
Chapter Sold 34

Chapter 34 


“This doesn’t make any sense. She is going to give birth to my child, yet, death surrounds her, I said, repeating his words in my interpretation and he waited for me to continue. I need to know if it is likely that she would die after giving birth or could it be during delivery?” 

“That, I cannot assure you, Alpha Kander. From what I am seeing, she is surrounded by blood so it is likely to be after she has given birth or could be in another way. That, I am not certain of, he confessed. 

If I was being honest with myself, I don’t care whether she lives or dies as long as she delivers my child in good health. It has been said that she was the only one who could bear my child which means the child she is carrying is going to be my only 


I need to protect her with whatever it takes just until she gives birth. I cannot stop her fate because she was destined to die young, biat she needs to have a safe delivery first. 

The words of the second seer that I spoke to were still ringing in my head and I could still recall her emphasis on how the was going to bring destruction into the pack. 

I don’t care if she does before bringing it, I just need her to have a safe delivery. 

I wasn’t one to care about others and it’s no longer a secret. Maliya and I both knew the only reason why I cared for her presently was because she was carrying my child and now that I know if anything were to happen to the child. I’d be barren for life, I am not going to risk it 

The fact that I can still be a father after everything that has happened. After losing hope as far as I can remember excites me so much and I am not going to allow anything to ruin that joy for me. 

All I cared about right now was just to have the child in my arms and be a father, not just by mouth, but one that everyone could see. 

The maid can die after safe delivery, I don’t mind. I’d probably discard her anyway because I wouldn’t want her to start feeling entitled or thinking she can do however she wants just because she gave birth to my child. 

At the end of the day, she is still a slave. I own her life and her body and until I am done with her, I won’t allow her to ruin anything for me. 

The seer kept looking at me as if he was meaning to ask if I had any more questions but he couldn’t bring himself to interrupt my internal thoughts, not when I had a smile plastered to my face. 

“Ah, before I forget. I need you to confirm that no harm would happen to her before she gives birth. You see, this child means a lot to me, I pointed and he nodded. 

He chants his incantation once again and when he is done, he begins to speak

“It is still the same thing I have said. All I can see is that the woman is surrounded by death. I can’t tell exactly when it would happen but we can avert it for a while, even if it is unavoidable, he finished, and that was all I needed to hear. 

Avert. If her bad luck is going to affect my child, we are going to do whatever it takes to avoid it just until she gives birth. “Thank you,” I said with a smile and he nodded. “That will be all. You can take your leave now,” 

The man bowed to show his respect before taking his leave and it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I finally understood what was happening. Although all the news was a bit surprising, I have always known that Maliya was different. 


e always gave this as 

aura that made me know she wasn’t like the other girls I had been with in the past, 

Chapter 34 

Everything was different with her from the muset, Maybe that is one of the things that attracted me to her in the first place. but everything finally made sense now. 

Just then, Madam Rosalie canse indsle and I gave her a questioning look. 

“Is there a problem?” I asked and she shook her head. 

“No. Ljust see the seers out so I thought I should come and ask you got your answers or if there is anything else you wouldd like me to do,” she asked and I smiled. 

“I got all my answers, thanks to your help,” I sanded

I have been in a pretty good mood since I spoke to the seers. I don’t w if it was because they confirmed that I was indeed. going to be a father or if it was the fact that I was lucky to come is that woman, it doesn’t matter what the reason was, but I can’t contain my joy. 

Madam Rosalie smiled too before she spoke. “Tiu glad I could help,” she said before turning to leave. 

I went out to take a stroll, unable to contain my joy and I was suddenly in need of a fresh breath. 

I don’t know how long I stayed outside for, just enjoying the beautiful sight and it made me feel somehow relaxed. 

The weather was starting to get chilly and I thought it was time to go back inside. I went back into my room and was surprised to see Maliya standing by the balcony. 

It is going to take a while before I get used to sharing my room with someone else. I walked into the room when I noticed what she was wearing 

It was a mini dress with a chiffon material. She didn’t have anything thick on despite the cold weather and I flared up immediately. 

I stormed over to her side, unable to contain my anger. “Are you crazy?” I snapped at her, jolting her out of her trace. 

She seemed to be taken back from my sudden outburst as her eyes widened in shock but that was the least of my concern. 

Who the hell does she think she is to reveal my unborn child to risk

W–what did I do?” She stammered, and my stomach clenched in disgust. 

Oh, she is questioning me now. 

“Why are you standing here indecently?” I snapped, and she swallowed the lumps in her throat. 

“I… What I mean,” she stammered. 

“What do you think you are doing standing here in the cold? Do you want to harm my unborn child?” I hissed as 1 glared at her. 

“N–no, I… Was,” she inhaled sharply and I could hear the sound of her ragged breath. 

“Do you think you can do however you wish because I have becit easy on you? Your body no longer belongs to you. Until you Are going to deliver the baby growing in your safety, everything you do should be placed under consideration or I’d be forced to put you in your place.” I hissed. 

Her face fell on the floor, unable to meet with mine and 1 glared at her again. 

“Am I clear?” I snapped at her but she couldn’t bring herself to look at me. 

“Did I make myself clear?!” I snarled and she jumped at the coldness in my voice


16:28 Sun, Aug 1 G. 

Chapter 34 

“Yes, Alpha,” she said in a low voice. 

I turned to leave when her voice stopped me in my tracks. 

“You made a promise to me, remember?” She said with a hint of confidence in her tone and I turned back to look at her angrily. 

“So what? I asked you to ask for whatever you want in return for listening to my orders. If you keep on defying my orders, I might rethink my decision,” 1 warned. 

“I have been doing everything you asked so far, and I don’t have plans on defying your orders, so I think it’s about time I make my request.” She said, 

I thought about it for a while. I could tell that I wasn’t going to like what she would ask without her even asking yet, but I made a promise and I am going to honour my words. 

“Go ahead,” I ordered. 

“If you want me to continue living here under your order, it will be best for you to treat me with respect and speak to me nicely or I’d be forced to do otherwise.” 

I scoffed in disbelief at the sound of her words and for a second, I wished I could snap her head and bring her to her place. My muscles tensed and my stomach churned from the disrespect but I heaved in a deep breath. 

This is all a matter of time. She will give birth soon and I won’t think twice before getting rid of her lowlife. Until then, she can enjoy it while it lasts. 

“Kindly go back into the room, it’s cold, I said, trying to keep my anger in check and she finally left the balcony. 

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