Smoke Bomb (Smoke Series Book 3)

Smoke Bomb: Part 2 – Chapter 25


Trying not to think about Ray-Ray with Huck all day and what Huck’s last comment had been before he walked out of the bathroom this morning meant I was focused on deep-cleaning things. I had even gone down to Huck’s bedroom and taken the bedding to wash again. My thoughts kept going from, When can I leave this place and get my life back? to, How will I leave this place and let Huck go? Stupid sex. It messed everything up.

I was in the kitchen when the chime I’d finally figured out meant someone had come through the security gate went off. It was time for the guys to be coming home. They rarely arrived at the same time unless they were working together. I’d learned to have dinner ready by seven. They would eat when they were ready.

The door to the garage opened, and I expected it to be Gage. He was always hungry and normally the first to arrive to all meals. However, Huck walked in alone with a shopping bag in one hand and a box in the other. My gaze dropped to the bag, and although I had never shopped at designer stores, I could tell that bag was from somewhere expensive. It had a fancy look to it.

He lifted the bag and set it on the counter, then laid the long white box down beside it.

“Here,” he said.

I looked from the bag and box back to him. “What?” I asked.

I realized Huck looked uncomfortable. It was a strange look for him. I was curious now.

He waved his hand at the items on the counter. “This. Take it upstairs. Maddy sent it.”

Why was Maddy sending me things?

I shook my head, confused. “I don’t understand.”

Huck walked around the counter and closed the distance between us, then grabbed my chin between his thumb and finger. “You were right. I don’t want you fucking anyone else, and I don’t want you going anywhere with someone else. Until we’ve got this out of our systems, then it’s exclusive. And that’s your dress, shoes, and jewelry for the party at the ranch on Friday night.”

Butterflies—wild, crazy, fluttering butterflies—were inside my stomach and chest. That was all it took for him to make me forgive everything. I was too easy.

“Ray-Ray has been transferred to another shop. She’s not going to be at mine anymore.”

I stared at him, wanting to throw my arms around him and bury my face in his neck. I wouldn’t dare do it, but I wanted to. I had expected him to forget what I’d said this morning. Not for him to do this.

“Trinity,” he said.


“Are you done with dinner?”


He grabbed my hips and spun me around. “To my room. I need to fuck.”

My body tingled with anticipation. I looked back at him over my shoulder. “Before we do that, I want to do something else.”

He frowned. “What?”

Smiling, I licked my bottom lip. “Suck your cock.”

“Fucking hell, you’re gonna kill me. Go. Now. Before I shove you to your knees right here.”

The rest of the week, I spent my nights in Huck’s bed. If I let myself, I could pretend this was forever, that the happiness I was feeling wouldn’t end. However, I tried hard to keep reminding myself that Huck would tire of me soon. These things I felt for him, I couldn’t help. I was attached even though he’d told me not to be. I craved affection from him, and that was bad. I’d been deprived of affection and attachments my entire life. The little affection I’d gotten from Hayes was nothing compared to what I received from Huck. Although Hayes had loved me. That was something I couldn’t make sense of.

Tonight, I would see Maddy again, and I hoped we’d get a moment alone. She was the only female friend I had to talk to. The cocktail party at the big house was Garrett’s celebration victory for all the wins that Hughes Farm had walked away with at the Kentucky Derby.

The dress, shoes, and jewelry she’d chosen for me had taken my breath away. I’d never worn anything like this in my life. Thankfully, Maddy had a good eye for size. The dress fit perfectly. It wasn’t too revealing, but I felt sexy in it. The pink satin material shimmered in the light. It wasn’t low-cut exactly, but my boobs didn’t cover up easily. The back was bare, except for the thin crisscross straps. I hadn’t been sure I was going to be able to walk in the heels, but surprisingly, I had done just fine when I tested them out.

Looking at myself one last time in the mirror, I touched the necklace. That was my only concern. That this was real. The diamonds weren’t big, but it was still a lot of diamonds. I didn’t want to consider what it was worth if they were real.

I had never spent much time styling my hair. I had used a curling iron I’d found in the bathroom closet, but that was it. It was going to have to hang down. This was the best I could do. Although I knew that I simply wanted to please Huck, I was also aware that it was silly. Sure, I was going as his date, but this wasn’t the kind of date that led to something more. It would lead to us having sex tonight. That was it. I was just thankful it was me going with him and not Ray-Ray.

