Snatched A Billionaire To Be My Husband by Shabi's pen

Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046 I Only Want You Hayden shook his head, then looked at the cold
moonlight in the sky. “Actually, liking someone is not because of how perfect she
is. She is the only one in my heart, and I want to see her when I wake up every
day.” Hayden persuaded Maura earnestly, saying, “Maura, you will meet such a
man one day. He will wish to give you the best in the world every day. But that
person is not me. Do you understand?” But Maura said, “I don’t want anyone
else! I only want you! Hayden, I only want you!” Others thought Hayden chose
Maura. But in fact, Maura had a crush on him many years ago. When Hayden
and the Gollust family said that they wanted to make connections with the
Chambers family through marriage, Maura was very excited. So even after
Donny investigated and told her that Hayden's first love still stayed with him, and
the relationship between the two was ambiguous, Maura still agreed to be
engaged to Chapter 1046 I Only Want You Hayden. Although she found out
Hayden had a relationship with Freya after she got engaged, she didn’t show
anything. She thought she had enough time to win Hayden's attention.
Unexpectedly, before her happiness started, Hayden stopped But Maura knew
that Hayden was determined to leave her today. It would be futile to continue the
conversation. “You'll regret what you did to me today!” Maura said this and left
quickly. Hayden thought Maura figured it out, so he didn't think too much and
went back to the Mcbride House. At this time, Duncan and Maeve were in the
living room. Freya lowered her head with a guilty look. Hayden quickly explained
the matter between him and Maura to them, “It's not Freya's fault. I don’t want to
let her go.” He said and tried to hold Freya's hand, but Freya pushed him away,
so he tried again until Freya no longer broke free from Chapter 1046 I Only Want
You his hand. Freya's parents didn’t speak during that process. Seeing Hayden
hold Freya's hand, Duncan finally spoke. “Hayden, we'll talk about your
relationship with Freya after you have settled those matters.” “But...” Hayden
was worried that Duncan didn’t want him to be with Freya anymore. But Duncan
said, “You'd better solve those things first. Otherwise, the outsiders will discuss
Freya. I don’t want my daughter to be called a mistress.” Hayden wanted to say
something more, but he knew Duncan and Maeve Mcbride couldn't accept
Maura’s relationship with him. In the end, he could only say, “Well. I'll go home
tomorrow and solve these matters.” Duncan and Maeve's mood was ups and
downs today. They were tired and soon went back to their room to sleep. Hayden
hurriedly followed Freya back to her room as soon as they left. Chapter 1046 I
Only Want You “Freya, are you still angry with me? Don't be angry, okay? I'll
come back to you as soon as I settle these matters.” He hugged Freya from
behind. But Freya said, “If I got angry with you every day, I would have died of
anger. I was sad and self~condemned. I caused my parents to suffer these
rumors.” Hayden turned Freya to look at him and said, “Freya, I promise you.
After I settle everything well, I won't let such a thing happen again.” He
continued, “I suddenly had an idea after I saw the fish raised by your father in the
past two days. I plan to build an ecological farm in this village and sell the wheat
and fish to other cities.” That night, Hayden hugged Freya and didn’t do anything.
He said many things, including the matters he would deal with and his plans for
his career.

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