“Very sorry old chap, way past my bed time you see, you trot on now pecker head, go drink another gallon of diesel” Ben shouted back!

A blast hit the door well and the shield shook,

“ok Ben, up you get, there is a back stairway to the upper level” Mickey exclaimed, she pulled the cable from him, “just when I was enjoying things” Ben commented,

“Mr comedian again, come-on soldier” Mickey ordered, the two of them made their way out to the back of Pops place, Ben looked back at the old man on the floor, “sorry Pop’s, you rest easy now, I’ll get theses bums for you” Ben growled, he followed mickey out.

“hey old fool, that’s what you get, lost my place because of you” someone shouted from outside!

The front door to Pop’s café smashed to the floor, “come on Ben” Mickey announced as she dashed up the tight stairwell,

“right behind you boss” Ben replied, there was another blast noise and the premises shook, the lights went out, Mickey turned her spotlights on,

“hey Earth man, the sarge wants a chat with you, you’re both messed up, don’t make this hard work for us” someone shouted!

Mickey kicked the door off its hinges at the top of the stairwell, Ben fell to his knees as a laser shot hit the roof above him, “come on you” Mickey exclaimed and pulled him out through the door exit,

“shame about the old timer, old things have to come end, your next earth man, some things are better forgotten” was heard!

Ben fell to the ground, Mickey pulled him round a large ventilation shaft,

“pull it together if you please, we are in a bit of a mess here, come on soldier boy, back me up here” Mickey growled!

Ben looked at her, “alright missis, keep ya knickers on, armoured ones by the way, just got side kicked there, really felt for the old man, old school, he got to me, right then girl, where’s the bad guys” Ben announced!

“behind you” Mickey replied as she fired her weapon,

Ben took aim with his old rifle,

Two robot looking humanoid things came through the door way, they were both shooting!

Mickey and ben shot back,

The doorway exploded that they had both just come through!

Sparks and shrapnel bounced from the mines roof,

Mickey pulled Ben around another corner of the large air vents,

Another blast hit where they hid,

Metal shrapnel flew everywhere, Mickey pulled Ben next to him, she took the impact of the blast,

“the two of them looked at each other, the pain in Mickey’s eyes was plain to see,

“this is completely bonkers, we have to fight back” Ben said softly,

Mickey nodded.

“you want to fight back then, my only mission is to keep you alive sir, you and only you can persuade me otherwise” Mickey replied,

“fine, I am ordering you to fight back and not think too much of my safety, I’m with you all the way amigo” Ben exclaimed,

They both nodded to each other and rolled out from cover,

Mickey fired first followed by Ben, the door where they came out through onto the roof area disintegrated and so did the two robot looking things as well,

Mickey and ben rolled back into cover,

“now that was something out of Starski and Hutch for sure” Be growled!

Mickey looked at him and nodded, there was pain in her face,

Ben moved towards her when a blast hit the wall next to them,

Ben fell over backwards, he dropped his weapon, Mickey watched him and also saw a humanoid figure aiming his weapon at Ben, Mickey called out!

The weapon was fired, Ben took a hit, Mickey fired back, another robot figure appeared from nowhere, Mickey fired again and shook violently as she was hit, she slumped next to ben trying to give him cover with her own body, she fired and fired some more, Ben got himself up and got his dropped weapon back, he too fired back,

Ben pulled Pops grenade from his side pocket, he pulled the pin and lobbed it.

It went off with deadly affect, the firing stopped,

Mickey scanned the roof area, someone was shouting from the next roof!

“looks clear, come on, we need to get out of here, where I am not too sure” Mickey announced, “with you boss, anywhere is better than here at the moment” Ben replied,

Mickey puled ben to his feet after struggling herself,

“we need to stop betting beat up like this by the way, if it wasn’t for this armour id be finished” Ben announced looking at the marks he had on him,

“how about we find our dwelling and sit this one out, we need rest” Mickey exclaimed, Ben nodded, “come on then” Ben replied back,

The two of the went to where they had come out from, there was no way back inside, the doorway and steps were no longer there,

“no way hosay” Ben commented,

The two of them looked about, someone shouted from another roof!

There was a robot looking figure becoming them to come over,

“what do you think then” Ben asked?

“the only way I think” Mickey replied, the two of them walked to the edge of the roof, there was quite a big gap between the two buildings,

The robot came loser, “come quickly, there will be more coming” the robot announced!