A cocktail party with wealthy, powerful people at the home of a Mafia boss. I laughed at my reflection. What a crazy turn my life had taken. I tucked my phone and lip gloss into a small silver purse I’d found in the closet.

My nerves began to multiply among themselves as I walked down the stairs and toward the voices in the living room. Huck, Gage, Levi, and I were riding to the ranch together. When I’d asked Gage and Levi about their dates, both had smiled and informed me they’d let me know before the night was over. Which meant they intended to find a female at the party and leave with her. That would have been Huck’s plan, too, if it wasn’t for me. I shoved that thought aside, not wanting to think about it. Not right now.

I didn’t speak when I entered the room. Simply because I couldn’t. Huck was in a tuxedo. There was nothing that could have prepared me for that sight. I felt breathless, just looking at him. Gage and Levi were also in tuxedos, and they looked nice too. Gage was wearing a cowboy hat with his, which made me smile. They were all attractive men. Huck, however, stood out. His presence commanded attention.

Gage noticed me first, and the appreciative gleam in his eyes made me want to sigh in relief.

“Damn,” he drawled.

It was then that Huck looked from his phone, and his gaze locked on me.

I saw his jaw clench as his eyes traveled down my body. I held my breath when his eyes finally met mine again. I licked my lips nervously. He needed to say something. Anything.

“Holy shit,” Levi said, walking up behind him.

I didn’t look away from Huck. I needed his reassurance. It was pathetic, but I did. Unfortunately, he was the only man whose opinion I cared about.

Finally, he stepped toward me and held out his hand. “Ready?” he asked.

The disappointment sank like a lead weight in my stomach. I walked over to him and took his hand. I still held on to a shred of hope that he would say something. We all walked to the garage. Gage in front, us, then Levi. No one said anything, and the silence was deafening.

I started thinking about my reflection in the mirror. I’d thought I looked nice. Maybe even pretty. The dress had given me confidence. Huck hadn’t been impressed though. Or maybe he just didn’t do compliments.

Gage climbed into the driver’s seat, and Levi went over to sit in the passenger seat. Huck opened the back door and held my hand, helping me up in the heels I was wearing. I sat down and slid over, leaving plenty of room for him. Also because I needed some space. My self-esteem had taken a bit of a blow, and I needed to nurse it for a moment before walking into this land of the wealthy.

Huck didn’t leave space between us when he climbed in. His leg was pressed against mine, and he rested his hand on my thigh. I stared down at it, then glanced up at him. Why couldn’t I just ask him what he thought of the dress? Or how I looked? We might just be having sex, but I could still ask him what he thought. I wanted to tell him how handsome he was, but I couldn’t seem to get the words out. I inhaled the hint of spice and cigar. It made me want to crawl in his lap and bury my face in his neck.

I didn’t do that, of course, but I fantasized about it while I stared out the window. His hand tightened on my leg as we pulled through the security gate and onto the road.

Gage and Levi were discussing someone I didn’t know who would be there tonight. Garrett didn’t trust him, and they were to keep their eyes on him. They made a joke about a silencer, but Huck said nothing. He continued to hold on to my thigh with a firm grip. As if I were going to jump out of the moving vehicle.

I stared at his hand on my thigh, and for the life of me, I couldn’t think of a way to ask him what he thought of my dress or how I looked. Everything sounded like I was begging for approval, and I was not going to do that. I might plead with him when he was inside of me, but that was different.

Gage asked Huck something about a deal, and Huck said it would be finalized on Monday. Other than that, nothing else was discussed. When we pulled under the entrance to Hughes Farm, I gasped. Twinkling white lights were everywhere. I sat up and looked out the front window, taking in everything. The entire mansion was lit up. It was breathtaking. Smiling, I glanced back at Huck and found him watching me.

“It looks magical,” I said.

He only nodded, but his gaze stayed locked on mine.

Gage pulled the car to a stop in front of the house, and a man opened his door. I realized this was a valet parking situation when Huck stepped out and held his hand out to me. Outside of the car, it was even more incredible. Huck placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked up the path of fairy lights to the front door. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever experience anything like this again, so I took in every detail.

“Does he always go all out like this?” I asked Huck.

