Sold To The Billionaire

Chapter 53


Next day I wokeup early, because it's my BIG DAYYYY!!!!!!! oh god I can't believe, that finally.... Finally I'm getting married to the love of my life, father of my Childers, ohh god! My Aaron.... My MORON!!! Hahaha, hope you all remember that nickname lol!

So back to the point!! Uhh I'm wakeup early today, took a long relaxing shower, changed into a baby pink baggy t shirt and cotton shorts, I know! I know not a good choice of cloth for a bride of the day but never mind, it's my wedding style of clothing.

After that I wore my slippers and walked out, just for some food. Everyone is in hustle bustle while my dearest husband to be is busy in talking with some....... Some woman....... Huh he's so gone Tonight. I was thinking and a evil smirk appear on my face and then his eyes met with me and he looked shocked and worried!!! Uhhaa good.

I moved towards the dining area and served myself some sprouts and fruit salad as I wanted to fit on my wedding dress so I can't eat something fatty or stuff like muffins and all..uhh what a agony, that the bride had to suffer for eating on her wedding day. Urfff.....

I eat and then back to my room and call Chris bro to bring my babies into my room as I want to spend sometime with them before leaving them for our honeymoon, I and aaron really wanted to bring them with us but dad, mom, bro and dad refused us saying 'enjoy your honeymoon without anyone between you both.' Uhhh my litte munchkins.

Soon I heard a knock on my door and here comes my brother with my little loves.

"Here we go, ohh god princess these little devil's didn't let me sleep at night." He complaint like a kid making annoying faces towards my babies, who are smiling looking at him, like they're understanding everything and making fun of his uncle.

"Hey brother! Don't a word against my babies, if they didn't let you sleep at night then who told you to make them sleep with you? And now you asked us to leave them here to you guys, then you've no right to complaint." I said in fake Stern voice.

"Ohkkk!!!!! Sorry sorry soon to be bride. Looks like you're on your pregnancy period, sudden mood swings.... WAIT!!!! did you to do it again before marriage??" He questioned, making my eyes wide open. "What the hell you talking about bro? Uhhh you're so.... I'm just nervous and feeling wedding jitters.... Oh god you men's" I said and took a trolley from his hands and slammed the door on his face.

'Is he really my brother Chris? Or someone else??' I thought twisting my nose and put my babies on my bed.

"So let's spent some time with mumma?" I talked to my kids.

"Ooooo......mummaa...mummaa.....oooo....mummmaaaa!" They cooed in their toddler voice making me all aww on them.

I hug them, and Eli hold my hairs in his small fist so tight..

"Uhh....leave baby it's hurts mummaa.... Eli..." I said and that little monster start to laugh whole heartedly. That scene makes me smile too..

But I don't know why the other two start to cry. Uhh attention seekers, like father like sons.

Then I turned towards the two others and hug them and patted their back and both stop crying while the third one start to cry. With a long sigh I hug all the three of them into a group hug and they stop crying and start laughing.

Then I heard a knock sound and move towards the door to open and saw my soon to be husband standing in front of me with his full glory, and lop side smile, looking all sexy and alluring. STOP DROOLING!!!!! Scream my inner voice.

"You can drool over me without any hesitation, but for now please let me come in, as I also want to spend time with my girlfriend and babies." He said with a wink and I looked at him in disbelief and shock. "Wait, wait, wait!!! Who is your girlfriend here?" I asked him folding my hands on my chest, eyeing him in anger.

"Well you're my only girlfriend sweetheart. We're still not married, so basically you're my fiance as well as girlfriend." He said and pinch my nose playfully, while I looked at him with open mouth.

But soon I got my sense back and moved towards my world in one bed, playing and laughing. Well I need to say my all four men's, three little ones and a big one, they four are so much handsome. Even in the age of ten months they're looking much more handsome then Aaron. They surely looks alike or more attractive in future.

I was admiring the scene where aaron was lying on the bed and Eli sat on his chest and try to hold his lips with his tinny fingers, den sat on his right and playing with his ear and mic sat above his head and pulling his hairs, while he was just trying to control all of the three at a time. And I was smiling looking at my little world in a one frame and I secretly captured this moment as our memories.

"What are you smiling at alle? Come and please handle one atleast.." he plead. And till I walked towards them I heard Aaron's painfull scream.

"Ahhhhh..... Baby, today's your dadda's wedding with your mumma. Did you guys want your dad to look bad?" He plead and look at me for some help.

I pulled mic away from his hairs and then we five played along with each other's, we laugh, smile capture memories and then I heard a knock sound again. This time Aaron open the door just to throwing out by Helly, aroo and mom.

"It's time, to make you ready for your big day." They three screams like a teenager and kick out Aaron.