Ben stood to the edge of the roof, he looked back at Mickey,

She nodded, Ben stepped back a few paces and then ran forward, he jumped and hit the side of the other roof, the robot that was there grabbed hold of him,

Mickey jumped over, she landed next to Ben and went to her knees,

“and check you out there Zebedee” Ben exclaimed, Mickey got to her feet and helped pull Ben up,

“what is a Zebedee” Mickey and the other robot asked, “hard to explain, another time ye, so who are you then” Ben asked the robot who helped him from falling off the roof.

“you don’t remember me sir, from the bar, the scretchins I gave you and some warnings of this place” the robot put in, “of course and what took you so long by the way” Ben exclaimed,

The helmet on the robots visor raised up, Mickey and Ben saw what was underneath, “my name is Judy, yes I am not a robot, pretend to be down here, the best protection I have learnt, ok then, we don’t have much time, come with me, you two have a bounty on your heads” the robot announced and scampered off to a door on the roof, Mickey and Ben followed on with a struggle, “you need help my big girl” Ben announced, “I know, just watching you with our new lady android friend, I’ll ok” Mickey replied,

Judy opened the thick steel door and held it open, Judy beckoned them on,

Mickey and Ben passed her and went down the steps, Judy closed the doors and followed them down, “take a left and go down the corridor, there’s a fire exit at the end, push it open and climb down to bottom level, I’ll be behind you, just keep going” Judy ordered!

“roger that amigo” Ben announced and went down the corridor, they passed a few door and heard some screams and the odd blaster going off, “yes, on their time off it’s the only way they like to relax, too much violence, you came from Pop’s place, how is he” Judy asked?

Mickey spoke in robot protocol and shook her head,

“shame, was good to me, he looked after me for some time when my mother was murdered, he was like a father to me, this bloody place, so I will help you all I can, no one else will, maybe we can get out of Draft, I have heard there is another place beyond that is just a myth, a legend, a dream, I have a map that pops gave me long time ago, come on” Judy exclaimed,

Mickey pushed the fire exit door open, the three of them climbed down the steel steps and down to the bottom of the ladder, “ok then, let me through here” Judy announced, she got past and bent under the steps, she did something that Mickey and ben couldn’t see, a steel plate in the wall covered in dust and other stuff shifted, Judy pulled hard on it.

“back way into my place, give me a hand here” Judy announced,

Ben and Mickey helped pull the steel plate aside, it had strong supports, “could do with a bit of oil here” Ben commented,

“for sure, not used this in a long time, heard the commotion and heard the talk, I guessed it was to do with you two, so here I am, everyone in and lets het this secured” Judy exclaimed,

Everyone was through and the steel plate was put back in place,

“ok then, welcome to my place, it’s not too much, Pops helped me with it, its secure, got blast shields on the front door and side window, lets settle down and let me look at you two, had some engineer training and stuff” Judy exclaimed,

Judy checked her front door and went to a computer console, she watched and listened for a minute, Mickey and Ben sat down on a cumfee sofa,

Judy spoke into the microphone that she held,

“Sarge the cargo is in place safe and sound, Pop’s down and out, renegades put down and more to come for sure, in safe house over” she announced,

“did you say sarge, only know one sarge around here, the one who let us into this place” Ben exclaimed,

“he’s the one, my only friend her now after pops that is, he will look after us, we need to stay here and sort you two out, I have stuff here that can do it, you two relax and let Judy sort things out” Judy exclaimed.

Mickey looked at her and back at Ben, she frowned, “what else can go wrong, carry on if you please, I know exactly what is wrong with me and how to fix it, I too am an engineer, first class in biotechniques” Mickey exclaimed,

“that’s great, you and me are alike, I have the mobile unit here, it will fix you up, now Ben will need some different help maybe” Judy expressed, “I can take care of him, you bring in the mobile unit and let me get to work, could do with some water and something to eat when you are ready, so my sensors are not picking up anything here” Mickey exclaimed,

“they will not, the whole dwelling has been sealed, against scanners, sarge and Pops sorted that out” Judy said,

“the more I hear you talk about the more I am interested young one” Mickey expressed,

“easy girls, let’s just get sorted here, get some power, some food, maybe some explanation about what the hell just happened thank god” Ben announced,

“sure, I will explain in full, let me just tell you that you are safe in here, the sarge will send instructions to me when he is ready and in the mean time I will take care of you both” Judy exclaimed, she winked at Ben and nodded to Mickey,

