Sommerstall Academy

: Chapter 10

‘Flo?’ Benji asks, holding his j out to me. I shake my head with a smile. The guys should do whatever they feel like doing but I’ve never tried any drugs and I don’t plan on starting now. Still, the smell kind of sets a mood.

Marcus takes a hit before handing it to Elija. He declines, earning surprised glances from his friends and a knowing smile from Jamie.

‘So, flower girl. Tell us something about yourself.’

‘What do you want to know?’ I feel comfortable enough right now, even as everyone is looking at me. They don’t seem to be judging but just paying attention which I’m fine with. Besides, the room is rather dark, illuminated by some LEDs. I’m always more comfortable when the lights are dimmed. It feels a bit less like family meals.

‘Mhm, something juicy but we’ll start off nice. Any partners we should know about? Present or past,’ Jamie asks.

‘Lorence? Come on, we know she’s never been in a relationship. Have you even had a kiss before? Busses not included,’ Orion interjects. Somehow, his comment feels friendlier than usual.

‘No relationships. Yes to a kiss,’ I correct him before immediately blushing. What I’m talking about was barely a kiss but mentioning it in front of Elija still makes me nervous. I can’t see his eyes from where he’s standing on the other side of the room.

Not that I think he cares. Why would he? It was a long time ago and he and I are not even a thing. I need to stop driving myself crazy over this.

The sound of Jamie gasping dramatically pulls my attention back. ‘You have? Who? When? Where? Was it good? Was it juicy? Tell me!’

‘Okay, let’s calm down a tad. The unspoken rule says she gets to ask a question for each one she answers,’ Marcus says. Thank him for that. I was about to run for my life to escape Jamie.

‘I like the sound of that though I’m bad at thinking of things to ask. How about someone asks a question and everyone just answers?’ I propose. I’m relieved to see some nodding going on.

‘I’ve had one boyfriend but he dumped me for a chick after four months,’ Jamie says to which Orion mumbles, ‘Hated that douchebag anyway.’

‘I’ve dated a few people,’ Marcus says.

‘Oh, shut up! Don’t you dare act like you’re innocent like that now,’ Jamie complains. Marcus flips him off.

‘I don’t do relationships. Can’t be tied down, you know? Never seems to keep the ladies away though, if you know what I mean.’ Liam interjects, winking at me.

‘Excuse me, I have to go and vomit,’ Elija mutters from where he sits, his eyes trained on me. While his friends seem confused, I can’t help but break into a grin that makes my cheeks hurt.

‘I thought Hermione’s lines were mine,’ I tease him, ignoring our company.

‘You wouldn’t have said it. You’re too nice.’
He makes it sound like I’m some lame, stuck-up goody two shoes. Not that he’s wrong. I may have vomited a bit in my mouth but I never would have said it out loud. Dammit, do they think I’m boring?

‘I won’t even ask what just happened. Orion, your turn,’ Jamie breaks the silence.

‘No relationships. Enough kisses for you to judge me,’ Orion says to me. I think he might actually be waiting for me to comment on it but I have to disappoint him.

‘As long as everything was consensual, I have nothing to say about it but good for you.’ That didn’t help the whole coming-across-as-less-lame thing, did it? ‘Elija?’ I ask. He’s the only one who hasn’t answered and I’m desperate to put an end to the silence.

‘One past relationship,’ he says curtly. I don’t like it. He’s never spoken to me like that and it makes my mind wander back to Paolo’s. I’m guessing he’s talking about Ricky again.

‘What about currently?’ I ask, trying to act leisurely. Elija has sat on the ground closer to the rest of us now so I can see him arching an eyebrow. By his amused expression, I’d say he sees right through my act.

‘Sorry, could you elaborate?’ he asks politely. He’s playing with me. Even worse, I like it even as my cheeks burn up hotter.

‘Do you have a partner, uh, currently?’ Please ground, if you can hear me, swallow me whole. The guys surrounding us are watching Elija’s and mine conversation as if it were their favorite show so I lower my gaze to my hands which have started drumming my rhythm on my leg softly.

‘Nope, no partner,’ Elija tells me quickly as if he noticed I was getting uncomfortable. ‘My turn. Hobbies?’

‘That’s a boring question,’ Liam whines. ‘We’re not five.’

‘Too bad you don’t like it. Mine’s playing the guitar or anything that has to do with music,’ Elija tells us, keeping his eyes strictly on me.

‘We all know that,’ Orion adds.

‘I didn’t,’ I add. No idea why but I felt the need to defend Elija. It’s useless since these are his friends and he’s more than capable of standing up for himself but it felt right.

In this round I find out that Liam plays tennis, Benji pretty much spends his time taking walks in the woods and smoking weed, Marcus plays soccer or goes to the gym, Orion skates, and Jamie does nothing but inhaling anything Netflix throws his way.

‘We know your hobby, Lorence. You take your books everywhere you go,’ Orion cuts me off before I can even say a note. I clamp my mouth shut and laugh to seem unbothered. I hate being interrupted or cut off. It’s rude and makes me feel silly.

‘Shut up, Orion and let her speak,’ Elija says. ‘Go on, Florence.’

‘I do like to read.’ I let Orion look around triumphantly before going on. ‘Other than that, I draw or visit nice places with my baby.’

‘You have a child?’ Liam asks, clearly shocked.

‘So you’ve had a bit more than a kiss,’ Orion mutters at the same time. I smile but it’s Elija that answers for me.

‘It’s her Vespa. Right?’

‘Ten points to- hang on, what’s your house?’ I ask him.

‘Equal parts Gryffindor and Hufflepuff every time I take a quiz. You?’

‘Ravenclaw,’ I respond without hesitation. ‘But Gryffindor’s a close second. I have to admit those quizzes make me anxious. I always feel like none of the replies are completely me so my result will be inaccurate.’ Elija just laughs and shakes his head as if nothing I said surprised him.

‘Sorry to interrupt the dorkention but how about we talk about something more interesting,’ Orion says.

‘More interesting than Harry Potter?’ I ask, unable to help myself, at the same time as Jamie says, ‘Dorkention?’

‘Dork and convention,’ Orion tries to reason but Jamie just bursts out laughing. ‘Shut up! I was trying something.’ He pouts so unlike himself I snort. Then immediately bury my face in my hands to hide my no doubt tomato-looking face.

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