First I prepared my babies in their little tuxedos and then brother and Vishal bro took them. While here aroo and Helly with help of makeup artist start making me ready. First I took a quick shower, and come ou in bathrobe, then they start doing my makeup and hair. I didn't like cakeup face so they do a natural look makeup, and kept my hairs into a beautiful curly hairs pinned in puff and then my veil tucks above with the help of tiara clip.

Then helly and aroo helped me to changed into my wedding gown and tada!!!! I'm ready and all set to take vows with my Love..

"You're looking stunning!" Comment aroo.

"Yes you're right she's looking like a real royal princess." Said Helly with tears in her eyes.

"I never seen this much beautiful bride before." She said with tears. And I hugged both of them.

"Well this is the magic of makeup and hairstyle which to three hours for me in getting ready." I joked.

"No it's not true, you're a true beauty Allena." Said mom from the behind and I turn towards her while she come forward and hugged me tight, following her mumma comes.

"My baby grow up fast....." Said mumma with tears. Which makes me cry also.

"Hey Don't cry! You're makeup will destroyed." Screamed Helly and Aroo in unison. That makes us chuckled.

"My princess look all grown and much more beautiful then before." I Heard dad's voice.

"Dad" I said and hugged him tight, while he did same.

"I miss you dad." I said and cry a little.

"Awww, where were you going? And if you missed me much then come back to me with my grandkids leaving that moron there alone." Said with twisting nose and that makes me laugh. "It's time! It's time!" Here comes my brother.

"Brother Chris." I said with tears full eyes.

"What why are you crying? Uhhh com'on stop crying finally I'm getting relief a little, from your responsibilities." He said all dramatic and I fake hurt voice and fake tears.

And he hugged me tight saying.

"I Miss you princess." And I hugged him tight whispering 'i miss you too bro' and then we stop our crying session. And everyone go down while dad take my hand and all ready to walk me down to Altar.

We start walking on the red carpet

near the beach.... Everything is decorated with red and white roses and balloons, both the sides were


filled with chairs for the guest where everyone was sitting. A sweet yet romantic tune playing in the background, and then I saw Aaron standing with his full glory on the altar, on his right the priest standing. I walked slowly towards him and then dad put my hand on his but not before threating him.

"If you hurt her again! I break your every single bone." He said with stern face while Aaron gulped his saliva and said with determined voice.

"I never repeat my mistake uncle. I promise to cherish her and love her." While dad nodded his head and move back.

"Welcome to all of you, who have

come to share in this important

moment in the lives of BRIDE and GROOM. I ask you to join together in celebrating, acknowledging, and honoring this day and the vows that they will be making. By your


presence, you witness and affirm the truth of their love and

commitment to each other.

So now

everyone present here, I wanted to

start this ceremony with the opening

prayer of Jesus Christ, I wanted

everyone to standup please." He

said and everyone stands up on their

respective place and start praying

with him.

"Now I want to the bride and groom to take their vows truly and lovingly." He said.

"I Aaron Gray, take you Allena

Wotson as my lawfully wedded wife,

I promise you Alle I will love you,

cherish you, take care of you, and most importantly trust you. I know I never changed my past mistakes but I promise you that it'll never repeated it in future. The mistakes I did I'll never ever repeat them in my whole life. And I promised to trust you in good or in bad, I promise you if I having any issues regarding anything I directly asked you, I never hurt you. I protect you and our kids, I keep you all safe from every evil and bad eye. I love you and always you. I cherish you, I keep your back in good or in bad, I hard or in soft, in have and to hold, I love you till the last breath of my life. I love you Alle. "He said with love and care filled


"I Allena Wotson, take you Aaron Gray, as my lawfully wedded Husband, I promise you to love you, care for you, respect your parents and most importantly trust you. I wanted you to love me and I promised

you to stand with you in thick or thin, in health or in sickness, in richer or in poorer, to have and to hold. I promise to cherish my family and you. I love you Aaron." I said with love and care.

"Do you Aaron Gray took Allena Wotson as your lawfully wedded wife?" Asked priest.

"I do" said Aaron.

"Do you Allena Wotson took Aaron Gray as your lawfully wedded Husband?" He then asked me.

"I do." I said and the priest whispered some prayers under his breath and then said.

"May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. That God has joined, man must not separate. With all his blessings I pronounced you as husband and wife, you may changed the rings." Said priest.

And we exchange the rings which bought by two little kids a boy in black tuxedo and a girl in baby pink frock.

"Now you may kiss the bride." He said and aaron pulled my veil above and put his lips on mine in slow yet promising kiss. We broke our kiss with the loud sound of cheering and clapping. Soon our bridesmaid and groomsman come on the stage and we took wedding pictures. And then we moved towards the reception hall. Where our reception and bouquet and garter throwing ceremony is held.☐☐☐☐

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