Some Mate You Are...

Chapter Interrogation Pt. 2

“That was how Harm went from future Alpha to Alpha in just a couple of months, despite not having found his mate.” Enzo continued to explain. “The only way for an Alpha to have an Accession without finding their mate is the loss of the former Alpha. He orchestrated the murder of his parents as an attack by rogues. Then he took over the pack. All so that he could wield the power to bring Marvel in as his Luna. Do you know what you helped cause?”

Enzo was speaking to Cora when he espoused that accusation. However, I could not help but feel that I bore some of the weight for what happened to the late-Alpha and his Luna as well. Harm had done all of this for me. He had gone to unimaginable lengths to obtain me. Was there something that I had done? Or something that I had said which could have fostered this obsession?

Suddenly, Enzo was at my side, both of his hands resting lightly on either of my shoulders. He must have sensed the shift in my emotional state through our bond. His touch had the desired effect, calming my frazzled nerves in an instant. He looked directly into my eyes. Bidding me to focus on his own orbs. So I did. I breathed in and out, slowly, while I stared into the beautiful green gaze of my mate. As I felt my heart rate begin to slow.

“It was not your fault.” He whispered, keeping his voice as low as possible. “None of this was your fault. Harm was a sick, sick man. If it had not been you, then it would have been someone else.”

Enzo was right. If not me then it could have been anyone else who had paid him that sort of attention. I had not even been a very good date to him that night, entirely distracted by Enzo and his behavior before running off into the woods after a mate that I will still seeking. Yet he still latched onto me. He could have chosen anyone else to obsess over if I had not made myself available to him. It could have even been Kiara.

That thought alone made me shudder. I could not imagine my vibrant and lively friend having been locked in that cage for all of those weeks. No. It was better that it had been me. No one else would have deserved what happened either. And I would not wish it any other way. Someone had to catch Harm’s eye, better someone that was able to handle it and come out damaged, but still fighting on the other side.

I gulped down my doubts and my fears. Before reassuring Enzo that I was alright with a determined nod of my head. He watched me closely for a few more moments, reluctant to let me go. But eventually he turned back to Cora and continued his interrogation.

“The fact of the matter is that we know that you did these things, Cora. You were an accomplice to Harm in all of the damage that he has caused including the murder of an Alpha and his Luna. What I want to know is why? Did you really want to be my Luna that badly? That you would do these awful things? Over look the warning signs with Harm? And what about these photos?” He questioned as he pulled the one of him and her together out of his pocket again, causing an eerie light to ignite within her eyes. “Where did you get these? How long have you been collecting pictures of me?”

“I’ve collected everything of yours that I have been able to get my hands on.” She admitted, a sparkle in her eyes, as she looked up at Enzo, hopefully, as though she were praying to a god. “I have boxes of your old homework. Notes that you have written to me and to other girls, as well. I’ve even pulled a few of your old shoes and things out of the trash.” She continued rambling, and I was starting to almost feel badly for watching this, it was getting pathetic now. “The only thing that I could never get my hands on was your old shirts. I wanted one so badly, but you always seemed to give them as hand-me-downs to Marvel and I did not want them once she had them.” She scoffed as if I were the problem in this situation.

“Psycho.” I thought to myself with a roll of my eyes.

“I wanted to be a part of your world. To live your life alongside you. So, I began following you around every chance that I could get. And I would sometimes take pictures so that I could relive the moment later.”

The more she spoke the more disturbing her explanation became. There really was something truly wrong with her. No wonder she did not think that there was anything to worry about when it came to Harm. It seemed as though she were almost as disturbed as he was.

“I needed your love, Enzo. And I needed Marvel out of the way to get it. I did it once and I would do it over again if given the chance.” Cora asserted with undue confidence.

“I would watch my mouth, right now, if I were you, Cora.” Enzo ground out through a tightly clenched jaw.

Was this woman really that stupid?

I went to Enzo and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, calming him as he done to me only minutes ago. He wanted to attack Cora, tear her limb from limb. He had already been furious with her, but his bloodlust had only risen when she had the audacity to threaten me again. If I did not try something to ease his anger, then he would have sent her the same way as Harm in an instant. I wanted her to pay for her crimes as well, but Enzo had already gotten away with murdering an Alpha. We did not need to add another mark against him.

Not that I believed that anyone would truly blame him given the circumstances. He was an Alpha, and she was a traitor to his pack who had made a direct threat against his Luna. I think that most would understand his choice if he did kill her. However, he did not need that stain on his soul. Being an Alpha was already a difficult enough job, one that he was originally entering unwillingly. Though, if I were one to judge, I believed that he was going to handle the responsibility beautifully. Regardless, there would be plenty more opportunities in this difficult role for him to do damage to the essence of who he was. I did not think that Cora needed to be one of them.

There were protocols for these kinds of things. I had learned them while studying pack law with Luna Rigina. And we were going to act accordingly. Even if our more animalistic sides would prefer to see blood.

