So This Is War

Chapter 20

“He violated the code of conduct,” Coach Wood yells, still not letting up.

“Unfortunately, Will, we don’t have a code of conduct regarding sharing relations with family members of staff or players,” Andie says, clearly wanting to be anywhere but in the middle of this.

“Then what the fuck am I supposed to do?” Coach Wood asks. “There has to be something. He was fucking my daughter in the team locker room.”

“Yes, and we’ll issue a warning for using team property in such a manner, but unfortunately, that’s all we can do.”

Coach Wood picks a mug off his table and slams it into the wall before sitting in his office chair. He stares at me in a menacing way. “I hate you,” he says. “I fucking hate you. I never should have trusted you in the first place. I should have known you were going to be a horny motherfucker and take advantage of my daughter.”

“Hold on a second,” I say. “I did not take advantage of her. Everything between us has been strictly consensual.”

“Really? Consensual? My daughter said that she loves you. There’s no way she came to that conclusion on her own. You’ve manipulated her.”

“I didn’t,” I say. “We just . . . we fell for each other. Is that too hard to believe?”

“Yes,” Coach Wood shouts as he stands again. “It is. You are not worthy of her. You’re a dumbass jock with a right hook. You’ve only been kept on this team because you’ve held your ground on the ice, taking the punches so other players, especially Hornsby, our leading defenseman, don’t have to. You’re overrated, and trust me when I say, I’ll do everything in my goddamn power to make sure you’re off this team.” With that, he charges out of his office and slams the door behind him.


I smooth my hand over my forehead and glance at Andie, who leans against the wall with her arms crossed.

After a few seconds of silence, she says, “Did you really have to go after his daughter?”

“There was an attraction there before I even knew she was the coach’s daughter. It was inevitable, Andie.”

She nods and pushes off the wall. “The team will fine you for having sex in the locker room.”

“I understand,” I say.

When she starts to walk away, I say, “Am I going to be kicked off the team?”

She looks over at me and shakes her head. “No, Levi, despite what Coach said in anger, you’re a valuable asset to this team. But I do suggest you find a way to calm down your coach because he’s going to make your life a living hell.”

And with that, she’s out of the office as well.

I lean back in my chair and pull my phone out of my pocket. I need help, and there’s only one place to look for it.

Levi: I need help. It’s bad . . . really bad. Meet me at Café Peppermint in half an hour.

“OH LOOK, HE GOT US DRINKS,” Silas says as he takes a seat in the private room I secured.

“Is it decaf?” Eli asks. “I won’t sleep if it’s caffeine.”

“It’s peppermint hot cocoa,” I say as Pacey, Halsey, and OC all sit down as well.

Halsey offers me a sympathetic look while taking one of the cups of hot cocoa.

“Is this going to be something dramatic?” Silas asks. “Because I don’t enjoy being pulled away from my girl.”

“Yeah, this better not be a bologna emergency,” Pacey says.

“Guys, I think it’s serious,” Halsey says, looking concerned.

They all look at Halsey.

“Do you know something?” Eli asks.

“Did he tell you something he didn’t tell us?” Silas asks.

“This hot cocoa is fantastic,” OC says after taking a sip.

“He told me just tonight, something he’s been holding in. I’m assuming what you called us here for has to do with that?” Halsey asks.

“Yes,” I say and let out a deep breath. “I, uh . . . I’m in love with Coach Wood’s daughter. And I mean that, actually in love, no bullshit, no joking.”

Their mouths fall open as they stare back at me.

“I thought maybe you were just fucking her,” Eli says. “But in love?”

“Yeah, I mean, it was obvious something was going on,” Silas says. “He’s had that stupid smile on his face for the past few weeks.”

“And he’s missed some dinners we’ve invited him to,” Pacey says.

“Is that why you haven’t been able to help me with Grace?” OC asks.

“I’ve been preoccupied.” I drag my hand through my hair. “To keep it short, Coach asked me to hire his daughter to teach her a lesson about what her life would look like if she left college. He virtually blackmailed me into it, and I followed along because, well, I didn’t feel like I had an option. She needed a place to stay, so I offered her the nanny bedroom in my apartment. One thing led to another, and despite trying to keep my feelings to myself—since she’s the girl I’ve been pining over for the last year⁠—”

“Wait, the girl you told me about, that’s Coach Wood’s daughter?” OC asks.

