Chapter 20


Snow has retreated to the bedroom after I heard him ascend the stairs. I head up that way now, curling my fingers through my velvet royal purple dress. I keep my chin raised, and my confidence is also quite high.

I was no longer a child. I was a woman. I had a partner, a betrothed and whether he was cursed or not; I would be there for Snow.

That included speaking the truth and helping him overcome the monster.

I was going to break this curse tonight!

At the top of the stairs, I see our bedroom door is open and I feel a chill in the air. The winter air, and the fog curling out of the room by the floorboards is not impossible. There was blood magic here... the curse itself?

I drop my dress from my fists and I relax my hands at my sides, as I walk toward the chill.

I would not creep up or tippy toe either.

I make my presence known boldly as I stand in the doorway and I look in.

Snow is standing by a small window, it’s open and letting in the night air.

One hand is on the sill above him, the other hidden. He still wears his royal robes of a King – creamy white and gold.

He knows I’m here, and I wait for him to acknowledge me.

“Ellie. My hair used to be a pitch black,” Snow explains, even as he doesn’t turn to me, “…hair turns white with terror. I was a coward. I made all the wrong decisions.”

“You saved Faye’s life, but you lost your own in the process,” I respond with what I know.

Yet. The truth is I’m a lot happier now,” Snow must lie, as he still faces the open window, rather than I, “A lot happier. Ellie. Hearts are troublesome things. I think I’ll be glad never to feel again. I pity you, in fact, for caring so much.”

“…but I thought I inspired you, that I reminded you of what you were –”

“Oh, I’ve always been like this deep down, though” Snow turns to me now, smiling, “This is my best self – no one really knows that but I,” he twirls a Hunter’s dagger in one hand, around and around… and around. Confident. The kind of dagger to cut a heart out with.

Well, I thought I knew what I was doing…

Now I… I reconsider.

I suddenly feel the cold. I suddenly feel the foreboding death in this room. Snow is truly proud of his killer instincts. But that involved evil-doing. There was no mercy or understanding in a killer.

I take a step back, out of the room.

Now was clearly not the time.

Everyone’s warnings were probably correct –

“Come in here, Ellie,” Snow drawls to me, leaning back on the wall, looking at himself in the mirror, so he’s appearing nonchalant, “I’d like to speak with you further.”

“I’ve had a trying day, I’m bruised all over from the forest adventures we had, now I’m not so sure that –”

“You understand, what it means to be my lover,” Snow still watches himself, even as I shuffle back another step – suddenly terrified by this intense coldness. I’ve lost my tongue, as Snow suddenly stops twirling that dagger, and points the tip at my chest as he does face me, turning from the mirror. Though a whole thirty feet must separate us, I feel like the dagger brushes my skin, “Come in, close the door and take off that dress… obey, Ellie.”

He warned me.

Many times.

Now you bend.

Now there was no running… now there was no escape.

I wanted to undress for Snow with love. I did not want to undress in fear.

“Why is the window open?” I ask, instead.

“I like the cold,” Snow answers, quick.

“I don’t.”

And now Snow advances.

A different sense over comes me. My own killer instincts that I’ve been cursed with. I’m stepping in, towards the wall and his heavy sword. I yank it out, and oh boy, it’s heavy – but I feel my own Hunter’s strength ignite with Snow’s eye dead set upon my dress. He looks like he wants to shred it from my skin – or ruin it with that weapon of his.

“Now it is a fair confrontation –” I begin, “Do not approach me with a dagger, you brute!”

Snow swiftly pockets his dagger, behind him in his breeches, holding up his hands slowly, “I don’t need a dagger,” his tone drawls so quiet, so deadly. I stiffen further.

“You shouldn’t at all, is my point –”

“And the sword?” Snow leaps forward and kicks the weapon out of my hand. I cannot counter it – it’s out of my grasp and on the floor just like that, while Snow continues to advance into my space, speaking over me, “I taught you better than that Ellie, do you forget your lessons so quick?”

I’m frozen as Snow clasps my wrists and holds up my arms, out either side of me, completely controlling my movements. He was triple my size. How the hell was I supposed to fight this?

Snow could rip my limbs from my body if he pulled – he was enchanted with such strength.

