Some Mate You Are...

Chapter This Is OUR Room

I turned my body, so that I was straddling Enzo and pushed him back on the bed, so that I was laying on top of him. He seemed to appreciate this gesture and he growled, low, in approval. I began to grind myself against him and I felt his length quickly harden beneath me. I smiled against the kiss as he groaned, I loved that I had this kind of effect on him.

I reached down between us and began to undo his pants. He moaned as I released him from the constraints of his clothes. I began to pump his cock, up and down; he could not control the moan that escaped his mouth as his head rolled backwards. I sat back up and leaned forward to trail kisses down his rock hard abs, when I could go no further, I pushed myself off his lap, readjusting so that I could take him into my mouth.

I licked the tip for a moment, giving it special attention as my hands continued to pleasure him. After several moments of licking him like a lollipop, I sucked him into my mouth and took as much as I could of his shaft down my throat. I licked and sucked, flicking my tongue each time I came back up near the tip. Pumping his cock in rhythm with my ministrations.

He called out my name as he gripped the sheets on either side of him. I could feel his shaft twitching within my grip. I was prepared to take everything that he had to give as he came in my mouth, shooting down my throat. I looked him in the eyes as I licked him clean and he seemed to lose all sense of his control in that moment.

He jumped up without hesitation and gripped me on my shoulders before tossing me back onto the bed. His claws extended as he cut through my shirt, shredding it to pieces, leaving me exposed to his gaze. Moments later, my pants were given a similar treatment, followed by any undergarments that I may have had on. I gasped as my breathing became heavier. I had never had someone be so desperate to get me naked before and I was not ashamed to admit that it was turning me on even more.

He gripped my breasts a little roughly and brought his mouth down onto one of my nipples, sucking it and flicking it with his tongue. I moaned out in encouragement before he moved over to my other breast, giving it the same treatment. A few moments later, he began to trail sloppy kisses down my stomach. He stopped just before reaching my core and pulled away for a moment.

I cried out at the loss of contact. That seemed hardly a fair thing to do. But then I felt him blowing hot breath onto my core, causing the slightest stimulation. I rolled my hips trying to close the distance. Apparently, that was all the permission that he needed before he dove in between my legs, face first. He licked his tongue along my folds and I moaned loudly at the sensation.

“You taste so freaking good.” He groaned.

He quickly found my clit and began sucking the tiny nub, his tongue flicking at the sensitive bundle of nerves. My hands immediately gripped into his hair, feeling the need to touch him as if I had some semblance of control in the situation, but I knew that he was in control now and I was loving it.

Suddenly I felt a thick finger slip inside my folds, beginning to pump inside me, curling just in time to find my most responsive spots. I cried out in satisfaction and he rewarded me with another finger. I ground myself down against his fingers as I attempted to pull his face impossibly closer. I knew that I was reaching my climax and as he nipped at the little mound of flesh that he had been teasing so expertly, I went over the edge. He pulled out his fingers and used his tongue instead, inserting it to lap up all of my juices as I rode out my orgasm.

“I need you now.” He growled as he quickly shed the rest of his clothes.

He climbed on top of me and did not hesitate to push himself inside of me with a smooth motion. I was so wet that it did not take anything for him to be inside me, pounding away. I cried out at the fullness and he moaned as I clenched around him. The feeling was so intense, more intense than it had ever been, as the mate bond had grown between us. His fangs appeared and I was certain that he wanted to mark me. So I stretched my neck to the side, giving him more access. He looked at me as if uncertain but I assured him that this was what I wanted with a simple nod.

That was all it took before he began kissing my neck down to my collarbone, scrapping his fangs delicately against my skin. He hit the spot where my collarbone and neck met, causing me to buck against him as the small act sent waves of ecstasy shooting straight to my core. He knew that was the spot that he needed to pick, he suckled on it for a moment, still pumping into me with all of his strength, while sinking his fangs into my flesh. I cried out as the orgasm ripped through me, more powerfully that it ever had before. I clenched around him as my fluids coated us both.

I knew that my muscles tightening around his cock, milking him for all that he was worth, was going cause him to cum soon. But I was not going to let him off that easy. I was determined to place my mark on him as well. This was not a one way street. All those she-wolves out there needed to know who he belonged to.