“Hughes goes all out for everything,” was his response, and then he took my hand and tucked it in the crook of his arm as we climbed the stairs.

“The guests tonight, do they all know what he is … what you all are?” I asked.

The entire group went silent. Huck stared at me. Was that something I wasn’t supposed to ask?

“What do you mean?” he asked me.

I shrugged. “Exactly what I asked. Do they all know Garrett is the boss and you’re”—I waved a hand toward them—“the Mafia?”

“Shit,” Gage muttered under his breath.

Huck’s hand fisted. “You been snooping, Trinity?” His tone was hard.

I realized then that he had never told me. “No. Maddy told me when I stayed with her. I live with y’all. Even if she hadn’t, don’t you think I would have figured it out eventually?”

Huck’s hand relaxed, and he nodded. “I wasn’t aware Maddy had spoken to you about it.”

The front door swung open, and we walked inside. This was my first time inside the mansion, and in awe, I paused for a moment. Marble floor and a massive staircase that curled around, going up more than one floor. The chandelier that hung in the entrance was opulent.

“Mr. Kingston,” the man at the door greeted Huck, then turned to the others as they entered.

Huck walked us under the chandelier and through a large arched doorway. We made another turn and then went down a few steps before walking out the two open double doors leading out onto a terrace that overlooked an elaborate garden. There wasn’t a tree or bush that wasn’t twinkling. Music played as people mingled with drinks in their hands.

To the right was a dance floor, and a live band sat off to the left of it. Tuxedo-clad men in cowboy hats and boots and beautiful women draped in expensive jewelry filled the area, making me feel more out of place than I had ever felt in my life.

An older man with a white beard raised his hand in greeting when he saw Huck. “Just the man I wanted to see. Garrett doesn’t share you, and I need help with a problem thoroughbred that has excellent bloodlines.”

Huck led us over to the older man, who was standing with a younger woman. The woman was currently ogling Huck. She was gorgeous and sophisticated. Her blonde hair was styled in an upswept hairdo, leaving her neck and shoulders bare. Her lean body allowed her to wear the kind of dress I could never get away with. It was so low-cut in the front that it almost went to her navel. She had no worries about her boobs breaking free. They were small and perky. Must be nice.

“Judas,” Huck replied with a nod of his head. “I’d be happy to help, but you know Garrett must agree.”

Judas chuckled as if that were funny. “Of course,” he agreed, and then his eyes went to me. “Who is this stunning beauty?”

“Trinity Bennett,” he said. “Trinity, this is Judas Aiken and his wife, Iris. They’re old family friends of the Hugheses’.”

Oh, wow, this man could be her father, and they were married.

“I’m shocked to see you with a date,” Iris piped in with a smirk on her red lips. “You normally leave with a couple on your arms.”

Neither Huck nor Judas responded to that comment.

Judas looked back to Huck. “I hear you’re breaking a mustang for Blaise.”

I tried to stay focused on the conversation. I knew very little about horses, so it was hard to follow. Another lady walked up, and Iris began talking to her. I could feel their gazes on me and hear their hushed tones. Even with the dress, shoes, and jewelry Maddy had sent me, it was clear I didn’t fit into this world. I should have tried harder to do something with my hair.

“Let’s go get a drink,” Huck said to me, and I realized he was done talking to Judas.

Relieved that was over, I went with him to the bar that was set up under a tree with pink blooms.

Huck ordered for us, and I was thankful I hadn’t had to tell him something I wanted. When he handed me a glass of champagne, I quickly took a drink, hoping to calm my nerves. I felt him watching me, and I met his gaze.

“Liquid courage,” I said with a smile.

The corner of his lips curled up as he took the glass with dark amber liquid in it from the bartender. “This isn’t my thing either. Part of the business though,” he said, then took a drink.

“Is Garrett married to a woman half his age?” I asked, wondering if that was a thing among these men. I didn’t see one older lady in attendance, but there were plenty of older men.

Huck chuckled. “Currently, Garrett isn’t married. He’s had a few wives over the years. Trev and Blaise don’t have the same mother. But Garrett doesn’t exactly look old. He might be forty-eight years old, but he could pass for late thirties. Even if he wasn’t wealthy and powerful, women would be attracted to him. The Hugheses have good genes.”