Mickey nodded back and looked at Ben, he smiled,

“I could murder a stiff drink and a cigarette so I could” Ben announced,

“could be arranged” if you’re a good boy” Judy replied,

“I promise to be good, oh yes I do” Ben said,

“me too” Mickey added and shook her head,

“right then give me a minuet, I’ll bring the rehab unit out and get some entertainment relaxements for you, the sarge will be in touch, he too wants out of here, there is another place beyond the mines, there is a way, secret, no one has come back, no one wants to go out there too, a lot of rumours, bad ones, no air, no nothing, a barren land, sand, sand and more sand, but and a big but, if you could make your own oxygen could you start all over again, who knows, the other side of Mars” Judy exclaimed,

“what you been smoking miss, give some too me please” Ben replied,

“I might just be able to do that, remember I work in the entertainment café” Judy enounced,

She went into the next room,

“feeling a little bit uneasy here, all sounds like a little bit like, oh dear I think I have drunk a little bit too much and now I am seeing things that are not to real, will believe it when I see it” Mickey exclaimed,

“ye, on your side lady, let’s see what happens and keep our eyes wide open, for one thing she has helped us so far, what other choice do we have by the way” Ben said softly,

“roger that and I will keep my eyes open, on you two soldier blue” Mickey announced, she winked at him, Ben smirked back, Judy came in followed by a large hovering robot unit,

“may I introduce to you, Tintin, he will put you right, has done to me many a time, he used to service the soldier robots, a present from the sarge, let’s get you two fixed up then” Judy exclaimed,

“bring it on if you please” Mickey announced,

“and the entertainment recreational stuff too if you could” Ben added,

“so polite you are sir, we will get on for sure” the Judy exclaimed,

Mickey coughed and cleared her throat, “yes this place looks defendable, I think it’s time to sort these suits out, Ben should stay inside his for his own safety” Mickey exclaimed,

“I’ll buy that for a dollar, this suit is on the ball, should have been ghosted a few times back there”.

“what does ghosted mean” Judy asked,

Mickey butted in as she had spent so much time with him and the way Ben talks she got used to it and remembered the short cut slang sentences, comments, expressions, Mickey explained a few to Judy as the mobile robot went to work on her suit,

Judy listened whilst she tapped away at the keyboard next to the computer console,

“sarge will us” Judy exclaimed.

Ben sat on the sofa enjoying one of Judy’s drinks and old school smokes, that she enforced was like gold dust, very hard to get,

Pops and the Sarge had their sources Judy announced,

Text started to appear on the screen:

“will be a tough task bringing the rover down the strip at this time of moon, with all who is out there wanting to relax and entertain themselves for the evening, we’ll be eaten alive, advise you hold there till new moon, will come get you then” the Sarge texted back,

Judy tapped away at the keyboard again,

“could be tough, rough necks know where we are nearly, Pop’s RIP” she typed,

She looked at Ben and Mickey then looked back at the screen,

“will bring patrol in ninety mils, hold tight till then, meet you at back strip third junc, no lights you know the drill” sarge typed back.

Judy nodded at the screen, “help is on its way, hold up here for a while, get you mended, have a chat and then the sarge will meet us not far from here, can’t come down the main strip, too much entertainment going on, everyone down here likes to relax after the shift work, too much narcotics down here, people think this place is the place to escape to, paradise beyond the mines, no law and order just everyone everybody loving each other and getting on with it, everyone doing everyone more like it, I was born down here, grew up the hard way as I have told you, I know what’s going on here” Judy announced,

There was a moment silenced,

“ok then, sounds good to me pet” Ben exclaimed.

Ben looked at Mickey, he saw her eyes, he looked back at Judy,

“well what can I say, two pretty ladies looking after me, in armour I should add, what more can I ask for” he commented,

“another drink and a smoke then, will have one myself, how about you Mickey, we have time, the place is secure, been through so much trouble before, have two identities down here, two suits to wear, work on the main strip and the back strip, smuggle stuff for Pops and the sarge, got a buggy down below that’s in bad need of fixing, I’m no expert in that department, sarge keeps saying he will get it sorted but is difficult”,

“if me or him got found out to be connected there would be a big mess down here, he is head of security on the main entrance and he is meant to sheriff, marshal the draft as well, a while back he could do it, there was a bit of respect, gone now, the heads down here are happy with him controlling the entrance but nothing else, that’s what they want down here, pretty complicated but this place tics over” Judy announced, she drank from her drink, smoked her pipe and talked some more,

