Two robots, humanoids stood next to the vehicle when the door opened, one of them held out their hand as Ben and Mickey climbed out,

Welcome to the draft, all humanoids are welcome here, everyone is welcome here, because here is the last place god made some people say, there is a code we all abide with down here, you will become aware pretty soon, so you need to go through administration and registration, a fee will be paid and depending what skills you have will depend on and if available, a place for you to dwell, follow us please” one of the robots announced,

the other one opened a sealed door, there was a hiss of air, he motioned Ben and Mickey through the open door.

Mickey and Ben stood next to a large counter, the door was closed and sealed shut,

Another door opened and closed,

There were cameras on the ceiling looking at them, “well to tell you the truth I feel like I’m about to be sent down, looks like a police station” Ben commented,

“and that’s exactly what it is ugly, I am Sargent tango alfa, I run the security for this entrance, the draft doesn’t take any renegade in, what you say to me in the next half hour will determine how your stay will be like and of course your entrance fee” a voice from somewhere growled!

Ben and Mickey looked about,

There was a steel cabinmate in the corner of the room that shook then went blurry and a robot walked forward from it,

“yes people, half people, oh yes I recall, yes we have a human being here, half a millennium old, outstanding troop, yes for sure we can work you in the circus, joke there by the way, so once all is done here, there is a quick medical to go through, don’t want any hidden diseases in here do we, so human, what can you do for us down here, I know your friend here is multi lingual, engineer of all trades, medically trained and more, she will fit in fine down here, you though is a different story, will have to really consider what to do with” the Sargent said.

The Sargent was a humanoid, like most people Ben had met, well all he had met so far, broad shoulders and tall, there was a military stature to him and the way he spoke, his human looking face was all beaten up and scared,

“I heard you was a soldier, old school, back on Earth, ahhhh, see I just said the Earth word, that word is nearly taboo here, like you saying, well what a load of Earth, meaning shit and some worse, so soldier to soldier then, like I said what can you offer us down here trooper” the Sargent asked?

“I see you have paused there sarge, well what I have to offer is just me, I am a good learner, improvise, adapt and overcome, I used to be a mechanic back on earth”

The big Sargent looked hard at Ben,

“well lad, you got me on a good day, as long as you pay the fee you can stay, I have a position for you, we all have to pull our way down here, there is a pall of mine, end of the strip, he needs a mechanic, the last one blew himself up, long story, so accommodation, I take it you two are together, well you are now anyway, got a place for you, off the strip, one lounge setup, needs a bit of sorting out, the last resident went off and was put out, being put out of the draft is something I will not explain to you, not a good way to go, let me just tell you that for nothing, so then, I am hoping you have the credits and not the new crap that’s in the system” the Sargent ordered!

Mickey stepped forward, she nodded and held out a pouch, she placed it on the counter,

The Sargent poured the credits out, he counted and took some extra, “oh yes, a little more for airport tax”

“I thought we were in the mines” Ben exclaimed,

“easy pup, you want that job or what, admin fees then, how does that sound, understand” the Sargent exclaimed,

“loud and clear sir” ben replied,

“and that’s enough of that if you please, sarge if you please, don’t get me confuses with some numpty officer, don’t you sir me lad” the sarge growled!

“roger that” Ben said,

The sarge nodded and smiled.

Mickey pushed Ben out of the now open door,

the sarge gave them instructions of where their place was and where they places of work was to be the next morning, the rules and regulations acts were read out to them, they had to sign some paperwork, the fee was paid and the sarge wished them good luck,

The door to where they stepped out of closed and sealed, the air was a bit more different where they stood,

“I smell something cooking, Chinese I think, look down there, that looks like a bar, come on, let’s have a look see” Ben announced,

“alright Ben, let me just warn you something, think back to history, the wild west, gun fight at the ok corral, the sun dance kid, this place is a bit like that according to my data, let’s take it easy ok, keep our selves to ourselves for a while until we understand the way of things here” Mickey exclaimed,

“of course, roger that amigo, can you smell that cooking, ok, ok, you’re the boss, and to add one thing, the air is a bit stuffy out here” Ben announced,

“it is breathable, if you see me wink twice then put your visor up, use your own oxygen, come on then you” Mickey replied and grabbed his arm,

They walked down the side of the very large looking tunnel,

There was a side walk, the middle of the street was muddy and wet.

