Chapter 17: A Deal With The Devil

Body hung over Brady’s shoulder, he carted me away from the assault instituted by witches. Living breathing witches that weren’t supposed to exist, mythical creatures that were levitating and flinging missiles of fire from their bare hands. Right at the were-people, who were fighting back on all fours; strength, teeth, claws and all. I desperately searched the crowd for Dani, but chaos spurred by lifted dust and smoke made it difficult for me to see anyone clearly. All I could see were flocks of witches flying and fighting their way to get to where the blue bloods and those protecting them were.

Fear splurged all throughout my body when I saw a number of tall and exquisitely horrid witches group up and air dash towards Brady. Without anyone to explain, I knew why they were intent on him. He was a beacon because of his Alpha blood, blazing blue and enticing the witches to follow behind his zig zags. But he was going to be safe because he was who he was. A blue blood in line to become the next Alpha and environed by the first line of soldiers, who would lay down their lives to save his limbs.

Dani had none of that; before the attack spread the pack had been eager to spill her blood. Naked and disarmed of her abilities, she was most vulnerable. That fact terrified me and that is why I ceaselessly searched for her. I couldn’t see her though and the longer I couldn’t find her the deeper I fell into a state of inflated panic, “Let me down!” I cried.

One of the witches caught up to us, his face was vindictively masculine, fearsome and powerful. Yet Brady managed to escape his fire missile and did it in a way where the levitating creature fell to death from his own weapon. Giving us the opportunity to flee further from the group still following behind us.

“Please, let me down!” I cried, my heart pitter-pattering for my best friend’s safety but Brady wouldn’t, he didn’t even seem like he was listening to me. I wrestled in his arms, trying to free myself but he was stronger, so I pressed, “You have to put me down, Brady. Please.”

Still no change.

Therefore I continued to beg, even as we’d escaped the witches and had left the most dangerous pathway. We turned to a corner in the centre of the apex, it was the most barren area in the Estate with no intruders except for one. Whose common eyes and pink cheeked face was a fraudulent façade to her doubtlessly foul spirit. She’d flown in from almost nowhere. When she had us cornered she smirked and the tip of her black stained tongue came out to lick her sharpest tooth. She polished a flaming and round fire bolt from the palm of her hands but it died just as quickly when her heart was clawed out by Brady. I watched in shock as her body crumpled beside his feet, my body still over his shoulder and a whole human heart in his right hand. The entire time his soldiers had left a trail of unconscious bodies in our wake, like breadcrumbs.

I worked with cadavers and had seen patients die but I had never seen such a brutal death let alone plenty in a span of fifteen minutes. My stomach proliferated in self loathing nausea and terror. I was not unfeeling or apathetic to the grave danger my mate was under, I was just more concerned about my best friend. Not able to take it anymore I surprised Brady and myself when I dug my fingernails into his neck and all at once manoeuvred around his neck and fell off his shoulder straight onto the ground.

“How is tha...” the guards and soldiers exclaimed. My eyes drowned in shock because I’d freed myself from a blue blood’s hold. Even and especially with a strength suppressing herb around my neck.

I’d just began my sprint back to the gardens when I heard the command. “You’re not going anywhere, Malik!” Brady had used his Alpha voice. It rippled through me with literal waves of energy traveling through the air from his blood and vibrating straight into my thick skin. Its current rocking into my deprived flesh, heart and head. Not able to resist the command I stopped and spun to face him. “Come here,” his voice and eyes gave me the strong urge to fall on my knees, head bowed and a hand to my chest. In loyal obedience and blue blood worship.

His Alpha voice was a force of nature that no one besides a higher ranked blue blood or a marked mate could fight against, fairly. So I understood it when my heart was reluctant to move away from him and my knees threatened to lock and fall to the ground. Yet at the same time, I’d remained on my two feet and spoke with ease. “Don’t try to scare me, you don’t terrify me.” I couldn’t bring myself to flee but I also didn’t fully obey the order to go toward him.

His face contorted until he wore a look of wonder on his face. “How did you do that?” he asked. Tone levelled, astonished and yet unreadable.

I didn’t answer because it would be much later on that I would understand the ridges my disobedience to him nudged. Instead, I couldn’t think clearly anymore, my blood was running hot, with an abominable feeling coming out to hover at the top of my chest. My eyes felt ignited and more alive than I’d ever felt them before.

“Don’t freak out,” he said with trepidation, “...but you have to kiss me now.”

Anger blazed in my veins, I had a best friend to help and there he was thinking about kissing me. Self control withered away from my senses until I felt my claws coming out from over my nails and gums itching right where my fangs should’ve been. “I’m going to find Dani. Don’t try to stop me.” I stated more so than ask, yet still, I couldn’t move away nor did I move toward him.