Ben and Mikey listened,

Judy told them a lot about the place, the draft, the mines before the draft, the place beyond the draft, the zone and a lot more, Mickey and Ben listened and drank, it was quite amusing,

The three of them talked away for quite some time, the engineer robot went back to the back room and powered down until needed again,

The lights flickered and blasts were heard pretty close by,

“normal stuff I hope” Judy expressed,

The place shook, there was a loud bang from outside,

The lights went out, Judy went to the power box in her kitchen, she flicked a few switches, there was nothing, she went to the computer, nothing,

“ok then, time to defend and get out of here I think, someone has cut the power and more, the only way out is back up to the roof and well we will have to think what next afterwards, no way out the front so the roof it is, hope we can get the back door open” Judy announced,

The front door smashed against the steel plate,

“ok I got some stuff here, Ben take a look, you to Mickey, booby trap, something, I don’t know, leave a surprise, that’s not the way we are going” Judy exclaimed and pulled a box out from her kitchen unit,

“old stuff in there, grenades, trip flare stuff, anti-personnel mines, who knows what, belonged to Pops, he wanted to hide them as he had a proposed visit from the heads at one stage, never happened anyway”

“Do what you can, I will check the back way out” Judy announced,

Mickey and Ben checked the box out,

“can do something with this in short notice I think” Ben announced,

Mickey nodded, “give us a few minutes and we’ll be with you” she said,

Judy gave the thumbs up sign and dapped down the corridor,

Ben and Mickey went to work, another blast hit the steel plate that was protecting the front door,

“hey earth man, we know you in there and your babysitter robot, come out, we make a deal with you, we need your help and you need ours, don’t trust that bitch in there, she’s one of them” someone shouted from outside!

Ben and Mickey looked at each other,

Mickey shrugged her shoulders,

“let’s just rig this entrance and get the feck out of here” ben growled!

Judy climbed out first holding the old rifle that Ben gave to her, Ben followed with Mickeys spare laser gun, Mickey climbed out last very aware of the situation,

They climbed over the rails and lowered themselves to a side passage, “this way, come on, I know a way round the strips we should get close enough to the entrance for the sarge to pick us up” Judy exclaimed,

Mickey and Ben followed Judy round a corner and down another side alley way, Judy stopped and put a fob to a door, it clicked and Judy pushed the door open, she went in,

Ben and Mickey followed on, Judy carried on through the passage way,

“it’s vacant at the moment, I have a pass key, Pops asked me to keep an eye on it” Judy exclaimed,

“roger that miss, you just lead the way and get us the feck out of here if that’s ok” Ben replied,

Judy looked back, “will do my best, come on” she added, Mickey followed on shaking her head,

An explosion went off somewhere!

Judy opened a door and went into a room, she opened another door and looked out, “getting a bit bored of this cloak and dagger stuff” Ben exclaimed,

“it’s clear, come on” Judy announced and moved down another side alley,

“all this sneaking about stuff, brings back memories” Ben commented,

“you just keep your eyes open soldier” Mickey exclaimed,

They followed Judy down the path, she got to the end and looked about,

“we have to get over this pass way, there’s another side passage that we can go down, sarge can pick us up at the other end” Judy exclaimed,

She stepped out,

The was a thumping noise, Judy shook and fell to the floor, she didn’t move, laser shots hit the sides of the walls,

“wrong turn I think, let’s get back in there” Ben exclaimed, he aimed his weapon down the alley way,

“cover me Ben, we move like you used to move when you were in the army, you move I cover, I move you cover” Mickey growled!

“Roger that mate, lead on then and make it sharpish please” Ben exclaimed,

Mickey moved backdown the alley way that they had just come down, another blast hit the entrance way,

Bits of walls and metal work flew towards them, Mickey pulled Ben in front of her and took a few more dents to her armour,

“you ok Ben” Mickey asked?

“thanks to you, another bad day in Bosnia I think” Ben replied,

“I will look into this Bosnia thing at a later stage, let’s get out of here and hide up somewhere, we need to evaluate the situation, cannot just fight it out in the street, come on Ben” Mickey announced, Ben nodded and followed her on.

Mickey pushed a door through and went straight inside, Ben followed,

Someone shouted out!

