So This Is War

Chapter 3

He’s infuriatingly handsome.

Like stop-you-in-your-tracks, you-have-to-stare handsome.

And the gash above his eye just makes him that much more attractive.

I’ve pushed that one night to the back of my mind, almost to the point that I’ve completely forgotten about it until Dad told me I would be working for Levi Posey.

Then it all came flooding back with a vengeance.

The command in his hands.

The teasing but deep tone of his voice.

The way his lips controlled me.

The scruff of his five o’clock shadow.

If it wasn’t for spotting my dad across the dining space, I would know exactly what it feels like to have spent the night with Levi Posey.

And from the way my body reacts to him, I’d assume it wouldn’t have been a one-time thing. Nope, I would have kept going back.

So this, this right here, trying to act like that night meant nothing, is uncomfortable to say the least.

Painful actually.

Because even though it’s been months, the moment I sat next to him, all I could think about was how much I wanted him still. How much I want a do-over of that night.

But of course, this is my luck. Instead of giving in to temptation, I must avoid it because I need to prove to my dad that a career as a graphic artist is a possibility. That I don’t need to rely on him for help.

That I can make it on my own.

And getting mixed up with one of his players is not the way to do that.

But I will admit, if Levi has a bedroom to spare, I won’t pass that up either, given I have one week to find a place to live and not much in savings at the moment.

Levi studies me. “Yeah, so I truly think it’s best if you just stay where you are, and we can work out an arrangement with dropping things off at my place. Maybe we can fashion some sort of drop box.”

And he’s adorable.

Adorable when he’s clearly reaching for any reason I shouldn’t stay with him.

But that won’t be acceptable. He’s my only hope for housing.

“If I’m honest, I don’t currently have a place of residence,” I say.

His face softens as he asks, “You don’t?”

“Not at the moment. I was going to look for a place tomorrow, but I’m sure you live in a fancy area, right? I’d want to be close to you so I can help you out, but given my salary and savings, I’m not sure I can afford anywhere near you.”

He looks away from me and mutters something under his breath.

“What’s that?” I ask. “I didn’t catch what you said.”

He sighs heavily and then presses his fingers to his forehead as if working through a complex equation. After a few seconds of silence, he says, “I have this spare room meant for a nanny. I don’t use it. I don’t even bother with it, honestly. It has a separate entrance and is just a room with a bathroom. That’s it. It’s connected to my apartment, and you can use it until you find a place that works for you, but you can’t tell your dad.”

“Really? I can stay there?” I ask, relief washing through me. I don’t care if it’s a closet. It’s a roof over my head that I don’t have to pay for. I will take just about anything.

“Yes.” His eyes connect with mine. “But like I said, you can’t tell your dad. I’m not fucking kidding about that, okay?”

“I promise. I won’t say anything. Thank you, Levi. This is a huge weight off my shoulders. I really appreciate it.”

“Sure,” he begrudgingly says.

He might not be happy about it, but I am. Sorry to say, that’s all that matters to me.

“When can I move in? Tomorrow?”

His eyes flash to mine in surprise. “Uh, if you want.”

“That would be great. The sooner, the better.”

“But you’re not going to tell your dad, right? That I’m housing you?”

I tilt my head, studying him. “I told you I wouldn’t. Why are you so adamant about this?”

“Because,” he says, sitting taller. “I don’t want him thinking I’m, uh, taking advantage or anything.” Levi drums his fingers on his coffee cup, looking nervous and twitchy. After a few seconds of silence, he says, “Fuck, I’m just going to level with you, Wylie, okay?”

“That’s probably best since I’m going to be your assistant,” I reply.

He drags his hand over his face, looking pained. After a few seconds of mulling over his words, he starts with, “I just want to get this out in the open.”

“Probably best,” I say.

“I think the sooner we say it, the better.”

“Could not agree more.” I nod in approval.

“So I think if I just say it, then we can⁠—”

“Oh my God, Levi, just say it.” I laugh.

His Adam’s apple bobs as he nods. “Yeah, so, uh . . . we had an almost night together.”

“We did.” I can’t hide the smirk that appears because he is clearly distraught over this.

“If you hadn’t ditched me that evening, I would have taken you back to my room.”

“Yup, that’s where it was leading.”

