Sold To My Ex’s Dad: An Age Gap, Secret Baby Romance (Silver Fox Daddies)

Chapter Sold To My Ex’s Dad: Epilogue II

Two years later…

The morning buzzes with the kind of electric excitement you’d expect before a big opening night, only today, it’s for Shannon and Samuel’s second birthday party at our restaurant.

Stacy and I are in my bedroom, a hurricane of preparation as we chat and laugh, getting dolled up for the day. It feels a bit like pre-kid days, except now our conversations revolve more around nap schedules than nightclub escapades.

‘Oh, please, Al,’ she teases, her tone playful yet pointed. ‘Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about Patrick popping the question. It’s about time, isn’t it?’

‘I swear, between the restaurant and these two little whirlwinds, my brain has no room left for thoughts of wedding plans,’ I confess, attempting a somewhat sophisticated updo in front of the mirror. Stacy watches with an amused smirk, applying her mascara with practiced ease.

A laugh escapes me as I secure a hair tie. ‘If I have thought about it, it was while I was half asleep and dreaming! But honestly, we’re swamped. The new place is booming; the kids are a handful. Where would a wedding fit into all that?’

‘Just think about it,’ Stacy insists, her eyes twinkling as she turns to face me fully. ‘Patrick’s basically dream husband material.’

‘That’s true,’ I admit, adjusting my earrings. ‘He’s been incredible. With the restaurant, with Shannon and Sam … I really hit the jackpot with him.’

We continue our prep, transitioning from the bedroom cluttered with beauty products to the living room overrun with last-minute party supplies that need to be taken to the restaurant.

A chime sounds on my phone. I open the text to find a picture of Patrick and the kids putting up decorations.

‘Looks like the birthday duo is getting antsy,’ I say.

Stacy hands me my purse, a thoughtful look on her face. ‘You two are amazing together. He’d be crazy not to lock this down officially.’

Gathering the party favors, I nod. ‘Maybe after today’s chaos settles, we’ll talk about it. Who knows? Today might be full of surprises after all.’

We step out, locking the door behind us, ready to join Patrick and the twins.

As Stacy and I make our way to the restaurant, the city whizzes by in a blur of vibrant fall colors.

‘Motherhood suits you, you know,’ Stacy comments, her voice barely rising above the music as she glances over with a smile. ‘You’ve got it all now—a booming business, adorable kids, and, let’s not forget, a man who’s basically a dream come true.’

I laugh. ‘Yeah, it’s pretty amazing. But now I’m wondering … do you think Patrick’s even thinking about marriage? We’ve never really dug deep into that conversation.’

Stacy turns down the music, her expression turning thoughtful. ‘You two are like the power couple of the culinary world right now. Maybe he’s just waiting for the right moment. I mean, Shannon and Sammy’s isn’t just any restaurant; it’s got a star now!’

She’s right. Pulling up to Shannon and Sammy’s, I take in the sight of our restaurant, which has quickly become one of the city’s hottest spots. Just last month, we celebrated receiving our first Michelin Star—a testament to the hard work and passion Patrick and I have poured into this place.

As we park and step out, the festive banners and balloons decorating the entrance catch the sun, making the restaurant look even more inviting. ‘This place is like our third baby,’ I muse aloud, pride swelling in my chest.

‘And it’s thriving, just like your actual babies,’ Stacy adds with a wink. “And who knows what else the day will hold?”

I chuckle, shaking my head as we go inside. ‘From your lips to Patrick’s ears, Stacy. But today’s about our twins and celebrating them. Anything else is just icing on the cake, pun intended.’

As Stacy and I strut into Shannon and Sammy’s, the vibe hits us like a blast of joy. Balloons, laughter, vibrant décor, servers milling about in preparation. The restaurant looks amazing.

Stacy’s latest beau, Jack, an investment banker with a contagious smile, is already there. He scoops her into a whirlwind kiss, and I can’t help but grin. They’re cute, living that fresh, lovey-dovey phase since moving in together.