Now that I am immobile, I’m trembling and tears are streaking down my face. At this point, Snow loosens his grip on my wrists a tad, and lets out an almighty exhale of his own.

“I told you, Ellie, to take the easy death –”

“Should I have?” I whisper quick, staring at his feet.

“Well you didn’t, so now you’re mine to play with however I want ; torture included if I so desire.”

But I love you.”

“I don’t love you,” Snow is so cruel.

It is at that point – a raven’s song comes calling back to me. Warning me; this would happen. That I would lose myself to his heart, I would be running in the forest with weapons, lips swollen from kisses too rough – even a tear from a bite that made my lip bleed. The raven sung to kill him – or this would be your fate. Always wanting. Never receiving – a fate perhaps worse than death.

Snow unclasps my wrists and even as I bring my arms in front of my dress, it’s a useless defence. He’s already snatched the front of my gown – and he starts tearing it apart at the seams.

I look up now, into Snow’s eye.

Ice cold blue, as he waits for me to scream.

“I can’t fight you,” I whisper.

“Speak up,” Snow murmurs, amused since he’s already mangled the top of it, now man handling my arms through the sleeves. He starts on the middle, ignoring my attempts to grab his wrists and shove him away. He ruins the stitching, opening the waist so that the dress floats past my legs and hits the floor.

I’m naked that quick, aside from the thinnest garter around my hips that I wore to surprise him later. Bastard.

I didn’t know this is how our night would ensue.

I cover my breasts with my arms, and he just yanks them back apart to see me again, showing me my vulnerable strength, compared to his.

“Have you satisfied your heartless and sadistic side yet, Snow?” I ask, my voice wobbles but with anger. Now that I am exposed, yet not loved. His eyes simply rake over me cruelly.

“You wore that for me?” Snow asks, a little shocked by the garter. He stares at it for a good while, and then he stares up at me, “I like that. A lot. Ellie,” with my name spoken, Snow wraps a strong arm around my waist and hauls me up over his shoulder, taking me to the bed.

Each movement somehow, naturally, avoids my bruises, and he drops me on the bed, facing away from him, exactly like last time.

Snow wraps one hand through my hair, and keeps me still on my knees as he undresses with his other hand. I know he will need two hands eventually, and when he does, he is quick to press me down, jumping on the bed and standing over me as he takes off the rest of his clothes.

I look over my shoulder and Snow seems a tiny bit more relaxed – even the dagger falls out and clangs to the floor boards carelessly.

Of course, Snow leans down and retrieves it quickly, and I’m shocked to see him throw it in front of me. I try to grasp it, now that he’s naked – but he drops down and smacks his hands over mine, so the tips of my fingers are so close to the weapon… but not close enough.

“I’ll leave that there, Ellie,” Snow murmurs the game into my ear, as his whole body heats mine to boiling point. I should be furious – but I’m starting to melt instead. I try to close my eyes to ignore my own lust, but Snow’s weight, and his strength, and his heat – is doing the opposite, “Fairness. If you can fight me off, you’re free to go,” Snow leans up, brings both arms behind my back, then holds both wrists with one hand. I hate it when he does that so easy. The other hand smacks my ass – so hard I gasp out air and Snow does it again, just to hear me whimper next.

“Every night; for the rest of your life,” Snow repeats his threat from the first time, “…hmmm…” Snow is gently rocking his cock into my cheeks, thinking about fucking me, “I said I’d use your ass if you disobeyed me… you’ve been defiant, haven’t you, Ellie?”

Oh, no.

I hold my breath, as I feel Snow edging in closer, his cock head lining up and kissing my second, unused hole. I was practically a virgin a second time round if –

“Hmmm…” Snow considers it.

I feel like begging will make him definitely use my ass. So, I say nothing.

“…hmmm… answer me.


“Have you been defiant, Ellie? You know I own you entirely now. You’re mine... aren’t you?”

Fuck it, “Yes,” I answer.

Smack. Snow lands his palm on my ass again, and then he clenches it while I bury my face into the sheets and hide my noises of pleasure and fear, both mixed together.

“Then I’ll use your pussy, since you admitted your wrong,” Snow murmurs and slips his cock down – and we both hear the wetness as he slips it forward, into the growing cream.