A few people walked around, all looked humanoid of some description,

“I am feeling we are in some time warp, gone back to the sixteen hundreds or something, my head isn’t taking this in too well, I need a strong cup of tea and a cigarette” Ben growled!

“come on then, I will see what I can do” Mickey replied, they walked on.

Ben was looking everywhere,

Mickey stopped, “ok then, be good Ben” she announced as she pushed the double swing doors open to some bar looking establishment.

Mickey walked in first followed by Ben, they both walked to the bar,

There were a few other people, humanoids and robots in there.

Mickey and Ben stood at the bar, a droid robot came over, “what can I get you” he asked?

“how about a nice cold pint of beer, a Stella cigar and a packet of pork scratchings, oh and whatever the lady wants as well if you please barman” Ben announced,

“the robot barman stood there and stared at ben,

“English dialect it is to be then, from my database I understand what you want, however we don’t have what you asked for, like a million years ago, I can get what I think is the equivalent for you both, will that do” the barman added, Ben nodded, “sure boss” he said, “could I have a house soda with a twist and a shot of tila if you please” Mickey asked?

“that’s a little posh for this establishment but easy enough for me to do for you” the barman said, he turned around and made some drinks”

“what’s a house soda with tila then” Ben asked?

“it’s like what you would call the equivalent to Tequila that you would know of, the twist is fish oil for my not so human parts, keeps thing lubricated, the house soda is like almond juice with diazepam extract, quite potent” Mickey exclaimed,

“sounds interesting, like a cock tail then” Ben announced,

Mickey stared at him in thought,

“yes, I think you are right, maybe we could start a new kind of drinks here” she exclaimed and smiled,

The barman put her drink on the counter, “been here seven years and no one has asked for that one before, where have you come from then if I may ask, I used to serve the rich and posh people up in the you know where I am talking about, some words are not spoken down here, that lot up there are the reason for us being down here, yes then, let’s get you drink then” the bar robot said to Ben, “if you please” Ben replied, Mickey drank from her tall glass,

She looked at Ben and shivered, “woow, I haven’t had one of those in a while, phew” Mickey expressed,

She passed the glass to ben “try some, just a small amount, it will be strong for you” she added, Ben took a mouth full and swallowed,

he put the glass on the counter and started to cough!

“good god, that will put hairs on ya chest for sure” Ben exclaimed and shivered himself, he looked at Mickey, they both smiled at each other.

The bar robot placed a round slim container on the bar there was froth on the top and it bubbled, “master drinks computer has made this for you, all I know is that it has something like fermented yeast and sacerine in it, the rest I don’t even understand myself, this is what has taken over from your smoke sticks, put mouth on here, press this button and inhale, you will feel scratch in throat then exhale, the strength can be regulated”,

“this is what I think is close to your pork scratchings” the bar robot announced and placed another container on the bar,

Ben put the small metal tube into his mouth, he pressed the side button and inhaled, ben coughed out some vapour, “that’s not bad that, so what have we here then” he asked, looking at the drink and the closed lid on the container the bar robot had put on the bar, Ben sucked through the thin black tube that was in the container, he swallowed, bens eyes opened wider, “that’s like Guinness by heck” he announced, “yes, that is what the screen said, we used to have some old timers down here, a few hundred years old they were, came up with this recipe, try the scratchers then” the bar robot announced,

Ben looked at the container, it moved,

“what the hell was that” he expressed,

“you have to eat them whilst they are still warm” the bar robot exclaimed,

Ben looked at Mickey, she shrugged her shoulders,

Ben took another swig from his future Guinness, he put his hand on the container, it moved again, “ok, what the feck is in here” he asked?

“open lid, they still warm, I am sure you will enjoy, very tasty” the bar robot announced,

Ben took the lid off and looked inside the container,

Little claw like things wiggled around, the small was rather nice,

“so, what do you do with those things then and can I ask what the feck they are” ben asked?