“Do you ever think before you act out?” he took a step toward me. “You’re my mate! That means there’s a target on your ass, how far into that fire scrimmage do you think you’ll make it out alive? With another person no less, when you couldn’t even run a mile without passing out in school?”

My stomach rolled with disappointment and I turned to face away from him.

A uniformed wall of strong and tall soldiers stood in my way, thinking I was readying to flee. I spun in another direction and more guards rushed to contain me in a circle of the dried up herb around my neck. Yet strangely enough, that didn’t stop my gums and claws from itching to break out. I admit that shouldn’t have been possible but that’s not what I was thinking about at that time. All that mattered was the life of my best friend and with that thought in mind. My claws finally broke out and I strained until I broke free from the circle.

“Your best friend’s safe. I made sure of it.”

I tried to walk off, but I still couldn’t disobey the order so I spun and faced him again.

He moved closer into my space, with the confidence of an Alpha used to getting his way, “I have Tyler keeping her safe.”

I choked on air, just as I felt the hover around my heart sit with slowly flaming fury because I genuinely couldn’t picture Tyler keeping Dani safe. “Tyler? He’ll murder her!” I itched to punch him on his pectoral muscles. So I did, however, my claws retracted at the last possible second and my fist was useless against his lean muscles. I may as well have petted him.

“Malik.” he started, almost in a whisper, “ have to let me kiss you.”

Loud screams and noise from buildings collapsing reached the apex. I don’t know how either but the smell of fear and anger that wasn’t mine, lifted into my nostrils before it left just as quickly. Then overwhelmed by the heaviness on my chest, I started to feel lightheaded and even more nauseous.

“Rogers, I’m putting you in charge of guarding Malik to...” Brady started to summon a Zeta soldier.

“I will take your mate to safety at the heart of the Luna floor. Alpha.” I turned to see Mr. Hannez behind me bowing to Brady.

I rubbed a hand at my chest.

Brady heaved a sigh of relief before he looked at me and wore a conflicted expression. I was too tired and getting too sick to wonder about it. He then pulled my face up close and tried to kiss me on the lips. I may have been losing control of my muscles but I was quick about it. I looked at my feet, effectively putting my lips out of his reach. I felt his hand on my arm, gliding up slowly as a lover’s hand would. Next, he had two fingers lifting my face by the chin and all I could do was shake my head. A bloated pause floated in the air before I felt a kiss lay in between my eyes.

I almost cried from relief, warmth filled me all the way from my cheeks to the tips of my toes. I felt dizzy with lethargy and affection that didn’t make any sense at all. Then he pulled me into a hug, I placed both hands over his chest and pressed him off me. He pulled me back in tighter and kissed the side of my head. I calmed, my heart slowed and I sobbed into his neck promising him anything and everything he wanted. All in exchange for my best friend. My words sounded foreign even to my own ears, my emotions felt traitorous in my own convictions. I was all over the place. I didn’t even know what to blame it all on; the mate bond, my own feelings, desperation or despair? I didn’t know, I just felt tired and drained of all senses.

“I have to go back now, but I could really use a kiss...” he whispered into my ear, the sound low, his breath sweeping across my skin. The effect of it sent heavy ripples of pleasure down my spine that made me shudder in his arms. At that moment I think I wanted to kiss him too, truly tie this bond with him. But he hadn’t even promised anything to my best friend’s long term safety. That’s all he had to do for me to give him everything and he hadn’t even given me any hope.

Mr. Hannez pulled me away by my arm and promised, “I’ll take care of him, you have to go now. Your people need you.”

A second later Brady left with half of his soldiers.

The Luna quarters were highly guarded with impregnable walls that wouldn’t tar down to the will of fire cast by witches. Guards were divided at every entry and exit so no intruders would slip in. Our pack was the greatest and grandest in might, wealth and military forces. That much was clear in the way I saw military men fighting against another group of menacing witches that had somehow slipped into the corridor.

Once on the centre of the Luna floor and inside the Luna bedroom I’d been led, by Mr. Hannez . A scheming no good smile tugged on his lips as his eyes perused the contents on one of the walls. I could see him in my peripheral view, as I tried to wage who was winning the fight outside on the balcony.

“If you lean any lower Mr. Larkatos you will fall.” he eventually neared me and spoke, hands folded behind his back.

“Maybe that’s what I want.”

“Then perhaps you should force yourself over,” his voice was a crag. “What’s one more sin after the bill you already have in your name? I’m sure the gods are ready for you.”

I gave a furtive glance and he smiled at me. The corners of his eyes crinkled dangerously. “I can’t believe witches exist,” I sighed taking my gaze back to the view below.

“What do you know about witches?” the elder asked coming up to stand beside me.

“That’s a question my twin is better equipped to answer, Sir.”