I spot Patrick across the room and, God, does he look good. He’s on the floor, the quintessential dad, surrounded by a sea of toys and toddlers. The sight of him, so effortlessly wonderful with our kids, sends a warm flutter through me.

He catches my eye, that familiar grin spreading across his face, and pushes to his feet. He crosses the room in a few quick strides, the dad facade giving way to that of a loving partner as he pulls me into a tender kiss.

‘You look stunning,’ he whispers against my lips, and I melt just a little.

No sooner have we broken apart than Shannon and Sammy barrel into us, their little legs pumping excitedly. I scoop up Sammy first, peppering his cheek with kisses, then switch to Shannon, her giggles mixing with the party’s bubbly backdrop. ‘Happy birthday, my loves!’ I exclaim, squeezing them tight.

Patrick loops an arm around my waist, his presence grounding. ‘They’ve been asking about you nonstop,’ he chuckles, nodding toward the kids, who are now tugging at my dress, eager for more attention.

‘Mommy, look!’ Shannon holds up a new toy—a shiny kitchen set that’s clearly a hit. ‘We cook?’

‘Only if you promise to make me the yummiest cake,’ I tease, winking at Patrick, who’s already pretending to take our orders like a pro waiter.

‘Two cakes!’ Sammy declares, dashing off to set up his “restaurant” with his sister in tow.

Stacy and Jack join us, Stacy rolling her eyes playfully. ‘Looks like you’ve got some competition in the kitchen,’ she quips, nudging me.

Patrick’s laugh is light and easy. ‘Let them start young,’ he says, his gaze softening as he watches our children play. Who knows? By the time they’re ten, they might be running the place.’

I lean into him, my heart full. ‘With you as their role model, I wouldn’t be surprised.’

‘Speaking of cakes,’ I announce, grinning at the crowd of eager faces, ‘it’s time for the main event!’

I sashay into the kitchen where the twin cakes I whipped up are waiting, masterpieces if I do say so myself. One is a whimsical, towering concoction of chocolate and vanilla swirls topped with a galaxy of edible stars and moons, perfect for my little dreamers.

The other is a colorful superhero-themed spectacle, complete with fondant capes and sugary masks, because who doesn’t want to be a hero on their birthday?

Patrick and I light the candles, our twins’ faces lighting up in delight as we carry the cakes out. The room bursts into cheers, and we all sing ‘Happy Birthday’ at the top of our lungs, the twins clapping along, eyes wide at the small flickering flames.

After we help them blow out the candles—Shannon needing a bit of a boost to get all of hers blown out—we dive into serving slices. Laughter and chatter fill the air, the party hitting its stride.

I stand back for a moment, soaking it all in. It’s still surreal to be recognized as a bit of a celeb in the New York food scene. A journalist from The New York Times is here, their camera clicking away. I agreed to their presence as long as they stayed back in the shadows, no interviews. I flash them my best smile, hoping I don’t look as frazzled as I feel.

Just then, Luca Amato makes his appearance, his presence dominating the room instantly. Despite our complicated history, he’s always had respect for Patrick, and that respect has extended to what Patrick and I have built. He clasps Patrick’s hand firmly, offers me a warm nod, and then bends down to ruffle the twins’ hair.

“Congrats on your success, Patrick, Allie. You’ve outdone yourselves,” he says, looking around. He doesn’t stay long, just long enough to drop off his gifts—a set of deluxe art supplies for the budding creatives, no doubt pricey and perfectly chosen.

As he leaves, I can’t help but chuckle. ‘Only at our kids’ party would New York’s culinary elite and possibly the city’s most notorious underground figure make an appearance,’ I whisper to Patrick, who gives me a look that says he’s thinking the exact same thing.

The atmosphere at Shannon and Sammy’s is buzzing with laughter and the clinking of glasses as family and friends celebrate. Just as the party hits its stride, Caleb and Amy walk in, looking every bit the glamorous New York couple.