I wondered how many ex-wives Garrett Hughes had. I couldn’t imagine being married to a man like him was easy. My thoughts went to Maddy and Cree. I hoped that her future wasn’t going to be similar.

“The boys stayed with their dad then? They didn’t go with their mothers?”

Huck took a drink. “Males born into the family don’t leave their fathers. They’re the next generation. Females often go with their moms, but even when divorce happens, they are still guarded.”

Guarded? What did that mean exactly? I started to ask, but I stopped myself. I hadn’t witnessed Blaise with Maddy, but she seemed secure in her marriage. I couldn’t imagine a man not wanting her. Did she fear losing Cree if that day came?

“What about Hayes?” I asked. He’d left the family.

Huck tensed at the mention of his brother, and I instantly wished I hadn’t brought it up.

“Our parents were dead. Different situation,” he said. Huck nodded his head toward two men. “Garrett needs me. Walk around, explore. I’ll find you later.”

He was leaving me alone? I opened my mouth, but Huck was already striding away.

It was clear which one was Garrett Hughes. It wasn’t the fact that he was very handsome. As in movie-star attractive. That aside, power seemed to radiate from him. It was as if his mere presence demanded respect. Was Blaise like that? Trev definitely was not. He was easy to be around. He made me laugh. Nothing about Trev Hughes was like the man Huck was now speaking to.

Garrett turned to walk back toward the house, and Huck followed him, along with the other man. I felt lost. Glancing around, looking for a familiar face, I took several more sips of my drink.

“We’ve not been introduced,” a male voice said to my right.

I spun around, startled to see a very clean-cut, tattoo-free, shaven blond man smiling at me. He had no rough edges, much like Trev. He could have been a former frat boy. Privilege and money oozed from him.

“Uh, no, we haven’t,” I replied, forcing a smile.

He held out his hand. “Jasper Dillard,” he said. “Hughes Farm boards our thoroughbred horses.”

I slipped my hand into his. “Trinity Bennett,” I replied.

“Are you just here as a date? Or do you have a connection to the Hughes family?” he asked.

We shook hands, and I pulled mine free, although he’d tried to hold it a moment longer than was necessary.

“A date,” I replied, not sure how to explain how I was connected to the family. Did I say my fiancé had been a Kingston or that I cooked and cleaned for three of Garrett’s men or that I was fucking Huck Kingston? Yeah, I wasn’t going to get into any of that.

“Huck, correct? I saw you with him when you arrived. You’re hard to miss.” Jasper was flirting.

“Yes,” I replied and took another sip of my champagne.

“Since it seems he’s occupied, would you do me the honor of a dance?”

Oh crap. What did I do here? Was I supposed to accept this or turn him down?

A hand touched my waist, and I turned my head, expecting to see Huck, but instead, Trev stood there with his charming smile aimed at Jasper.

“I’ve been looking for you,” he said to me. “I see you’ve met Jasper.”

Jasper’s gaze was now on Trev, and I could see the confusion in his expression. I’d arrived with Huck, but now, Trev was acting as if I belonged with him.

“Yes, she was alone, and I hated to see a beautiful woman standing all by herself,” Jasper replied.

Trev looked at me and winked. “She’s not alone, I promise. It was good to see you, Jasper. Have some of the punch. It’s got an extra kick,” Trev said. Then, with his hand on my back, he led me away from Jasper.

“Punch? Is there really punch here?” I asked. This did not seem like the type of event that would have punch.

“Fuck no,” Trev replied with a smirk. “Jasper thinks he’s more important than he is. His father is new money. Bought into an internet business that ended up exploding about six years ago. They purchased some thoroughbreds from us and pretend to know what the fuck they are doing on the track. They’re also not in the realm of the know when it comes to the family. To them, we are a successful racehorse farm. Nothing more.”

Interesting. I would have thought everyone here knew.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked Trev as we walked away from the main party.

The veranda wrapped around the massive home, and soon, we were out of the twinkling lights.

“To the better party,” he said, leaning down near my ear.

“Better party?” I asked, curious.

A waterfall was the first thing I noticed, but as we got closer, I realized the waterfall was the focal point of a pool. Not just any pool, but one that belonged on some tropical island resort. There was music playing back here, too, but it was over a speaker system, and it was current hits. I looked around and noticed this was a younger crowd. They were dressed just as elegantly, and there was a bar set up back here too. Along with servers walking around with fancy finger foods on their trays.