“scretchins, like you may know as scorpions, mine scorpions, they are not alive, they move just from nerve stems still giving the last signals, please try, they say you get power from these things” the bar robot exclaimed,

“go on then, have your snack, you might need the energy later” Mickey exclaimed and drank some more of her drink,

She winked at Ben, Ben winked back and picked one of the scretchings up, it moved in his fingers, he put it in his mouth, he chewed fast and swallowed,

“not too bad, salty” Ben expressed, he picked up another one.

He ate another one and smiled at Mickey, they both laughed,

“two more of these if you please Bar man, leave the scretchings for now, sticking in my teeth” Ben announced,

The bar man nodded to him,

“sit down maybe, rest our legs, tell you the truth, I am well beat, those scretchings things I cannot believe” Ben exclaimed,

“you are going to see a lot of things down here you will not understand or believe, you will get used to it, we can entertainment if you want to when you have rested” Mickey exclaimed, she pointed over to another area in the bar, “test your shooting skills, can kill some scretchings if you’re good enough, they move very fast” Mickey announced, Ben looked over.

“looks interesting, so I need a pee by the way” Ben exclaimed,

Mickey spoke to the bar robot in robotic, he pointed at a door at the other end of the bar, “over there, there is a male sign on the door, do you want me to come with you” Mickey asked?

“that’s ok, I’m a big boy now, if I’m not back in five minutes then I’ve scored with some greasy biker” Ben announced and walked off, Mickey stood there a little bit confused, she went through her data base and understood what he had meant, she laughed to herself,

“so, what’s the story with you two then, he is not a humanoid, more human if you ask me”,

“he is either not too well or you have an old one on your hands there miss” the bar robot exclaimed,

“in good condition, as well” the bar robot added,

“I know, he is mine and will remain mine, been together a long time” Mickey replied,

“mind yourself around here, best not to seek entertainment after the half vent” the bar robot said softly,

“what is half vent” Mickey replied,

“they close the vents half shut after work and rest time, about eight mid-day clicks, stay in your dwelling, if you want to go out then go further up the strip, this is the rougher side of draft” the bar robot added, “why so much concern” Mickey replied,

“well I can see you two are new comers here, fresh from up top, inner zone, outer zone, don’t know the drafts finer rules, if you’re staying for a while I will tell you a few, its early, quiet time in here, most of them are working” the bar robot added,

Mickey nodded and raised her glass,

There was a crash from the rest room area where Ben had gone to, the bar shook, the bar robot and Mickey looked at each other, “Ben” Mickey exclaimed,

Ben stumbled out of the rest room, smoke followed him out,

“sorry about that, I opened a cubicle door and some weapon went off that was hanging up on the other side of the door, bit of a mess in there by the way” Ben announced and walked to the bar.

Mickey shook her head,

The bar robot spoke in his own language, two smaller robots appeared with cleaning tools, they went to the rest room.

“what a place, live weapons left in the karzee, need a drink, need to wear a bullet proof vest in here if you want to take a dump” Ben announced,

“more of your English short cut slang I hear, you ok” Mickey asked and laughed,

Ben took a long suck on the plastic straw in his glass, he swallowed and shivered, “the only time any of this makes sense is when I’m drunk, same again bar man, oh and one for my lady if you please” Ben exclaimed and smiled, the barman laughed,

“coming right up sir” the bar robot replied, he turned away and went to the drinks computer machine,

“maybe some more scretchins too I think” Ben added and took a suck on the electronic cigar, he blew out vapour, “I tell you something, you get these things going back in my town and you will be a god, very rich, outstanding” Ben continued,

The bar robot placed two more drinks on the counter, this ones on me, sorry for the weapon left in the rest room, I should of told you to take care in there, another thing, some humanoids are not able to pass their unwanted so there are special machines in there that you can plug in and be relieved and we get some oversized vermin coming up the toilets and more” the bar man said.

“ok, wow, too much information there Pal, I think I will pass on the scretchings for now” Ben expressed, Mickey and the bar robot laughed!

The bar robot told them both a few things to be aware about, rules, regulations that they already heard from the entrance Sargent and then the draft way of living and getting on here,

Mickey and Ben had one more drink and said good bye to the bar robot, he wished them well and passed a comment:

“hope I don’t see you again down here, take care of him Mickey” the bar robot said softly, he put his metal finger to his lips, Mickey copied the gesture and nodded to him, they both left the bar.

