
Chapter Sold 68

Chapter 68 


I have been trying to keep my anger in control since the moment I got into the palace, but seeing Alpha Kane right now ruined everything and all I wanted was to be as far away as I could get

I didn’t expect him to come to find me here because, after everything that had happened and the fact that I came here with Alpha Xander, I expected him to have some decency and give me space but since he couldn’t do that, I turned to leave immediately. 

“Where are you running off to He chuckled and I sent him a glare. Just what the hell on earth does he want from me? It’s enough that I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from cursing him out loud. Why won’t be just take the clue and get the fuck out of my face! 

As if he was determined to annoy the hell out of me, he came over to where I was standing as he began to speak. “Long time no see,” he said and I simply hummed in response. 

Indeed, we haven’t seen each other in a long time and I hope to never see him again. If only he would take a cue and get out of my face. 

More like getting out of his face. You are the one in his pack my subconscious chimes in 

“Who would have thought that I’d see you again?” He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Alpha Xander is not one to keep his pet for too long and you.” he trails off as his eyes scan my body in a way I couldn’t really explain. “You don’t look like a keeper, he finished. “Never have been one, he added, riling me up. 

My stomach twitched with disgust as I watched him spull out such nonsense. I wasn’t a keeper Says the bastard that sold me off like a piece of property. 

1 felt a surge of anger course through my body at how unremorseful he was about his actions, I wasn’t even expecting an apology. I knew Prince Kane would die before he accepted that how he treated me while we were together was bad. But the fact that he was standing proud in front of me as if selling me was his right was what annoyed me more. 

Looking at him only made me feel even more irritated so I did what I thought was best in the situation. I ignored him and walked away. 

Before I could leave the garden, he pulled me back, forcing me to stay in my tracks and I could no longer hold back my anger. What the hell on earth does he want from me

I sent him a glare as my body shook with anger. “Let go of me right now!” I ordered. I have lost whatever respect I had for him and 1 hope he acts accordingly because I won’t hesitate to yell at him if needed. 

Alpha Kane drew me closer to himself and my stomach churned at the act. “Who do you think you are to decide when to leave when I’m still speaking?” He asked through gritted teeth and I wished he could see just how he stupid he was alright now, 

I watched him as he continued to make a fool out of himself. If only I could get my hands on any weapon right now, I wouldn’t hesitate to break his head and take his precious life away from him since others meant nothing to him. 

“Do you have any idea of how excited I am to be where I am today?” He asked with a proud grin and I scoffed inwardly at his foolishness. What is there to be proud of when he went as far as seeking help to get rid of his family just before he could take his father’s position! 

Tm finally in the place I have always desired, Maliya. Soon enough, I’ll officially become the Alpha of the Greenwood pack,” he grinned. Even though I got here because of my hard work and dedication, I still can’t blame the fact that you played a role in all of this, he grinned and 1 wondered where this was going. 

I knew for sure that an apology wouldn’t follow after, so where is he going

“I thank the moon goddess for giving me such a stupid mate as yourself, Maliya. You made it so easy for me to sell you off without any exchange for power,” he said with a proud grin and I wished I could slam his head against a rock and watch him bleed to death. 

He thanked the moon goddess for giving him a stupid mate. He even dared to say it to my face

troubles in 

“What? Are you hurt? Aw” he laughed at me as he clapped his hands, finally letting go of me “Next time, you won’t have blind fate in anyone. And if you are lucky enough to find a second chance mate, that is if Alpha Xander hasn’t killed you before then, I hope you learn your lesson and ask questions when necessary,” he stroked my hair as he mocked me. 

I clenched my fist as I listened to all the noissense he had to say. Tears pricked in the corner of my eyes but I refused to let it fall I refused to allow the bastard to see another sign of weakness in me. I made a vow to myself to never break down in front of them ever again, and I will keep that promise 

Can I ask a question though?” He furrowed his brow as I continued to watch him speak. What did you use on Alpha Xander i 

My eyes bore into his eyes and I could tell that he still had more ridiculous things to say to me 

for you to still 

be aliver 

“Are you done?” I asked with a glare as I have had enough of his shit. 

How dare you speak to me in such a tone, you ugly bitch!” He raised his voice, looking offended by my response. Funny how people can never take what they dish out. I haven’t even said anything offensive and he was already glaring at me? I wondered how he would have felt if he was the one at the receiving end. 

“Mind your manners. Prince Kane,” I spat out, getting under his skin on purpose. “If you continue to call me names. I promise you, you won’t like the outcome of things,” I assured him. 

your worst.” He grabbed my hands 

He seemed taken aback by my words but soon recovered as he leaned closer to me. “I dare you. Maliya. Do yo forcefully as he challenged me with his, trying to intimidate me with his stature. 

“The only reason I am yet to punish you is because you came here with Alpha Xander, he warned through a raged breath. And even then, if you cross the line, I won’t hesitate to put you in your place and hurt you badly, knowing fully well that I’d be doing Alpha Xander a favour too, he 


He raised my chin up with his fingers, forcing me to look into his eyes as he began to taunt me. “How about you tell me, Maliya? Have you better at giving blow jobs?” He chuckled. 

Tears prickled at the corner of my eyes as memories of how Prince Kane treated me in the past washed over me 


I recalled how he would always force his dick into my mouth, knowing well that I cannot take it. How he would assault my mouth and insult me, making me feel like I was good for nothing 

If there was anything that Prince Kane did to me, it was lowering my self–esteem. He made me feel like if he didn’t marry me, no other man would which was why I took all of his behaviour. I was desperate to be loved despite his ugly attitude 

“Seeing how you suddenly went quiet I guess you are still the fool I sold because I can it tolerate. What is Alpha Xander doing with then? 

you find something else attractive? Your pussy maybe?” 

Did he 

My stomach churned at how he was speaking down on me and I swear I hate him more than anything on earth. He annoys the hell out of me and I’ll never forgive him for all the pain and humiliation he brought to me. 

I don’t know how but I swear, I am going to kill the arrogant bastard before I leave this place because only then 

only then would I finally be able to breathe. “Come on, don’t tell me that you are really going to cry?” He mocked, “What has crying ever done to you? It only makes you look more punishable 


was approaching us. 

Prince Kane swallowed the rest of his word and I followed his eyes to see that Alpha Xander wa 

Alpha Xander looked between the two of us before his attention settled on me. He didn’t look at least pleased to see Alpha Kane standing so close to 

“What is going on here?” He asked with a frown. 

Before I could answer him, Alpha Kane beat me to it 

“Erm… something entered her eyes and that was what I was trying to help her get out before you arrived, he lied with a straight face and I swear I wanted to call him out that moment and reveal just how stupid he was to Alpha Xander but what was the point? They are the ones that put me in this situation anyway. 

It was a collective effor 

I walked away angrily, leaving both of them behind as my stomach burned with anger. My life couldn’t go according to my wishes because those two interfered with it. For can I think one is better than the other? 

I went straight into our room and lay on the bed, eager to sleep it off since I did not have a choice in all of this anyway. 

Alpha Xander came in shortly after but I didn’t bother to acknowledge his presence as I pretended to be asleep. 

“What happened out there?” He asked which shows he knew that I wasn’t asleep. 

“Nothing” I said shortly but he wouldn’t let go of the topic. 

“I know when something is off and when it’s not. What the hell happened out there!?” He commanded. 


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