“There they are! Fashionably late as always!” I call out, waving them over. Patrick, ever the gracious host, strides over with that big, warm smile of his.

“Good to see you guys,” Patrick says, clapping Caleb on the shoulder and giving Amy a polite nod. “Glad you could make it.”

Amy, with her sparkling eyes and easy smile, returns the greeting. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. These two munchkins are getting too big too fast!”

“We were just debating whether New York has ever seen a party thrown with such style,” Caleb adds, his eyes sparkling with humor as he takes in the festive decorations and bustling guests.

Patrick laughs, shaking his head. “Only the best for my kids and my incredible lady here,” he says, pulling me closer by the waist, making me blush with the pride glowing in his eyes.

Patrick’s face goes serious. “It means a lot that you’re here, kid. Not only today but how you’ve been here from the day these two were born.”

Caleb smiles warmly. “Happy to do it, Dad. And happy for you both.”

There’s a moment where the two take a second to appreciate everything that’s led up to now. Then Patrick and Caleb embrace, my heart warming at the sight.

“Anyway,” says Caleb as the hug breaks. “We should say hi to the kids.” They depart, Amy waving before taking Caleb’s hand.

As Caleb and Amy mingle into the crowd, I lean in toward Patrick, a mischievous smirk playing on my lips. “So, when do you think those two will tie the knot? They’ve been practically inseparable.”

Realizing what I’ve just said, my face heats up, and I glance up at Patrick, suddenly embarrassed. His expression softens, a thoughtful look replacing the amusement.

“Why don’t we head up to the roof for a minute, get some air,” he suggests, a mysterious twinkle in his eye that piques my curiosity.

Uncertain what he’s up to and slightly nervous, I nod, following him as we make our way from the clamor of the party to the quiet of the rooftop.

Up on the roof, New York unfolds before us in a gorgeous panorama of twinkling lights and the golden hues of sunset. I can’t help but think how perfectly the view matches the sparkle in Patrick’s eyes as he turns to me, a soft smile playing on his lips.

“Isn’t it beautiful up here?” he asks, his voice mingling with the hum of the city below.

“The view or the company?” I tease, bumping his shoulder gently with mine. But even as I play it cool, my heart skips a beat, sensing something big is about to unfold.

Patrick laughs, that deep, hearty sound that I love. He takes both of my hands in his, his gaze intense and full of emotion. “Both, but mostly the company,” he admits, and then his tone shifts to something more serious, more heartfelt.

“You know, Allie, these past few years with you and the kids have been the best of my life. Everything we’ve built together, not just this restaurant, but our home, our family … it’s more than I ever dreamed of.”

He pauses, and I can see him gathering his thoughts, his eyes never leaving mine. “And this place,” he gestures vaguely toward the ground floor, “Shannon and Sammy’s, it’s thriving because we are thriving.”

Then, with the city sprawling beneath us and the sky turning a fiery orange, Patrick drops to one knee, and my breath catches in my throat. He pulls out a small velvet box, flipping it open to reveal a dazzling ring that sparkles even under the fading light.

“Allie, will you marry me? Will you make me the happiest man in the world?”

Tears spring to my eyes, unexpected and warm. “Oh my God,” I gasp. “Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes!”

He slides the ring on my finger, a perfect fit, then stands to pull me into a deep, passionate kiss that seals our promise. “I love you so much,” he murmurs against my lips.

“I love you, too,” I whisper back, feeling like my heart might burst with joy.

Hand in hand, we head back downstairs to the party, our steps light and eager. As we reenter the bustling space of Shannon and Sammy’s, our friends and family turn toward us, their faces expectant.

“We’re getting married!” I announce, unable to keep the giddy excitement from my voice.

The room erupts into cheers and applause, and as Patrick wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close, I know that no matter what the future holds, we’ll face it together, stronger and more in love than ever.

And just like that, the night becomes a celebration of not just two little birthdays but the beginning of a new chapter in our lives I can’t wait to get started.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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