Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Memory

[Arissa's POV]

I woke with a start to find myself in an all-too familiar bed and room. It was my childhood room, and again I was reliving the day that my life went to hell.

Standing, I watched the door, waiting for Annemarie, my nanny, to come bursting in to wake me. Just like clockwork, she showed, her face in a fluster.

"Arissa,” she beamed realizing I was awake. "Today is the day!"

I felt my heart tug at her excitement because I already knew what was to come. We would head to the ceremony for coming of age wolves only to discover I had no wolf. After that I would be taken away and she would be killed.

"Annemarie," I breathed, unable to control my body. After all, this was nothing more than a memory. "I want to wear my white puffy dress.”

That damn dress, after this night, would become bloodied and tattered. Tonight would be the last night it looked grand.

"Okay, let's bathe you first.” Annemarie smiled.

I remained helpless as my eight-year-old self got out of bed and followed behind her.

Once I was bathed and changed, I stared at myself in the mirror. Well, not myself, but my innocent self. This would forever be the last time that I felt happiness or excitement.

My eyes sparkled in anticipation of meeting my wolf and becoming the alpha heir of my pack. My cheeks held a tint of pink. My hair that cascaded down my shoulders shimmered brightly in the light, and my lips formed a real smile.

"Annemarie, I'm ready!" I announced, turning to my nanny. “Let's go so I can see Papa.

"Of course.” Annemarie smiled. "Come."

I rushed forward and grabbed the hand that she held out to me and began to follow.

We headed out of the room and down the hall towards my father's study, where he would be looking over reports about the most recent war with the hunters.

It was during this war that Ivan would become a hero and take over his brother's pack when that bastard took my father's place after his death.

As we grew closer, I could feel a surge of anticipation and sadness. This would be the last time I saw my father alive. He would die a year later, while I fought to not join him.

"Papa!" I called, bursting through the door.

He looked up, his grey eyes lighting with delight at seeing me.

"Sweetheart," he said, standing and making his way around the desk so we could hug. "Are you excited?"

"Of course.” I responded. "I've longed to meet my wolf for so long.”

"I know, I know." He chuckled, patting my head.

"Arissa,” Annemarie hissed from behind. "It is rude to enter before being invited."

"Sorry." I pouted.

"It's fine." My father insisted, standing he scooped me into his arms. "My angel is allowed to interrupt anytime.”

Sticking out my tongue, I watched Annemarie huff and smile.

"I'm sorry to end this so quickly, but we must get going. The ceremony will start soon. " Annemarie said, frowning apologetically. "Come now, Arissa.”

"I'll see you afterwards, right?" I asked my father as he placed me on the ground.

"Of course.”

Satisfied, I turned and took Annemarie's hand and let her lead me to the moment that my world would come crashing down around me.

When we arrived, the elders were already in place and a crowd had already begun to gather.

"Go ahead now.” Annemarie murmured, giving me a gentle shove.

Despite not wanting to go, my feet moved and my innocent self rushed forward to take my place amongst my friends. Together, we waited until the full moon rose high in the sky.

Around me, everyone began to shift, but nothing happened to me.

Confused, I looked around at the tiny wolves that whimpered and howled. Then, I turned my gaze to the elders as they approached.

It was time for the new fledglings to come onto the stage to show off their wolves.

"Arissa?" Elder lan gasped once he saw me still as a human. "Why?"

"I don't know." I whimpered, feeling tears beginning to form in my eyes. "WHY HASN'T MY WOLF SHOWN?"

After that, everything went in a blur of motion. The others that also didn't shift were pulled away and taken to a small carriage that held a cage.

We were thrown into it and taken to the barracks where the omegas in training were kept.

Here, we would be thrown together and then began the survival of the fittest.

It was the worst fate that a wolf could suffer, and now it became my reality.

[lvan's POV]

Whimpers escaped Arissa's lips as her body twitched. Despite my attempts to wake her, she remained unconscious.

"What is wrong with her?" I growled as Hans examined her. "Why is she like this?"

"I don't know." Hans huffed. "How many more times are you going to ask?"

"You're a doctor; figure it out!”

She was fine earlier, how was it possible she was now like this? What the hell is going on? Reaching out, I touched her hand. Maybe if I were to mindlink with her, I could get an idea of what she was experiencing. But wouldn't that be invasive?

"Fuck it." I growled, deciding if I knew what was happening, I could help.

Closing my eyes, I squeezed Arissa's hand and waited for the familiar tug of being pulled into another's head.

After what felt like eternity, images began to form, and I soon found myself in a battle arena filled with kids.

Confused, I tried to look around, but I was simply seeing through Arissa's eyes.

She was facing off with a large boy who was missing an eye. He snarled and snapped like a rabid animal as he attempted to get through her defenses.

When he made a misstep, Arissa pounced, biting deep into the meaty flesh of the boy's shoulder. A growl of pain escaped the boy's lips as he began clawing at her back in an attempt to dislodge her.

"Get off me, midget.” He hissed, grabbing her hair and pulling.

He managed to pull her off, but a large chunk of his skin came off with her. Blood poured from his wound, but he ignored it while lunging forward. His eyes held a manic need to kill, and Arissa was now lying completely defenseless on the ground.

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