
Chapter Sold 64

Chapter 64 


Alpha Luxwell was still in shock about how he was mysteriously freed from prison. He tiptoed over the guards who were all knocked out on the floor and he was even more surprised when he realized that there was no one to stop him from leaving by the gate. 

It was as if someone had prepared thoroughly how he was go 

was going to escape. He didn’t know who it was but he didn’t wait to find out either. He ran as fast as his legs could take him to get as far away as he could get from Alpha Xander’s pack before he could get caught again. 

He avoided taking the main road and went through the woods so that he could be on the safer side when he began to feel as if someone was following him. 

He looked around frantically to see who it was but there was no one in sight. His heart began to beat rapidly as she feared that Alpha Xander and his men might have caught him quickly- 

“Who is there!?” He yelled. His voice echoed through the woods as he began to turn around out of fright. He had just escaped that forsaken prison. He would do anything possible not to go there again. 

The footsteps began to get closer and he could tell that whoever it was was closer than he could think

“show your face! Don’t be a coward,” he yelled out when a man suddenly appeared in front of hum 

He was taken by surprise by the 

the presence and he almost screamed before he controlled himself. 

Alpha Luxwell took a good look at the person as he caught Ins breath and be immediately knew that it couldn’t have been any of Alpha Xander’s 

Although the man looked rugged and big, he doubted that Alpha Xander would send just a guard after him. 

“Who are you? What do you want from me? Why are you following me around? Are you the one that helped me? What do you want in return” He asked in a single breath as he panted heavily. 

The man looked at Alpha Luxwell with a straight face before breaking the silence. “You will only find answers to your questions if you follow me.” he said coldly 

Alpha Luxwell hesitated for a while, but seeing how hard the man looked, he knew he wouldn’t be able to get a word out of him if he didn’t follow him as he had requested. 

“If he was here to attack me, he would have done that already. The fact that he hasn’t means that is not his plan, right?” Alpha Luxwell thought to himself before agreeing to follow after the man

The man led the way as he went into a cave. The cave was dark and gave an eerie feeling. He looked around nervously as the man continued to go further into the cave until they stopped in front of a man and a woman. 

Both of them have a cloak all over them, and their backs were turned on me, making it impossible for Alpha Luxwell to have a better look. 

His body trembled nervously as he looked around in fright. “Who are you people? What do you want from me? Are you the ones that saved me What did you save me? I’m sure you have a reason, he breathed out 

Just then, the woman snapped her fingers and the candle lit up, making Alpha Luxwell jump out of fright. 

The man and the woman turned around, revealing their faces as fear crawled into Alpha Luxwell’s skin

The lady looked young, younger than Alpha Luxwell had expected. She was probably in her early twenties, judging from how young her face looked. He wondered what a young lady would be doing in a place like this and as she took off her cloak, her grey hair cascaded down her back, making him even more curious. 

“Who is she?” He thought to himself. 

His eyes fell on the middle–aged anan standing next to her and from their 

resemblance, he believed he was her father. 

“Who we are is entirely none of your business,” the man began and Alpha Luxwell looked at him, curious about who he was and what he wanted from him. “I can not reveal my identity to you, and I’d suggest that you don’t try to find out either, he warned. “But since I was the one that reached out to you, I have a mission for you, be announced. 

Alpha Luxwell scoffed in disbelief at the man’s audacity. “Tm an Alpha. I’d bow to no one,” he said, feeling insulted by the way 

y the man was ordering 

Alpha that he is 

Lowe us that much.” 

He might have helped him get away from Alpha Xander’s prison, but that doesn’t make him any y less than the Alp 

“Do I need to remind you that Alpha Xander would have eventually killed you if I hadn’t saved you? You owe us 

the man said with a 

Chapter 64 

frown and Alpha Luxwell mirrored his expression. 

‘I appreciate your help, but that would be all. I have a mission for myself and I won’t be able to rest until I can kill Alpha Xander with my own hands,” he let out, as his body shook with anger. 

You want to kill Alpha Xander! That makes us even. We both know that it’s impossible for you to get rid of Alpha Xander without receiving help and that help is what we are going to offer you, the nun announced confidently. 

I understand if you hate Alpha Xander because everyone hates that bastard. But why don’t you explain why you will be helping me? What do you intend to get in return and what did Alpha Xander do to you?” He furrowed his brows as he spoke. 

“Again, whatever we have against Alpha Xander is none of your business. Do you want to work with us or not? Frankly, you don’t really have a choice, but I’d like to make you feel like you do the man said, riling Alpha Luxwelli 

“The audacity! You won’t tell me who you are or what your purpose is but you expect me to work with you? What do you take me for? A fool? I refused to be anyone’s puppet, he hissed. “If you can get the work done by yourself why don’t you go ahead and do it yourself since it is supposed to be that easy!” He glared at them as he continued. 

If you refuse to tell me anything about you or this mysterious mission of yours, then I won’t be able to work with you. Thank you for getting me out of the prison but we can not go any further from here,” he said sternly, 

The man watched Alpha Luxwell as he spoke carelessly and neither he nor the g 

girl argued with him 

Alpha Luxwell expected them to explain things to him after his outburst but after seeing how they had no intention of carrying him along, he turned to leave but before he could, a strong wind blew and he was thrown across the room. 

Alpha Luxwell fell on his face, making him wince in pain as he wondered what just happened. He recalled how something familiar happened at the prison and his eyes snapped up to look at the man and woman in front of him

He struggled to move his body but it was painfully difficult. It was as if his body had been ried by an unseen force which made it harder for him to move as it pressed his body down to the floor. 

The lady with the grey hair didn’t move from where she was standing, but she was controlling everything with just her eyes 

Alpha Luxwell didn’t miss the glow in the lady’s eyes as she continued to glare at him. He cowered on the floor as he sluvered with fear. He has never seen anything like that before in his entire life. 

“What are you?” He asked with a cracked voice. His conndence from earlier had disappeared and he couldn’t even look at the girl in the face without trembling. Her face looked so scary and he knew something was wrong 

The lady took careful steps towards him and Alpha Luxwell struggled to break free from the spot but he couldn’t move an inch even though that was exactly what he wanted to do, 

“What the hell is happening to me? Why can’t I move my body?” He thought to himself as fear crept through his body. 

The lady took her time to get to where he was lying on the floor and when she did, he shivered as he felt an cerie aura from her. He couldn’t understand why he was scared of a young lady, but there was something about her that made him fear for his life. 

She bent down and leaned close to his face so that she could whisper in his ear. What am I? She scoffed in disbelief before she continued. “I am a witch The last of its kind, she announced before bursting out into laughter. 



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