Chapter sorry 32

Chapter 32. Expired

Briana POV

I darted away as fast as I could.

Noah called out to me.

I could hear the creaking sound of his shoes as they met the floor and pressed my feet to hasten my walk.

Curious heads turned my way, but that did not stop me.

All I know is that I had to put distance between us – the wider the gap, the better for my peace of mind.

While walking, the scene at the emergency exit occupied my head,

and remorse filled me.

How did I allow my ex liberties to my lips just like that?

To think this was not the first time this happened.

I shook my head as disdain for my actions filled me.

I shouldn’t make this into a habit.

“We are so done. Stop kissing me, Noah.” I hissed when he caught up to me, and he spun me around to face him.

“You think I liked it?” He rasped.

My eyes widened.

“So now, it was my fault?”

My question must have caught Noah unaware. He looked

bewildered as he scanned the area at my back. It was like he was

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Chapter 32. Expired


I was only gone for a few hours, but I already missed them.

My babies!

At the thought of my triplets, I had forgotten about Noah until he spoke, pulling my attention back.

“Are you in a hurry or just avoiding me?” There was a hint of teasing in his tone.

My palms itch to wipe the smile off his face.

I really do not get him anymore.

Back in the conference room, he was so angry at me. Now, he sounded like we were chummy–chummy.

“You are a big man to talk about how despicable I was for cheating on you, but what are you doing now? Aren’t you as guilty as I was?”

Noah looked clueless.

“What do you mean?”

I seethe in rage. How dare he accuse me of cheating when he was equally guilty of the same crime?

He was engaged.

“Two words. Britney White.” I pointed out with enough venom and sweetness.

“That is none of your business.” He bit out, causing me to flinch.

His words enraged me. How dare he?

My brows furrowed while I tried to control my temper.

Chapter 32 Expired

“Then, you also have no business eating my mouth. We are nothing, Noah Hunter. You are my ex. And that means you are someone whose presence in my life has expired.”

Today’s Bonus Offer

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