But I chose my own path, as did you.” he hit Ulrich in the face with the hilt of his blade, hard enough that it knocked him right off the stage. Leon hated himself for what he had done, but it was his only choice. With Ulrich out of the way, he could work on freeing the others and possibly putting an end to Alistair in the process.

Caine sheathed his blade back to his side, “This has been fun old friend, but the time for play is


Gawain wasn’t done though, “It’s over when I say its over.” he grumbled. “Fight me, or I kill you where you stand.”

“I’m afraid you won’t get that chance, not yet anyways.” Caine smirked. “Guards, arrest the

traitors.” twenty or so soldiers appeared out of the crowd, surrounding the stage with their weapons drawn. “Lower your weapon Gawain, or you will be killed.”

“You rotten son of a bitch.” Gawain spate. The situation was dire, and the chances of them escaping were slim to none.

Leon had yet to realize that the stage was surrounded by soldiers, his focus was solely on freeing the others. He took his blade and broke the rusty shackles and chains that had Lady Catherine, Henry, and Jeffery bound. After they were freed he turned his sights on the man he hated most, Alistair.

King Alistair stood there, watching everything unfold, not once did he try to interfere. To him it was amusing, that is until he realized that Leon stood before him with blade in hand. Alistair sheathed the Reaper Blade to his side, then held his hands out in front to show he was unarmed. “You wouldn’t harm an unarmed man would you?” he laughed.

“A man as evil as you, doesn’t deserve to live.” Leon glared at him with such hate. “So you would kill your king?” Alistair asked.

“King?” Leon laughed. “You are no king, even saying the word sours in my mouth.” “Then go ahead, kill me. If you think you can.” Alistair smirked.

Leon let his anger take control thrusting the blade straight for Alistair’s chest, but Alistair caught the blade with his hands. “What’s wrong, child. Did you not expect me to do that?” Alistair was still smiling.

“How is that possible?” Leon swallowed nervously.

“That is the power of the Reaper Blade.” Alistair chuckled. “Hmm, what should I do with you?” What was left of the crowd started to jeer, “Kill him!” “Throw them both in the dungeons!”

“Traitors of Drasal and the King do not deserve mercy!” Alistair smiled happily, knowing that the townspeople were on his side. “You heard them kid, it’s time for you to meet your end.” his hands glowed red, Leon could feel the hilt of his blade heating up. Then Alistair snapped the sword in half,

and with blazing speed he grabbed Leon by the throat lifting him up in the air. “Time to die boy.” Leon gasped for air, each time he did so Alistair’s grip tightened, darkness was what came next.

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