I used all the strength that I had and flipped him onto his back. I lowered myself back onto his huge shaft and he groaned in approval. I rolled my hips and rode on top of him, taking in all of his length to the hilt. I could not possibly have been fuller, his size pushing my body to its extent. He gripped my hips, tightly, and helped to guide me along his thick cock.

I leaned forward pressing my breasts against his chest. I gripped his earlobe between my teeth and suckled it for a moment before trailing kisses down his jaw. I kissed his lips, quickly offering them attention, before I began trailing kisses down his throat. My fangs emerged as I sucked and licked along his neck and down to his collarbone. I felt him shudder beneath me and I knew that I found the right spot to hit. I wasted no time sinking my fangs into him, feeling him immediately buck and twitch within me.

The pressure in my core built to a dangerous level and as soon as I felt his release, I let mine go as well. He cried out my name as we rode out our orgasms, still moving together to make certain that we both received the full extent of our pleasure. I felt him filling me with his seed as I licked the mark that I left on his skin. We laid there for a few moments, neither of us quite ready to part.

After we had cuddled into the bed for a long time, Enzo’s arm wrapped around me while I leaned against him, my head resting on his shoulder. I had never felt more complete that I did in that moment, newly marked by my mate. I sighed in contentment reaching a new level of comfort with him.

“So…” Enzo began, breaking the silence. “Have you thought about what you may like to change in our room?”

“Well…” I responded, glancing around the space. “I wouldn’t mind putting up a little artwork, just a couple of pieces, maybe something natural that compliments this amazing view.” I gestured to the wall of windows in front of us.

“Yeah. I can see how that would be nice.” Enzo agreed with a nod.

“Yeah…and…” I paused uncertain if I should even bring up my next thoughts.

“Something else?” Enzo pressed.

“Well…just a little thing…I was wondering about the furniture…”

“You don’t like the furniture?” Enzo sounded a little taken aback.

“It is not that I don’t like it.” I mumbled, searching my brain for the best way to approach the subject.

I finally decided that it was probably not going to do me any favors to beat around the bush. It was better to just be direct and tell Enzo how I felt. He would only get irritated if he thought that I was being too indirect. So I took a deep breath and prepared myself before saying exactly what was on my mind.

“I was thinking that maybe we should start fresh.” I explained. “I’m not trying to make a big thing of it, but it may be better to start our relationship with a new bed. One that neither of us have been with someone else in.”

Understanding seemed to dawn on Enzo’s face at my explanation. He began to laugh, and I felt a bit awkward. I was not sure what was so funny about this situation. I thought that it was completely reasonable to ask that we start fresh with everything.

“It’s a bit rude to laugh. I don’t know what could possibly be amusing about this.” I huffed, pulling away from him.

“Aww…come on…” He bid as he pulled me back against him. “I’m not laughing at you.” He explained. “I’m laughing at the irony of the situation.”

“Irony? What exactly about this is ironic?” I pressed.

“I’ve never had another woman in this bed.” He stated as if it were a well-known fact. “Actually, I’ve never had another woman in this room at all.”

“Well, that cannot be true.” I argued. “You’ve brought she-wolves home many times. I’ve seen you.”

“I’m not saying that I haven’t. But I never brought any of them in here. I always used one of the guest rooms, usually the one next door. Those females did not belong in the place that was meant for my mate. This is OUR room.” He stated with certainty.

“But…but…” I stammered as his words sunk in. “But you brought me in here. This is where we…” I paused but knew that he understood my meaning.

“I know.” He stated, burying his face in my hair and inhaling deeply. “But there was always something different about you. I think that a part of me has always known that you were my mate. I think that’s why I had no issue in sharing this space with you, even though I had already decided that only my mate would lie in this bed with me.”

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. His words struck a chord in my heart. I felt a tightening build in my core. I felt a need for him like I had never felt before. This room was for us. It had always been for us. He had saved it especially for me. Love swelled in my heart as I leapt back on top of him. I smashed my lips against his and tried to pour all the emotions that I was feeling into that kiss. What he had done mattered to me more than I could express. I had not even realized how much a gesture like that could mean to me. But it felt like a special gift. A special space. One that was just for the two of us and no one else.

This truly was OUR room.

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