“Yes,” I say. “That’s her. And well, we fell for each other. And we’d been trying to figure out a way to tell Coach Wood but hadn’t. And then today, fuck.” I pinch my brow. “Wylie came home from a business trip where she was hired for this amazing opportunity, and in her excitement, came to the arena to find me. She found me in the shower, and well, we, uh, we started fucking in the locker room.”

“Jesus Christ,” Halsey murmurs.

“Fuck,” Silas says. “Did Coach Wood find you?”

I slowly nod, and all the guys mumble under their breath.

“Yeah, and it’s not good. He yelled at Wylie, said some pretty awful shit, then threatened to kick me off the team, bench me, trade me, everything under the fucking sun.”

“Can he do that?” OC asks.

I shake my head. “No, Andie was there thankfully, and she reassured me that I’d just be fined and issued a warning for having sex on the team’s property. But Coach Wood is fucking pissed, and he told me to my face that he hates me, and that . . . that I’m overrated, and the team doesn’t need me.”

“That’s not fucking true,” Pacey says. “Without you, so many more goals would get through the defense.”

“There’s no way in fuck you’re overrated,” Eli says. “He didn’t mean that.”

“I know,” I say. “Doesn’t mean it doesn’t sting, but I can get over that. I’m not sure Wylie will get over some of the things he said to her.” I shake my head. “I need to make this right, and I don’t know how.” I look up at the boys. “I need your help.”

Silence falls over the table for a moment, and surprisingly, Silas is the first one to speak up. “I know this is not a solution, but I do want to say I’m happy for you, man.”

“Same,” Eli says. “That’s what I was thinking. It’s about time you found someone.”

“I was going to say the same thing,” Pacey cuts in. “You’ve seemed really happy, and now that we know why, I don’t want this situation to freak you out. Don’t give up on Wylie or try to break up because you think it’s the right thing to do.”

“I couldn’t,” I say. “I wouldn’t do that to her. I just hope . . . fuck, I hope she doesn’t think the same thing, like to help me, she would break up.”

“If that happens, we’ll help you out,” Eli says. “Honestly, I’m shocked you didn’t include us when you started dating her.”

“Yeah, about that,” I say, knowing they won’t be happy about this. “I’ve actually been texting your significant others, and they’re the ones who helped me with Wylie.”

“What?” Pacey says.

“Wait,” Silas says, looking pissed. “Ollie knew about your relationship before I did?”

“Even Blakely?” Halsey asks, looking hurt.

“To be fair,” I say before Eli can say anything. “I told them not to say anything to you guys because I didn’t think your advice would be helpful.”

Eli crosses his arms over his chest. “What about the Frozen Fellas? Did that mean nothing to you?”

“It did. It’s why I called upon you now,” I say. “Because I knew that this was a different level. I don’t think the girls can help me with this. This requires insider information.” I blow out a heavy breath and say, “I think I need you to help me woo our coach.”

“Jesus Christ,” Silas says as he leans back in his chair.

“Not what I had in mind,” Pacey says.

“I’m still hurt that we weren’t good enough to help with Wylie,” Eli says.

“Honestly, I’m still shivering over the knowledge that Coach Wood caught you having sex with his daughter. Yikes,” OC adds.

“Guys,” Halsey says. “I don’t think we can joke around about this. I know Posey thinks that Andie has his back, but Coach Wood has pull, and as much as this bologna-loving asshole drives us nuts at times, we don’t want to lose him, so we do need to come up with a plan. And I don’t think wooing him is the way to go. I think it needs to be serious. We need to put our foot down.” He looks between us. “We’re his starting lineup. He fucks with one of us, he fucks with all of us.”

I slowly turn to Halsey and touch his hand. “Dude, my nipples just got hard.”

“Yeah . . . this is the guy you want to stick your neck out for,” Silas says while thumbing toward me. “Mr. Hard Nipples. Jesus.” He shakes his head and leans forward. “Okay, what are we going to do?”

IT’S REALLY FUCKING late by the time I get back to the apartment. So when I walk in and see that it’s dark, I’m not surprised, but I am surprised when Wylie’s not waiting for me in the bedroom.

Panic sets in, and I call out her name. When I don’t get a response, I set my phone down on the nightstand and head into the living room. I turn on the light, checking her chair, the couch . . . the kitchen.