“that was an interesting period by the way” Ben commented,

“so, did you mean what you said in there, I am your lady” Mickey asked?

Ben looked at her, he winked, “of course my lady” he replied, Mickey winked and they walked on.

Mickey pushed Ben on the shoulder and forgot her strength, Ben lunged forward and tripped, he fell forward into the muddy pathway, Mickey yelled out!

Ben got to his knees and looked back at her, his face was covered in black sooty mud,

There was no words at that moment, they both laughed, Mickey pulled him up, “control that power you have girl before you break me by the way” Ben exclaimed,

They both laughed again,

Mickey did her best to clean Ben up, “ah leave it, pretend we had a domestic and of course the lady always wins” Ben announced, Mickey laughed again,

Mickey stopped next to an alley way, my navigation informs me that we take a left here, our dwelling is half way down the side cut and is number 806, above a small entertainment rest bar” Mickey announced,

“ok then, let’s check it out, follow me soldier” Ben exclaimed and walked down the alley, he was pushed back onto the main drag as a large scruffy looking robot humanoid barged past,

“well excuse me then” Ben called out as he sat in the mud, Mickey pulled him up again,

The robot swung around,

He pointed a laser weapon towards Ben,

Mickey spoke quickly in robot dialect, the other humanoid replied and walked away,

“and what just happened there, may I ask”?

Ben brushed himself off, the robot humanoid looked back, he did a hand gesture and walked away,

“did he just give me the birdie, that finger sign still exists, very friendly I must add” Ben slurred,

“ok then, let’s get off the street and sort things out, here is our number” Mickey announced,

There were no buttons, no intercom system, just a single sensor, no handle nothing, a door opened,

“you live here, come in side then” a voice beckoned from behind the door,

Mickey walked in followed by Ben.

A small old looking humanoid stood there, “close door please” he announced and pointed to a table with some stools next to it, he beckoned them to sit, the old man pressed a button next to the door and the plastic glass turned a different colour, “stop prying eyes” he exclaimed, he spoke in robot dialect,

Mickey spoke back,

“English then, Earth English, that language is nearly extinct, Portuguese Chinese is the closest some people, things, robots, humanoids and the other things that live on this planet can speak” the older robot announced,

Mickey spoke in robot again,

“yes my young one, I have been here for quite some time, I was in the colonial troopers for most of my time, got framed for something I was nothing to do with and got banished to the mines, didn’t much like the mines so I found sanctuary here in the draft, some people say, think this place does not excist, the governors and all their under studies don’t want to think this place exists, it’s hard enough for them to except the mines, they have to for their own air to breath, the mines provide the source for their power, just like back on Earth in the earlier days, the mines were used the same way, close to a thousand micro years and nothing changes, however, the mines did die out in the end, civilisation found another way to make power”,

“it will happen again, you mark my words and not too far into the future I think, well look at me talking away, don’t get too many people in here to talk to, mainly messed up robots who have mislaid their key fob for their dwelling, or a quick snack before they go upstairs and turn off for the night, yes my young ones, I have been told you are to stay here, need you to put your finger stamp on the key register and we can chat some more” the old humanoid announced.

Mickey did what he asked, “you need mine too” Ben asked?

The old man nodded, Ben did the same as Mickey,

“ok then, here is your fob, just press the button and the main door will unlock, do the same on your own door too”,

“your dwelling is basic, you have what you will need, air flow, power is in with the rent, one bed, bigger enough for two” the old humanoid announced, he cleared his throat! Mickey nodded and so did Ben, if you need anything you can find me here most of the time, I try and stay open twenty mili hours a moon solstice, always get the stray ones looking for a last drink or something, something a bit stronger can be arranged if the price is right, anyway, so let’s have a chat then, you two want something to drink” the old man asked?

