Some Mate You Are...

Chapter Accidental Announcement

We did not hang around the Blue Moon Pack long after that. Enzo needed to return to Crescent Falls and he refused to leave without me. Not that I wanted to stay there any longer anyway. I was mortified by what had happened with Alpha Timber and I needed to get away from there as fast as possible.

Kiara had stayed behind with her mate. Valentino would bring her home in a few days so that she could pack her things and move to his pack. I understood why she was staying, though, a selfish part of me wanted both of my best friends by my side for support right now. But I would never tell her that. I would never want her to feel like she had to choose between her mate and myself. That would simply not be fair. She belonged with her mate, just as we all did.

Once we had arrived back at home, I went straight up into my room. Enzo rushed after me, calling to me as we went, bidding me to stop and listen, but I refused. All I had wanted was a weekend away from him, free of all the complications that being his mate had brought. But I could not even have that. I had to screw it all up and he had to show up to drive the final nail in the coffin of my weekend.

He was a few steps behind me as I reached my room, so once inside, I was quick to slam the door shut, locking it tight. The door shuddered and shook as he began slamming his fists against the other side.

“Marvel, open this door!” He demanded. “We need to talk about this! We cannot do this any longer!”

I did not respond to his request. The only reason that we were in this situation in the first place was because of his choices. He was the one who was not certain of what he wanted. He was the one who chose to drive a wedge between us. He always had.

We had been so close when we were younger. Some would say, almost, inseparable. I had considered him one of my very best friends and I had trusted that he would never hurt me. This was why I had not hesitated when we had decided to give our virginities to each other. I loved him and I had thought that he loved me. But that had been the beginning of the end for us.

After we had given ourselves to each other, he had pushed me away. He treated me as if I had no longer mattered. He put as much distance between us as he could manage, and our friendship had never recovered. It had made me feel as though it had all been a huge mistake.

However, he never seemed that bothered by the situation. So I had resolved myself to believing that I was not bothered by it either. Eventually, I had convinced myself that I was fine for so long that I actually became fine.

“Marvel!” He roared as I had not responded to his initial arguments. “I am your ALPHA and your MATE! You will not deny me entrance any longer!”

With that, I swung the door open in shock. Had he not realized what he had just done? If he was trying to hide our mating from his father, then he had just made a huge mistake. He had yelled so loudly that everyone in the pack house had to know now.

“Do you realize what you just did?” I asked keeping my voice emotionless.

“Yes, I know.” He huffed. “It is not as though I had any other choice.”

“No choice?” I scoffed. “You could have just left me alone like you have been doing for months. Quit acting as though I am forcing any of this on you!”

“Aren’t you though?” He accused. “I ask for time and you go off for a weekend of dry humping another Alpha.”

“Time?! I do not recall you asking me for time! You said that you don’t want a mate because you don’t want to become Alpha. I asked you, directly, if you wanted to reject me and you responded that you did not know! How else was I supposed to take that?!”

“I came to you after that! We had sex for fuck’s sake!”

“So that is supposed to mean something? You’ve had sex with half the girls in the pack! How was I supposed to know that meant that you were not going to reject me?!”

“None of those other girls are my mate!” He pressed. “How would it not mean something if I sleep with my mate?!”

“I cannot read your damn mind, Enzo!”

“All I wanted was time!” Enzo continued as he began pacing back and forth across my bedroom floor. “That was all that I asked for…time! Now I cannot even have that!”

“How much time was I supposed to give you, Enzo?” I questioned, finally lowering my voice to a normal speaking tone. “It has been months. Most mates cannot stand to be apart, for even a moment, when they first find each other. Yet you have had no issues staying away from me. How long was I supposed to wait?”

“I don’t know, dammit.” Enzo sighed, running his hands down his face. “I know that I was wrong. I know that I fucked up. I pushed this too far. I get that now.” He stopped pacing and dropped himself down onto the edge of my bed. “The truth is…I am more mad at myself than anyone else. What you did with Alpha Timber was wrong.” He paused, letting his words sink in for effect. “But I was the one that drove you to it.”

I sat down next to him, I slowly put my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to offer him some comfort. I could feel the tingling sensation that rushed through me at our contact. I could not deny that it made me feel drawn to him in a way that I could not control.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered. “I should not have behaved that way with Alpha Timber. I knew better and I allowed it to happen anyway. I have just been so angry with you and I let that get the better of me.”

I knew that I was not the only one in the wrong here, but I could own up to my mistakes. I knew that the rejection had not been made official and I should not have behaved as if it was.

“I’m sorry too. It should not have taken the threat of you with another male to bring me to you as your mate. I should have stepped up to this a long time ago.” He admitted.

“I understand that you are not ready to be Alpha. I know that it is a lot of responsibility. I should have tried to be more understanding.”

“I should have tried to explain myself better. I have never been good with that…with my emotions. It is why I push everyone away. When the feelings get too real…I tend to cut ties. I honestly do not know if I am built for this mate stuff. But…” He sighed before turning to look in my eyes. “I am willing to try for you.”

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