I head to the nanny hole, open the door . . . and find Wylie lying on the bed, curled into her pillow.

“Wylie,” I say as I take a seat on the edge of her bed. “What are you doing over here?”

She looks at me with puffy eyes. “I thought . . . you weren’t coming home and⁠—”

I pull her onto my lap and scoot back against the wall, gently stroking her hair as I hold her in place. “I’m sorry it took me so long. I had to chat with the boys. Figure things out.”

“What do you mean?” she asks. “Are you off the team?”

I shake my head. “No. I have an iron-clad contract. Your dad has sway, but not that much sway.”

“So . . . what happened?”

“The GM issued a warning, and I’ll be fined, but that’s it. Your dad wants me gone, but like I said, that can’t happen.”

“What’s the fine? I’ll pay you back. This is all my fault.” Her eyes meet mine. “I’m sorry, Levi, and if you need to . . . take a break or whatever, I understand. I put you in a bad position⁠—”

“Stop,” I say, gripping her chin. “This is my fault too. I let it happen. It takes two to make that kind of mistake, so don’t blame yourself, and like I said earlier, I love you. I’m not going anywhere.”

“But if you want to⁠—”

“Do you want me to break this off?” My brow creases.

She nibbles on her bottom lip. “I’ve had some time to think, some time to wonder what’s going to happen to you, and I just feel, even though I don’t want this to happen, I feel like it might be better if we just . . . go our separate ways.”

“That’s not fucking happening,” I say. “No fucking way. That solves nothing other than making us miserable and prolonging the inevitable.”

“What’s the inevitable?” she asks.

“You and I being together. I told you, I found you, and now you’re stuck with me.” I bring her wrist to my lips and kiss the permanent bracelets. “I meant everything I said when I gave these to you. It’s you and me, babe. You’re not going anywhere.” To prove it, I scoot off the bed, keeping her in my arms. Surprised, she wraps her arms around my neck, as I carry her down the hallway, through the kitchen, and down another hallway to our bedroom where I lay her softly on the bed.

With one thing on my mind, I start undressing her, but she pauses me. “Levi, you don’t have to prove anything.”

“I’m not proving anything,” I say and then pull my shirt over my head. Her eyes move to my chest before going back up to my eyes. “I’m showing you how proud I am of you, Wylie.” I push down my pants and my briefs along with my socks. Then I move back to her and undress her. I have her naked in seconds, and I’m climbing onto the bed.

“But . . . what about my dad?”

“Let me worry about that,” I say as I crawl between her legs.

“Wait . . . Levi,” she says, worry in her gaze. “Please, I don’t want you to have to do this alone.”

“I’m not,” I say. “I have a plan. Now let me celebrate the fact that you’re fucking amazing, and you got the opportunity of a lifetime.”


“No buts, babe. What happened at the arena is done. It’s just you and me now, and that’s what I want you to focus on.”

I spread her legs and press my mouth against her pussy. She’s stiff for a moment, but when I start lapping at her, she relaxes in my arms.

That’s all I need right now . . . for her to relax. The rest will come.


DAD: Are you with him? Is that why you didn’t come home?

I stare at his text as I sit on the couch in the dark, not wanting to wake Levi. Last night, I let the events of everything fall to the back of my mind, but after he fell asleep, spooning me, I found it incredibly hard to stop thinking about the day’s events. They came roaring back, keeping me up, so finally, I gave up on trying to sleep and came out here, only to see the text from my dad.

Does he really think that I’m going to return to his house? I told him I wasn’t. I told him to send me the bill for my tuition. With what I’ll be making working for Patty Ford, I know that I can pay off those bills. It will take time, but I know I can.

Deciding to call instead of text, I dial his phone number and sink deeper into the couch as I wait for him to answer.

It’s past six, so he should be awake.

After three rings, he picks up. “Where are you?” he asks sternly into the phone.

Sighing, I say, “I’m at Levi’s place, Dad.”

“Wylie, I swear to God⁠—”

“What are you going to do?” I ask, remaining calm. “It’s not like you can ground me. Or cut me off. You already did that.”

“I’ll hurt him,” Dad says in a threatening voice. That would have shaken me to my core last night, but after talking with Levi, I know there really isn’t anything he can do.