As I thought this over while I soothed my volcanic mate who was about set to erupt. Another thought occurred to me. I looked down at the photo on the table. Studying it carefully. Enzo and Cora, together, at the dinner for Alpha Harm. I thought that I knew everything that there was to know about this picture. But...perhaps...I was wrong. Maybe there was more that could be learned there.

Cora had said that she was the one who took the photos of Enzo for her macabre collection. Then she had given copies of these to Harm. But…Cora was one of the subjects in this particular picture and it was not any kind of selfie, so she could not have taken it. Harm could not have taken it because he was with me and, furthermore, he had not created his alliance with Cora as of yet. Someone else had to have taken this picture. Someone else had to be involved.

I released my hold on Enzo, much to his displeasure, as he made certain to announce with an irritated grunt. And I stepped up to the table, turning the photo around so that it faced me. It depicted Cora and Enzo, that much was obvious. But as I looked at it closer, I realized that they appeared to be just outside of the pack house. It must have been the start of the evening, because Enzo had stormed away from that dinner without Cora by his side.

Whomever had taken this photo had been standing just outside of the pack house before the dinner had even begun that evening. They had been waiting there with a camera. Likely preparing to take this very photo. It could not have been Cora. So, who was it?

“Cora…” I suddenly, demanded turning the picture back around towards her. “Who took this photograph?” I tapped my finger hard against the photo as if to emphasize my point.

I could feel Enzo suddenly stiffen behind me as if the realization had just dawned on him as well. There was another possible traitor somewhere in the pack. Someone who had been helping Cora all along.

Cora could not seem to help herself as she began to cackle wildly again. The strange light in her eyes revealing itself more and more as direct evidence of her psychosis.

“I was wondering if you guys were ever going to put that together. Pictures that I could not have taken. And with that recording? I’m not tech savvy. How could I create something like that?” She belted out as she continued to laugh.

“Cora, who is it?!” I demanded again.

We needed to know what was going on and we needed to know fast. If this wolf had already caught wind that we had arrested Cora, then they could be planning their next move. Perhaps attempting to flee the pack without answering for their involvement. Or maybe they were planning some kind or retaliation. We needed to know exactly who it was and how involved they really were.

Cora did not answer me. She simply continued laughing as if there were something hilarious painted on my face. I could not take it anymore. The sound of her hysterics, reverberating off the concrete walls. The crazed look in her eyes. I hauled back my arm, and I slapped her as hard as I could, right in the mouth.

Her head jerked to the side and the sound of my palm connecting with her cheek was immensely satisfying. Not to mention, it had the added benefit of finally shutting up her wicked laughter. I leaned in closer to get to her across the table, my face dangerously close to hers as I glared down into her eyes.

“You will tell me who is working with you or, Goddess help me, I will make you suffer for putting my pack in danger.” I said those words with such conviction, in a voice that almost did not sound like my own, and it was as though something inside of her seemed to suddenly snap into place.

“Yes, Luna.” She responded, meekly.

I was not sure what happened and as I looked back at Enzo it seemed that it surprised him just as well. I had heard of the Alpha command, a tone that Alpha’s could use to enforce their will, I had even seen it used a few times. But I had never heard of the Luna having such an ability. Though, if my notions were correct, then that was exactly what had just happened there.

“A True Luna.” Enzo marveled as he stared at me with an overwhelming about of pride radiating from his being.

I wanted to question him further. Ask him if he knew anything about what had just happened. The way that he had said those words felt like it carried so much meaning. So much weight behind them. But I knew that now was not the time for that. As curious as I was about the meaning of a “True Luna,” I would let it go for now. If I could command Cora to give us the information, then that was exactly what I was going to do. Enzo’s Alpha tone had not developed yet, it was not meant to until after the Accession Ceremony. But I could get us what we needed.

A name, Cora. Who was helping you get the pictures? Who helped you with the recording?” I demanded again now that she knew where her loyalties were meant to lie.


“Luis as in Luis Woodruff?” I clarified, my eyes wide, wanting to make certain that we had the right person before we acted on anything.

“Yes.” Cora confirmed.

I could hardly believe it. Sweet Luis Woodruff who had danced with me on my birthday. It was seeing Luis and I together that had ultimately set Enzo off that night. Though, at the time, I did not understand why.

I was disappointed to hear that Luis had been mixed up in all of this. He had always been such a nice guy.

Warriors were immediately sent to fetch Luis and upon interrogation it was, rather quickly, revealed that he had helped Cora on her end to orchestrate everything. He had even tracked my usual morning run route so that Harm would know where to find me. Then he and Cora, both, had worked together to smuggle Harm onto the territory without anyone knowing and then they smuggled him out again with me in tow.

When pressed for why he had done all of these things, it was revealed that he and Cora were actually mates. They had known for a long time now, but Cora had refused to be with him in a mate-like capacity because of her obsession with Enzo. The only way that he could be near his mate or receive any kind of attention from her was to assist her with her stalking.