He slowly nods and then looks me in the eyes. “And, uh, I would have fucked you.”

“Yes, and I would have allowed that to happen multiple times.”

“Multiple?” he asks, almost looking wounded.

“Oh yes. Multiple.”

He presses his fingers to his eyebrow and takes a few seconds to gather himself. When he’s ready, he says, “That being said”—he clears his throat—“I’m insanely attracted to you, and I’m not saying that as a pickup line. I’m putting it out there because I’m massively uncomfortable with this setup.”

“Okay,” I say, not expecting him to be so forthright. But also, oh my God! Levi Posey is insanely attracted to me. The feeling is mutual. But has he really given me more thought since our “almost night?” Yes, I’ve thought about him, but he’s a player. He’s probably had several nights with other women since then.

“And I need you to know that nothing will happen between us. What was in the past is in the past. We need to start on a fresh slate as if we don’t know each other.”

“Technically, we don’t know each other,” I say.

“I mean . . . know how, you know, how our lips, uh . . . kiss.”

I chuckle. “Ah, that we do know about each other. But it’s been long enough, you must have forgotten.”

He looks away and once again mumbles something under his breath. It’s cute, like he’s conversing with the angel and devil on his shoulder.

Wanting to ease his tension, I say, “You don’t need to worry about that night. I plan on being the epitome of a professional. This job means something to me, so I don’t plan on screwing it up because we had one night where we were very attracted to each other and kissed. Let’s just forget about it and move forward. Okay?”

“Yeah, that sounds good,” he says.

“Perfect.” I yawn as the late night’s getting to me. “Well, you must be tired, given you just played a game, and your eye must be hurting, so I’ll let you go.” I hand him my phone. “Put your number in here so I have a way to get in touch with you and vice versa.”

He plugs his number in my phone and sends himself a text. His phone beeps in his pocket, letting me know he has my number. When he hands me back my phone, I stand and say, “What’s a good time for me to come over tomorrow to go over all of your needs?”

He stands as well, and I can’t help but notice just how much larger he is than me. How much larger he is in person. I’ve spent the better part of a year watching him skate around the ice and slam men into the boards as if they weigh nothing, but seeing him in person and standing next to him, I realize all those games I watched did not do him justice.

“How about nine in the morning?”

“Nine?” I nearly shout only to realize that’s a normal, appropriate time for people to do work things. “I mean, sure, nine sounds great. Can I bring you anything?”

“No, I’m good. I’ll text you the address and show you to the nanny hole.”

I smile. “Sounds like a sex club, The Nanny Hole.”

“It’s definitely not a sex club,” he scoffs.

“Ooo, seems like you have experience in that area. Have you ever been to one?”

His eyes widen for a second before he shakes his head. “Uh, no.”

Ha. I’m going to take that as a yes.

My goodness. Levi Posey enjoying a sex club. That’s very interesting.


And definitely not something I should be thinking about.

Or asking about for that matter.

“Well, if you did, I wouldn’t judge you. I’ve been to a few. They’re fun.”

He pulls on the back of his neck, the muscles in his forearm straining. “Things I shouldn’t know,” he says, moving toward the door. “Okay, see you tomorrow at nine. I’ll text you my address.”

“Sounds good,” I say as he disappears out of the room.

Well, I think that went well. As well as it could have gone.

I have a job.

A place to live.

And what seems to be a pretty easygoing boss.

Dad thought this would be a challenge, but it’s seeming like anything but that.

Except for the glaringly obvious fact that my new boss is the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

“YOU’RE UP EARLY,” Dad says as he walks into the kitchen. I’m suckling at a cup of coffee, attempting to wake myself up. My class schedule had been fixed to have lectures later in the day along with some night classes for my graphic art, so this morning’s wake up is making me rethink this entire challenge from my dad.

“Just gearing up for my day of work,” I say. “Very excited to hit the ground running.”

“Should be,” Dad says as he moves over to the coffee and pours himself a cup. I made that all for me, but whatever. “Posey has been known to be hard to work with. Hence why he needed an assistant.”

I find that hard to believe, but then again, I guess I don’t know him the way my dad knows him.

“Well, I’m up for the challenge.”

“I hope so.” Dad leans against the counter. “I would hate to see you fail.”