A robot looking thing appeared from a room looking worse for ware, Mickey zapped it straight away, it flew back into the room it came out of,

Another one came out holding a weapon, Mickey put him down in an instance,

Ben was behind covering as usual with wide eyes,

“like I said, another bad day in Bosnia” he commented as Mickey zapped another humanoid bum,

“will you stop with this Bosnia thing, I’ve had enough of this, now come on soldier” Mickey growled!

“roger that, right behind you boss”.

“not your boss, had a contract a long time ago, you were my boss, I am to look after you and that is what I am going to do so move it soldier” Mickey ordered!

“contract over, my decision, just you and me pal, lead the way” Ben replied!

“thank you, Ben, right then, let’s find somewhere to hold up for a while, need power again, took a beating back there, come on Amigo” Mickey replied,

Ben nodded, he tapped her on the leg and followed on,

Mickey bashed her way through the wall after she put a power shot into it from her shoulder gun, two half robot half human things were slumped on a sofa,

just staring into space, there was silver capsules scattered around the floor, Mickey stood there and watched them,

they both looked and stared at her,

Ben came by her side, “what’s up” he asked then saw what she was looking at,

One of them went to get up and fell back into the couch, the two of them started to laugh, they spoke a mixture of robot and broken Portuguese,

“how you say, as high as kites, completely gone, not here at the moment, half dead till they wake up in the morning and go back to work” Mickey exclaimed,

“let’s just go through here, leave them alone, by the way what’s your plan here” Ben asked?

“I have no plan of such, just want to get us to a safe place for a while and figure out what we can do here, we have no communications with the sarge at the entrance, got out of their head maniacs running around looking for us, yes me and the earth human, we are in trouble here, somehow we need to get to the Sargent at the entrance to this place, hovel, whatever they call it” Mickey announced,

“the draft I heard, ok then, I am behind you all the way, just show me the way partner” Ben replied,

Mickey gave a look at Ben and looked about, she scanned the area, we got moving figures, I think we should get to the roof, move closer to the entrance that way hopefully, come one Ben” Mickey growled!

Ben followed on,

Mickey pushed another wall through that led to an outside corridor, she looked about, there was another door at the end of the corridor, she moved off, Mickey opened the other door, there was a steel stair well going up and down, “here we go, must lead to the roof, watch our backs mate” Mickey exclaimed and went up,

Ben followed on again keeping more of an eye on Mickey than anything else.

Mickey pushed open chained metal door with ease and climbed onto the roof, she walked on, Ben clambered over the buckled door and followed on,

Mickey held onto the wall as she looked over the gap to the next block,

Ben caught up with her, “you can move when you want to I can say” Ben announced breathing heavily,

Mickey pointed to the next roof and made a gesture to the next one over,

“I think this gap is a bit too wide, don’t you think” Ben exclaimed, Mickey looked hard at him, she grabbed his arm and put her other hand under his behind, before Ben could say anything he was catapulted through the air,

Ben landed on the other buildings roof, he rolled over and stared at Mickey,

“well thanks for the ready steady go are you ready for this by the way” Ben cursed!

Mickey jumped over, the tiles on the roof below her cracked with the force of her landing hard.

Mickey walked off towards the end of the block, Ben got up, he shook his head,

“have you gone into a different mode I need to know about pall” Ben called out!

Mickey looked back at him, her visor was down, she pointed to the next roof and beckoned him on,

Ben walked forward, Mickey took his arm and put her other hand under his bottom again, “easy tiger” he moaned before he was hurled across the gap, Ben landed hard and rolled over, “all right, all right, time out, time out for fecks sake” he growled!

Mickey landed hard next to him, she was on one knee aiming her weapon,

She got up and moved forward,

“excuse me miss” Ben announced,

Mickey looked at him, her visor raised,

Her eyes were different, Ben noticed this straight away,

She pointed to the next roof and nodded,

“Mickey, what the hell is going on, you can’t keep hurling me over the roofs like this, look at the state of me, if it wasn’t for this armoured suit I would be broken by the way, need to take a few thoughts here, you look busted up a bit too by the way” Ben announced,

“mission, keep human alive, secondary tasks, take care of human, look after it and adhere to its commands” Mickey announced in a robot’s voice,

Her visor came back down, she pointed to the next roof.

Ben stared at her and took a deep breath,

“ok lady, I see you are in another mode, gone all professional on me, following protocol, the mission, ha, well the mission stopped when I woke up five hundred years later pal, there is no mission, where has Mickey gone, I want her back right now, what do I have to do, hey maybe I just jump off the edge and end this right now, game over” Ben yelled!