“Dad, can I ask you something?”

“Is it if you can move back into my house? That shouldn’t be a question, that’s a demand on my part.”

Trying not to grow frustrated, I ask, “Why did Mom leave you?”

There’s silence.

Prolonged silence that would normally crack me, but I stay firm in wanting to dig deeper with my father.

Finally, he says, “We’re not talking about your mother. We’re talking about you.”

“But why?” I ask. “Why did she leave you? You’ve told me nothing about her.”

“Wylie, I don’t have time for this.”

“You don’t have time for your daughter?” I ask, my voice shaking. “I love you, Dad. I have loved you unconditionally ever since I can remember. I’ve looked up to you, I’ve followed you, I’ve listened, and I’ve honored you. But when it comes to our relationship, it can’t be one-sided. I can’t be the one always trying, always trying to connect. It goes both ways.”

“What are you talking about?” he says, growing angry. “Why do you think I’m so angry? It’s because I care.”

“But why does it matter if I date Levi?” I ask. “He’s a good guy. A sweet and caring guy. He’s supportive and⁠—”

“He’s not good enough for you.”

“To what standards?” I ask.

“To my standards,” he replies.

“And what standards are those? Do you not want me to find someone who makes me happy? Who will spend hours every night talking to me about my dreams? Who will support me rather than tear me down? Who will hold me and comfort me when my dad is being a dick, and who will celebrate me when I find a job? Would you rather him treat me like Gareth? The boy who cheated on me in high school that you ask about every once in a while. Would you rather me be with Brett, who I dated in college and who thought that partying was more important than me? Or would you rather I be with a man who is more like you, someone cold and unaffectionate? Someone I have to work to earn their love, because it isn’t handed over automatically.”

“That is not how I treat you.”

“Isn’t it, though?” I ask. “When was the last time you said you loved me? When was the last time you asked me out to dinner to just chat and see what I’m up to? When was the last time you gave me a gift that you put thought into, rather than a check at Christmas with a note that says to spend it wisely? You think that your overbearing parenting style is loving me, but it’s suffocating me. You’re not letting me be who I am, and . . . and you’re going to lose me, Dad.” Tears fill my eyes as my voice breaks. “You are going to lose me just like you lost Mom.”

And that right there makes him silent.

So I continue. “I don’t want that to happen. I want to build a relationship with you. I want to make you proud. I want you to look at me and not think how you can mold me to be the daughter you want, but rather celebrate me for my individuality. You’re making it hard to love you, Dad. You’re making it hard for me to want to keep trying. I think . . . I think the pain you cause me is worse than actually losing you.”

I hear him clear his throat before saying, “Well, if that’s how you feel⁠—”

“I don’t want to lose you, Dad,” I plead. “But you make it hard to stay.”

“Then maybe you should just . . . leave. Go your separate way.”

“Because I don’t want to,” I say. “I love⁠—”

But the phone goes dead. The hell? Did he hang up on me? My thoughts are confirmed when I look at the screen.

He hung up on me. Even when given the choice, he’s letting me go. No, he’s pushing me away.

“Then maybe, you should just . . . leave. Go your separate way.”

I drop my phone to the side and bury my head in my hands, letting my tears fall.

I don’t want to lose him.

I really don’t.

But I don’t think he’s giving me any other choice.

“Hey,” Levi says as he sits next to me, surprising me. He places his strong arm around my shoulders and holds me tightly. “Wylie, what’s going on?”

I turn toward him and press my head to his shoulder. “Just talked to my dad.” My voice shudders. “He . . . he thinks it’s best if he and I just part ways.” I wipe at my eyes as I take a few deep breaths. “I don’t get it, Levi. I’m trying. I don’t understand why he won’t try with me.”

“I don’t know either,” he says, “but I’m going to make it right.”

“This isn’t your fight,” I say to him.

“The fuck it’s not,” he replies. “You’re mine. Therefore your baggage and your battles are mine to shoulder.”

“It’s a lost cause.”

“It’s not,” he says with such confidence that I’m definitely shocked. “I’m going to make this right. The boys and I have a plan. Just let us work our magic.”

I pull away to look up at him. “Getting the boys involved, I don’t know if that is a good idea.”

“Trust me . . . it is.” He winks, scoops me up, and carries me back to the bedroom.

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