Ha. I’m calling bullshit on that. I know my dad loves me, but this challenge, this one he’s hoping I don’t complete? He’s hoping more than anything for me to come crawling back to him, but to hell if I’ll let that happen.

“Well, no need to worry about that, big guy.” I elbow him. “I already have a place to stay, actually. I’m moving in today.”

He whips his head around to look at me. “Where?”

“Uptown. It’s a sublet,” I answer, not wanting to give him all the details, not that he needs them. “Lucked out, actually. I was asking around yesterday, and a friend had this sublet option, and I snatched it up. It’s an old nanny housing unit, so it’s not much, but hey, it’s something, right?”

“Yeah, that’s something,” he says while running his hand over his jaw.

“Anyway, I should probably head into the shower. I’m meeting Levi at nine to go over my responsibilities and expectations, and I don’t want to be late.”

“No, you don’t. Not sure he would appreciate you being late.”

“Which means I need to get going.” I set my coffee mug on the counter and stand on my toes to kiss my dad’s cheek. “Great game last night.”

And then I take off to my bedroom, where I plop down on my comfortable mattress, soaking in the last minutes of a Tempur-Pedic because I doubt the nanny hole will be anything luxurious. I grab my phone and text Sandie.

Wylie: Are you frothing at the mouth, wondering who my new boss is?

I texted her yesterday after my conversation with my dad, sharing everything that was going on, and she, for one, couldn’t believe my dad was being such a dick. And two, she was dying to know who the player would be.

Sandie: YES! I thought you were going to text me last night.

Wylie: I thought about it, but I didn’t want to wake you.

Sandie: For that kind of information, I would have risen from the dead.

Wylie: LOL. Good to know. So are you ready?

Sandie: Yes! Tell me. Stop prolonging it.

Wylie: Levi Posey.

Sandie: I knew it! I freaking knew it. It had to be him. OMG, did you meet with him yet? Did he recognize you?

Wylie: I did meet with him last night, and he recognized me immediately. You should have seen the ghostly pallor of his skin when I walked into the room. And then when we went to one of the media rooms to talk, he brought up that night. Had no problem telling me how attracted he is to me.

Sandie: Wow, now that’s refreshing. Did you climb on his lap and say thank you, let’s have a redo of that night?

Wylie: If only. He’s very adamant about keeping this professional, which I understand. And I want to do the same. Given my dad’s doubt in me, I truly want to show him that I can do this, no matter what obstacles he throws in front of me.

Sandie: What a shame. That kind of chemistry should be explored, not suppressed.

Wylie: Tell me about it, but I’m not about to risk anything, not when this could be a pathway to get my dad to understand where I’m coming from. That I can do this.

Sandie: Understandable. At least tell me he offered up his place to stay.

Wylie: He didn’t. I asked, and he was very hesitant at first, but then he told me about this nanny bedroom with a separate entry that he never uses. He said I could stay there, but I couldn’t tell my dad.

Sandie: That’s odd. Why wouldn’t you be able to tell your dad?

Wylie: I don’t know, but I took it. I don’t care where I live. I just want a place to sleep that’s not my dad’s place. And it can’t be any worse than the dorm we shared our first year.

Sandie: True! Nothing is worse than that cockroach-infested nightmare.

Wylie: Remember when we spent three hours on my bed, huddled together because there was a cockroach the size of a mouse under your bed, and we were afraid it would attack our feet if we got off the bed?

Sandie: That will forever be engrained in my memory. I still shiver just thinking about it. Hopefully, that won’t be the case with the nanny room.

Wylie: I’m referring to it as the Nanny Hole.

Sandie: Sounds like that one club we went to.

Wylie: That’s what I said to him, and you should have seen the sweat on his temple. I asked him if he’s ever been to a club like that, and he said no, but there was guilt written all over his face.

Sandie: Did you tell him you love a sex club?

Wylie: I told him I had been to a few, and that’s when he bolted.

Sandie: LOL. I’m guessing that’s not something he wanted to know about you.

Wylie: That much is obvious. Ugh . . . if only circumstances were different because I’d show that man such a good time.

Sandie: Instead, you get to fetch him coffee.

Wylie: Maybe I can do it topless.

Sandie: I’ll give you twenty bucks to do it topless.

Wylie: I would do it for five.

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