Sommerstall Academy

: Chapter 26

‘My tent’s just over there. Thanks for walking me back. Goodnight, Elija,’ Joe says when we reach the edge of the camp.

‘Night, Joe. It was nice meeting you,’ I tell her. It’s true since despite my first impression, the girl is really funny. She’s been able to keep me from snapping all night.

Why would I snap, you might ask. That’s easy. It’s because a certain brown-haired girl wouldn’t acknowledge me, only looking and talking to my friends and the two girls instead. At first, I was glad when she came since I thought it meant she was feeling better and might even have come to talk to me. I wanted to apologize but then she seemed so determined to ignore me that I threw those plans out of the window.

Joe told me I should give her space or wait until she wasn’t tired. Don’t judge me for telling a near-stranger about my girl problems, okay? I didn’t know what to do and a girl’s opinion was really appreciated. Though as soon as the girl in question arrived, we had to find different things to talk about. It was mostly Joe trying to cheer me up.

When I heard Jamie offering Florence to sleep on his lap, I couldn’t keep myself from going over there. It’s completely irrational to be jealous of him but I couldn’t help it. Besides, I’m pretty sure Florence didn’t want to be there in the first place.

But now that Joe is gone I’m mustering up the courage to finally turn to Florence. Even if it’s just to say goodnight.

Taking a deep breath, I do a one-eighty only to find myself alone. What the hell?

‘Florence?’ I speak towards the tree line. Even as I say I know it’s no use. She clearly isn’t here. Damnit!

I know I was an idiot tonight. I was rude and bossy and ignored her all the way back here, the last part without really noticing. I know she followed me away from the guys since I was hyper-aware of her footsteps behind mine for the first ten minutes of the walk. I thought she was quiet because she was tired but eventually relaxed a bit more, knowing she’ll sleep soon. Apparently, I relaxed too much since I have no idea for how long she’s not behind me anymore.

Trying to be reasonable and not lose my shit, I head towards her tent. She probably left when Joe did, right? I lift my hand to knock on the tent or something but stop. Should I do this? If she fled without saying goodnight, shouldn’t I take that as a hint that she doesn’t want to talk to me? Besides, most of her tentmates are probably asleep and I’d just wake them.

Sighing, I leave and don’t stop walking until I plop down on my own sleeping bag. She’s fine, I repeat to myself. Florence is a smart girl, I’m sure she’s sleeping safely in her tent.

‘I can’t wait for this trip to be over. I miss my four-poster bed,’ Liam whines at breakfast.

‘Has anyone seen Florence?’ I ask, ignoring Liam as usual. I hear him huff but no one pays him any attention.

‘Not since you guys left last night, why?’ Benji asks, perking up at the girl’s name as usual. I curse under my breath, worry rushing through me in waves once more. I was barely able to close my eyes all night because stupid images of Florence dead or hurt in the woods kept torturing me. I told myself it was irrational but the second challenge should start soon and I haven’t seen the girl yet.

‘What’s up?’ Marcus asks cautiously, noticing my unease.

‘Well, last night I kind of lost her. Well, not lost her, I just didn’t particularly see her enter her tent, you know?’

‘I don’t think we do. What happened?’ Jamie asks. My friends are now officially staring at me, the tense set of their shoulders telling me I’m probably in trouble. I rub my hands over my face and mumble into them.

‘Florence kind of walked behind Joe and me and when I turned around to tell her goodnight after reaching the camp, she wasn’t there. I figured she just went to her tent already.’ When everyone’s quiet, I slowly lower my hands to look at my friends.

They’re just staring at me but I can tell they’re pissed. Marcus has his jaw clenched, Jamie’s not smiling, Orion glares at me more than usual and Benji has his hands balled to fists. Even Liam seems mad though I don’t know why he would be.

‘I’m sure she’s fine,’ I add weakly, unable to stand the silence. ‘Please say something.’

‘What the hell, dude?’ Jamie starts roughly. I think it’s the first time he’s ever been mad at me.

‘I swear to god, if she’s hurt, I’m going to break your fingers,’ Benji adds. Knowing I play the guitar, this really means something.

‘Okay, why are you all so mad? I didn’t tell Florence to walk off without saying a word,’ I protest.

‘You didn’t tell her anything, did you?’ Marcus grits out.

‘Marcus,’ Jamie tells him and when their eyes meet something passes between them.

‘No, don’t you Marcus me. Honestly, Eli, you’re one of my closest friends but I really don’t like you right now. No idea what’s going on between Flo and you but it was clear to everyone that you were acting like a jerk last night.’

‘You’re right, you don’t know a damn thing!’ I tell him. No idea why I feel so defensive since I know he is right. Maybe the lack of sleep is getting to me.

‘I know that Flo didn’t deserve to be treated by you the way she was yesterday. I didn’t say anything last night because I didn’t want to cause a scene but the way you ordered her to go back to camp was just weird. You two are friends or whatever the hell you want me to call it but you acted like she was some kind of burden,’ Marcus goes on.

I have a snappy reply on my lips but swallow it with a single pleading look from Jamie. ‘Was it really that bad?’ I ask softly, even though I know the answer.

‘You called her Flo, dude. She damn near flinched,’ Benji tells me though his expression seems a bit calmer now. Shit, did I?

‘I’m sorry. I don’t know what the hell was wrong with me.’

‘You’re an idiot, that’s what’s wrong,’ Liam says, making me turn to him.

‘Why do you care?’ I snap. He huffs but doesn’t answer.

‘Both of you just shut up. Let’s find Flo,’ Benji interjects. At the same time, a girl passes our table and Orion speaks up.

‘Hey, you! You’re staying in Florence’s tent, right? Did you see her last night or this morning?’ he asks her.

‘Uhm, no. I don’t think so.’ She looks a little flustered and hurries off right after having answered. I don’t blame her, our group doesn’t look particularly friendly right now.

‘Everyone down to the lake! The second challenge starts in ten minutes. The twenty students that passed the first challenge need to be ready in their swimming suits, the rest is obliged to come cheer them on!’ Mr. Hank yells right as I was about to ask what we do about Florence.

‘You guys need to get ready. I’m calling her and we’ll check the crowd at the lake. If we don’t find her Liam and I search the woods. I’m sure she’s fine,’ Benji says. He and Liam were the only ones in our group that didn’t finish in the top ten at the last challenge.

I hate the idea but oblige, get ready and meet my friends at the lake.

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