There is no warning after that.

Snow takes my pussy, and holds my wrists tight – while his free hand smacks my ass whenever he pleases.

I don’t want to look back to see his smile, so I close my eyes and I bite the sheets as my body relishes in the building pleasure with every single deep thrust. Snow isn’t soft or super rough, but certainly and perfectly in between. He’s rough just enough, and pushes me just enough to the edge that the pain almost becomes a reality, and then he’s pulling out and slamming back in, pulling out again before it escalates to plain torture – while using me at his will.

Snow says nothing now as he fucks me down – every thrust remains perfectly timed with the last.

I realise after some time, he is fucking me rather slow – at least, his version of slow.

He wants it to last.

Even when I’m going to cum, I’m withholding my end, but Snow isn’t fazed about my attempt to stop myself.

A few more excruciating minutes of resistance later and my bodies response is uncontrollable. I hide my screams of pleasure into the sheets, while Snow speeds up a bit, then retains another set pace, just a bit faster, taking me through my first orgasm for the night.

“Can’t think straight?” Snow whispers, quite amused, “I know how to punish you with your pussy too, Ellie. You idiot.”

“– o, no, n – no, too – too m-much –!” I try to respond, but Snow smacks my ass and I quickly fall silent, my body can’t take it – but I can’t crawl away either. I’m immobile as he continues to fuck me at his pace.

Snow doesn’t care.

The second time I cum, later on, Snow isn’t even done then. He prolongs my torture through pleasure as long as possible.

“Please,” I resort to begging, “Please just cum already – I’m done now, Snow.”

“That’s not a protest worth listening to,” Snow is offended, “…pathetic, Ellie.”

He thrusts a bit harder, and smacks my ass repeatedly with his palm, so I know there is going to be bruises if he doesn’t stop already.

“Please, Snow, please!” I scream louder, on repeat, “Please, please, PLEASE. Cum inside me, please, just, I beg you, have mercy – please. Snow,” I hiccup on a breath, a continuous whimper destroying my ability to speak; at this point, Snow hears me break.

Finally, Snow is satisfied enough to start unleashing his own strength – but my insides are so used already, I’m a mess as he fucks me as hard as he can, to release his seed into my body.

Every thrust forces me higher – and higher.

As I peak a third time – I feel my brain melt, along with my muscles after they contract and squeeze, over and over, ripples of my muscles attempting to milk him successfully.

Snow empties himself with a deep groan of release, filling my womb.

When he pulls out, I feel the hot sticky mess left behind. Snow jumps off me, seconds after pulling out of my body.

I can’t even move my neck, I’m so spent.

I’m so tired.

I don’t know where Snow has gone, but I feel he isn’t far.

I’m crying quietly into the bed, from the passing of extreme pleasure – and everything else that was overwhelming with him.

That’s when Snow comes forward, to the sound of my crying and he turns my head for me, with a strangely gentle hand.

Before I know what’s happening, he’s kissing me deeply. I open my mouth – and he takes me, easily leading the kiss, his tongue swiping into my mouth, tasting all of my cries, pleasure and wants.

When Snow breaks the kiss, his nose is still touching mine, “I was just really fucking horny – I need to fuck you Ellie. All the time. Do you understand me?”

“…oh… you… were… just… really… really… really… horny…?” I whisper, struggling to find the right response.

Snow smiles, even as he uses a harsh tone, “I said, do you understand?”

“Yes,” I whisper, “I understand.”

“Then we might have a beautiful future yet, if you can handle me,” Snow actually sounds hopeful in this moment. I smile and he brushes my hair off my head, and he kisses my forehead once before he heads off to clean up. So strong in his strides after all that – damn him. I had to be very strong – or I might just suffocate from the ravishment and the savagery that was Snowred.

I fall asleep rather peacefully in that same position on my stomach, truly knowing our future does have potential to be beautiful.

That being said, it might be a little easier if my lover had a kingdom to unleash his monstrous and never ending energy upon, as a monarch, a leader, a King. Taking the full brunt of Snowred right now, was just a little bit inconsolable to my pussy... and my entire body.

I needed to find a way to exhaust his beastly side.

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