Son-In-Law Gets an Upgrade by Mr. Adeel

Chapter 1139

Chapter 1139 Baldy
Although Alex had survived the fifth lightning strike, it had also caused considerable damage to his body.
He had suffered burns to his skin, which made him look like a monstrous creature. It was an utterly terrifying sight to behold..
“Master, master! Let me help you fix it!” Jade said somewhat worriedly.
This time, he did not refuse and even nodded. The pain is bearable, but my current appearance is indeed frightening. If anyone
were to pass by this place and see me like this, they’d probably be scared out of their wits, right? Since Jade can restore my
appearance, that’s perfect!
Seeing that he nodded, Jade released its full power, and a golden light instantly enveloped his entire body. Following that, the
layer of necrosed flesh on his body slowly peeled away, and the golden light healed the mess of flesh and blood. Soon, a layer of
pale, delicate skin grew back.
Eventually, the charred, necrosed flesh on his body was all gone. Although the golden light had completely healed his skin, he
was now bald.
Jade could not help but cover its mouth and let out a chuckle when it saw Alex’s shiny, hairless head. “Master, this is too funny!
You’ve become totally bald. Hahaha! You’re like an egghead! The lightning strike burned your hair, and I don’t know if it’ll ever
grow back. Does this mean you’ll be a baldy from now on?”
It was so amused that it did not even notice his face had turned as black as thunder.

He raised his hand and tapped Jade’s head smartly. It let out a cry of pain and looked at him indignantly. “Master, I just saved
you! How could you repay kindness with ingratitude and hit me?” it said pitifully. Crossing his arms, he demanded sternly, “Who
did you just call an egghead? Say that again!”
Having had his hair all burned off by lightning was already depressing enough for Alex, but he had not expected that Jade would
make fun of him. Thus, his anger was hardly surprising.
“You’re not an egghead, Master. You’re the most handsome bald man in the world. Even if you’re bald, that’s not a bad thing. At
least you’ll save money on shampoo.” As it spoke, it could not stop itself from bursting into laughter.
He grabbed its ear and growled irritably, “If you dare to call me a baldy again, I’ll give you a good beating!”
Suddenly, he noticed something strange. Jade looks a little bigger than before. Previously, it looked like a one or two-year-old
child. But now, it appears to be four or five years old.
“Master, it hurts!” it pleaded while clutching his hand.
Realizing he was still holding its ear, he quickly let go and asked, “Jade, have you grown bigger? What’s going on?”
Jade pouted and puffed out its cheeks, then turned its head away angrily without answering his question.
“All right, all right. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have pulled your ear. I’m sorry, okay? Now, please tell me why you’ve suddenly
grown bigger?” he said.
Upon hearing his apology, it finally turned its head back. Nonetheless, it was still upset with him. It replied moodily, “Not only did
the fifth lightning strike just now strengthen your Lightning Attribute, but it also

brought me some great benefits. I naturally grew bigger after absorbing the Lightning Element’s energy. I’ve told you before,
haven’t I? I’m a growth-type ancient jade.”
Alex nodded even though he did not quite understand. Indeed, the two elders’ blows earlier contained the power of thunder and
lightning. It never occurred to me that withstanding the fifth lightning strike would bring such benefits.
Suddenly, he thought of a question. He placed his hand under his chin as he gazed at Jade, lost in deep thought. After pondering
for a while, he still could not figure it out and asked, “Are you male or female? Why can’t I tell even though you’re already four or
five years old?”

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