“She’s always been the smarter of you two.” He said a moment of silence passed before he spoke again. “A mated Alpha’s scent is a weapon against witches. That your unbonded mate has gone to fight of depleting energy. Perhaps you should’ve kissed him.” he suggested.

I leaned back on the balcony watching our warriors slay witches.

“Say there was a way to break the bond would you be interested?” he raised one eyebrow simultaneously as he raised a brandy glass to his lips. “I ask because I may or may not know something and all that.”

I swear it’s not a lie when I say I felt my heart slow then constrict in and out at the prospect of losing Brady. I tried to speak but I couldn’t get my voice out I was lost on what to say, on what it is exactly I would’ve wanted.

“It is out of kindness, I ask. I know and saw how he hurt you, son. He’s even willing to kill your best friend, that’s cruel of him and that is why I find no fault with your reaction and certainly will not criticize your hopes.”

Tears pooled in my eyes, it felt nice that someone didn’t rush to persecute me.

“There’s a natural way to do it and I have a friend who can help cut it but only with your express permission?” he held up his phone. “Say it and I’ll make the call right away, my friend can also help with your best friend’s situation. Where Brady wants to take it, my friend will guarantee her survival.”

I cursed, shuddered and tasted the distaste of my vileness on my tongue after I gave my express permission. Minutes later, I was still reeling back, regret and rotten guilt in my throat when I reached for and gulped a glass of neat whiskey. Four shots in and I was tipsy as fuck just as a knock on the door rang out. “She’s here” Mr. Hannez said.

However it wasn’t a stranger at the door, it was my best friend Danielle.

I was tipsy and stunned, but it made sense; the way she was badass in how she’d stand up to Brad and his goons in school. Hell! one time she’d even punched Tyler, the great Tyler into a nose job, when we were only 16 and Tyler, was like 18. “You’re the witch? you’re a witch?” I whispered.

Mr. Hannez coughed into his fist “Who did you come with?”

Dani ignored him as she strode into my arms talking into my neck. “I’m not that but I’m so glad you’re alive, its hell on earth out there I almost died.”

“I know, it’s my entire fault.” I cried as I examined her hands and face. “Oh gods Dani, I feel so...I am so sorry, I...”

She outstretched herself from my grasp and cut my apology as she placed her hand on my left shoulder “Don’t apologize, you have more serious problems that you realize...the witches...they got to Brady.” She said her voice a decibel at lower the last of her sentence

Mr. Hannez stepped closer a smile threatening to tug on his lips “Got to him?” he asked.

Dani narrowed her eyes at me, “The pack is going to blame you if he dies.”

“So he’s not dead yet?” Mr. Hannez inquired with a vibrating urgency in his tone.

Suddenly there was a bang on the doorway. “If he were I’d be able to feel my own nephew.” A woman’s impassionate voice rang. We all turned and saw a tall, hourglass figured and stunning vision of a woman. With bum length red hair that covered her backless red dress. A dress that clung to her like a rattlesnake and when she moved from the door her hair swayed to reveal a real life looking tattoo of a fire breathing adult face like creature. “Make room for me.” She had a natural authoritative command to her voice.

“Matron,” Mr. Hannez welcomed her with exceedingly high grace that was culturally reserved for the Alpha bloodline.

“Tell us exactly how they got to him?” she commanded an answer from Dani.

“He lost his sight and balance on the fields then suffered third degree burns he’s still healing from.”

“Did you see which one of the witches hit him?” the witch asked.

Dani shook her head speaking with a voice that creaked like the hinges of an iron gate “I-I don’t know.”

The woman stepped forward blocking my view of Mr. Hannez as she spoke with a voice that tallied that of a mother’s murmur. “He’ll be fine as long as we break the bond.”

By then I had no doubt she was a witch when I saw her pull out a knife from her bosom line. Using it’s sharpness to cut the lifeline in her palm and easily disposed of her own blood that trickled down her arm before it vanished in a flare of fire by the snap of her fingers. Her irises dilated with swirling specks of red and silver, on me. “The moon will accept the sacrifice after the Ares star” she lowered her normal gaze on me “You’re coming with me.”

Dani used her body to block the witch’s line of vision “C’mon,” she pulled my hand in hers “We must get to Brady soon, he needs to be bonded.”

The witch let loose a derisive laugh, “Your friend understands self preservation against the torrent that is my nephew. Don’t you sweetness?”

Dani turned to face me, “If you do this, not even the gods will...”

The red haired witch threw a shadow tease speck of fire at Dani’s hand. “Ouch!” Dani’s hand sizzled before it started to slowly regenerate.

“You belong to the witch now Malik, you gave your express permission.” Mr. Hannez said.

“Come with me,” the witch offered me her palm to take.

“Malik!” Dani warned with a pleading tone and a similarly extended hand.

Reason and my salvation were overshadowed by guilt.

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