Chapter sorry 54

confused look and was stunned by her stricken face

Ceping our children as an unwitting audience, I could not wait to ask. sy tweet was thumping wildly in my chest excitement while I waited for her confirmation. i had not been banking on this development. But it sure was a relief to

that Briana had never nemamed, nor was she in a relationship.

I figured of wanted to take back my family, this was my chance. A chance I promise to put to good use. win her back

Tommy dromey Borana only averted her face

She acted like she did not hear me, but I knew better.

Ste avoided answering my question.

I did not press, though. I figured we still had time to discuss her social status without

Maybe she was stocked, too. She did not bank on Riley blurting it out of the blue.

But thats to my advantage.


have a lot to work on. Too many things to prove to her and the children, but will do everything in my power to assure her – there had been no one else. Steve lows they. That I was sure of only tolerated her because she was there exomeone to rely on. But we haven’t been intimate. I never wanted her

The side back pose was uneventful Branaghose to sit as far to me as possible. She wis direct hugging the door to avoid contact with me.

Than tossed the van in their driveway, I kept my mouth shut, though I was itching to ask and fire my questions away. The timing was off.

“They view Bana muttered when we opened the passenger door to get the

Traft wake them up will carry them.”

I got out of the car and helped her unstrap the children took Rally in my artis. He’s the most adversarial among the three and was not that quick to accept me, but he was the most protective of their mother.

#t must be because he was the eldest. He took his responsibilities wall

Tears blurred my eyes as I tenderly watched my son in sleep. At a young age, he began to understand the concept of being the man of the house because was not


I kissed the top of his head and carried him in my arms.

When I reached the main door, it opened to Rowan, the second eldest of the Ford Brothers, as he got out, followed by Flint.

They marched up to the van and took Mason and Brizz.

“Where to?” I asked Briana when she ran ahead of me. She took the stairs, andil

followed her to a room.

When she opened the door, her natural scent assailed my nostrils. I was

momentarily immobilized by a long–ago memory. It was recent. It was one of me and Briana in bed, cuddling after a satiating lovemaking.

“Just put Riley here.” Briana’s voice pulled me back from my trance.

Hooked around the room. It was so very much like Briana.

I approached the bed, and longing filled me,

The children are sleeping with her, I realized.

This knowledge bolstered Riley’s claim that their mom is single and unattached. An Involuntary smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I can’t help it.

Even if Briana had been cold towards me since the Britney incident, I could not help feeling happy. Finally, I could see a glimmer of hope.

I put filey on the bed and took off his shoes and socks.

“Do we need to change him?” I asked Briana, who was still not looking at me when I addressed her

It’s fine. I can do it.She said before going out of the room.


While she was gone, Rowan and Flint Ford came in carrying Mason and Brixx in their arms. They also put the two children beside their brother.

When Briana came back, she was holding changing clothes for the triplets.

Rowan and Flint were gone by then, and I stayed behind to help her. We worked quickly as a team. But the silence was killing me.

“Briana,” I called out to her.

“It’s late. You should go ahead.” She said without looking at me.

I figured now was not the time to talk and stopped attempting to engage her.

“Good night,” I told her and bent to kiss the triplets on their downy heads.

My feet won’t move. It was hard tearing myself away.

“Noah. I need to rest.” Briana reminded me. This time, her voice has a sharp edge to

  1. it.

“Good night,” I told her, but she wouldn’t look up in my direction.

She was busy arranging the pillows around the triplets.

I sighed and let myself out.

Outside, Rowan and Flint Ford greeted me.

“Marcus is waiting for you at the study,” Rowan told me.

He showed me that way, and I was ushered inside a large study.

The room was neat. The floor was made of sanded wood and smelled of lemon wax.

Marcus Ford sat behind a mahogany desk with a laptop in front of him. He looked. when he heard me come in.


“What do you want to talk to me about?” He asked even before I closed the door.

I approached his desk.

Marcus Ford eyed me with a frown on his face.

“First, let me ask you something. What is your real relationship with Briana? Why is

Checter 55 Real Relationship

she using your surname?”

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