“That shit back there is torture. I show face throughout the party to keep my father happy, but he allows me to hold my own party back here. Many of them have parents at the stuffy shit that you were being forced to endure, but some are just my friends.”

Huck wouldn’t know where to find me back here. I didn’t want to go back to the other party alone, but I was torn. What if he returned and I wasn’t there?

“As much fun as this seems, I should probably go back to the other party. Huck went inside with your father, but when he returns and can’t find me …” I shrugged.

Trev smirked. “Teach his ass right to leave you to the likes of Jasper fucking Dillard.”

“Maybe, but your dad is his boss,” I pointed out.

He rolled his eyes and sighed. “Fine. I’ll go back with you if you want me to. Protect you from the Jaspers until Huck returns.”

He had at least fifty guests back here. It would be selfish of me to ask that of him, although it would make it so much easier on me.

I shook my head. “No, that’s okay. I’ll be fine. Thank you though. I wish I could stay.”

Trev leaned down and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “I’ll check on you later,” he assured me.

I turned and headed back toward the path we’d taken. For a moment, I was alone and could prepare myself to walk back into the intimidating crowd. Hopefully, Huck was back, and I wouldn’t be expected to mingle alone. Maybe Maddy had arrived by now. That would make this enjoyable.

Turning the corner back into the world of twinkling lights and live music, I scanned the crowd for a familiar face. My champagne glass was empty, and I started for the bar when a server walked by with a tray of filled flutes. I exchanged my empty one for a new one, then took a sip while watching the intimidating strangers.

“It is you. When I saw you earlier, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Now, tell me how the fuck you managed to get invited to a party like this one?”

There were moments in life that surprised you. Some were good. Some were painful. Then, there were others that reached inside you and twisted until you couldn’t breathe. It was a level of horror that was hard to put into words.

The latter was one of those moments. Bile rose in my throat, and I had to grip the flute in my hands to keep from dropping it. I was unable to move. If I turned my head even slightly, I’d see him. I was afraid of my reaction if I had to look at that face. For six months, I’d lived in that house, and he’d never come around. My father’s death and Hayes’s death, I’d escaped his return. Tabitha loved to tell people he was unable to be there because he was currently in Guatemala or Honduras with a medical mission’s team. When, in truth, Roy Hayley had never once done anything for someone else out of the goodness of his heart. Vile people didn’t go on mission trips.

“What? No hello for your brother?” he asked.

“Why are you here?” I asked through clenched teeth, refusing to look at the monster in my nightmares.

The evil in his laugh made me cringe. “Because I know the right people. Make the connections. With a face like mine, you can work your way into anywhere.”

I wanted to throw up all the champagne in my stomach. Preferably on his feet.

“The real question is, how did you get into an event such as this? I can’t imagine after the death of your minister fiancé that you stepped up in the world.”

I looked around, needing to find someone. Anyone to get me out of here. I should have stayed with Trev. Why was he here? Roy wasn’t wealthy. He had barely finished college.

His fingers wrapped around my arm, and panic began to claw at me with talons I knew would eventually pull me under. I had to escape. I had to get away. I felt my throat closing, as if he were literally choking me as I stood here.

I moved quickly, jerking my arm from his hold, and then turned and ran for the entrance into the house. I didn’t care if anyone saw me. Nothing mattered but finding somewhere safe to hide. The glass in my hand slipped, and I heard it shatter, but I didn’t stop. I ran inside the Hugheses’ mansion, and without knowing where I was going, I turned down a hallway, hoping a bathroom appeared—or any room I could lock myself in.

I turned into the first room on my left and closed the door, locking it behind me. Books surrounded me. Ceiling to floor on all four walls. A library. I tried to find a focal point and focus on it. I couldn’t let the panic take me. I had to stay alert. I heard myself gasping and felt the burning in my lungs as I fought the phantom hands around my throat.

Breathe, Trinity. Breathe, I told myself.

I began to pace. The grip on my throat dug in deeper. It wasn’t going to stop.

My legs buckled under me, and I kicked off the heels and pulled my knees to my chin, wrapping my arms around my legs. This was the only way I could find comfort. Closing my eyes, I began to rock.

Block it out. Block it all out.

It would end soon. Soon. It would end soon.

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