Son-In-Law Gets an Upgrade by Mr. Adeel

Chapter 1136

Chapter 1135 Five Lightning Talisman
“Who exactly are you, and what is your purpose in coming to Leight Sect?” Vladimir questioned Alex coldly.
Alex’s appearance truly astonished the two elders. They had originally thought that the secret forces were the most formidable.
Little did they expect a young man with remarkable strength would suddenly show up that day.
While dealing with Alex, the two elders thought it was also essential to find out who exactly sent him there so that they could
warn the other sects.
“Who am I. you ask? I simply cannot stand the ostentatiousness of the secret forces. I don’t object to secret forces involvement
in the real world, but if you act recklessly here, I must intervene today,” said Alex.
“Brat, do you really think that you can contend against the mighty Leight Sect with your limited abilities? Why don’t you try to get
past us first?” Demetrius said solemnly to Alex.
Due to his carelessness earlier, he endured a palm strike from Alex, leaving him severely injured. Naturally, he was furious with
Alex. At that moment, seeing that Alex dared to go against the Leith Sect, Demetrius didn’t feel the need to be courteous to Alex
“Enough talking with him. Let’s both take action and deal with him together. After that, we can take him to the sect leader and
see how he’ll be dealt with.” Vladimir had already taken out a talisman and held it between his fingers.
However, Demetrius took out a long chain and held it in his hand. The two exchanged glances and immediately launched
themselves at Alex.
Alex had never taken the two elders before him seriously. With a forceful kick, he quickly put some distance between himself and
the two, coincidentally dodging the Totem of Electric that Vladimir had thrown at him.
Just as Alex managed to dodge, a yellow talisman fell on the spot where he had been fighting. In an instant. lightning struck the
ground, and a huge black pit appeared on the site a split second later.
That tiny talisman was capable of summoning the power of lightning. If it were to be used on a person, they would be instantly
reduced to ashes.
As expected, the techniques used by Vladimir were much more formidable than the talisman used by the Tris, who Alex had
killed previously.

Demetrius clenched the Sword of Thunder and thrust it at Alex’s chest, shouting, “Let’s see if you can dodge this time! Take this!”
Alex could see the sword possessed a profound Mortal Force and the power of a thunderstorm. Although the force was quite
significant, the speed was simply not fast enough for Alex to take it seriously.
With a swift sidestep, Alex dodged the attack. Then, he narrowed his eyes and landed a punch on Demetrius’s back, sending the
latter flying through the air.
During that brief moment, Vladimir had already produced three talismans in his hand. He then began to silently recite some
incantations that were incomprehensible to Alex, causing the talismans to ignite spontaneously.
Alex couldn’t quite understand what Vladimir was doing, but in the next second, he realized that Vladimir was unleashing an
ultimate move.
At the spot where Alex stood, a circle appeared beneath his feet. When he wanted to leave, he realized he couldn’t step out of
the circle. He could only move within that confined space as if a Mortal Force Barrier separated him from the outside world.
Without any hesitation, Alex directChapter 1136 No Escape
At that moment, Alex’s mind raced with numerous escape planes. He could not simply sit there and await his fate. Despite his
current abilities, he sensed an underlying danger in the air that urged him to take action.
At first, Alex attempted to break the air barrier with his Mortal Force, but it proved to be futile. So, he switched to another
approach-digging a hole underground to escape before the lightning struck.
As Alex prepared to take action, he suddenly discovered that the air barrier surrounding him extended to even beneath the
ground. It felt like a prison, preventing him from escaping. A sense of helplessness washed over him as he realized he was

