
Chapter Sold 20

Chapter 20 


My mind has been beating frantically since Claudia told me about Alpha Xander. The only thing I could think of ever since was leaving. I need to leave this hell hole. I cannot die in his hands, no, I refuse to. 

“Madam Rosalie said we shouldn’t leave unless you eat something, one of the maids said, but I couldn’t care less. 

I have gotten used to being constantly being watched like a hawk ever since they found out that I was pregnant. So what if they decided to add another day to it? 

“T’d rather die than eat anything so don’t waste your time trying to force me,” I let out. 

I sat on the bed and hugged myself while I thought about how to escape. 

Will they allow me to go if I pretend to listen to me? Will they actually believe it and reduce the amount of eyes watching 


I doubt it. 

I sighed, feeling frustrated that I couldn’t come up with any idea no matter how hard I thought about it. 

Just then, the door was pushed and just when I expected Madam Rosalie to come in, it turned out to be Alpha Xander himself 

My heart skipped a beat and I quickly swallowed the lumps that were starting to form in my 


Everyone paid their respect and I was forced to bow before he forced me into doing anything out of the ordinary. 

“Leave the room,” he commanded, taking me by surprise. Everyone looked equally confused, unsure of exactly who he was talking to. 

“Everyone, leave the room,” he said and the maids bowed before taking their leaves. 

His eyes did not leave mine the entire time and my heart began to beat frantically. 

What is going to happen now? 

Once it was now just the two of us left in the room, he spoke again. 

“I heard you have been starving yourself,” he said with a straight face. There was no sign of a single emotion on his face and it hurts that I was pregnant for him, of all people. 

“Why won’t you eat?” He frowned. 

His nonchalant attitude was riling me up pretty badly. It’s not that I expected him to suddenly care because I was carrying his child, but what was he doing here when he knew he couldn’t even pretend to be worried? If not for me, at least, for the poor baby. 

“Just let me go, I said without a care in the world. I don’t know, this was probably the worst punishment anyone could ever receive so what more is there to be afraid of? 

Every day, I pray for death–to come quickly, the only thing I detest is dying in his hands and no matter what, I’d never let him end my life. 

His face remained cold even at my request and I flared up. 

Chapter 20 

Why won’t you let me go! Why did you hate me so much! What did I ever do to you?! My story was already pathetic! Why do you have to make my life more miserable! Just why!!!” I screamed at his face. 

I don’t know where I got my courage from. Maybe it was the anger burning in my skin or the frustration of seeing him maintain his composure while I was losing my mind. 

I stopped up from the bed angrily and stormed over to his side, 

“Why won’t you let me go! Do I have to kill myself before you realise how badly I want to leave?! Ugh!!!” I screamed out of frustration when I felt a big palm cover my mouth, shutting me up 

My eyes widened out of shock as my breath raged. I wanted to slap his hands away but I knew better. 

Just then, my eyes fell on him and it had to be the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. His eyes bore into mine as if he could read through my soul and I melt in his hands. 

Why does he have a perfect face when he was nothing but an asshole! 

He parted his lips to talk, and I couldn’t refrain myself from staring at his inviting lips. They looked so soft that I was dying to see what they’d actually taste like. 

Maliya! A voice snapped in my head, drawing me back to reality. 

Alpha Xander removed his hands reluctantly, and I didn’t miss the strange look in his eyes. 

“I do not want to have your child. I am tired of this miserable life, and I just want to die,” I sighed. 

I know he doesn’t care about what I want, but he can’t stop me from saying how I feel even if he’s never going to grant my wishes. 

“Be careful of what you wish for,” he chuckled lightly. It wasn’t a smirk or anything, he actually laughed, taking me by surprise. 

“You are lucky that you are carrying my child,” he said with an amusing smile. “Until the child is born, don’t even dream of hurting yourself. You will do everything I asked or I’ll be forced to hurt you in ways you’d never expect,” he threatened in a low voice, sending chills down my spine.. 

I swallowed the lumps in my throat when he continued. 

“While you are carrying my precious child, you need to take care of yourself so that the baby will come out well,” he ordered and it annoys me so much that even now, I was just a toy to him, 

And it would be nice if you actually listen to me while I am being nice or I’d be forced to punish you in the cruellest way you could ever think of” 

“If you are going to kill me anyway, just kill me now. My life has hit the rock bottom and I am not scared of dying anymore. Go ahead and kill me!” I yelled but he only laughed at me

“I can see that you are a stubborn one,” he pointed while my heart drummed against my head. I don’t know why I was pushing my luck but I can’t help it. 

“Tell me, what do you want? I will grant your wishes but in return, you will listen to whatever I ask,” he said, taking me by surprise. 

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