“sure, whatever you recommend” Mickey replied,

“ye whatever is going grandad, what is your name by the way” Ben announced,

“you can call pops and easy with your tongue you young wipper snapper you, still got enough power left in me to give you a tickle or two” he added, they all giggled,

“ok then Pops, you keep the drinks coming and tell us about the draft then” Ben announced,

“music to my ears laddie, not too many people or things listen to me anymore, think I’m going soft in the head what’s left of it any way, been messed with too many times over the years, maybe that’s why I’m still around, anyway this s the way things run around here” Pops exclaimed, he put the drinks on the table and took an old pipe out of the drawer, he opened a leather pouch that was in his pocket and pulled out some dark wiry stuff, he pushed it into the end of the pipe, “is that what I think it is Pop’s” Ben asked?

“ay lad, had this pipe for maybe a hundred years, I grow my own tobacco too, you use these things, look at me, of course you do Earth man, I have a spare one, let me load it up and we can smoke together, apologies already lass for the smoke” Pops exclaimed, “you carry on Pop’s your place, your rules, I’m fine, might try a go myself” Mickey replied,

The three of them talked, drank and smoked, Pops did most of the talking,

The evening drove on and everyone was a bit merry, Pops said he would get some food for them before they go to the room for the night, he left and closed the door,

“feeling pretty good, the pain has gone now” Ben exclaimed.

“mine has too and that’s thanks for the medical patch up we got from the Sargent afterwards” Mickey replied,

“I am wondering what kind of food Pops is going to bring back for us, I think have a made a good friend there” Ben exclaimed, Mickey nodded,

She took another drink, “wish I knew what I was drinking though, sweet and sharp, but it’s doing its trick” Mickey added,

“he probably makes his own, like the way he makes tobacco” Ben commented,

“well I can’t wait to see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow” Mickey expressed,

“me too next to you my girl” Ben added, Mickey winked at him and drank some more of her drink.

The front door smashed forward, Pops fell in and slumped on the floor,

Mickey and Ben for a second looked in shock!

Pops clawed with his hands to try and get through the door properly, he looked up at Mickey and Ben, “told you so, got some bad ones down here, no respect I tell you” Pop’s groaned out, he looked hard at the two of them, his head hit the floor with a thump as he slumped to the floor,

Mickey pulled him up and checked him over,

Ben closed the door shut and locked it the best he could, he pressed the button that Pops pressed earlier on and the glass in the door darkened,

“he’s gone, trauma to his heart, back armour pushed through into him, he’s been hit by some sort of weapon” Mickey exclaimed,

Ben knelt next to Mickey, he touched Pops on the head, “What the feck is going on here, what do we do, who do we call, is there police down here, hospital, security, we need to do something, they could be coming here” Mickey grabbed Bens arm, “hang on mate, just hang on please, here take this and just watch that door, I need to think, I can call the entrance Sargent” Mickey said softly,

Ben took a small weapon from her that she took from her thigh pouch,

“the armour on you hides a lot, looking forward to seeing what is underneath” Ben replied.

“you pick the wrong time for your humor, I like it though, soon soldier boy, let me make a call, you cover the door” Mickey added,

Mickey shook her head, ”no signal here, let’s just take a moment to think here please, I am a little bit low on power so no good us going out there and well, getting into confrontations that I cannot handle, lets secure this place, see if there is another way to call for assistance, power up our suits and wait a while, need to think, we are still wounded and need to rest our bodies, what’s left of them” Mickey announced,

Ben nodded and pulled a cabinet against the front door, “not fort knox, I seen Pops press some buttons and mention something about protection, give it a try anyway” Ben replied.

“Benjamin my power is very low my” Mickey slurred and stopped talking,

She fell forward and bashed onto the floor,

Ben was busy pushing buttons on a keypad next to the front door, the main window turned dark and a shield came down, another shield came down covering the front door as well, “cushtie” Ben announced, he heard the noise of Mickey hitting the floor and turned around,

“Mickey” he called out! He went to her, Ben pulled her over, “what you done now mate, talk to me please” Ben growled,

Her visor was down,

Ben looked about, “need power, come on man think, she needs power” Ben exclaimed.