trapped, unable to break free.
Alex sat on the ground and sighed. It seems there’s no way I can escape these five lightning strikes.
Accepting his inability to escape, Alex chose to endure the situation. He did not believe a mere half Grandmaster was able to kill
him with the Lightning Tribulation. If I were to perish from this, it would only demonstrate my weakness as a Grandmaster.
As Alex calmly awaited the impending thunder and lightning, the sky filled with dark clouds. Suddenly, a powerful bolt of lightning
descended from above, aiming directly at the top of his head.
Faced with the sudden strike, Alex had nowhere to hide and could only rely on his physical strength to withstand the damage
caused by the thunder and lightning to his body.
A bolt of lightning struck, and Alex felt as if his entire body had been electrocuted. His clothes were instantly ignited by the
powerful lightning, and even his hair did not escape the calamity, as it was all burned to ashes.
After the lightning strike, Alex still stood tall. Although his body had been charred black by the lightning. he continued to stand
The thunder and lightning surged with unprecedented power, engulfing Alex’s body. The lightning strike surpassed even the
intensity of the thunder and lightning of the Doomsday Prison’s iron chains.
Even so, Alex managed to withstand it. Although the lightning strike was powerful, it was still not as intense as he had imagined.
Following that, another bolt of lightning strike descended from the sky, striking Alex once more. This time, its power was even
more formidable than before, leaving a crater beneath Alex’s feet.

Enduring the aftermath of the lightning strike, his body could not help but sway slightly, yet he still did not collapse.
Vladimir, witnessing Alex’s resilient state amidst the intense lightning, was taken aback by the astonishing level of his physical
strength. It surpassed the elder’s expectations and left him astounded.
Vladimir did not believe someone as young as Alex could truly possess such strength to survive under the Lightning Tribulation.
So what if he could withstand two lightning strikes? The power of each strike will be much stronger than the last
The dragon charged with high electricity struck Alex once again, causing a surge of power that even
Vladimir, Demetrius, and Eve could feel from a near distance. The intensity of this lightning strike surpassed the previous two.
The intense electric current, though not directly targeting them, tingled on the surface of their skin, inducing a numbing
sensation. They realized if this was the impact from a distance of more than ten meters, the experience for Alex, who had been
directly struck by the thunder and lightning, must be unimaginable.
The three of them turned their gaze toward Alex’s location, their eyes filled with concern and curiosity. The immense power of the
lightning strike had enveloped Alex, creating a thick cloud of black smoke that obscured their view, preventing them from
discerning his current condition.
The faint black smoke dissipated, and the three of them stared unblinkingly at what lay ahead.
Amidst the smoke, Alex knelt on the ground with both knees, his hands pressed against the earth. This third lightning strike had
caused him considerable damage. After a violent bout of coughing, Alex slowly stood up straight again.
Feeling the overwhelming power, Alex realized it surpassed what a half-Grandmaster could generate. He was certain the three
talismans held by Vladimir were not of his own creation.
Recalling the death of Tris in his hands, Alex noticed there was a vast difference between the two talisgnans.
But at this moment, there was no time for Alex to worry about those things. He had already endured three lightning strikes, and
there were still two more awaiting him.
Faced with the last two lightning strikes, Alex did not take them lightly at all. Unlike the previous three times when he was
unprepared, this time Alex deliberately circulated his Mortal Force throughout his body, enveloping himself entirely to withstand

the next strike.
“The kid can still stand up! His physical strength is terrifying!” exclaimed Demetrius in disbelief, his eyes wide with shock.
Vladimir’s face darkened initially, but then a confident smile appeared as he remembered the power of the Five Lightning
Talisman. The remaining strength might be terrifying, but he had faith in the talisman’s capabilities.
ly channeled his Mortal Force and struck the air barrier. However, it seemed his improved Mortal Force was entirely absorbed by
the air, rendering his move utterly ineffective.
Noticing Alex was still struggling, Vladimir sneered, “Stop making futile efforts. Forcing me to use the Five Lightning Talisman
means you’ve met a worthy end. Unless you can withstand the Lightning Tribulation, don’t even think about escaping from that
Of course, while Vladimir trapped Alex in that circle, anyone outside couldn’t cause any harm to Alex either.
As soon as Vladimir’s words fell, the sky, which had been clear and sunny, was immediately covered with thunderclouds. The
violent wind began to blow, and the sky darkened.
Thunder rumbled in the sky, and lightning weaved through the clouds like an electric dragon. It appeared as if a bolt of lightning
would strike down at any moment.
Taking in that terrifying scene, Eve, who had been watching from one side, also revealed an astounded. expression. Her
admiration toward the deities from Leight Sect intensified. They are truly like deities who had descended to earth, able to
manipulate lightning. This time, Alex will definitely meet his demise!

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