Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Spy

[lvan's POV]

I had to hold back the bark of laughter that wanted to escape at how quickly Arissa retreated from my hold. It was clear she still didn't trust me, and I found her being flustered funny.

"I don't give a damn if you're jealous.” She hissed, shivering. "AND STAY FIVE FEET AWAY AT ALL TIMES!"

"Are you going to continue to flirt with others?" I asked, threatening to take a step forward.

Instead of responding, she narrowed her gaze and pursed her lips. Was it really that hard of a decision for her?

"Will you stop keeping me locked up?” She asked slowly. "I'm so bored."

"You were able to leave on your own with no issues today, right?" I asked, smirking

"True," she considered. "Why was that anyway?"

She eyed me with suspicion as she waited for my response.

"I figured you had lost the will to escape.” I responded with a shrug. "Was I wrong? Should I lock you back up?

"NO!" she yelled, rushing forward. "Thank you for freeing me, uncle!"

I watched in amusement as her eyes grew wide and she quickly took multiple steps back. She knew what she had done wrong and knew that punishment would come.

"Why are you backing up?" I asked, stepping forward. "It is almost like you did something wrong.” "Of course not." She said, quickly covering her ass. "You said you needed me to spy.”

I continued to move forward as she tried to divert me. She wasn't going to get away with what she did; punishing her was just too pleasing.

“No, no!"

I reached out and grabbed her wrist. Tugging, I easily pulled her to me and let my hand connect with her ass three times before letting her go.

Growling, she rubbed her ass as inaudible curses escaped her.

"Now I'm not helping you." She snapped, turning on her heel and heading towards the estate. "Go find another spy."

"What if I promise to not spank you anymore if you help me?" I asked.

It didn't take long for her to peek back at me. Hook, line, and sinker.

"So," she began, turning slowly. "You'll give me ten gold and won't spank me anymore. You've got my interest. *

"Good, now come sit." I said, motioning to the chairs that were beside us.

"Can I stand?" She asked, eyeing me.

"Suite yourself."

I let her remain standing as I took a seat and crossed one leg over the other. I wasn't sure how long this was going to take and I wanted to be comfortable.

"Go on." She said impatiently. "I don't have all day.”

"First, I want you to openly say you'll help me."

I didn't want to bother going through the entire plan and then have her say no. One thing I always wanted from others was their full cooperation and their word. Material items never meant anything to me, actions spoke the loudest.

"You openly admit to giving me ten gold and no longer spanking me if I call you that word.” She countered, smirking.

"I promise.” I sighed.

I was beginning to grow annoyed with her evasion and wondered if she actually intended to help. Or did she just want to push me once again?

"Alright," she said, surprising me. "I'll help. It's not like I have anything better to do anyway. "

With a shrug, she reached out a hand and waited. Confused, I eyed it until I realized that she wanted to shake on it.

"Then we have a deal.” I said, taking her hand and giving it a few shakes.

Her hand felt so incredibly small and frail beneath mine. I couldn't stop myself from wondering how it held such power. This woman was the biggest mystery I had ever encountered.

"Now, talk.” She sighed, yanking her hand back after I held it a second too long. "Why do you want me to spy on her?”

I took a moment to consider. How much could I confess to her and what should I withhold? She probably wasn't aware of the power struggle between my father and I, so it would be news to her. However, could she be trusted with that information? Would she take it and run in an attempt to get back into the good graces of Isaac?

"Are you going to speak?” She snapped, drawing my attention back.

"I suspect that she is working for my old man.” I sighed, deciding that honesty was the best policy. I could consider this a way to test her loyalty as well. "He has tried many times to place a woman beside me from his pack. I am guessing that Gisele is helping him. She is the daughter of his beta, and that means she is close to my father.”

For a moment, Arissa considered my words. She seemed confused by what I said. Hell, I couldn’t blame her.

"Why did you let her come here then?" She asked slowly, cocking her head.

"Have you ever heard the phrase "keep your friends close and your enemies closer?” I asked. "This is the first time I have let one of the women he hand picked stay. I want to see exactly what he is up to so I can put a stop to it."

"And since you want to lay low, you want me, the outsider, to do your dirty work.” She said as her lips began to turn up in a smile. "Do I get to play ninja and hang out on the roof outside of her bedroom and wait for secret rendezvous and message deliveries?"

I was shocked by how excited she seemed to be getting over this prospect, but I guess I shouldn't have been. She was definitely an odd one.

"You are free to go about this anyway you want.” I confirmed. "I just want you to report any and everything you learn back to me, understood.”

"Sure, after you pay me, uncle.”

As the words left her lips, she eyed me, waiting to see if I kept to my word.

The urge to punish her flared, but I withstood it. I could already see I was going to regret making this promise. It seemed that I would just have to find an alternate way to punish her. After all, I never promised to not punish her, I only promised to not spank her.

"I'll have Hans deliver the payment this evening.” I said, beginning to stand.

"Who?" she asked.

"My beta, you may have seen him standing outside of my office a few days ago.”

"Oh!" She yelped, her face brightening. "The cutie with the long hair and the sexy scar on his cheek!" For a second, I remained quiet as anger flared. It seemed that I was going to have to keep an eye on her around my men.

"Then I'll see him tonight!"

With that, she turned and began to skip away, leaving me alone to rethink all my promises and my decisions.

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