Ben put Mickey down softly, he looked about her armoured body then stood up, ok then Pops, what you have in here then, let’s have a look see, need power cables, your old school like me and Mickey, sorry old man, was just thinking we had made a good friend as well, this is all a load of crap, right then let’s find what I need I hope” Ben exclaimed, he looked at the shielded front window and door, he looked at Mickey on the floor, “think this suit need power too” Ben announced as he struggled to move,

Ben looked about the place, he went out to the back room and into Pops place,

“old man stuff, look at this, bad boy Pops” Ben said to himself, he pulled an old rifle from way back,

Ben shook his head, he pulled the magazine off, he pushed the bullets down against the spring, he clipper the full magazine back onto the rifle, “grenade’s too, what you going to do, start another war up here, sure you were, yes pops, that’s what I need I think” Ben announced as he pulled out a cable from the box that was under his bed,

Ben checked the end of it, he went to Mickey and looked for somewhere to power her up, he plugged one end of the cable into a socket he found on the wall under the table, “Mickey I need help here, where the feck do I put this babe” Ben growled!

Mickey’s visor raised, her eyes looked at her hip area, a small hatch clicked open,

“thank you and I just hope I’m doing the right thing here” Ben exclaimed,

Ben looked at the small socket on Mickey’s hip, he looked at the end of the power cable he held in his hand, “square peg into round socket, not good Mickey” Ben announced, Ben looked around, “shit, need some help here girl” he growled!

“wires Ben” Mickey slurred and her visor closed half down,

Ben looked at the cable in his hand,

“wires, what wires” he said to himself, Ben looked at the cable,

He nodded to himself,

Ben took a knife from the counter and started to cut the end connection off of the cable,

“brown to the right, Blue to the left, shit, I’m not changing a plug on a fecking kettle mate” he said to himself and started to cut the end connection off,

“right then girl, need some help here before I blow myself up inside this suit” ben exclaimed, he pushed the wires into two little sockets on the side of Mickeys thigh,

Sparks flew into the air, Ben jumped backwards, ”wow, not like a car engine with jump leads then” Ben looked at Mickey, her visor was raised, she crossed her eyes, Ben got the message, he leant forward and put the wires into the socket again, the wires the other way around, there was a blue glow and the lights in the room flickered, “ok, the waiting game it is then buddy” Ben announced.

“you power up and don’t take too long about it by the way, there’s some strange noises out there on the street, need your help soon, oh and by the way, my suit is getting stiff too” Ben said to himself,

Ben sat there and watched Mickey, he got up and went behind Pops other counter, “what we have here then” Ben said and pulled a bottle out, he took the cap off and smelled, “phew, methylated spirits, close enough to ease the pain, just a snifter and watch my girl then” he mumbled, Ben sat down next to Mickey, he lit the pipe and smoked away, he took a big swig from the bottle as well,

There was a loud crash against the café’s window, the plastic glass shattered, the shield held its place, Ben grabbed the weapon Mickey had given to him,

“all right whoever you are, let’s be nice now ye” Ben whispered,

He also picked the rifle and grenade up that Pops had left,

“don’t know what I’m doing here, five hundred years in the future, why am I alive, what am I to do here, I don’t fit in, what the feck went wrong” Ben growled out!

Mickey’s arm came across and grabbed the bottle out of Bens hand,

“that’s enough of that rubbish if you please, oh and by the way I did think that you or thought you enjoyed my company, could do with you by my side amigo” Mickey slurred,

“yes, come on babe, get that power back and fix me two by the way” Ben exclaimed,

“Come her” she announced, Mickey opened a panel on the side of Bens suit, she stuck her finger in, the lights flickered again, “oh yes, I can feel I can move better, is this humanoid foreplay, getting a buzz here babe” Ben announced,

“easy tiger, this won’t take too long, did I hear you say there is something weird going on outside” Mickey expressed,

“for sure, like the main window has been smashed in by the way” Ben replied,

A lot of chanting was heard from outside, another blast hit the door shield,

Ben looked at Mickey,

“ok then, take five, get your suit powered up then we find another way out of here my friend” Mickey ordered!

Mickey took her finger out of a side port on Bens suit, she plugged in the power cable that fixed her, she got up and stretched her limbs,

“well done Ben you saved me, I have a malfunction somewhere, power storage not working too good, you watch that doorway, I’ll have a check in the back” Mickey announced, she walked off through another doorway, Ben sat there, he had the old rifle in his lap, the small laser weapon next to him and the grenade he found in old Pops back room,

“earthman, earthman come out to play” someone from outside shouted!

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