His role had turned more nefarious after Harm had gotten involved. He admitted that he had his reservations about helping Harm but when Cora had threatened him with rejection, he buckled under the pressure. He broke down in tears apologizing for betraying his Alpha, his Luna, and the pack. And you could tell that he was genuinely remorseful. He was just a young, lovesick wolf who had gotten in way over his head.

Unfortunately, though, the damage had been done. He had betrayed the wolves of Crescent Moon and for that he was going to have to pay. There was no other way.

After much discussion with Alpha Griffith, Luna Rigina, and my father, along with recommendations from Alpha Timber and, the newly appointed, Alpha Zaccai. The fate of Cora and her lovelorn mate, Luis, was ultimately decided.

The entirety of the Crescent Moon Pack was gathered together in the courtyard of the pack house where a small stage had been erected. I had expected that Alpha Griffith and Luna Rigina were going to make the announcement after all the Accession Ceremony for Enzo and I had yet to occur. However, when Enzo grabbed my hand in his and led me towards the center of the stage, I realized that we were taking charge of this moment. We had been the ones to uncover the treachery and we would be the ones to present the verdict to the pack. Our first act as Alpha and Luna with or without the Accession.

“Members of Crescent Moon…” Enzo’s strong voice boomed out, a hushed silence instantly falling over the crowd. “Today is an unfortunate and regrettable day. Two traitors have been discovered living amongst our pack and it is our sad duty to expose them and hand down the sentencing for their crimes.”

No one said anything. They barely moved as Cora and Luis were marched onto the stage by several pack warriors. Everyone merely waited with bated breath as the charges were set to be read.

“Cora Dodd.” Enzo’s voice rang out again and Cora raised her head to face him, jutting out her chin in defiance. “You are charged with treason against the Crescent Moon Pack; assault on a Luna; assault on a member of a visiting pack; kidnapping of a Luna; conspiracy; as well as accessory to the murder of an Alpha and a Luna. Oh, and let’s not forget, stalking.” Enzo included for good measure.

“For these crimes, the pack deems you unfit. You are hereby banished from Crescent Moon and all of the territories that it holds.” Enzo laid down the law, essentially, making Cora a rogue in an instant. “Also, because your crimes involved the Blue Moon Pack, as well as, the Blood Moon Pack, you have been officially banished from their territories as well. And, I have been assured by ALL of our allies that you will not be welcome amongst them either. I would also be surprised if any Blue Moon or Blood Moon allies will accept you as well. You are going to have to travel a very long way, if you hope to ever find a pack that will grant you membership again.”

Honestly, in the end, Cora was lucky. Back in the day, a wolf accused of treason against their pack was branded on their shoulder with a large circle with an X inside. One that so severely damaged the skin that it would appear clearly, both, in wolf and human forms. This way all packs would be well aware of the danger of the rogue that they were dealing with.

Nowadays, though, things were much less barbaric. She would be escorted from pack lands with whatever she could carry on her. We would put the information out on the airwaves about her treachery and those who chose to heed it could. And those who it did not reach or who did not care, for whatever reason, could accept her as a pack member if they saw fit.

“Luis Woodruff.” Enzo continued, causing Luis to visibly wince hearing his name called out like that by his Alpha.

It was obvious that he had much less confidence than Cora did. He clearly saw the mess that they were in and felt genuinely remorseful. The same could not be said for her.

“You are charged with treason against the Crescent Moon Pack; kidnapping of a Luna; and conspiracy.”

We had chosen not to charge Luis with all of the crimes that Cora was being charged with as she had clearly been the ringleader between the two of them. So, we had lessened Luis’s charges to give him a better chance in his future.

“For these crimes, the pack deems you unfit.” Enzo continued, and Luis could audibly be heard sniffling as he fought back the tears. "You are hereby banished from Crescent Moon and all of the territories that it holds.”

Fortunately for Luis, he would not remain a rogue for long. Alpha Griffith had taken pity on his situation and had contacted another Alpha that he knew whose pack was clear on the other side of the country. Luis would be traveling there as soon as the banishment was over with and would be granted membership in that pack on a trial basis. The only condition…he had to cut off all contact with Cora the very moment that they both left Crescent Falls. To which Luis had reluctantly agreed.

As soon as Enzo was done with his proclamation, the entire pack, almost in unison, turned their backs on both Luis and Cora. This signified the end of their acknowledgment of them, the final slap in the face for their treason. The warriors who had been escorting them grabbed hold of their arms again and began to walk them towards the border, seeing fit that they left without issue or hesitation.

“I am going to go with them. Make certain that Cora does not cause a scene.” Enzo informed me with a quick kiss on my cheek.

I nodded my understanding, and he headed after the warriors, signaling for Tyrus to follow him. Alpha Griffith and my father trailing behind the group as well. I had never seen a wolf banished from the pack before. So I supposed that it must have been normal protocol for the Alpha and Beta to attend for the actual moments when the wolf was separated from the territory and, subsequently, the pack.

And with that, the rest of the pack wolves dispersed. It was all finally over. Now we just had to find a way to live with the aftermath.

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