Mickey looked at him, her visor raised,

“shoot me, shoot me Ben, here, right here, use power surge only, right here now” Mickey growled!

Her visor went back down and she looked about,

“mission, keep human alive” she spoke in robot tone,

Ben took aim and fired his weapon, it hit Mickey where she pointed to, there was a flash of sparks, Mickey fell over with a thud,

Ben went to her,

“Reboot, system malfunction, reboot” she said and closed her eyes,

Mickey shook and there was an electrical burning,

Ben looked about, he was feeling a bit on the edge considering what he had just been through,

Mickey stopped shaking,

She sat up and her visor lifted,

“feeling a bit better, damn chip in me, I’m more robot than human and will always be reminded of it when my human side isn’t strong enough and the robot side takes over, a bit confusing isn’t it” she moaned.

“now if you said that with a Welsh accent I would laughing right now, what the hell happened, you kept throwing me over the roofs, look at the state of me” Ben exclaimed!

Mickey looked about and back at Ben,

“never happened before like that ever, never been through stuff like that before, I have all the information, qualifications, but not the hands-on experience I think you would say” Mickey added,

“too bloody right there matey, ya can’t keep throwing ya buddy over roof tops like that, you owe me a serious beer pal when this is over, if it ever is over” Ben expressed,

“sorry Ben, it was not me, the robot side took over, won’t happen again” Mickey replied,

Ben gave her one of his looks,

“ye please if you don’t mind, I want the Mickey back I have known for five hundred years by the way” Ben announced,

“for sure you do, I’m back Ben, right we need to get to the entrance block, the sarge should look after us” Mickey replied,

“right on, so what next amigo” Ben asked?

“two more roofs to get over, the streets are out of the question, people, things know we are here and want some sort of deal from gaining our information, our memories, the data we both hold, selling us on for whatever reasons”

”so let’s get to that Sargent android in there who’s seems to be in charge of who comes in here and maybe a bit more and see what happens” Mickey announced,

“roger that, good to have you back by the way” Ben replied, Mickey looked around, she pointed to some metal railings, “you go over on those this time, keep a look out, I’ll get them across and you walk the over” Mickey announced,

Ben looked at what she was talking about and looked back at Mickey,

“I think I would prefer it if you just tossed me over than walk over that thing, just don’t throw me too hard this time my dear” Ben exclaimed,

Mickey laughed, “I will be gentle with you this time” Mickey replied.

“I forgive you, how about you throw that mattress there over first and aim me at that” Ben added as he pointed to the mattress leaning against some vent shaft,

“good thinking, keep that up and you will impress me even more and more is good in my books Ben” Mickey replied,

“just get me over the roof and let’s get the feck out of here somehow” Ben added,

“roger that Ben” Mickey replied sounding a little sarcastic,

Ben smiled at her, she winked and went towards the mattress,

Mickey threw the mattress across the gap between the roofs,

Ben followed on a bit gentler this time,

He thumped on the soft mattress and rolled over,

Mickey jumped over,

“I am hoping that was the last building” Ben announced,

Ricocheted laser blasts bounced off the roof close to where Ben and Mickey were squatted, Ben took a hit and fell over backwards, Mickey returned fire and went to Ben,

Mickey took a hit and fell forwards, she landed next to Ben,

“well look at us two, I remember the film, Butch Cassidy and the sun dance kid, hope our ending is better than them by the way” Ben moaned out,

Mickey stared at him,

“you always make me laugh, even though I do not know what you are talking about sometimes” Mickey replied,

More laser shots hit the roof close to them, Ben rolled over and got behind an air vent, Mickey dragged herself next to him after firing a volley of shots back at where whoever was firing at them from,

Ben popped up, he fired a few shots from his old rifle, something or someone called out!

The firing stopped,

“bulls eye, you fecking things you, now bog off before I really get annoyed” Ben shouted!

Mickey stared at him,

“I like it when you sound and look angry, it’s a different side of you that interests me more than what I think of you normally” Mickey commented,

“I except it, now let’s get off this roof before we stay here for good, if you know what I mean” Ben growled, he pointed to the top of a steel ladder,

The two of them scampered to the edge of the roof and climbed down,

The lights on the roof of the tunnel dimmed and went out,

Mickey and Ben climbed down the steel ladder in darkness, it wasn’t easy, the two of them were fighting their injuries and the pain that went with them,

Ben got to the bottom first, he stood there aiming his rifle around as Mickey stepped off.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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