Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Black Market

[Arissa's POV]

"So," I began, jumping on his desk and taking a seat. "I found out something interesting."

"Go on." Ivan urged.

"First," I giggled, fixing my gaze with his. "I have a favor to ask.”

"A favor?” He repeated, his gaze narrowing. "Haven't I already granted you two requests?"

Sure, he had, but that was only for agreeing to be his spy.

"That was to help you." I smirked. "This is for the information I gathered. I don't work for free you know."

I watched with Joy as Ivan's eyes flashed in annoyance. He clearly didn't expect me to charge him for what I had learned.

"You're pushing it." He warned. "Don't try my patience, little girl.”

"Don’t try mine." I countered, standing my ground. "I'm putting my ass on the line to spy for you That doesn't come free."

Ivan remained silent as his narrowed gaze never left mine. His jaw twitched and his full lips pressed together in a line. It was easy to tell he was trying to control his temper and that sent a thrill through me. Let him get mad, maybe if I annoyed him enough he wouldn't bother me about creating an heir.

"What is it that you want?" He finally asked, catching me by surprise.

Wait... was he really going to grant me what I wanted? Well then, I would push some more.

"A date with your beta.” Even though I was simply trying to push, I wouldn't mind spending a little time with that delicious man.

"No," Ivan snapped immediately. “I'm not going to pimp out my men.”

"Then how about I get to play with that woman you keep fucking?” I tried. I enjoyed her reactions when I messed with her.

"Carina?" He asked, lifting his brow. "You like her?"

"I like messing with her." I corrected. "Her on the other hand... she isn't really my type.”

Her whining grated on my nerves and she wore too much makeup for my liking.

"I can't make decisions for others.” Ivan sighed, sending another flare of disappointment through me. "Try again, this time something reasonable.”

Pouting, I crossed my arms across my chest. Why was this man being so damn difficult?

"Then how about an outting?" I had never really gotten to go out and enjoy myself. It was something I could only dream of growing up.

For a moment, Ivan considered what I had asked.

"That sounds reasonable enough." He murmured, his eyes lighting up with approval. "Then I will grant you an outting once you've told me what you know."

"You better keep your word." I warned. "Orherwise I will castrate you in your sleep.”

"You can try." Ivan chuckled.

I felt a shiver rush through me as his eyes began to glow with hunger. Fuck, this guy really was a pervert.

"You've got issues." I sighed. "Getting excited over the idea of having your dick cut off.”

"On the contrary,” he corrected. "I'm excited by the prospect of waking up to find you in my bed." "Gross."

Standing, I took a few steps back incase he got too excited and tried to touch me. I needed to go ahead and fill him in on Gisele's late night rendezvous and get out of here.

"We're getting off topic.” I said, trying to redirect the conversation. "I came here to talk about Gisele not your perverted desires.”

"You are the one that mentioned sneaking into my bed at night.”

I had to fight the urge to punch him and bit back my reply.

I needed to stay on topic. On topic.

"Do you want this information or not?"

"Go ahead."

I waited as Ivan began to get comfortable. Once I was sure he was ready I took in a breath.

"Gisele is definitely working with your father.” I began. "She had a little friend come by this evening." "And?" He pushed urging me to just say it all.

"They're after information on the underground tunnels that lead to the black market.” I huffed. For a moment, Ivan furrowed his brows and his amused expression vanished. I could only guess this was a big deal.

"Speaking of," I continued. "Why the hell do you have those?" Here I thought he was an uptight war hero and all along his was dealing with criminals.

“Information.” He responded. "The black market has the best informants in the business.”

I couldn't help but feel disappointed by his response. It was so boring.

And now that I had filled him in it was time to make my exit. I began to slowly creep towards the door as he just watched me with slowly darkening eyes. It seemed that he was about to switch to his pervert mode and I needed to escape.

"Stay put for a moment." He snapped, causing me to instantly stop.

"What is it?" I asked as my feeling of foreboding began to rush through me.

"I will be sending Christine to your chambers around noon tomorrow." He said beginning to smile broadly.

"What? Why?" What was he up to?

"To help you prepare for a dinner party.”

A dinner party? Why would I go to one of those with him?

"I don't remember agreeing to being your plus one.” I said slowly. "Why not take your fuck buddy?" "Because you're a better choice for this particular dinner.”


"It is with my father and brother.”

I could feel all the air rush out of my lungs as if I had been punched. Was he being serious right now?

"Why me?" I growled, immediately going on alert. "I don't want to see those bastards."

What was this man even thinking? Was he about to show his true colors?

"You wanted an outting didn't you?" As he spoke, his look of amusement never left. "Consider this it."

"What? No!"

Sure, I wanted to go out and experience the world, but I didn't want to get it by going to eat a nice dinner with the men I hated to my core.

"I refuse.” I hissed. He wasn't going to be able to force me. There was no way.

"Your mother will be present.”

Fuck, he was now hitting where it hurt. This bastard!

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