Some Mate You Are...

Chapter What It Means to Be Luna

The next day I arrived promptly for my meeting with Luna Rigina. Since Enzo had decided to commit himself to our mating, I now had to commit to my training to become Luna.

Truth be told, I probably would have showed up for the Luna training anyway. Not because I would have still expected to be Luna or anything silly like that. I knew that if I rejected Enzo, I was giving up any right to that position. No. I would have showed up to Luna training simply because I would not have wanted to be the one to explain to Luna Rigina that I would not be taking over. I would have hated to disappoint my Luna in such a way. And I'm certain that rejecting her son would have been a huge disappointment.

Luna Rigina welcomed me with open arms. Hugging me tightly as we retreated into her office. She smiled at me as she directed us towards the plush sofa on one side of the room. The sofa sat across from a large fireplace. The mantel that sat above it was covered in pictures of pack members, mostly in large groups. Further proof at how much the Luna cared for and loved all members of the pack. I smiled at the thought. She was the best Luna that a pack could ask for.

“I thought we would try to keep this relaxed and informal.” She explained. “I was always so worried that I was going to have to do these training sessions with a stranger, but since it’s you, there is no need for this to feel like a chore.”

I smiled warmly at her, appreciating her trying to keep the atmosphere light, but I still could not help but feel nervous. I had to admit that I did not really understand what this was going to entail. I knew that the position of Luna was of great importance. But I had to admit, the more that I thought about it, the more I realized that I did not really understand exactly what Luna Rigina did. I hoped that there was not a lot of paperwork involved. My father and Alpha Griffith were always doing paperwork. It seemed endlessly boring.

“I appreciate you taking the time to teach me, Luna Rigina.” I offered.

“It is nothing at all.” Luna Rigina insisted. “You already know this pack well, Marvel. Not to mention, you were raised in this pack house and I’m sure you’ve learned a thing or two being the daughter of the Beta. I have no doubt that you will take to this role easily. I honestly have never been more relieved about the prospect of my retirement.”

Hearing that filled me with great pride. I was pleased to know that she felt I would be a good Luna. I knew that I could never hold a candle to her, the entire pack loved her and respected her. I would be surprised if I received even half as much of the admiration that she did.

“I will never compare to you, Luna Rigina.” I assured her. “You have always been so kind and caring. You’re always there to offer your help or your advice when it is needed. You’ve been a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, and a kind word when needed.”

“That is what being a Luna is all about, Marvel. Alphas are the muscle of the pack, Lunas are the heart, and both are required to make up a fully-functioning brain. As the Luna, you will need to always be available to the pack members. When someone is hurting or in need of help, you are the one to offer it. Pack members know that they can come to you for anything. You will be a counselor of sorts. You will need to offer sage advice when a pack member needs direction. Not to mention, you will be expected to advise Enzo in pack matters as well.”

“But…” I spoke up, reluctantly, interrupting her. “How am I supposed to give any useful advice. I don’t know anything.” I shook my head disappointed with myself.

I had never expected to be given such an important role within the pack. I had assumed that I would be mated to a regular pack member, one who did not wield more power than, perhaps, a head warrior. Now I wished that I had paid more attention to my studies, particularly my classes on pack regulations and hierarchy. Maybe I would feel better prepared for the responsibilities to come.

“You will learn. I did not know all the right things to say when I first started either. It is something that you learn along the way. You will get better with time, your wisdom and understanding will grow. In the meantime, I will be here to guide you.” She promised.

We talked for a while longer as she continued to detail the main responsibilities of the Luna. I understood now more than ever what Luna Rigina was doing for this pack. She protected them emotionally while Alpha Griffith protected them physically. I had known that she always seemed to be everywhere, helping everyone all the time. I guess that I just had not realized that was part of her responsibility as Luna. It made sense though. She was just as busy as the Alpha, but in a very different way.

I wondered to myself if this was something that I could really do. Luna Rigina was amazing and selfless. Could I ever be what the pack needed me to be? Could I ever really be as wise and understanding as Luna Rigina? I knew that the pack would be comparing me to her, endlessly. I worried that I could never live up to her legacy. But I decided to keep my fears to myself, for now.

Our meeting ended with the promise of another the same time next week. I thanked Luna Rigina again and left, my head full from all that I had learned. I was on my way back to my room, distracted by my thoughts, when I was intercepted by Enzo. He rushed up on me before I could react and pressed my back against the wall. He slammed his lips onto mine, claiming me with ferocity. I was not sure that I had ever been kissed like that before, it felt possessive, demanding, and full of need.

When our lips finally parted, I was a panting mess. I tried to catch my breath and he stared deeply into my eyes. Finally accepting our bond seemed to have done something to Enzo. It seemed to have triggered some innate need within him. He had not wanted me out of his sight all night. I had never seen him so attached to anything before.

“Come with me.” He beckoned, grasping my hand in his and leading me along.

I followed him, silently, curious as to where he was taking me. After walking up to the very top floor of the pack house, he led me to a door that I never thought I would walk through again. He swung the door open and I entered it slowly, feeling strangely hesitant.

It was Enzo’s bedroom.

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